If you try to impeach Trump, the American people will not stand for it

Any psychiatrist that claims they can examine somebody on television and come to a prognosis is not a qualified psychiatrist.

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So observation isn't the primary method for determining someone's psychological state?

Or do you believe that the personality Trump presents publicly is not his true personality...it's just an act to sucker extremely stupid people into supporting him?

A true psychiatrist cannot evaluate somebody by just listening to them on television no more than a veterinarian can tell you what's wrong with your dog by putting him on FaceBook. Anybody that would make such a claim obviously doesn't have a reputation to protect and probably has coupons in the telephone book to advance his or her business.

That may be true for finer points ---- but there is also the realm of the blatantly obvious.

Note that this video is several years old, made well before the 2016 campaign ----- yet look who shows up as the obvious go-to example:

There simply ain't no way around it --- y'all voted for a clown who's been doing everything he can to convey to you the fact that he belongs in a mental institution. Even to the point of painting himself orange.

"I"m very humble. I'm humble in ways you wouldn't even understand".

If you can find a way to ignore that ^^ then you're just drowning in your own self-delusion.

So he's a narcisist, so what? Most wealthy people are. Are you going to tell me that DumBama wasn't?

Trump was a businessman and an entertainer. You can't be successful in either line of work unless you have incredibly thick skin.


Did you just post THICK SKIN in reference to Rump????

That may be the most perverted denialism I've read all year right there. I mean holy SHIT. :lol:

No I don't think most wealthy people are narcissists, nor do I think all narcissists are wealthy. I don't see Warren Buffet or Bill Gates or Sheldon Adelson stamping their name on everything they can find.

You mean like Obama Care???

I don't think DumBama gave one speech without constant remarks of himself either using "I' or "me" dozens of times. Thick skin means unable to handle remarks and insults; not respond harshly to them. Thin skinned people curl up in a ball and hide in a corner because they can't handle criticism. They allow the media to walk all over them assuming the best thing to do is keep quiet and hide.

Trump's not like that. You hit him once, he will hit you twice.
The only way the consequences of losing an election could be even close to that of losing a war is if an absolute fascism were imposed. Is that what you're anticipating from a Trump administration?

I got over the election a while ago. What I haven't gotten over is the possibility that the President and/or his staff may have committed crimes that may be as grave as treason.

Nor I am over the fact that the president seems to be completely inept (at best), and may suffer from a severe personality disorder.

Finally, I can't get over that fact that there were millions of Americans that were stupid enough to vote for Donald Trump and continue to be stupid enough to support him.

This isn't about Liberal vs. Conservative politics. This is about the possibility of grave crimes and gross incompetence.

When and where did you get your degree in psychiatry and when did you examine the President?

The president has been under public scrutiny for years. Over 50,000 qualified psychiatrists have stated that he is psychologically unfit to be President.

Any psychiatrist that claims they can examine somebody on television and come to a prognosis is not a qualified psychiatrist.

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You don't need to be a qualified professional to know Tramp is seriously mentally ill and possible in the early stages of dementia.

He'll probably try to give the Pope a picture of his inauguration crowd like he's done with other world leaders.

Yes... the guy's whacked in the head.

So is anybody that thinks they can do an evaluation from television. Even Charles Krauthammer, who has been a very heavy critic of Trump said several times he could no more evaluate Trump from television than pizza delivery man. Anybody that claims to have such talent is probably a quack.

Speaking of quacks, the person who mentioned the opinions cited a change.org survey. I'll bet a horse turd to a doughnut that hardly any of those 50,000 are even high school graduates, much less doctors.
When and where did you get your degree in psychiatry and when did you examine the President?

The president has been under public scrutiny for years. Over 50,000 qualified psychiatrists have stated that he is psychologically unfit to be President.

Any psychiatrist that claims they can examine somebody on television and come to a prognosis is not a qualified psychiatrist.

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You don't need to be a qualified professional to know Tramp is seriously mentally ill and possible in the early stages of dementia.

