If you don't want guns don't buy them?

i'd start with making sure the laws are unform across the country so runners can't bring weapons from south Carolina into new York.

i'd make sure the gunshow loophole is closes, as well as prohibiting transfers between private citizens without background checks and registration.

even scalia said only a total ban is impermissible and left the door open for appropriate regulation.

but you tell me, how do you keep guns away from people who shouldn't have them? (without throwing up your hands and saying only criminals will disobey the law... because that's true about laws against murder, too, it doesn't mean we don't legislate against murder).

What I want to know is how does banning me from getting a CCW, and making me pay $1000 and take 3 months to get a gun permit just for home ownership prevent someone else from using a gun illegally?

stop using the word "banned". that is hyperbole. unless you have a criminal record or mental illness, no one is talking about "banning" anything.

control yourself, marty.

I cannot get a CCW in NYC without showing cause for one in NYC. I am banned from carrying a handgun unless The NYPD approves my reason. It is a de facto ban, because they don't accept "because it's my right" as an answer.

Do you think that situation is right? Is that what you want spread to the rest of the country?

This is what you have to go through to just get a house permit in NYC.

Getting A NYC Handgun Permit | New York City Guns

The process for obtaining a handgun license in New York City is long (between 3 – 6 months, and waits up to 8 months are not uncommon), and compared to many other jurisdictions, rather expensive. It’s not particularly difficult, but it is tedious and incredibly time consuming. It tests your patience, and there is a lot of bureaucracy to deal with.

funny, I live in Brooklyn and my husband has a target/premise permit.

inconvenience is not an issue. no one has a right against inconvenience in purchasing a weapon when there is a societal interest.

again, even scalia, the wingiest of the wingers on the court acknowledged that the right to gun ownership is subject to reasonable regulation.

Law abiding persons right to self defense is not limited to the premises of their home. Any law to the contrary should be overturned.

and yet they haven't been.
Hillary has a record of advocating for commonsense approaches to reduce gun violence:

  • As first lady, she co-convened a White House Summit on School Violence after the Columbine tragedy. She also strongly defended the Brady Bill, which instituted federal background checks on some gun sales.

  • As senator, she co-sponsored and voted for legislation to close the gun show loophole by requiring criminal background checks on all transactions taking place at events that sell firearms.

  • She voted against the dangerous immunity protections Congress provided gun dealers and manufacturers that prevent victims of gun violence from holding negligent manufacturers and dealers accountable.

  • She also co-sponsored and voted for legislation to extend and reinstate the assault weapons ban.
As president, Hillary will increase the number of gun sales subject to background checks:

  • Comprehensive federal background check legislation. Background checks reduce gun trafficking, reduce the lethality of domestic violence, and reduce unlawful gun transfers to dangerous individuals. It is reprehensible that bipartisan legislation supporting background checks failed in Congress after the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School. But Hillary is not giving up—she will continue to fight for legislation to build on the Brady Bill’s success.

  • Closing the “Charleston Loophole.” Hillary will push Congress to close the loophole that allows a gun sale to proceed without a completed background check if that check has not been completed within three days. This loophole allowed the alleged Charleston shooter to purchase a gun even though he had a criminal record.

  • Tightening the gun show and Internet sales loophole if Congress won’t. If Congress refuses to act, Hillary will take administrative action to require that any person attempting to sell a significant number of guns abide by the same commonsense rules that apply to gun stores—including requiring background checks on gun sales.
To ensure that the safety of our communities is prioritized over the profits of the gun lobby, Hillary will also:

  • Repeal the gun industry’s unique immunity protection. Hillary believes the gun industry must be held accountable for violence perpetrated with their guns. Hillary will lead the charge to repeal the so-called “Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act,” a dangerous law that prevents victims of gun violence from holding negligent manufacturers and dealers accountable for violence perpetrated with their guns.

  • Revoke the licenses of bad-actor dealers. Hillary believes we must do more to crack down on gun stores that flood our communities with illegal guns. As president, she will provide funding to increase inspections and aggressively enforce current law by revoking the licenses of dealers that knowingly supply straw purchasers and traffickers.
Hillary will fight to keep guns out of the hands of domestic abusers, other violent criminals, and the severely mentally ill:

  • Support legislation to stop domestic abusers from buying and possessing guns. Although federal law generally prohibits domestic abusers from purchasing or possessing guns, this protection does not apply to people in dating relationships or convicted stalkers. Hillary will fight for legislation to prohibit all of these domestic abusers and stalkers from buying guns.

  • Make straw purchasing a federal crime. When an individual with a clean record buys a gun with the intention of giving it to a violent felon—only so that felon can avoid a background check—it should be a crime. Hillary will fight to make so-called “straw purchasing” a federal crime.

