if you lived in Alabama

A pederast is attracted to boys. Is that the new Democrat fiction about Moore since the girl game is failing?

He's the heterosexual version. Guess pedophile will have to do as a descriptor. :shrug:

There is no "heteterosexual version". Please improve your education before venturing into unknown territory.

Still awaiting the evidence concerning the allegations against Moore.
30 sources. People the women told of the incidents at the time they occurred. There is actually a legal word for it.

Let me guess...you believe Franken's, Weinstein's and Conyers accusers, but not Trump and Moore's, right?

Franken, Weinstein and Conyers have admitted their untoward behavior. Moore denies all allegations. There is no evidence to lend veracity to his accusers, and the timing of the accusations presented in the middle of an election campaign alone after forty years is suspect..

Think, monkey. Think.

30 sources. People the women spoke to at the time the instances occurred. It's called corroborating testimony.

It's also called campaign propaganda.
A pederast is attracted to boys. Is that the new Democrat fiction about Moore since the girl game is failing?

He's the heterosexual version. Guess pedophile will have to do as a descriptor. :shrug:

There is no "heteterosexual version". Please improve your education before venturing into unknown territory.

Still awaiting the evidence concerning the allegations against Moore.
30 sources. People the women told of the incidents at the time they occurred. There is actually a legal word for it.

Let me guess...you believe Franken's, Weinstein's and Conyers accusers, but not Trump and Moore's, right?


Stop falling for fake news.

Just because you don't want to believe it does not make it fake news. The Washington Post did their homework on this one. Roy Moore creeped on teen girls.

So where have these girls been for 40 flipping years?

Even if he did what you claim, it was 40 years ago and none of it is criminal conduct anymore.

A tempest in a teapot is all you libs have!
He's the heterosexual version. Guess pedophile will have to do as a descriptor. :shrug:

There is no "heteterosexual version". Please improve your education before venturing into unknown territory.

Still awaiting the evidence concerning the allegations against Moore.
30 sources. People the women told of the incidents at the time they occurred. There is actually a legal word for it.

Let me guess...you believe Franken's, Weinstein's and Conyers accusers, but not Trump and Moore's, right?


Stop falling for fake news.

Just because you don't want to believe it does not make it fake news. The Washington Post did their homework on this one. Roy Moore creeped on teen girls.

So where have these girls been for 40 flipping years?

Even if he did what you claim, it was 40 years ago and none of it is criminal conduct anymore.

A tempest in a teapot is all you libs have!

You didn't ask that about Weinstein's accusers did you?
Yeah, that Roy Moore is only a pederast, not a full blown pedophile. Guess that makes it okay in Alabama....

A pederast is attracted to boys. Is that the new Democrat fiction about Moore since the girl game is failing?

He's the heterosexual version. Guess pedophile will have to do as a descriptor. :shrug:

There is no "heteterosexual version". Please improve your education before venturing into unknown territory.

Still awaiting the evidence concerning the allegations against Moore.
30 sources. People the women told of the incidents at the time they occurred. There is actually a legal word for it.

Let me guess...you believe Franken's, Weinstein's and Conyers accusers, but not Trump and Moore's, right?

Franken, Weinstein and Conyers have admitted their untoward behavior. Moore denies all allegations. There is no evidence to lend veracity to his accusers, and the timing of the accusations presented in the middle of an election campaign alone after forty years is suspect..

Think, monkey. Think.

Maybe he denied it because it didn't happen. After all we have found out that the main accuser was lying.

Franken, Conyers and Weinstein all go caught red handed.

Let me guess. You believed Slick Willy when he said he didn't rape anyone just like you believed him when he said he didn't have sex with that Lewinski woman. .

However, at the end of the day it is not about Moore may or may not going after a little jailbait 40 years ago. It is aboutnot putting another stupid Democrat asshole in Congress. That is the last thing the good people of Alabama needs, isn't it?
There is no "heteterosexual version". Please improve your education before venturing into unknown territory.

Still awaiting the evidence concerning the allegations against Moore.
30 sources. People the women told of the incidents at the time they occurred. There is actually a legal word for it.

Let me guess...you believe Franken's, Weinstein's and Conyers accusers, but not Trump and Moore's, right?


Stop falling for fake news.

Just because you don't want to believe it does not make it fake news. The Washington Post did their homework on this one. Roy Moore creeped on teen girls.

So where have these girls been for 40 flipping years?

Even if he did what you claim, it was 40 years ago and none of it is criminal conduct anymore.

A tempest in a teapot is all you libs have!

You didn't ask that about Weinstein's accusers did you?

Personally, I don't care if a woman sleeps her way to the top, which is exactly what they did.
A pederast is attracted to boys. Is that the new Democrat fiction about Moore since the girl game is failing?

