If you support Trump ending Birthright Citizenship via executive order you're a hypocrite.

Allegiance doesn’t matter to jurisdiction.

If the United States doesn’t have jurisdiction over an individual, then that individual can commit a crime in the US with immunity.

No reasonable person would seriously argue that simply because someone has allegiance to a foreign country, they could murder an American citizen and get away with it.

No, I never said that. Subject to the Jurisdiction Therein meant that they have no allegiance with another country period.

So in my scenario, let's say China wanted to sneak in a dirty bomb using this Chinese citizen of theirs who is (by our standards) an American citizen. Much easier to do being an American citizen than being a visitor of some kind. Or you can even use any country from the middle-east for that matter.

Allegiance has nothing to do with jurisdiction.

If any person of any citizenship commits a crime in the US, unless they have sovereign immunity, the US has the power to prosecute that person. That’s what jurisdiction means. Allegiance is irrelevant.

Birthright Citizenship | Federation for American Immigration Reform

Again, that link does not refute that a person in the United States is under the jurisdiction of the United States, regardless of citizenship.

All it does is say that “some scholars argue” allegiance of a child of illegal aliens without postulating why. It does not argue that a foreign national who commits a crime in the US isn’t under the jurisdiction of US law.

It has nothing to do with law and breaking the law. So do tell: what do you think the clause meant? If they wanted for anybody to drift over and have American children regardless of the citizen status of the parents, why include that clause?

What it meant was that in order to have an American baby, the parents had to be Americans themselves. That's the argument the Supreme Court will eventually hear and decide on.
Of course it did, and does. Being subject to the jurisdiction means what it has always meant — being subject to the laws and courts. The only ones who are not are foreigners who are diplomatic ministers.
Its not hypocrisy when the 14th amendment was never intended to grant citizenship to illegal anchor babies. Trump has the guts to correct this and force the SCOTUS to clarify the 14th amendment which is their job.

Yup and its about damned time.

These anchor babies cost we the tax payers billions every year.

I sure hope they get this squared away.
Trump is just setting up the legal scuffle on this. Part of Trump’s Comprehensive Illegal Immigration Reform Act

The 14th wasn't written to allow children of illegals to become US citizens, it's time to follow the Constitution as it is written and stop "interpreting" it to suit agendas.

I doubt an EO will hold up in the matter but it would open up the can of worms to allow it to be addressed by the courts. Gorusch and Kavanaugh are looking like sweet picks in that regard ...another reason Trump winning was so important
If you actually understood the constitution, you would know that only a new amendment could undo the 14th.

No amendment was needed to undo Dread Scott, and no amendment is needed to get a proper interpretation of the 14th. It's amazing how much of the things you know, just aren't true. LMAO

The 14th Amendment put an end to Dred Scott laws regarding citizenship.

The motive for passing the 14th Amendment was not to encourage Illegal Aliens to come here, or to promote Birth Tourism.

Thinking that the current interpretation is the "right one" is crazy
Allegiance doesn’t matter to jurisdiction.

If the United States doesn’t have jurisdiction over an individual, then that individual can commit a crime in the US with immunity.

No reasonable person would seriously argue that simply because someone has allegiance to a foreign country, they could murder an American citizen and get away with it.

No, I never said that. Subject to the Jurisdiction Therein meant that they have no allegiance with another country period.

So in my scenario, let's say China wanted to sneak in a dirty bomb using this Chinese citizen of theirs who is (by our standards) an American citizen. Much easier to do being an American citizen than being a visitor of some kind. Or you can even use any country from the middle-east for that matter.

Allegiance has nothing to do with jurisdiction.

If any person of any citizenship commits a crime in the US, unless they have sovereign immunity, the US has the power to prosecute that person. That’s what jurisdiction means. Allegiance is irrelevant.

Birthright Citizenship | Federation for American Immigration Reform

Again, that link does not refute that a person in the United States is under the jurisdiction of the United States, regardless of citizenship.

All it does is say that “some scholars argue” allegiance of a child of illegal aliens without postulating why. It does not argue that a foreign national who commits a crime in the US isn’t under the jurisdiction of US law.

It has nothing to do with law and breaking the law. So do tell: what do you think the clause meant? If they wanted for anybody to drift over and have American children regardless of the citizen status of the parents, why include that clause?

What it meant was that in order to have an American baby, the parents had to be Americans themselves. That's the argument the Supreme Court will eventually hear and decide on.
”What it meant was that in order to have an American baby, the parents had to be Americans themselves.”


According to your nonsense, Trump’s own son, Barron, isn’t a U.S. citizen because Melanie Trump wasn’t a U.S. citizen when he was born.