He'll probably try to give the Pope a picture of his inauguration crowd like he's done with other world leaders.

Yes... the guy's whacked in the head.

So is anybody that thinks they can do an evaluation from television. Even Charles Krauthammer, who has been a very heavy critic of Trump said several times he could no more evaluate Trump from television than pizza delivery man. Anybody that claims to have such talent is probably a quack.

Speaking of quacks, the person who mentioned the opinions cited a change.org survey. I'll bet a horse turd to a doughnut that hardly any of those 50,000 are even high school graduates, much less doctors.

I researched it a bit and couldn't come up with anything. Apparently it was a NYT article and everybody else grabbed the ball and ran with it.

Liberals love fake news. It doesn't matter whether the news is true or not, as long as it meets their standards, it's real news to them.
How is any of that illegal?

Go read a book and maybe you will learn the meanings of some words.. It is called a dictionary.

Which is why I said "if there is no fire, you've got nothing to worry about". As single isolated incidents, each one of those is questionable...putting one right after another paints a more disturbing picture.

Those were all separate incidents that you decided to lump together.

They are separate incidents that are coincidentally connected. Coincidence like that takes a lot of planning.

Yates - tells Drumph about Flynn...fired

Preet Bharara - investigating Trump financial ties - fired after being told he wouldn't be

Nunes - gets info from WH then pretends to take that info back to the WH as "new information"...must step down

Comey fired after asking for more resources for Russia investigation

Comey memos infer Drumph trying to slow or stop investigations

Der Gropenfuherer is not acting innocent.

Dishonesty is all you have. Yates was fired for a different reason. Bharara was fired for a different reason. Nunes is still in Congress. Comey did no such thing.

Lies is all you have. Let it go!

Ah the irony. Who says they were all fired for a "different reason"? The WH? The same WH that has been caught over and over and over lying about all things Russia?


You have no proof that what I said is not true. That is your problem!

I have proof of the reasons I gave. You just don't want to believe because that shows your bias.
So observation isn't the primary method for determining someone's psychological state?

Or do you believe that the personality Trump presents publicly is not his true personality...it's just an act to sucker extremely stupid people into supporting him?

A true psychiatrist cannot evaluate somebody by just listening to them on television no more than a veterinarian can tell you what's wrong with your dog by putting him on FaceBook. Anybody that would make such a claim obviously doesn't have a reputation to protect and probably has coupons in the telephone book to advance his or her business.

That may be true for finer points ---- but there is also the realm of the blatantly obvious.

Note that this video is several years old, made well before the 2016 campaign ----- yet look who shows up as the obvious go-to example:

There simply ain't no way around it --- y'all voted for a clown who's been doing everything he can to convey to you the fact that he belongs in a mental institution. Even to the point of painting himself orange.

"I"m very humble. I'm humble in ways you wouldn't even understand".

If you can find a way to ignore that ^^ then you're just drowning in your own self-delusion.

So he's a narcisist, so what? Most wealthy people are. Are you going to tell me that DumBama wasn't?

Trump was a businessman and an entertainer. You can't be successful in either line of work unless you have incredibly thick skin.


Did you just post THICK SKIN in reference to Rump????

That may be the most perverted denialism I've read all year right there. I mean holy SHIT. :lol:

No I don't think most wealthy people are narcissists, nor do I think all narcissists are wealthy. I don't see Warren Buffet or Bill Gates or Sheldon Adelson stamping their name on everything they can find.

You mean like Obama Care???

I don't think DumBama gave one speech without constant remarks of himself either using "I' or "me" dozens of times.

The ACA doesn't have O'bama's name on it. That's appended after the fact by pundits.

You can't very well talk in any language without using the first person. That ain't what narcissism means. You should watch the video. It doesn't mean you speak in first person --- it means that when you do you blurt out ridiculous claptrap like "I'll be the greatest god ever created" and "I got more electoral votes than anybody since Reagan". That's narcissism AND self-delusion.