He's the heterosexual version. Guess pedophile will have to do as a descriptor. :shrug:

There is no "heteterosexual version". Please improve your education before venturing into unknown territory.

Still awaiting the evidence concerning the allegations against Moore.
30 sources. People the women told of the incidents at the time they occurred. There is actually a legal word for it.

Let me guess...you believe Franken's, Weinstein's and Conyers accusers, but not Trump and Moore's, right?

Franken, Weinstein and Conyers have admitted their untoward behavior. Moore denies all allegations. There is no evidence to lend veracity to his accusers, and the timing of the accusations presented in the middle of an election campaign alone after forty years is suspect..

Think, monkey. Think.

Maybe he denied it because it didn't happen. After all we have found out that the main accuser was lying.

Franken, Conyers and Weinstein all go caught red handed.

Let me guess. You believed Slick Willy when he said he didn't rape anyone just like you believed him when he said he didn't have sex with that Lewinski woman. .

However, at the end of the day it is not about Moore may or may not going after a little jailbait 40 years ago. It is aboutnot putting another stupid Democrat asshole in Congress. That is the last thing the good people of Alabama needs, isn't it?
No,you did not find out the main accuser was lying. You found out she made notes as to the date and location her yearbook was signed, that's all.

These girls told people at the time Moore made these advances. Corroborating witnesses.
30 sources. People the women told of the incidents at the time they occurred. There is actually a legal word for it.

Let me guess...you believe Franken's, Weinstein's and Conyers accusers, but not Trump and Moore's, right?


Stop falling for fake news.

Just because you don't want to believe it does not make it fake news. The Washington Post did their homework on this one. Roy Moore creeped on teen girls.

So where have these girls been for 40 flipping years?

Even if he did what you claim, it was 40 years ago and none of it is criminal conduct anymore.

A tempest in a teapot is all you libs have!

You didn't ask that about Weinstein's accusers did you?

Personally, I don't care if a woman sleeps her way to the top, which is exactly what they did.

No, Weinstein sexually harassed and assaulted women. They did not come forward until years later.

Moore creeped on teens and had inappropriate sexual contact with teen girls. They did not come forward until years later, but they DID tell other people at the time he did it.
He's the heterosexual version. Guess pedophile will have to do as a descriptor. :shrug:

There is no "heteterosexual version". Please improve your education before venturing into unknown territory.

Still awaiting the evidence concerning the allegations against Moore.
30 sources. People the women told of the incidents at the time they occurred. There is actually a legal word for it.

Let me guess...you believe Franken's, Weinstein's and Conyers accusers, but not Trump and Moore's, right?

Franken, Weinstein and Conyers have admitted their untoward behavior. Moore denies all allegations. There is no evidence to lend veracity to his accusers, and the timing of the accusations presented in the middle of an election campaign alone after forty years is suspect..

Think, monkey. Think.

Maybe he denied it because it didn't happen. After all we have found out that the main accuser was lying.

Franken, Conyers and Weinstein all go caught red handed.

Let me guess. You believed Slick Willy when he said he didn't rape anyone just like you believed him when he said he didn't have sex with that Lewinski woman. .

However, at the end of the day it is not about Moore may or may not going after a little jailbait 40 years ago. It is aboutnot putting another stupid Democrat asshole in Congress. That is the last thing the good people of Alabama needs, isn't it?
No,you did not find out the main accuser was lying. You found out she made notes as to the date and location her yearbook was signed, that's all.

These girls told people at the time Moore made these advances. Corroborating witnesses.

You need to look up what hearsay is. If I tell you that Hillary Clinton is a hermaphrodite, you can only say I told you that. You can't say she is a hermaphrodite

None of these women nor people they allegedly told said a word when it happened.

Stop falling for fake news.

Just because you don't want to believe it does not make it fake news. The Washington Post did their homework on this one. Roy Moore creeped on teen girls.

So where have these girls been for 40 flipping years?

Even if he did what you claim, it was 40 years ago and none of it is criminal conduct anymore.

A tempest in a teapot is all you libs have!

You didn't ask that about Weinstein's accusers did you?

Personally, I don't care if a woman sleeps her way to the top, which is exactly what they did.

No, Weinstein sexually harassed and assaulted women. They did not come forward until years later.

Moore creeped on teens and had inappropriate sexual contact with teen girls. They did not come forward until years later, but they DID tell other people at the time he did it.

No. They didn't. If they had done so, why was he never investigated?

You have bought into the lies and need a good dose of reality.

I told you, I don't care about Weinstein. By failing to report a crime, they were consenting.
You need to look up what hearsay is. If I tell you that Hillary Clinton is a hermaphrodite, you can only say I told you that. You can't say she is a hermaphrodite

None of these women nor people they allegedly told said a word when it happened.

