If you have children or grandchildren in school....you need to be concerned.

Yeah, nothing says "Land of the Free" like armed guards and metal detectors at every school in the country.

Not just every school. In my mind EVERY public building that restricts firearms/weapons on their property should be required by law to have armed security.
Yeah, nothing says "Land of the Free" like armed guards and metal detectors at every school in the country.

You got a better idea? Our children's schools have them, guess what? No shootings there. It's a deterrent also....unlike that stupid shit "Come shoot us we are a gun free zone!!!!

I'm not that old, in my mid thirties, and we didn't need metal detectors and armed guards at my high school, so what has changed since 2000 when I graduated? That's the question that needs to be answered and addressed and nobody seems to be bothering with it. Everyone wants to treat the symptoms instead of the disease.

In the meantime children are dying, you have to take preventive medicine.

Sorry, but no. Having kids walk through metal detectors in order to enter their school everyday is not the answer and it's not a vision of a free country. It's a fucking police state. This is another typical knee jerk reaction in the immediate aftermath of a tragedy. This is exactly how we ended up with the bungling, inefficient TSA sticking their hands down people's pants in the airports and the NSA downloading everyone's metadata.

Our children do it everyday along with all their fellow students...they come home alive every afternoon.

I support it

And people like you are exactly the reason why our freedoms slowly get chipped away at, while you wave your flag around like some kind of patriot. You let fear affect your decisions

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." - Ben Franklin
The cost of doing business in our gun-laden society is having mass shootings. That's the attitude of a minority of people who think there arsenal of assault weapons is too cool to give up.

So we must suffer the scourge of assault weapons. Of course their solution is akin to charging fire extinguishers with gasoline. More guns for everybody!

Surely we can take lessons from every other industrialized nation on earth where mass shootings are not seen as routine and expected. Those other nations do not provide a fool proof wat of absolutely preventing mass shootings. They have some things right, but we have everything wrong.
Why should people who never killed anyone, never threaten anyone have to give up anything? How do my guns sitting in my gun safe have anything to do with a mass murder? WTF is wrong with you?
Armed guards and metal detectors. No concerns

Yeah, nothing says "Land of the Free" like armed guards and metal detectors at every school in the country.

You got a better idea? Our children's schools have them, guess what? No shootings there. It's a deterrent also....unlike that stupid shit "Come shoot us we are a gun free zone!!!!

I'm not that old, in my mid thirties, and we didn't need metal detectors and armed guards at my high school, so what has changed since 2000 when I graduated? That's the question that needs to be answered and addressed and nobody seems to be bothering with it. Everyone wants to treat the symptoms instead of the disease.

In the meantime children are dying, you have to take preventive medicine.

Sorry, but no. Having kids walk through metal detectors in order to enter their school everyday is not the answer and it's not a vision of a free country. It's a fucking police state. This is another typical knee jerk reaction in the immediate aftermath of a tragedy. This is exactly how we ended up with the bungling, inefficient TSA sticking their hands down people's pants in the airports and the NSA downloading everyone's metadata.
A police state? Really? Making sure kids don't bring guns or other weapons to school is not a police state. Sigh...
You got a better idea? Our children's schools have them, guess what? No shootings there. It's a deterrent also....unlike that stupid shit "Come shoot us we are a gun free zone!!!!

I'm not that old, in my mid thirties, and we didn't need metal detectors and armed guards at my high school, so what has changed since 2000 when I graduated? That's the question that needs to be answered and addressed and nobody seems to be bothering with it. Everyone wants to treat the symptoms instead of the disease.

In the meantime children are dying, you have to take preventive medicine.

Sorry, but no. Having kids walk through metal detectors in order to enter their school everyday is not the answer and it's not a vision of a free country. It's a fucking police state. This is another typical knee jerk reaction in the immediate aftermath of a tragedy. This is exactly how we ended up with the bungling, inefficient TSA sticking their hands down people's pants in the airports and the NSA downloading everyone's metadata.