Thick skin means unable to handle remarks and insults; not respond harshly to them. Thin skinned people curl up in a ball and hide in a corner because they can't handle criticism. They allow the media to walk all over them assuming the best thing to do is keep quiet and hide.

Trump's not like that. You hit him once, he will hit you twice.

The thin of skin like Rumpleforeskin doesn't curl up into a ball, far as we know, nor are narcissists heavy on passive traits as you describe here. He sits up all night on his golden toilet sending whiny tweets at 3:24 in the morning about how mean Megyn Kelly is and how unfair the media is and how some who-cares TV actor shouldn't be dating who he's dating and how evil Jeb Bush is and how O'bama tapped his phones. Good GOD man I went all the way to France and worked in two vineyards' wine harvests and both of them put together didn't put out a fraction of the whine in this whiny little bitch. Sad.

But speaking of self-delusion, it's instructive that you would actually sit up and count first-person pronouns and use of teleprompters in an O'bama speech ---- as if nobody ever did that before. How desperate is that. Sad.
CNN is now reporting that the White House legal staff have begun to research Impeachment procedures.

We're past "platforms", kiddies... none of that $hit matters anymore.

Providing aid and comfort to the enemies of the Republic - Treason - is now the new Gold Standard for relevancy.


We're... what?... 120 days into this Abortion of a Presidency... and the White House is already researching Impeachment... and, no doubt, Treason?

Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ-on-a-Crutch, my little Trumpettes... what kind of dog-$hit have you thrust upon the Republic?

You need to seek out one of those psychiatrists we were discussing. Help is sorely needed.
CNN is now reporting that the White House legal staff have begun to research Impeachment procedures.

We're past "platforms", kiddies... none of that $hit matters anymore.

Providing aid and comfort to the enemies of the Republic - Treason - is now the new Gold Standard for relevancy.


We're... what?... 120 days into this Abortion of a Presidency... and the White House is already researching Impeachment... and, no doubt, Treason?

Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ-on-a-Crutch, my little Trumpettes... what kind of dog-$hit have you thrust upon the Republic?
Dream on snowflake....
It's not a dream, my little Princess, it's Reality.

Look around, little one, and you'll see a Special Prosecutor, and a White House researching Impeachment procedures.

He is not a special prosecutor. There is no current law allowing for a special prosecutor. He works for the DOJ. Get a firm grip on reality!
It does no good to talk with the Anti American trash. A bullet does ALL the talking that needs to be done. Simple as it can be put. THAT is when they take you seriously. Until then let them think its all a joke...you would think all the violence the leftist in Berkeley started and then got stomped would show the Anti American leftists that the American Patriots are done talking and we are ready for action.
Enough is finally enough. You Democrats had it all your way for eight years, and it's our turn. If you can't handle that reality, then you are opting out of our republican form of government and overthrowing a system that dates back to over 200 years. We will not sit back and allow you to overthrow the government, we will come to our President's defense. Also, there are a lot more of us than you think, and we're a lot more dangerous than you think.
Go fuck yourself, youwhiny little snowflake bitch. If he gets impeached, it'll be his own fault, and it'll be perfectly constitutional.

Bring your trailer park pussy revolution to my town and you'll be pushing up daisies you fucking piece of shit
Gonna shoot him with your water gun eh snowflake....LMAO.

A few of the saner Democrats are trying to cool off the radicalized base, but apparently insanity has become the prevailing wind.

Let me tell you this. Millions of Americans voted for Donald Trump, we still support him, and if you do manage to topple him, all hell will break loose.

Simply put, we have had enough of the Democrats, the media, the academia, the bureaucrats, and the Hollywood types who have ruined our country and Trump has promised to fix it.

If you think you can depose him without a fight, you are wrong.

We will form human barricades to keep him from leaving the White House, and we will go into the streets, if necessary and show you what it means when the normally law abiding, patriotic, tax paying, hard working American people have finally had enough.

This is a warning which you should heed.

