If You Have The Power To Abuse Your Power

Independent thinker

Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2015
then can you actually be abusing your power if you have that power?

I was wondering this because I have posted with many on the left here and telling them that Democrats are abusing their power to get Trump. Many of the left respond by basically saying that if you have that power then you can't be abusing your power if you have that power. After thinking about their position, I can see their point to a degree. Maybe the problem is we give certain people or certain positions too much power.

Then, after Republicans take back the House and they start using their "oversight" powers to go after Joe and Hunter Biden, the DOJ, the FBI, and others, and judges rule in favor of policies which favor the right, all of a sudden lefties are coming out claiming that Republicans and conservative judges are abusing their power. So, I'm scratching my head, still wondering if you have the power to do something, can you abuse that power, or, if you have the power to do these things then you can't be abusing your power because you have that power?

Can someone please help me understand this better?
then can you actually be abusing your power if you have that power?

I was wondering this because I have posted with many on the left here and telling them that Democrats are abusing their power to get Trump. Many of the left respond by basically saying that if you have that power then you can't be abusing your power if you have that power. After thinking about their position, I can see their point to a degree. Maybe the problem is we give certain people or certain positions too much power.

Then, after Republicans take back the House and they start using their "oversight" powers to go after Joe and Hunter Biden, the DOJ, the FBI, and others, and judges rule in favor of policies which favor the right, all of a sudden lefties are coming out claiming that Republicans and conservative judges are abusing their power. So, I'm scratching my head, still wondering if you have the power to do something, can you abuse that power, or, if you have the power to do these things then you can't be abusing your power because you have that power?

It is odd that years of precedent is going down the tubes by a single court...ironically overturning decisions by SCOTUS, who hasn't leaned Dem appointed justices for over 50 years. That would sort of fit the description of an activist court trumpers always are complaining about, considering a single court is overturning decisions made by different, yet also republican courts.

As far as investigations. It probably has to do with missing whistleblowers, missing 17 tapes, dead whistleblowers, whistleblowers who are not actually whistleblowers and whistleblowers who "coincidentally" were disciplined by the FBI in the past and were paid by a Trump donor BTW.

Could be because nothing substantive has come out of any of these investigations except accusations, innuendo and smears. Comer and Gym seem like Trey Gowdy 2.0. It just seems like another tax payer funded smear campaign against the assumed 2024 Democratic candidate.

Also, like me for instance, we are still waiting for policy bills to come from the house? Where is the anti inflation bill? What are republicans ideas on combating it? Where is the legislation? Where is legislation that addresses amnesty laws, VISA, and employers of illegals? Remember, Congress should be addressing these changes, not the president.

Shit, when Trump was President, Repubs controlled the government for two years and all they did was copy paste Reagan's tax plan for the rich. No infrastructure, no medical plan that would be cheaper then Obamacare and cost less, no infastructure...pretty much nothing.

It's just one long shit show of investigations. When are Repubs going to govern?

As an independent this is very frustrating, I suspect many Dems feel the same way.

Can someone please help me understand this better?
then can you actually be abusing your power if you have that power?

I was wondering this because I have posted with many on the left here and telling them that Democrats are abusing their power to get Trump. Many of the left respond by basically saying that if you have that power then you can't be abusing your power if you have that power. After thinking about their position, I can see their point to a degree. Maybe the problem is we give certain people or certain positions too much power.

Then, after Republicans take back the House and they start using their "oversight" powers to go after Joe and Hunter Biden, the DOJ, the FBI, and others, and judges rule in favor of policies which favor the right, all of a sudden lefties are coming out claiming that Republicans and conservative judges are abusing their power. So, I'm scratching my head, still wondering if you have the power to do something, can you abuse that power, or, if you have the power to do these things then you can't be abusing your power because you have that power?

Can someone please help me understand this better?

Everyone has power and the ability to abuse it, or more accurately, the ability to do evil w/ it.

As someone said recently RE corruption going on in the national gummit, more laws and rules are not going to work with people who do not care about laws and rules..

If people are not held to account for their misdeeds.. SURPREISE, SURPRISE, EVeryone...

they will keep on doing what profits them, whether lawful or not, good for the country or not.. So Rs need to do what the HOuse is doing.. and not just on the current scandal(s).
It's about money more than it is about power. The lawyer industry benefits the most from government creating new regulations. The legal system is too profitable, while justice is subjective. All the wingnut publications who post clickbait headlines: "so-and-so ABUSED THEIR POWER" are really just trying to get more clicks for ad revenue. It's all money....
It is odd that years of precedent is going down the tubes by a single court...ironically overturning decisions by SCOTUS, who hasn't leaned Dem appointed justices for over 50 years. That would sort of fit the description of an activist court trumpers always are complaining about, considering a single court is overturning decisions made by different, yet also republican courts.

As far as investigations. It probably has to do with missing whistleblowers, missing 17 tapes, dead whistleblowers, whistleblowers who are not actually whistleblowers and whistleblowers who "coincidentally" were disciplined by the FBI in the past and were paid by a Trump donor BTW.

Could be because nothing substantive has come out of any of these investigations except accusations, innuendo and smears. Comer and Gym seem like Trey Gowdy 2.0. It just seems like another tax payer funded smear campaign against the assumed 2024 Democratic candidate.