  • Close loopholes that let persons suffering from severe mental illness purchase and possess guns. Hillary will fight to improve existing law prohibiting persons suffering from severe mental illness from purchasing or possessing a gun. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives should finalize its rulemaking to close loopholes in our laws and clarify that people involuntarily committed to outpatient treatment, such as the Virginia Tech shooter, are prohibited from buying guns.

  • Keep military-style weapons off our streets. Military-style assault weapons do not belong on our streets. They are a danger to law enforcement and to our communities. Hillary will work to keep assault weapons off our streets and supports reinstating the assault weapons ban.
Guns are to protect against ANYONE who wants to infringe on your 1st Amendment then any other Amendment after that. Government included.

You're just afraid of the Government, which is PROOF that it's FAR too big.

that's false. it's not about being afraid of the government. but I do know that the 2nd required a well-regulated militia, notwithstanding what scalia perverted it into. and I also know that treason is a justiceable offense set out in the constitution and the only crime set out in the document. that isn't because you have the right to fight the government. they made that illegal in the same breath as they gave the right to own guns as part of a "WELL REGULATED MILITIA". since there was no standing army at the time.



Is that true?

Tell me "Counselor"... what legal principle legitimately infringes upon the convenience of the citizen to purchase a firearm, to which they are otherwise Constitutionally entitled?

I'm intrigued...

(Reader, you'll want to pay attention here... shit's about to get real)

Mr fucktard, sir:


Which right authorizes you to investigate to see if I am qualified to bear arms?

We hold these truths to be self-evident,

that all men are created equal,

that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,"


me, personally? none.

the government? has every right to investigate you to make sure you're not a risk. and, again, even the wingiest of the wingers said, in Heller, that reasonable regulation is permissible. the extent of that regulation is what is up for grabs.

but why would you think the government couldn't examine your record to make sure you're not a wackjob before they put a gun in your hands. (the fact that reading your posts on this messageboard might give them all the reason they need to decline your request is a whole other story).

You miss the point as usual, crooks aren't going to go through legal channels to purchase weapons.. they don't now.

and murderers are still going to commit murder but we don't throw up our hands and say not to legislate against killing people.

Here's the thing... that's requires ONE law.

and? so have one cohesive national gun policy. we need that anyway given how easy it is to transport weapons over state lines.
So, here's Jillian's logic... the right to abortion, a right mentioned nowhere in any document, has to be unfettered. The right to bear arms, which is specifically spelled out in the U.S. Constitution,can be regulated.
Guns are to protect against ANYONE who wants to infringe on your 1st Amendment then any other Amendment after that. Government included.

You're just afraid of the Government, which is PROOF that it's FAR too big.

that's false. it's not about being afraid of the government. but I do know that the 2nd required a well-regulated militia, notwithstanding what scalia perverted it into. and I also know that treason is a justiceable offense set out in the constitution and the only crime set out in the document. that isn't because you have the right to fight the government. they made that illegal in the same breath as they gave the right to own guns as part of a "WELL REGULATED MILITIA". since there was no standing army at the time.
where on earth did you get that idea?

the 2nd was to let people DEFEND the government, not fight it. otherwise, treason wouldn't be the only crime set out in the constitution.

the idea that it is to let neo-confederate insurrectionists have delusions that they can fight the government is absurd.
I see you never bothered to read the Federalist papers or the words of the drafters of the Constitution and the Bill of rights.

I think the deepest thing she ever read was Cosmo... she certainly seems to know little about the founding or law.

whatever makes you feel good about yourself.

I suspect it takes a lot given the extent of your failure as a human being.
And yet here you are boldly DEMANDING that other peoples rights be denied with out due process. And insisting that YOUR supposed rights do IN FACT outweigh ours.

you don't have the right to not be subject to regulation.

but you want objective criteria... ok.. .what do you say to anyone on antipsychotic or antidepressant meds not being allowed guns.

you like that one?
Wow thats lame. Even for you.
Might want to ask Hobby Lobby about their right not to be subject to regulation.
Mr fucktard, sir:


Which right authorizes you to investigate to see if I am qualified to bear arms?

We hold these truths to be self-evident,

that all men are created equal,

that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,"


me, personally? none.

the government? has every right to investigate you to make sure you're not a risk. and, again, even the wingiest of the wingers said, in Heller, that reasonable regulation is permissible. the extent of that regulation is what is up for grabs.

but why would you think the government couldn't examine your record to make sure you're not a wackjob before they put a gun in your hands. (the fact that reading your posts on this messageboard might give them all the reason they need to decline your request is a whole other story).

You miss the point as usual, crooks aren't going to go through legal channels to purchase weapons.. they don't now.

and murderers are still going to commit murder but we don't throw up our hands and say not to legislate against killing people.