Our children do it everyday along with all their fellow students...they come home alive every afternoon.

I support it

And people like you are exactly the reason why our freedoms slowly get chipped away at, while you wave your flag around like some kind of patriot. You let fear affect your decisions

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." - Ben Franklin

Oh good grief, I want my children safe. Go whine to someone who gives a shit. You don't offer up solutions you blabber thinking you look intelligent and non partisan.

Offer up solutions or move on
One problem is we live in a cultural of violence, it's in movies, on TV, in video games, another is the family unit has broken down.

That's part of it, but it doesn't end there. Our mental health system is broken. How much warning did the State of Florida need about this guy? The local police had been to his house; the FBI had questioned him. He flat out said he would do this. It's very hard to hold someone for mental evaluation without their consent due to changes in the law many years ago. Perhaps we need to reevaluate that and make it a bit easier while still balancing people's civil liberties.

Those are the problems, but nobody is talking about that stuff. All I hear are ban "assault" weapons and put metal detectors in the schools.
Yeah, nothing says "Land of the Free" like armed guards and metal detectors at every school in the country.

You got a better idea? Our children's schools have them, guess what? No shootings there. It's a deterrent also....unlike that stupid shit "Come shoot us we are a gun free zone!!!!

I'm not that old, in my mid thirties, and we didn't need metal detectors and armed guards at my high school, so what has changed since 2000 when I graduated? That's the question that needs to be answered and addressed and nobody seems to be bothering with it. Everyone wants to treat the symptoms instead of the disease.

In the meantime children are dying, you have to take preventive medicine.

Sorry, but no. Having kids walk through metal detectors in order to enter their school everyday is not the answer and it's not a vision of a free country. It's a fucking police state. This is another typical knee jerk reaction in the immediate aftermath of a tragedy. This is exactly how we ended up with the bungling, inefficient TSA sticking their hands down people's pants in the airports and the NSA downloading everyone's metadata.
A police state? Really? Making sure kids don't bring guns or other weapons to school is not a police state. Sigh...

He's just looking for reaction
Armed guards and metal detectors. No concerns

Yeah, nothing says "Land of the Free" like armed guards and metal detectors at every school in the country.

You got a better idea? Our children's schools have them, guess what? No shootings there. It's a deterrent also....unlike that stupid shit "Come shoot us we are a gun free zone!!!!

I'm not that old, in my mid thirties, and we didn't need metal detectors and armed guards at my high school, so what has changed since 2000 when I graduated? That's the question that needs to be answered and addressed and nobody seems to be bothering with it. Everyone wants to treat the symptoms instead of the disease.
Many schools have utilized metal detectors for decades. It is not new.
If we can't have armed guards and metal detectors, and if we can't arm a select few teachers... what solution are we left with?

Gun free zones? Yeah, already tried that. You can see for yourself what a success that has been.
Yeah, nothing says "Land of the Free" like armed guards and metal detectors at every school in the country.

You got a better idea? Our children's schools have them, guess what? No shootings there. It's a deterrent also....unlike that stupid shit "Come shoot us we are a gun free zone!!!!

I'm not that old, in my mid thirties, and we didn't need metal detectors and armed guards at my high school, so what has changed since 2000 when I graduated? That's the question that needs to be answered and addressed and nobody seems to be bothering with it. Everyone wants to treat the symptoms instead of the disease.

In the meantime children are dying, you have to take preventive medicine.

Sorry, but no. Having kids walk through metal detectors in order to enter their school everyday is not the answer and it's not a vision of a free country. It's a fucking police state. This is another typical knee jerk reaction in the immediate aftermath of a tragedy. This is exactly how we ended up with the bungling, inefficient TSA sticking their hands down people's pants in the airports and the NSA downloading everyone's metadata.
A police state? Really? Making sure kids don't bring guns or other weapons to school is not a police state. Sigh...