Are ya feeling stupid yet?
Trump is just setting up the legal scuffle on this. Part of Trump’s Comprehensive Illegal Immigration Reform Act

The 14th wasn't written to allow children of illegals to become US citizens, it's time to follow the Constitution as it is written and stop "interpreting" it to suit agendas.

I doubt an EO will hold up in the matter but it would open up the can of worms to allow it to be addressed by the courts. Gorusch and Kavanaugh are looking like sweet picks in that regard ...another reason Trump winning was so important
If you actually understood the constitution, you would know that only a new amendment could undo the 14th.

No amendment was needed to undo Dread Scott, and no amendment is needed to get a proper interpretation of the 14th. It's amazing how much of the things you know, just aren't true. LMAO

The 14th Amendment put an end to Dred Scott laws regarding citizenship.

The motive for passing the 14th Amendment was not to encourage Illegal Aliens to come here, or to promote Birth Tourism.

Thinking that the current interpretation is the "right one" is crazy
So? It says what it says. “ALL persons.” Except for those born to foreign diplomats.
The question was: Please inform us what O did with an EO AFA immigration.
He ADMITTEDLY violated the Constitution by bypassing Congress to impose his own EDICT.

His EO was Un-Constitutional. He violated the Constitution by DOING what Trump has only TALKED about.
Its not hypocrisy when the 14th amendment was never intended to grant citizenship to illegal anchor babies. Trump has the guts to correct this and force the SCOTUS to clarify the 14th amendment which is their job.

Yup and its about damned time.

These anchor babies cost we the tax payers billions every year.

I sure hope they get this squared away.
It's already squared away...in the Constitution

Newsflash...before about 1880 we had NO immigration laws.

They passed them then to prevent the Chinese workers who we brought in to build our railroads from becoming citizens
Trump is just setting up the legal scuffle on this. Part of Trump’s Comprehensive Illegal Immigration Reform Act

The 14th wasn't written to allow children of illegals to become US citizens, it's time to follow the Constitution as it is written and stop "interpreting" it to suit agendas.

I doubt an EO will hold up in the matter but it would open up the can of worms to allow it to be addressed by the courts. Gorusch and Kavanaugh are looking like sweet picks in that regard ...another reason Trump winning was so important
If you actually understood the constitution, you would know that only a new amendment could undo the 14th.

No amendment was needed to undo Dread Scott, and no amendment is needed to get a proper interpretation of the 14th. It's amazing how much of the things you know, just aren't true. LMAO

The 14th Amendment put an end to Dred Scott laws regarding citizenship.

The motive for passing the 14th Amendment was not to encourage Illegal Aliens to come here, or to promote Birth Tourism.

Thinking that the current interpretation is the "right one" is crazy
So? It says what it says. “ALL persons.” Except for those born to foreign diplomats.
that's not all it says. why not go look up the original debate and learn something today. i posted it already but as usual, if you don't like it, dub it FAKE and giggle your way into your own mindset. again.
We have to understand, the president is not trying to repeal an amendment with EO, that is not possible, and few would support it.

He is taking an action on the interpretation of the amendment, which is still sketchy, but it will force the SC to litigate the amendment and make a ruling on the meaning of the amendment.

Here's the full text of that Amendment.

Tell me which part is sketchy. It's very straight forward, exact and clear.

Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Section 2. Representatives shall be apportioned among the several States according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each State, excluding Indians not taxed. But when the right to vote at any election for the choice of electors for President and Vice President of the United States, Representatives in Congress, the Executive and Judicial officers of a State, or the members of the Legislature thereof, is denied to any of the male inhabitants of such State, being twenty-one years of age, and citizens of the United States, or in any way abridged, except for participation in rebellion, or other crime, the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the proportion which the number of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number of male citizens twenty-one years of age in such State.

Section 3. No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may, by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.

Section 4. The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned. But neither the United States nor any State shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave; but all such debts, obligations and claims shall be held illegal and void.

Section 5. The Congress shall have power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article.[1]
The part that says "and subject to the jurisdiction thereof", is the part they are going to define. It appears the meaning of that part is a bit muddy.
There’s nothing muddy about it. It means subject to the laws and courts.

Keep reading, the phrase is used again; and again, applies to legal jurisdiction...

nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
If you actually understood the constitution, you would know that only a new amendment could undo the 14th.

No amendment was needed to undo Dread Scott, and no amendment is needed to get a proper interpretation of the 14th. It's amazing how much of the things you know, just aren't true. LMAO

The 14th Amendment put an end to Dred Scott laws regarding citizenship.

