if you lived in Alabama

If I lived in Alabama I would not vote for someone who thinks the time of slavery was a good time for families in America. I would not vote for someone who thinks abortion is murdering babies. I would not vote for a pervert who molests and lusts after adolescents and teenagers. I would not vote for someone who thinks homosexuality should be illegal, God's wrath is felt on Earth, 'Red and yellows' don't get along, Darwin was wrong, Islam is a 'false religion', the law comes from God, Obama might not be US-born, and who agrees with Putin's thinking. I wouldn't need anyone from NY or anywhere to tell me not to vote for him.
Good for you.

If the people of Alabama ignore all of that and elect Moore because they think he offers the best representation for the people of Alabama, despite all that above, are you still going to call them dumbass bumpkin idiots?

Hint: this is a trap.
I have never called them "dumbass bumpkin idiots." Don't make assumptions about me.
Southern route thru Mobile....Northern route on way to Little Rock....back and forth on several occasions during my time in the Navy......was stationed in P-cola... right across the border both West and North.
So, what you are saying is, you have never really spent time in Alabama. You have never done business in Alabama. You have never been to Auburn, or Birmingham, or Huntsville. You have never really become acquainted with Alabama, have you?

No, you just passed through and believe what the MSM and Hollywood have said about Alabama for the past 60 years, don't you?
If I lived in Alabama, I'd move to a 1st world State.

"1st world State".....like say, Mexifornia?
Where was that picture taken, and when?

150 homeless to pack up or face arrest as Orange County prepares to evict encampment
Ah...the Red part of SoCal.

Let's try this...here's skid row in LA.
Does that better fit your twisted narrative?
Southern route thru Mobile....Northern route on way to Little Rock....back and forth on several occasions during my time in the Navy......was stationed in P-cola... right across the border both West and North.
So, what you are saying is, you have never really spent time in Alabama. You have never done business in Alabama. You have never been to Auburn, or Birmingham, or Huntsville. You have never really become acquainted with Alabama, have you?

No, you just passed through and believe what the MSM and Hollywood have said about Alabama for the past 60 years, don't you?
The facts about Alabama:
It is the 6th poorest state in the country.
Their schools are ranked 8th worst in the country.

They need someone to represent them who can help improve the quality of life there, not a hypocrite who is obsessed with so-called Christian morality and thinks slavery was a great period of time. I don't care whether that person is a Democrat or a Republican.
And you received a phone call from New York telling you to vote for Doug Jones, how would you respond?

Because my first instinct would be "who the heck are you to try to influence my decision for the senate race"?

I suspect in not alone
Who the heck are the Russians for trying to influence our votes?

Thought provoking, sadly a bit to arcane for the average trump supporter.
I find it curious that the average Trump voter can dismiss Russian interference yet take umbrage at domestic political efforts to sway voters.

What Russian interference? Is that anything like Obama using tax dollars to try to keep Netanyahu out of office in Israel?
Southern route thru Mobile....Northern route on way to Little Rock....back and forth on several occasions during my time in the Navy......was stationed in P-cola... right across the border both West and North.
So, what you are saying is, you have never really spent time in Alabama. You have never done business in Alabama. You have never been to Auburn, or Birmingham, or Huntsville. You have never really become acquainted with Alabama, have you?

No, you just passed through and believe what the MSM and Hollywood have said about Alabama for the past 60 years, don't you?
The facts about Alabama:
It is the 6th poorest state in the country.
Their schools are ranked 8th worst in the country.

They need someone to represent them who can help improve the quality of life there, not a hypocrite who is obsessed with so-called Christian morality and thinks slavery was a great period of time. I don't care whether that person is a Democrat or a Republican.

Since he didn't say anything about slavery except as a time reference, what else do you have that is not made up?

Schools are no business of the federal government in case you haven't read your Constitution lately.
And you received a phone call from New York telling you to vote for Doug Jones, how would you respond?

Because my first instinct would be "who the heck are you to try to influence my decision for the senate race"?

I suspect in not alone

Hey, nitwit, Moore's campaign spokesperson is from OHIO....
defending a child molester.....a new low even for trump and his supporters

Please don't ever allow yourself to be picked for jury duty. That would be a crime.
Yeah...we don't want people against child molestation on juries......:rolleyes:

No, we don't want people who have made their mind up without any evidence being presented.