The fact that "these women" didn't say anything when it happened is not relevant. What is relevant is that the victim told them at the time.

Prior contemporaneous statements at the time are admissible as an exception to the normal hearsay rules of evidence when admitted to show that the statement of a declarant are not recently fabricated so as to show supporting credibility of prior statements.

The rule is much more liberal on the admission of prior consistent statements. Until December 2014, the rule defined as nonhearsay any prior consistent statement that was offered “to rebut an express or implied charge that the declarant recently fabricated it or acted from a recent improper influence or motive in so testifying.” Fed. R. Evid. 801(d)(1)(B)(i). The prior consistent statement was admissible as substantive evidence—even if not made under oath and without regard to the informality of its setting—as long as the opposing party suggested that the witness was fabricating testimony.​

If multiple people were told 30-40 years ago about an event their statements about the existence of such conversations is admissible to rebut a claim of fabrication.

Rule 801(d)(1): The Admissibility of Prior Consistent Statements | Criminal Litigation | ABA Section of Litigation

Last edited:
Just because you don't want to believe it does not make it fake news. The Washington Post did their homework on this one. Roy Moore creeped on teen girls.

So where have these girls been for 40 flipping years?

Even if he did what you claim, it was 40 years ago and none of it is criminal conduct anymore.

A tempest in a teapot is all you libs have!

You didn't ask that about Weinstein's accusers did you?

Personally, I don't care if a woman sleeps her way to the top, which is exactly what they did.

No, Weinstein sexually harassed and assaulted women. They did not come forward until years later.

Moore creeped on teens and had inappropriate sexual contact with teen girls. They did not come forward until years later, but they DID tell other people at the time he did it.

No. They didn't. If they had done so, why was he never investigated?

You have bought into the lies and need a good dose of reality.

I told you, I don't care about Weinstein. By failing to report a crime, they were consenting.

They told friends and family, not the authorities. You didn't read the WAPO piece AT ALL did you?

Was it a crime in AL at the time or just fucking creepy?
Trump is from New York....and he is telling them to vote for Roy Moore
There is no "heteterosexual version". Please improve your education before venturing into unknown territory.

Still awaiting the evidence concerning the allegations against Moore.
30 sources. People the women told of the incidents at the time they occurred. There is actually a legal word for it.

Let me guess...you believe Franken's, Weinstein's and Conyers accusers, but not Trump and Moore's, right?


Stop falling for fake news.

Just because you don't want to believe it does not make it fake news. The Washington Post did their homework on this one. Roy Moore creeped on teen girls.

So where have these girls been for 40 flipping years?

Even if he did what you claim, it was 40 years ago and none of it is criminal conduct anymore.

A tempest in a teapot is all you libs have!

You didn't ask that about Weinstein's accusers did you?

Weinstein's randy behavior has been known within the industry his entire career.
A pederast is attracted to boys. Is that the new Democrat fiction about Moore since the girl game is failing?

He's the heterosexual version. Guess pedophile will have to do as a descriptor. :shrug:

There is no "heteterosexual version". Please improve your education before venturing into unknown territory.

Still awaiting the evidence concerning the allegations against Moore.
30 sources. People the women told of the incidents at the time they occurred. There is actually a legal word for it.

Let me guess...you believe Franken's, Weinstein's and Conyers accusers, but not Trump and Moore's, right?


Stop falling for fake news.

Just because you don't want to believe it does not make it fake news. The Washington Post did their homework on this one. Roy Moore creeped on teen girls.
The fact that you have no proof, is what makes it fake news.
defending a child molester.....a new low even for trump and his supporters

There is as much evidence that Bill Clinton molested children as there is for Roy Moore did.

At least Roy Moore didn't fly on the Lolita Express 26 times like Clinton did.

ETA: I would still say Clinton was innocent until proven guilty. Neither man has been charged and convicted of child molestation.

Nor does either need to be. The election is for Alabama to choose who represents them in the Senate. If they choose to be represented by a dimwit with overt contempt for the Constitution, for minorities, for the First Amendment, who fucked up his own job so badly he got removed from the court, twice, and who just happens to be a hebephiliac who hangs out at the Gadsden Mall trolling for teenieboppers, then that's how they choose to represent theyselves. It could be eloquent.
So where have these girls been for 40 flipping years?

Even if he did what you claim, it was 40 years ago and none of it is criminal conduct anymore.

A tempest in a teapot is all you libs have!

You didn't ask that about Weinstein's accusers did you?

Personally, I don't care if a woman sleeps her way to the top, which is exactly what they did.

No, Weinstein sexually harassed and assaulted women. They did not come forward until years later.

Moore creeped on teens and had inappropriate sexual contact with teen girls. They did not come forward until years later, but they DID tell other people at the time he did it.

