If you defend the flying of the confederate flag, you're also defending the ISIS flag

They both stand for bigotry and hate.
I support the flying and displaying of any and all flags. How else dya know where your enemies are? :)
You -should- support it for reasons of free speech.

I support your right to wear the conferate battle flag, I support you hanging it high at your home, and i support you plastering it on your jacked up pickup truck.....but public display over a state house, not so much.

The difference is that you have a right to free speech. The state, you or me, should not have the right to make a statement for everyone within the state.

Hey dummy, it's flying over a memorial, not the state house.
They both stand for bigotry and hate.

Another loony, absurd OP from this guy. FYI, the Confederacy was a democratic nation whose constitution was virtually identical to the U.S. Constitution. The Confederacy had a vibrant free press during the war. The Confederate president and the members of the Confederate congress were all elected. The Confederate constitution allowed for the admission of free states to the Confederacy and banned the overseas slave trade. By late 1864 the Confederate government began moving toward gradual emancipation. Etc., etc., etc.

Surprising Facts About the Confederacy
They both stand for bigotry and hate.

How long before the Libs start bitching about the American Flag....
They seem to love it when demonstrators piss and shit on it.
But if a kid has one attached to his bike when he rides to school.....
Holy friggin shit....
He's forced to remove it and get's suspended.

Laughable, this seems to be one of the new Faux News-Dumbaugh-Rupert Murdoch talking points.

Of course the opposite is the truth. The south is conservative and votes Republican. That's why they are known as the red states.

Is there anything, ANYTHING, that conservatives will take responsibility for anymore. They run like freightened deer from everything they believe in as soon as the light of truth is shined on it. Coward is the word for it.

America defeated the south and their crappy flags totally and without question. The current south is conservative. OWN IT. The American flag was protected from YOU.

And it appears we still have to protect it from conseravtives. Dylann Roof burning the American flag while adoring the con-federate flag.

Conservatives, you run from everything you are once it comes out into the open.
They both stand for bigotry and hate.
I support the flying and displaying of any and all flags. How else dya know where your enemies are? :)
You -should- support it for reasons of free speech.

I support your right to wear the conferate battle flag, I support you hanging it high at your home, and i support you plastering it on your jacked up pickup truck.....but public display over a state house, not so much.

The difference is that you have a right to free speech. The state, you or me, should not have the right to make a statement for everyone within the state.

Hey dummy, it's flying over a memorial, not the state house.

The state voted on flying it on public property, so your point is really just splitting hairs, dummy.
They both stand for bigotry and hate.

Another loony, absurd OP from this guy. FYI, the Confederacy was a democratic nation whose constitution was virtually identical to the U.S. Constitution. The Confederacy had a vibrant free press during the war. The Confederate president and the members of the Confederate congress were all elected. The Confederate constitution allowed for the admission of free states to the Confederacy and banned the overseas slave trade. By late 1864 the Confederate government began moving toward gradual emancipation. Etc., etc., etc.

Surprising Facts About the Confederacy
So you're saying that the KKK and Aryan Nation who fly the flag, don't stand for bigotry and hate. You are one sick puppy.
So you're saying that the KKK and Aryan Nation who fly the flag, don't stand for bigotry and hate. You are one sick puppy.

Obviously you believe THIS flag also stands for bigotry and hate, based solely on those who are waving it.

I support your right to wear the conferate battle flag, I support you hanging it high at your home, and i support you plastering it on your jacked up pickup truck.....but public display over a state house, not so much.

The difference is that you have a right to free speech. The state, you or me, should not have the right to make a statement for everyone within the state.

So should the federal government have the right to require the flying of the U.S. flag at federal offices on Indian reservations? Many American Indians see the Stars and Stripes as a symbol of genocide, oppression, and exploitation.
So you're saying that the KKK and Aryan Nation who fly the flag, don't stand for bigotry and hate. You are one sick puppy.

Obviously you believe THIS flag also stands for bigotry and hate, based solely on those who are waving it.

You promote the patriotism of the Klan with your efforts to defend the rebel flag. You're not fooling anyone.
They both stand for bigotry and hate.

Then you'll explain why the dems refused to take it down from the south carolina state house and why bill clinton signed into arkansas law the arkansas flag commemorating the confederate flag.
Oh stop trying to get people to believe that the KKK voted for Obama. The pressure to remove the rebel flag from the South Carolina capital is coming from the dems, and you know it. Your efforts to deflect attention from the FACT that the confederate flag represents bigotry and hate, only shows your desperation. Really, your shit don't flush.
Obviously you believe THIS flag also stands for bigotry and hate, based solely on those who are waving it.

You promote the patriotism of the Klan with your efforts to defend the rebel flag. You're not fooling anyone.

Not even a good attempt at deflection.

I've lived in the South all my life and never met a member of the Klan.

The only three modern Klansman that anyone can name are David Duke, Senator Robert Byrd and Senator Strom Thurmond...ALL DEMOCRATS.
They both stand for bigotry and hate.

Then you'll explain why the dems refused to take it down from the south carolina state house and why bill clinton signed into arkansas law the arkansas flag commemorating the confederate flag.
Oh stop trying to get people to believe that the KKK voted for Obama. The pressure to remove the rebel flag from the South Carolina capital is coming from the dems, and you know it. Your efforts to deflect attention from the FACT that the confederate flag represents bigotry and hate, only shows your desperation. Really, your shit don't flush.

Hero to the Liberal cause.

In the early 1940s, Byrd recruited 150 of his friends and associates to create a new chapter of the Ku Klux Klan in Sophia, West Virginia.[12][11]

There is no difference between the left and Isis. Both are destroying the past to write their own utopian ideal. What the left is doing in South Carolina is no different than what Isis is doing in Palmyra.
They both stand for bigotry and hate.

Then you'll explain why the dems refused to take it down from the south carolina state house and why bill clinton signed into arkansas law the arkansas flag commemorating the confederate flag.
Oh stop trying to get people to believe that the KKK voted for Obama. The pressure to remove the rebel flag from the South Carolina capital is coming from the dems, and you know it. Your efforts to deflect attention from the FACT that the confederate flag represents bigotry and hate, only shows your desperation. Really, your shit don't flush.

Nope, you're wrong. Ignorance must be bliss.

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