if you lived in Alabama


If you knew anything, you'd know that the Jones campaign is not asking anyone who isn't from Alabama to make calls on his behalf save well known public figures.

Perhaps not, but he dragged Cory Booker and DuVal Patrick around for the campaign. Doesn't he have any support from Alabama?

You are making that argument? Really?

It's not an argument, but fact.

Does the fact that Bannon and Trump are stumping for Moore indicate a lack of support for him from Alabama?

Moore is extremely popular in Alabama. You're kidding yourself.

And Jones isn't?
And you received a phone call from New York telling you to vote for Doug Jones, how would you respond?

Because my first instinct would be "who the heck are you to try to influence my decision for the senate race"?

I suspect in not alone
If you got a phone call from the Orange NY Fraud artist Trump telling you to vote for a piece of road kill you would say "the possum or the Armadillo"
Didn't Jeff Sessions prosecute Klannies and other people trying to suppress the black vote? And, didn't democrats try to run somebody against him? And wasn't he the decided NON-underdog?

By the way, I don't like Jeff Sessions. Just saying, maybe it has something to do with Doug Jones incorrectly stating that Health Care is a right (he really meant that having someone else pay for health insurance is a right), and other communist statements. Maybe it's clear that Doug is a POS commie, just like 99% of the democrat party?

Just sayin'
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Perhaps not, but he dragged Cory Booker and DuVal Patrick around for the campaign. Doesn't he have any support from Alabama?

You are making that argument? Really?

It's not an argument, but fact.

Does the fact that Bannon and Trump are stumping for Moore indicate a lack of support for him from Alabama?

Moore is extremely popular in Alabama. You're kidding yourself.

And Jones isn't?

Surely not.
Didn't Jeff Sessions prosecute Klannies and other people trying to suppress the black vote? And, didn't democrats try to run somebody against him? And wasn't he the decided NON-underdog?

By the way, I don't like Jeff Sessions. Just saying, maybe it has something to do with Doug Jones incorrectly stating that Health Care is a right (he really meant that having someone else pay for health insurance is a right), and other communist statements. Maybe it's clear that Doug is a POS commie, just like 99% of the democrat party?

Just sayin'

Thing is, healthcare kind of has to inevitably become a right ... otherwise you're gonna have a bunch of people who never get preventative treatment and end up in the ER, where the taxpayer will have to pay for them anyway (and a lot more than if they'd just gotten the preventative care they needed).
And you received a phone call from New York telling you to vote for Doug Jones, how would you respond?

Because my first instinct would be "who the heck are you to try to influence my decision for the senate race"?

I suspect in not alone
I would just hang up on them it wouldn't matter to me if it was an outsider trying to get me to vote for Jones or Moore in the end we all vote for the person we think is going to represent our interest the best.
And you received a phone call from New York telling you to vote for Doug Jones, how would you respond?

Because my first instinct would be "who the heck are you to try to influence my decision for the senate race"?

I suspect in not alone
Who the heck are the Russians for trying to influence our votes?

Thought provoking, sadly a bit to arcane for the average trump supporter.
I find it curious that the average Trump voter can dismiss Russian interference yet take umbrage at domestic political efforts to sway voters.

What Russian interference? Is that anything like Obama using tax dollars to try to keep Netanyahu out of office in Israel?
How about disseminating dirt on and about the inner workings of the DNC and the Clinton campaign specifically? Or maybe placing ads on social media sites on behalf of the Trump cap,sign?

But those pale in significance when compared to the audacity of American Democrats campaigning in Alabama, Right?
And you received a phone call from New York telling you to vote for Doug Jones, how would you respond?

Because my first instinct would be "who the heck are you to try to influence my decision for the senate race"?

I suspect in not alone

Ironic complaint, inasmuch as you live in MINNESOTA.
Did they not vote BACK ONTO the bench, a klown who was kicked off it because he couldn't follow the fucking law?

There might be your answer.
It's not really our concern, is it?


YOU BROUGHT IT UP, Doodles. Roll tape.

Do you think the good people of Alabama are smart enough to decide what is in their best interest?

That's the part you cut out of the quote. The question you asked, that I answered. So you pose a question and then you want to whine that you got an answer? What the fuck is the purpose of the question if you're just gonna whine when you get a response?

Yer a piece o' work, Homer.

What makes you think the people of Alabama are not capable of making decisions in their own best interest?

And here you just asked the same question *AGAIN*. The same question you just got an answer to and want to cry the blues about.

Didn't Jeff Sessions prosecute Klannies and other people trying to suppress the black vote? And, didn't democrats try to run somebody against him? And wasn't he the decided NON-underdog?