Also, like me for instance, we are still waiting for policy bills to come from the house? Where is the anti inflation bill? What are republicans ideas on combating it? Where is the legislation? Where is legislation that addresses amnesty laws, VISA, and employers of illegals? Remember, Congress should be addressing these changes, not the president.

Shit, when Trump was President, Repubs controlled the government for two years and all they did was copy paste Reagan's tax plan for the rich. No infrastructure, no medical plan that would be cheaper then Obamacare and cost less, no infastructure...pretty much nothing.

It's just one long shit show of investigations. When are Repubs going to govern?

As an independent this is very frustrating, I suspect many Dems feel the same way.
You should be more succinct. Do you believe those in power aren't abusing their power because their power gives them the power to do what they are doing?
It's about money more than it is about power. The lawyer industry benefits the most from government creating new regulations. The legal system is too profitable, while justice is subjective. All the wingnut publications who post clickbait headlines: "so-and-so ABUSED THEIR POWER" are really just trying to get more clicks for ad revenue. It's all money....
And endless investigations by both sides means you need more lawyers. Here we've got a slew of lawyers (AKA ambulance chasers) duking it out in every city in the country for business when all they have to do is move to DC and they are set for life. Nonstop guaranteed business.
You should be more succinct. Do you believe those in power aren't abusing their power because their power gives them the power to do what they are doing?
I guess I could have but your question invited a lot of examples. Did you want to address any of those examples?

As far as Gym and Comer, hell yes. Although honestly I also believe Trump is using the likes of Gym and Comer and McCarthy as his own personal hand puppets. Trump essentially controls the Republican house...which is really unique in modern political history.
I guess I could have but your question invited a lot of examples. Did you want to address any of those examples?

As far as Gym and Comer, hell yes. Although honestly I also believe Trump is using the likes of Gym and Comer and McCarthy as his own personal hand puppets. Trump essentially controls the Republican house...which is really unique in modern political history.
It's not any different than what the Dems are doing. Is Biden ordering New York State, the DOJ, the FBI and others to do his bidding and go after Trump? No. I don't believe he is because he doesn't have to. All of them think along the same collective lines. Same with Trump and the House or whoever you are complaining about. They don't March to Trump's orders. The Jan 6th protesters didn't march to Trump's orders. But, those that think all the same (as with my above Biden example) do things based on the collective reasoning. So, yes, the Dem House, the DOJ and the FBI and New York state have all been weaponized, not by Biden, but by the collective, just as the current House is weaponized, not by Trump but by the collective.

All of this is about my thread question. Can you actually be abusing your power if you are able to do what you are doing because of the power you have? In other words, if you have the power to basically do whatever the hell you want, can you possibly abuse that power?
It's not any different than what the Dems are doing. Is Biden ordering New York State, the DOJ, the FBI and others to do his bidding and go after Trump?

No. They are doing it because their is evidence of crimes. They are listed in the indictments. Do you think those are lies? The grand jury was duped?

No. I don't believe he is because he doesn't have to. All of them think along the same collective lines. Same with Trump and the House or whoever you are complaining about.

They all think along along the same collective minds but McCarthy said Trump was culpable for jan 6, then, for some reason, went to mar a Lago and voila, Trump did no wrong and McCarthy becomes speaker.

They don't March to Trump's orders. The Jan 6th protesters didn't march to Trump's orders.

Some don't march to his orders so Trump insults them and his supporters primary them and they are labeled as deep state and RINO's.

But, those that think all the same (as with my above Biden example) do things based on the collective reasoning. So, yes, the Dem House, the DOJ and the FBI and New York state have all been weaponized, not by Biden, but by the collective, just as the current House is weaponized, not by Trump but by the collective.

If Trump had not committed crimes then they would not be investigating him.

All of this is about my thread question. Can you actually be abusing your power if you are able to do what you are doing because of the power you have? In other words, if you have the power to basically do whatever the hell you want, can you possibly abuse that power?
Of course you can.

If you can use your power to do what what you are doing to abuse that power does that mean when you do use your power you must be abusing your power?

Which one of Jack Smith indictments do you believe to be an abuse of power?
No. They are doing it because their is evidence of crimes. They are listed in the indictments. Do you think those are lies? The grand jury was duped?

They all think along along the same collective minds but McCarthy said Trump was culpable for jan 6, then, for some reason, went to mar a Lago and voila, Trump did no wrong and McCarthy becomes speaker.

Some don't march to his orders so Trump insults them and his supporters primary them and they are labeled as deep state and RINO's.

If Trump had not committed crimes then they would not be investigating him.

Of course you can.

If you can use your power to do what what you are doing to abuse that power does that mean when you do use your power you must be abusing your power?

Which one of Jack Smith indictments do you believe to be an abuse of power?
You live in your own world where bias explains everything to you.
Just on the public side, anyone who works for government in any capacity. is insulated to degrees from being prosecuted for their transgressions to their benefit or to violate unalienable rights of others. This even happens to their fellow public employees they do not care for or do not go with the flow.
You live in your own world where bias explains everything to you.
Why do you keep making these posts about me?

This thread isn't about me.

I answer your questions in good faith and you deflect with random thoughts and feelings about me.

Do you have anything substantive to add?

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