The motive for passing the 14th Amendment was not to encourage Illegal Aliens to come here, or to promote Birth Tourism.

Thinking that the current interpretation is the "right one" is crazy
So? It says what it says. “ALL persons.” Except for those born to foreign diplomats.
that's not all it says. why not go look up the original debate and learn something today. i posted it already but as usual, if you don't like it, dub it FAKE and giggle your way into your own mindset. again.
Yep, in terms of establishing who is, or isn’t, a citizen at birth, that’s all it says.

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.

... illegal aliens are subject to the jurisdiction thereof. If they weren’t, it would be illegal to arrest them.
All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.

Illegals don't reside in a state, certainly not legally their residence is their home country. This is how we will end anchor babies.
“This amendment which I have offered is simply declaratory of what I regard as the law of the land already, that every person born within the limits of the United States, and subject to their jurisdiction, is by virtue of natural law and national law a citizen of the United States. This will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers accredited to the government of the United States, but will include every other class of persons.”

-Sen. Jacob Howard (R-Michigan), the author of the 14th amendment May 30, 1866
The OP, in his race to mediocrity, fails miserably to actually compare the literal differences between the referenced EO by Obama and that proposed by Trump.

Obama's EO was intended to assist FOREIGNERS ....Trump's intent is to help AMERICANS.

Of course, for our anti-American friends here, therein lies the fly in the ointment.
Let me start off by saying I oppose Birthright Citizenship unless one parent is a US citizen but I am more opposed to Presidents acting like kings who think they can rule by an iron fist.
For YEARS we all railed against Obama's use of the executive pen and rightly so. Do not fall prey to that which you oppose simply because of a letter behind a mans name.
Today I heard Trump on the radio referring to Obama's Dream Act as the excuse for his threat to use the same method to alter the 14th amendment. An act that he Hope's the supreme court will overrule. Yet he wants you to cheer and clap at his own duplicity.

If you are a conservative ACT LIKE IT and stop looking the other way simply because you like Trump.

TRUMP seems to be setting up a problem for congress to force them to act on immigration reform. Democrats are now in a position to explain how DACA is constitutional. Many republicans like Ryan are also in a position to explain why they have not fought harder against DACA.
I also think TRUMP will use the threat of EO to force funding for the wall. If republicans are able to keep control of both the house and senate and we replace Ryan with Scalise (not McCarthy) McConnell will be forced to push through TRUMP's full agenda on immigration control and TRUMP will be able to pull back on his previous offer on DACA because it will be settled that Obama's EO was unconstitutional.
OK, please cite the EO & I will look it up. Thanks
You want to discuss / defend his EO yet don't know anything about it? LOL! YOU look it up.

Also, what is in his edict which attempted to impose his own edict as 'law of the land' after bypassing Congress to do so is not as important as the fact that he admittedly violated the Constitution by bypassing Congress to impose his own edict as 'law of the land'.
OK, please cite the EO & I will look it up. Thanks
You want to discuss / defend his EO yet don't know anything about it? LOL! YOU look it up.

Also, what is in his edict which attempted to impose his own edict as 'law of the land' after bypassing Congress to do so is not as important as the fact that he admittedly violated the Constitution by bypassing Congress to impose his own edict as 'law of the land'.

No, I am not defending it; I am asking a question.

You stated O did this, or that, and I am asking for some clarification. That's all.
Holy hell, I'm not reading 18 damn pages of responses. So if you agreed with me fine and if you insulted me well....you got a freebie.

I still hate executive orders regardless
All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.

Illegals don't reside in a state, certainly not legally their residence is their home country. This is how we will end anchor babies.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

The level of ignorance from you rightards is infinite.

Dumbfuck, that’s not speaking to where the parents must be residents. It’s establishing the new born baby, who is here legally, is a dual citizen of both the country and the state.

I disagree with you / your thread in THIS:

President Trump, no matter what butt-hart partisans want to believe and say, is NOT a stupid man. He railed against Obama for violating the Constitution by imposing his own 'Dreamer Edict' into law - he's not going to do the same thing now.

What he has done is to START UP A CONVERSATION about it. He is being attacked for TALKING about what Obama actually DID, something Liberals never attacked / rebuked Obama for doing.

Trump has a knack for 'blowing a dog whistle' resulting in the Democrats coming running to attack him, exposing their actual support for open borders, disdain / lack of support for existing immigration law, and proving their greater loyalty / support for illegals than for the American people they are supposed to represent.

So Trump has started up a conversation while getting Liberals to expose who they are again - knowing that polls show Democrats are on the wrong side on the Illegal Immigration issue according to the majority of Americans - in time for the mid-terms.


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