Of course, you fall into that category as well. You simply don't have the thought processes to be qualified to sit on a jury.
And you received a phone call from New York telling you to vote for Doug Jones, how would you respond?

Because my first instinct would be "who the heck are you to try to influence my decision for the senate race"?

I suspect in not alone


If you knew anything, you'd know that the Jones campaign is not asking anyone who isn't from Alabama to make calls on his behalf save well known public figures.

Perhaps not, but he dragged Cory Booker and DuVal Patrick around for the campaign. Doesn't he have any support from Alabama?

You are making that argument? Really?

It's not an argument, but fact.

Does the fact that Bannon and Trump are stumping for Moore indicate a lack of support for him from Alabama?

Moore is extremely popular in Alabama. You're kidding yourself.
And you received a phone call from New York telling you to vote for Doug Jones, how would you respond?

Because my first instinct would be "who the heck are you to try to influence my decision for the senate race"?

I suspect in not alone
Who the heck are the Russians for trying to influence our votes?

Thought provoking, sadly a bit to arcane for the average trump supporter.

I find it curious that the average Trump voter can dismiss Russian interference yet take umbrage at domestic political efforts to sway voters.

What Russian interference? Is that anything like Obama using tax dollars to try to keep Netanyahu out of office in Israel?

Wow, artichokes and albatrosses and a lie by omission.

Opinion | NGO connected to Obama’s 2008 campaign used U.S. tax dollars trying to oust Netanyahu
And you received a phone call from New York telling you to vote for Doug Jones, how would you respond?

Because my first instinct would be "who the heck are you to try to influence my decision for the senate race"?

I suspect in not alone
Who the heck are the Russians for trying to influence our votes?

Thought provoking, sadly a bit to arcane for the average trump supporter.

I find it curious that the average Trump voter can dismiss Russian interference yet take umbrage at domestic political efforts to sway voters.

What Russian interference? Is that anything like Obama using tax dollars to try to keep Netanyahu out of office in Israel?

Wow, artichokes and albatrosses and a lie by omission.

Opinion | NGO connected to Obama’s 2008 campaign used U.S. tax dollars trying to oust Netanyahu

BTW, how did the Bush,Cheney&Co efforts to nation build in Iraq work out for us, Admiral?
so what if there are political phone banks from wherever??

grow up and stop looking for excuses to vote for a creep who hides behind God to justify his stone age agenda.

I don't care if you want to spend your time calling people for election you aren't involved in.

What I'm trying to point out is how are they going to react?

What if someone like Roy Moore was running in california. The Democrat candidate is questionable. If people from Alabama and Texas who routinely insult Californians start calling for the Roy Moore candidate to win how do you think Californians would react?

why would russia want to spend so much time influencing an election they "are not involved in"??

hmmm maybe because they are have a direct interest in the outcome.........??

same reason ANY American might want to robocall for an election they SUPPOSEDLY "are not involved in"??

so if any voter in Alabama is casting their vote for Roy Moore based on feigning offense at outside influence, they are full of shit and searching for reasons to excuse this inexcusable candidate...

Moore has been a controversial figure in American politics for some time but mostly at the edges. His fight to preserve a monument to the Ten Commandments in a state building 15 years ago gained him national attention — but not necessarily national importance. Now, he’s seeking election to the Senate, one of 100 people who make up one half of the legislative branch of government. It’s a much more important fight nationally, and, as a result, has attracted much more attention.

There’s a reason that people with skeletons in their closets are loath to seek elected office: Once they do, the scrutiny that is a natural part of the campaign process threatens to expose those skeletons. This is less true for lower-level elected positions, where there is less media attention and fewer resources. For something like the Senate or the presidency, though, that scrutiny is both intense — and should be expected.

Analysis | For Roy Moore’s insistent defenders: Here’s why now.
And you received a phone call from New York telling you to vote for Doug Jones, how would you respond?

Because my first instinct would be "who the heck are you to try to influence my decision for the senate race"?

I suspect in not alone
If you got a phone call from the Orange NY Fraud artist Trump telling you to vote for a piece of road kill you would say "the possum or the Armadillo"
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