By the way, I don't like Jeff Sessions. Just saying, maybe it has something to do with Doug Jones incorrectly stating that Health Care is a right (he really meant that having someone else pay for health insurance is a right), and other communist statements. Maybe it's clear that Doug is a POS commie, just like 99% of the democrat party?

Just sayin'

Thing is, healthcare kind of has to inevitably become a right ... otherwise you're gonna have a bunch of people who never get preventative treatment and end up in the ER, where the taxpayer will have to pay for them anyway (and a lot more than if they'd just gotten the preventative care they needed).

Unless you are dying, an ER is not required to treat you.

Heart attack? Yes!

Broke a toe? No!
And you received a phone call from New York telling you to vote for Doug Jones, how would you respond?

Because my first instinct would be "who the heck are you to try to influence my decision for the senate race"?

I suspect in not alone
Who the heck are the Russians for trying to influence our votes?

Thought provoking, sadly a bit to arcane for the average trump supporter.
I find it curious that the average Trump voter can dismiss Russian interference yet take umbrage at domestic political efforts to sway voters.

What Russian interference? Is that anything like Obama using tax dollars to try to keep Netanyahu out of office in Israel?
How about disseminating dirt on and about the inner workings of the DNC and the Clinton campaign specifically? Or maybe placing ads on social media sites on behalf of the Trump cap,sign?

But those pale in significance when compared to the audacity of American Democrats campaigning in Alabama, Right?

Did the Russians lie? Hell, no! They told the truth which is why the Democrats are so pissed!
And you received a phone call from New York telling you to vote for Doug Jones, how would you respond?

Because my first instinct would be "who the heck are you to try to influence my decision for the senate race"?

I suspect in not alone


I actually agree.

To put it crudely - I wish the national political and special interest groups(and their money) would stay the F out of our local elections.

And if it's a ROBOCALL that is a sure way to influence me in the other direction.
Who the heck are the Russians for trying to influence our votes?

Thought provoking, sadly a bit to arcane for the average trump supporter.
I find it curious that the average Trump voter can dismiss Russian interference yet take umbrage at domestic political efforts to sway voters.

What Russian interference? Is that anything like Obama using tax dollars to try to keep Netanyahu out of office in Israel?
How about disseminating dirt on and about the inner workings of the DNC and the Clinton campaign specifically? Or maybe placing ads on social media sites on behalf of the Trump cap,sign?

But those pale in significance when compared to the audacity of American Democrats campaigning in Alabama, Right?

Did the Russians lie? Hell, no! They told the truth which is why the Democrats are so pissed!
Lie,or,not, it was the Russians interfering in an A,erican,Presidential campaign!

So let's presume the statements are true, Trump supporters value politics over country, partisanship over integrity.
And you received a phone call from New York telling you to vote for Doug Jones, how would you respond?

Because my first instinct would be "who the heck are you to try to influence my decision for the senate race"?

I suspect in not alone
But these same people are willing to listen to Harvard/Goldman Sachs Steve Bannon telling them how to vote?

Get the fuck out of here with your bullshit North/South manipulation.
defending a child molester.....a new low even for trump and his supporters

There is as much evidence that Bill Clinton molested children as there is for Roy Moore did.

At least Roy Moore didn't fly on the Lolita Express 26 times like Clinton did.

ETA: I would still say Clinton was innocent until proven guilty. Neither man has been charged and convicted of child molestation.
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defending a child molester.....a new low even for trump and his supporters

Every time you think they've sunk as low as they can get... they keep on digging.
These white supremacists who inhabit this forum so identify with the sister fucking state of Alabama and their contempt and hatred for all minorities.
defending a child molester.....a new low even for trump and his supporters

There is as much evidence that Bill Clinton molested children as there is for Roy Moore did.

At least Roy Moore didn't fly on the Lolita Express 26 times like Clinton did.

ETA: I would still say Clinton was innocent until proven guilty. Neither man has been charged and convicted of child molestation.
Right to Clinton in record time. You are the prototypical programmed brainwashed bot.
Did they not vote BACK ONTO the bench, a klown who was kicked off it because he couldn't follow the fucking law?

There might be your answer.
It's not really our concern, is it?


YOU BROUGHT IT UP, Doodles. Roll tape.

Do you think the good people of Alabama are smart enough to decide what is in their best interest?

That's the part you cut out of the quote. The question you asked, that I answered. So you pose a question and then you want to whine that you got an answer? What the fuck is the purpose of the question if you're just gonna whine when you get a response?

Yer a piece o' work, Homer.

What makes you think the people of Alabama are not capable of making decisions in their own best interest?

And here you just asked the same question *AGAIN*. The same question you just got an answer to and want to cry the blues about.

Best gif ever.

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