No. They didn't. If they had done so, why was he never investigated?

You have bought into the lies and need a good dose of reality.

I told you, I don't care about Weinstein. By failing to report a crime, they were consenting.

They told friends and family, not the authorities. You didn't read the WAPO piece AT ALL did you?

Was it a crime in AL at the time or just fucking creepy?

WAPO is fake news. I would believe what my grade school-age grandchildren tell me about this topic before I would put any faith in that rag! How many stories have they had to walk back when faced with their incompetence and bald-faced lies?

I don't care who they told if they have no proof other than, "I told my Mom about it and she did nothing", and then Mom says, "Oh yeah, I remember that now!".

One lies and the other swears to it! That is a liberal M.O. if I have ever seen one.
30 sources. People the women told of the incidents at the time they occurred. There is actually a legal word for it.

Let me guess...you believe Franken's, Weinstein's and Conyers accusers, but not Trump and Moore's, right?


Stop falling for fake news.

Just because you don't want to believe it does not make it fake news. The Washington Post did their homework on this one. Roy Moore creeped on teen girls.

So where have these girls been for 40 flipping years?

Even if he did what you claim, it was 40 years ago and none of it is criminal conduct anymore.

A tempest in a teapot is all you libs have!

You didn't ask that about Weinstein's accusers did you?

Personally, I don't care if a woman sleeps her way to the top, which is exactly what they did.

Since you are an acknowledge misogynist, would you please explain who or what made you into someone who mistrusts and hates women?
There is no "heteterosexual version". Please improve your education before venturing into unknown territory.

Still awaiting the evidence concerning the allegations against Moore.
30 sources. People the women told of the incidents at the time they occurred. There is actually a legal word for it.

Let me guess...you believe Franken's, Weinstein's and Conyers accusers, but not Trump and Moore's, right?

Franken, Weinstein and Conyers have admitted their untoward behavior. Moore denies all allegations. There is no evidence to lend veracity to his accusers, and the timing of the accusations presented in the middle of an election campaign alone after forty years is suspect..

Think, monkey. Think.

Maybe he denied it because it didn't happen. After all we have found out that the main accuser was lying.

Franken, Conyers and Weinstein all go caught red handed.

Let me guess. You believed Slick Willy when he said he didn't rape anyone just like you believed him when he said he didn't have sex with that Lewinski woman. .

However, at the end of the day it is not about Moore may or may not going after a little jailbait 40 years ago. It is aboutnot putting another stupid Democrat asshole in Congress. That is the last thing the good people of Alabama needs, isn't it?
No,you did not find out the main accuser was lying. You found out she made notes as to the date and location her yearbook was signed, that's all.

These girls told people at the time Moore made these advances. Corroborating witnesses.

You need to look up what hearsay is. If I tell you that Hillary Clinton is a hermaphrodite, you can only say I told you that. You can't say she is a hermaphrodite

None of these women nor people they allegedly told said a word when it happened.

You don't have a clue as to the meaning of "hearsay". The comments are evidence, and when Judge Moore sues these women, they will be under oath as well as witness for the defendants, who were privy to the pervert's behavior years ago.

Moore knows a trial will expose his aberrant behavior - as the preponderance of the evidence so far suggests - he will never file that suit. However, a civil suit for defamation will be filed by one or more of the victims setting this lawyer up for committing perjury and losing his law license.

Moore's a fool, win the election or lose, he will never be accepted by the Senate. He has made his bed, and he will continue to lie in it.
You didn't ask that about Weinstein's accusers did you?

Personally, I don't care if a woman sleeps her way to the top, which is exactly what they did.

No, Weinstein sexually harassed and assaulted women. They did not come forward until years later.

Moore creeped on teens and had inappropriate sexual contact with teen girls. They did not come forward until years later, but they DID tell other people at the time he did it.

No. They didn't. If they had done so, why was he never investigated?

You have bought into the lies and need a good dose of reality.

I told you, I don't care about Weinstein. By failing to report a crime, they were consenting.

They told friends and family, not the authorities. You didn't read the WAPO piece AT ALL did you?

Was it a crime in AL at the time or just fucking creepy?

WAPO is fake news. I would believe what my grade school-age grandchildren tell me about this topic before I would put any faith in that rag! How many stories have they had to walk back when faced with their incompetence and bald-faced lies?

I don't care who they told if they have no proof other than, "I told my Mom about it and she did nothing", and then Mom says, "Oh yeah, I remember that now!".

One lies and the other swears to it! That is a liberal M.O. if I have ever seen one.

"WAPO is fake news"? Where do you get real news? Faux News? Breitbard? Hannity? Limbaugh? Trump (lol)? Or, do you have an antenna and get the news directly to the space between your ears from outer space?

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