Here's the thing... that's requires ONE law.

and? so have one cohesive national gun policy. we need that anyway given how easy it is to transport weapons over state lines.
We do. 1968 Gun Control Act.
And its a failure.
Any other stupid ideas?
As has been noted earlier... another group of Leftists are now attacking unarmed innocents in San Bernardino, CA.

Mr fucktard, sir:


Which right authorizes you to investigate to see if I am qualified to bear arms?

We hold these truths to be self-evident,

that all men are created equal,

that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,"


me, personally? none.

the government? has every right to investigate you to make sure you're not a risk. and, again, even the wingiest of the wingers said, in Heller, that reasonable regulation is permissible. the extent of that regulation is what is up for grabs.

but why would you think the government couldn't examine your record to make sure you're not a wackjob before they put a gun in your hands. (the fact that reading your posts on this messageboard might give them all the reason they need to decline your request is a whole other story).

You miss the point as usual, crooks aren't going to go through legal channels to purchase weapons.. they don't now.

and murderers are still going to commit murder but we don't throw up our hands and say not to legislate against killing people.

Here's the thing... that's requires ONE law.

and? so have one cohesive national gun policy. we need that anyway given how easy it is to transport weapons over state lines.




Is that true?

Tell me "Counselor"... what legal principle legitimately infringes upon the convenience of the citizen to purchase a firearm, to which they are otherwise Constitutionally entitled?

I'm intrigued...

(Reader, you'll want to pay attention here... shit's about to get real)

Mr fucktard, sir:


Which right authorizes you to investigate to see if I am qualified to bear arms?

We hold these truths to be self-evident,

that all men are created equal,

that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,"


me, personally? none.

the government? has every right to investigate you to make sure you're not a risk. and, again, even the wingiest of the wingers said, in Heller, that reasonable regulation is permissible. the extent of that regulation is what is up for grabs.

but why would you think the government couldn't examine your record to make sure you're not a wackjob before they put a gun in your hands. (the fact that reading your posts on this messageboard might give them all the reason they need to decline your request is a whole other story).

You miss the point as usual, crooks aren't going to go through legal channels to purchase weapons.. they don't now.

and murderers are still going to commit murder but we don't throw up our hands and say not to legislate against killing people.

Here's the thing... that's requires ONE law.

Jillian's a goof... she misses the point every time. Nobody's saying that we shouldn't punish people for breaking gun laws. The argument is that making more of them isn't going to deter one crook from getting one gun.

Good grief, and she claims to be a lawyer? She puts two and two together and comes up with "apple".

it'll be great when hillary leads the way to reinstating the assault weapons ban...

without any weaselly sunset provision this time! :thup:

Did the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban Work?

Hillary Clinton on gun violence prevention

Gun violence prevention
It is past time we act on gun violence.

“I don’t know how we keep seeing shooting after shooting, read about the people murdered because they went to Bible study or they went to the movies or they were just doing their job, and not finally say we’ve got to do something about this.”

Hillary, AUGUST 27, 2015

While gun ownership is part of the fabric of many law-abiding communities, too many families in America have suffered from gun violence. About 33,000 Americans are killed by guns each year. That is unacceptable. It is a rebuke to this nation we love.

That’s why Hillary supports sensible action to address gun violence, including comprehensive background checks, cracking down on illegal gun traffickers, holding dealers and manufacturers accountable when they endanger Americans, and keeping guns out of the hands of domestic abusers and stalkers.

How many crimes are committed with "assault rifles", which by true definition means a fully automatic or select fire rifle?

The term "assault rifle (weapon)" applies to all firearms because all can be used in an assault so it's pretty vague in a general sense.
it'll be great when hillary leads the way to reinstating the assault weapons ban...

without any weaselly sunset provision this time! :thup:

Did the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban Work?

Hillary Clinton on gun violence prevention

Gun violence prevention
It is past time we act on gun violence.

“I don’t know how we keep seeing shooting after shooting, read about the people murdered because they went to Bible study or they went to the movies or they were just doing their job, and not finally say we’ve got to do something about this.”

Hillary, AUGUST 27, 2015

While gun ownership is part of the fabric of many law-abiding communities, too many families in America have suffered from gun violence. About 33,000 Americans are killed by guns each year. That is unacceptable. It is a rebuke to this nation we love.

That’s why Hillary supports sensible action to address gun violence, including comprehensive background checks, cracking down on illegal gun traffickers, holding dealers and manufacturers accountable when they endanger Americans, and keeping guns out of the hands of domestic abusers and stalkers.

How many crimes are committed with "assault rifles", which by true definition means a fully automatic or select fire rifle?

The term "assault rifle (weapon)" applies to all firearms because all can be used in an assault so it's pretty vague in a general sense.
Less then 400 murders a year are committed with ANY type of Rifle.
it'll be great when hillary leads the way to reinstating the assault weapons ban...

without any weaselly sunset provision this time! :thup:

Did the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban Work?

