If you live in the south or the midwest....Help in on its way!!

voting to close their public schools, end welfare, end funding for after school programs, ending public housing. Southern whites seem to think murdering all the black and brown people is the only to way end "crime"

Why shouldn't they sell drugs?

All those things you mentioned, they should be temporary things. Enslaving people into it for generations is criminal. That would be the politicians that keep telling them they will help with more handouts. It is a trap.
People from Mississippi to Louisana, to North Dakota andTexas, all can sleep easily again, can now put away your guns and relax, black people in Chicago, some thousands of miles from you: will soon be met by the feds. I know its kept you up late in the night, worrying about these sorry ass nigga's killing each other, I know you've spent countless hours talking among yourselves and neighbors, how tirelessly you stressed over the plight of these worthless bastard, you can relax now....the carnage is over, and daddy Tweet is here to save the day.

The only reason I give a shit? When you dumbfucks kill each other by the thousands liberal halfwits use it as a reason to enact more gun control.
20 babies were gunned down at Sandy Hook, just recently a guy took his gun after a long plane ride into a bathroom and opened fired on innocent people, can't tell you how many mass shootings in between all that....NOW I WANT YOU TO BRAVELY BE HONEST AND DO TELL, WHAT GUN LAWS ARE IN PLACE THAT IS STOPPING STUPID WHITE MF'S LIKE YOU FROM YOUR FUCKED 2ND AMENDMENT....THE ONLY FUCKING CLAUSE YOU FOOLS SEEM TO KNOW....BECAUSE AS WE SPEAK, THAT ORANGE BITCH CLOWN IN THE WHITE HOUSE IS VIOLATED THE OTHER 26, IF YOU CARE TO KNOW.
Chicago has a reputation for strict gun laws, and gun rights advocates often point to it as proof that gun regulation doesn’t reduce violence. But its laws aren’t what they used to be: Federal courts struck down its ban on handgun ownership in 2010, and its ban on gun sales in 2014. And a New York Times analysis showed guns were easily available from nearby jurisdictions, especially Indiana.

And Chicago is more lenient about illegal handguns than New York, prescribing a one-year minimum for possession versus three and a half years in New York. An attempt to match the New York law in 2013 was rejected by the Illinois legislature out of concern for skyrocketing incarceration rates for young black men.

New York also hired a lot more police officers in response to the crime of the 1990s, and, during its stop-and-frisk era of the 2000s, steeply increased gun enforcement. Recent studies, including one that looked at increased police presence in London after a terrorist attack, have suggested more police might mean less crime, said Jens Ludwig, the director of Crime Lab at the University of Chicago, which studies crime in both Chicago and New York.

Chicago’s Police Department, overwhelmed, can respond only to the most serious problems, leaving citizens to feel responsible for their own security, he said.

link is in prior post
Why are people so concerned with stopping the gun violence in Chicago?

It's mainly just black criminals and thugs shooting other black criminals and thugs over drugs and gang turf.

Sounds like a Win=Win to me. ...... :thup: ... :cool:
People from Mississippi to Louisana, to North Dakota andTexas, all can sleep easily again, can now put away your guns and relax, black people in Chicago, some thousands of miles from you: will soon be met by the feds. I know its kept you up late in the night, worrying about these sorry ass nigga's killing each other, I know you've spent countless hours talking among yourselves and neighbors, how tirelessly you stressed over the plight of these worthless bastard, you can relax now....the carnage is over, and daddy Tweet is here to save the day.

The only reason I give a shit? When you dumbfucks kill each other by the thousands liberal halfwits use it as a reason to enact more gun control.
20 babies were gunned down at Sandy Hook, just recently a guy took his gun after a long plane ride into a bathroom and opened fired on innocent people, can't tell you how many mass shootings in between all that....NOW I WANT YOU TO BRAVELY BE HONEST AND DO TELL, WHAT GUN LAWS ARE IN PLACE THAT IS STOPPING STUPID WHITE MF'S LIKE YOU FROM YOUR FUCKED 2ND AMENDMENT....THE ONLY FUCKING CLAUSE YOU FOOLS SEEM TO KNOW....BECAUSE AS WE SPEAK, THAT ORANGE BITCH CLOWN IN THE WHITE HOUSE IS VIOLATED THE OTHER 26, IF YOU CARE TO KNOW.