No, but assuming they are all criminals the moment they walk through the door most certainly is, but I don't expect a bunch of "small government" conservatards to understand that since you clowns are the biggest Big Brother police state boot lickers there are. You have so much in common with the Soviets you hated so much.
If we can't have armed guards and metal detectors, and if we can't arm a select few teachers... what solution are we left with?

Gun free zones? Yeah, already tried that. You can see for yourself what a success that has been.

American society is the victim of cultural rot. We have a mental health system in shambles. That's what needs fixed. We don't need gun control and we don't need to raise our kids in a Soviet style police state with armed guards everywhere they go.
One problem is we live in a cultural of violence, it's in movies, on TV, in video games, another is the family unit has broken down.

That's part of it, but it doesn't end there. Our mental health system is broken. How much warning did the State of Florida need about this guy? The local police had been to his house; the FBI had questioned him. He flat out said he would do this. It's very hard to hold someone for mental evaluation without their consent due to changes in the law many years ago. Perhaps we need to reevaluate that and make it a bit easier while still balancing people's civil liberties.

Those are the problems, but nobody is talking about that stuff. All I hear are ban "assault" weapons and put metal detectors in the schools.

Here, the coroner can have you forcibly held for observation, but it ain't easy.
One problem is we live in a cultural of violence, it's in movies, on TV, in video games, another is the family unit has broken down.

That's part of it, but it doesn't end there. Our mental health system is broken. How much warning did the State of Florida need about this guy? The local police had been to his house; the FBI had questioned him. He flat out said he would do this. It's very hard to hold someone for mental evaluation without their consent due to changes in the law many years ago. Perhaps we need to reevaluate that and make it a bit easier while still balancing people's civil liberties.

Those are the problems, but nobody is talking about that stuff. All I hear are ban "assault" weapons and put metal detectors in the schools.
That's because the "nutjobs among you" problem was solved and subsequently unsolved by the libs. Lock their asses up in asylums and Thorazine their asses like we did 50 years ago. It worked then. We "had" to quit doing it and now you wonder why the nutjobs are back on the streets.
If we can't have armed guards and metal detectors, and if we can't arm a select few teachers... what solution are we left with?

Gun free zones? Yeah, already tried that. You can see for yourself what a success that has been.
The gun grabbing totalitarian's do not want an honest discussion that involves realistic solutions. They have been programed and conditioned to only believe one thing. Guns are bad and the little people must not be allowed access.
Why we should be concerned is that LE just refuses to do their job.

This latest revelation at Parkland is unreal. The FBI is now admitting
they didn't follow their own protocols and didn't follow up on a phone call
alerting them to the shooter in January of this year.

The FBI was told about this kid 5 or 6 weeks ago and did nothing.

This isn't about guns it's about inept policing. They could have stopped
this kid and now 17 people are gonna be buried because of their incompetence.

Plenty of agents are gonna have to lose their jobs over this.
You got a better idea? Our children's schools have them, guess what? No shootings there. It's a deterrent also....unlike that stupid shit "Come shoot us we are a gun free zone!!!!

I'm not that old, in my mid thirties, and we didn't need metal detectors and armed guards at my high school, so what has changed since 2000 when I graduated? That's the question that needs to be answered and addressed and nobody seems to be bothering with it. Everyone wants to treat the symptoms instead of the disease.

In the meantime children are dying, you have to take preventive medicine.

Sorry, but no. Having kids walk through metal detectors in order to enter their school everyday is not the answer and it's not a vision of a free country. It's a fucking police state. This is another typical knee jerk reaction in the immediate aftermath of a tragedy. This is exactly how we ended up with the bungling, inefficient TSA sticking their hands down people's pants in the airports and the NSA downloading everyone's metadata.
A police state? Really? Making sure kids don't bring guns or other weapons to school is not a police state. Sigh...

No, but assuming they are all criminals the moment they walk through the door most certainly is, but I don't expect a bunch of "small government" conservatards to understand that since you clowns are the biggest Big Brother police state boot lickers there are. You have so much in common with the Soviets you hated so much.
Are you drunk right now? You sound drunk.

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