Hillary Clinton on gun violence prevention

Gun violence prevention
It is past time we act on gun violence.

“I don’t know how we keep seeing shooting after shooting, read about the people murdered because they went to Bible study or they went to the movies or they were just doing their job, and not finally say we’ve got to do something about this.”

Hillary, AUGUST 27, 2015

While gun ownership is part of the fabric of many law-abiding communities, too many families in America have suffered from gun violence. About 33,000 Americans are killed by guns each year. That is unacceptable. It is a rebuke to this nation we love.

That’s why Hillary supports sensible action to address gun violence, including comprehensive background checks, cracking down on illegal gun traffickers, holding dealers and manufacturers accountable when they endanger Americans, and keeping guns out of the hands of domestic abusers and stalkers.

How many crimes are committed with "assault rifles", which by true definition means a fully automatic or select fire rifle?

The term "assault rifle (weapon)" applies to all firearms because all can be used in an assault so it's pretty vague in a general sense.

In areas outside of Leftist Population Centers? Statistically none.

Inside Leftist Population Center? Statistically ... none.
Mr fucktard, sir:


Which right authorizes you to investigate to see if I am qualified to bear arms?

We hold these truths to be self-evident,

that all men are created equal,

that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,"


me, personally? none.

the government? has every right to investigate you to make sure you're not a risk. and, again, even the wingiest of the wingers said, in Heller, that reasonable regulation is permissible. the extent of that regulation is what is up for grabs.

but why would you think the government couldn't examine your record to make sure you're not a wackjob before they put a gun in your hands. (the fact that reading your posts on this messageboard might give them all the reason they need to decline your request is a whole other story).

You miss the point as usual, crooks aren't going to go through legal channels to purchase weapons.. they don't now.

and murderers are still going to commit murder but we don't throw up our hands and say not to legislate against killing people.

Here's the thing... that's requires ONE law.

Jillian's a goof... she misses the point every time. Nobody's saying that we shouldn't punish people for breaking gun laws. The argument is that making more of them isn't going to deter one crook from getting one gun.

Good grief, and she claims to be a lawyer? She puts two and two together and comes up with "apple".




it'll be great when hillary leads the way to reinstating the assault weapons ban...

without any weaselly sunset provision this time! :thup:

Did the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban Work?

Hillary Clinton on gun violence prevention

Gun violence prevention
It is past time we act on gun violence.

“I don’t know how we keep seeing shooting after shooting, read about the people murdered because they went to Bible study or they went to the movies or they were just doing their job, and not finally say we’ve got to do something about this.”

Hillary, AUGUST 27, 2015

While gun ownership is part of the fabric of many law-abiding communities, too many families in America have suffered from gun violence. About 33,000 Americans are killed by guns each year. That is unacceptable. It is a rebuke to this nation we love.

That’s why Hillary supports sensible action to address gun violence, including comprehensive background checks, cracking down on illegal gun traffickers, holding dealers and manufacturers accountable when they endanger Americans, and keeping guns out of the hands of domestic abusers and stalkers.

How many crimes are committed with "assault rifles", which by true definition means a fully automatic or select fire rifle?

The term "assault rifle (weapon)" applies to all firearms because all can be used in an assault so it's pretty vague in a general sense.
Less then 400 murders a year are committed with ANY type of Rifle.

Yes but how many of those are true "assault rifles"? I'd hazard a guess and say none.
The dream of progressives is an unarmed populace of sheeple.....Sorry but that is never gonna happen here folks.

I suggest you liberty hating shitbirds move to North Korea They disarmed their people years ago. Now it's a paradise. You can also try Cuba or Venezuela. . As a bonus - all of those countries have FREE!! universal healthcare!!

Last edited:
me, personally? none.

the government? has every right to investigate you to make sure you're not a risk. and, again, even the wingiest of the wingers said, in Heller, that reasonable regulation is permissible. the extent of that regulation is what is up for grabs.

but why would you think the government couldn't examine your record to make sure you're not a wackjob before they put a gun in your hands. (the fact that reading your posts on this messageboard might give them all the reason they need to decline your request is a whole other story).

You miss the point as usual, crooks aren't going to go through legal channels to purchase weapons.. they don't now.

and murderers are still going to commit murder but we don't throw up our hands and say not to legislate against killing people.

Here's the thing... that's requires ONE law.

Jillian's a goof... she misses the point every time. Nobody's saying that we shouldn't punish people for breaking gun laws. The argument is that making more of them isn't going to deter one crook from getting one gun.

Good grief, and she claims to be a lawyer? She puts two and two together and comes up with "apple".





Well, if so, Hillary is definitely safe.... Jillian is the exception to the "they could indict a ham sandwich" rule.

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