The one year death toll in Shitcago outnumbers all mass shootings combined.....by a long shot.
In Chicago, homicide rates correspond with segregation. While many areas have few or no killings, the South and West Sides are on par with the world’s most dangerous countries, like Brazil and Venezuela, and have been for many years.

same link
voting to close their public schools, end welfare, end funding for after school programs, ending public housing. Southern whites seem to think murdering all the black and brown people is the only to way end "crime"

Why shouldn't they sell drugs?

All those things you mentioned, they should be temporary things. Enslaving people into it for generations is criminal. That would be the politicians that keep telling them they will help with more handouts. It is a trap.
so why not sell drugs they're not asking for "a handout" as you turds call it, then.

Whats there other options?
voting to close their public schools, end welfare, end funding for after school programs, ending public housing. Southern whites seem to think murdering all the black and brown people is the only to way end "crime"

Why shouldn't they sell drugs?

All those things you mentioned, they should be temporary things. Enslaving people into it for generations is criminal. That would be the politicians that keep telling them they will help with more handouts. It is a trap.
so why not sell drugs they're not asking for "a handout" as you turds call it, then.

Whats there other options?

Sure fall further into the trap, it is only going to get worse with that attitude. Don't expect sympathy for wanting a quick fix over and over again.
you want honesty...here is some fucking honesty....i am a white woman ...southern....married to a white man...southern......i have one white child...southern.....i wanted more than one child...guess what.....i wanted my child to have a lot...so i did not have another child....that allowed me to have a small home and land....i have had two new cars in my whole life....the last one in 86....life is about choices....when i see women with 15 kids saying they need someone to take care of them...i wanna puke...i know that is an extreme example but you get my drift...

o and another thing...i stayed with the southern white male....even when i knew it would be easy to find another man.....i have never experienced a man shortage....but i also knew i would never find a man who would be the father this man is....and that was my priority
o and there was never a minute of doubt in my mind or his mind as to whom the father of the child was.....morals do help and the black community has lost that...well not the black community but the damn ****** mess
voting to close their public schools, end welfare, end funding for after school programs, ending public housing. Southern whites seem to think murdering all the black and brown people is the only to way end "crime"

Why shouldn't they sell drugs?

All those things you mentioned, they should be temporary things. Enslaving people into it for generations is criminal. That would be the politicians that keep telling them they will help with more handouts. It is a trap.
so why not sell drugs they're not asking for "a handout" as you turds call it, then.

Whats there other options?

Sure fall further into the trap, it is only going to get worse with that attitude. Don't expect sympathy for wanting a quick fix over and over again.
What trap? I'm saying sell drugs and get rich

kill people get money fuck bitches.....
People from Mississippi to Louisana, to North Dakota andTexas, all can sleep easily again, can now put away your guns and relax, black people in Chicago, some thousands of miles from you: will soon be met by the feds. I know its kept you up late in the night, worrying about these sorry ass nigga's killing each other, I know you've spent countless hours talking among yourselves and neighbors, how tirelessly you stressed over the plight of these worthless bastard, you can relax now....the carnage is over, and daddy Tweet is here to save the day.

The only reason I give a shit? When you dumbfucks kill each other by the thousands liberal halfwits use it as a reason to enact more gun control.
20 babies were gunned down at Sandy Hook, just recently a guy took his gun after a long plane ride into a bathroom and opened fired on innocent people, can't tell you how many mass shootings in between all that....NOW I WANT YOU TO BRAVELY BE HONEST AND DO TELL, WHAT GUN LAWS ARE IN PLACE THAT IS STOPPING STUPID WHITE MF'S LIKE YOU FROM YOUR FUCKED 2ND AMENDMENT....THE ONLY FUCKING CLAUSE YOU FOOLS SEEM TO KNOW....BECAUSE AS WE SPEAK, THAT ORANGE BITCH CLOWN IN THE WHITE HOUSE IS VIOLATED THE OTHER 26, IF YOU CARE TO KNOW.
they are selling drugs and getting addicted....no one stays outta their product but omar....and killing each other due to gangs etc...read the link its a good article on what nyc did to prevent what is happening in chicago
i am for open daycares....preschool programs...after school programs....free meals ...if this country can pay what it pay for other things....say the congress health care and security they can pay for other programs....but then what...do you continue adding money for each child....i would pay for both sexes of any race to be sterilized....and to be honest...i would say 2nd child ...that you cant afford...you should be sterilized...but i am hard core that way

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