If you depose Trump, it will lead to all out civil war.
There will be blood.
You fascists have been swearing that you'll get Trump for years. This is no different than your recounts, faithless electors, etc. Just another wet dream of the whiny snots on the left.
But if they DO...WE GET PENCE! Which would be like a dream.
See, even committed conservatives don't care if Trump makes it. The same thing happened with Nixon. They figured Ford was just fine. Of course that incident had the added LOLs of their having to get rid of Agnew first, A TWOFER!!! :laugh2:

Which is why you impeach Pence first. [emoji48]

Impeach Pence first? Do you even understand the impeachment process and why it's there? Do you know who takes charge if something happens to the VP and President? That's right, can you say President Ryan?

If the get Ryan, it's President Hatch, then President Tillerson, and so on and so forth.

Imagine President Mattis!
Only on the GOP Propaganda Machine are any Dems of interest calling for impeachment yet...but Trump is so dumb/misinformed/nutty he might just get pulled by his own administration after 6 more months of this bs...
A true psychiatrist cannot evaluate somebody by just listening to them on television no more than a veterinarian can tell you what's wrong with your dog by putting him on FaceBook. Anybody that would make such a claim obviously doesn't have a reputation to protect and probably has coupons in the telephone book to advance his or her business.

That may be true for finer points ---- but there is also the realm of the blatantly obvious.

Note that this video is several years old, made well before the 2016 campaign ----- yet look who shows up as the obvious go-to example:

There simply ain't no way around it --- y'all voted for a clown who's been doing everything he can to convey to you the fact that he belongs in a mental institution. Even to the point of painting himself orange.

"I"m very humble. I'm humble in ways you wouldn't even understand".

If you can find a way to ignore that ^^ then you're just drowning in your own self-delusion.

So he's a narcisist, so what? Most wealthy people are. Are you going to tell me that DumBama wasn't?

Trump was a businessman and an entertainer. You can't be successful in either line of work unless you have incredibly thick skin.


Did you just post THICK SKIN in reference to Rump????

That may be the most perverted denialism I've read all year right there. I mean holy SHIT. :lol:

No I don't think most wealthy people are narcissists, nor do I think all narcissists are wealthy. I don't see Warren Buffet or Bill Gates or Sheldon Adelson stamping their name on everything they can find.

You mean like Obama Care???

I don't think DumBama gave one speech without constant remarks of himself either using "I' or "me" dozens of times.

The ACA doesn't have O'bama's name on it. That's appended after the fact by pundits.

You can't very well talk in any language without using the first person. That ain't what narcissism means. You should watch the video. It doesn't mean you speak in first person --- it means that when you do you blurt out ridiculous claptrap like "I'll be the greatest god ever created" and "I got more electoral votes than anybody since Reagan". That's narcissism AND self-delusion.

Thick skin means unable to handle remarks and insults; not respond harshly to them. Thin skinned people curl up in a ball and hide in a corner because they can't handle criticism. They allow the media to walk all over them assuming the best thing to do is keep quiet and hide.

Trump's not like that. You hit him once, he will hit you twice.

The thin of skin like Rumpleforeskin doesn't curl up into a ball, far as we know, nor are narcissists heavy on passive traits as you describe here. He sits up all night on his golden toilet sending whiny tweets at 3:24 in the morning about how mean Megyn Kelly is and how unfair the media is and how some who-cares TV actor shouldn't be dating who he's dating and how evil Jeb Bush is and how O'bama tapped his phones. Good GOD man I went all the way to France and worked in two vineyards' wine harvests and both of them put together didn't put out a fraction of the whine in this whiny little bitch. Sad.

But speaking of self-delusion, it's instructive that you would actually sit up and count first-person pronouns and use of teleprompters in an O'bama speech ---- as if nobody ever did that before. How desperate is that. Sad.

Actually no, I didn't, but others have and that's where I read about it. I couldn't even stand the mans voice yet alone do a count during one of his repetitive boring speeches about the same crap over and over.

His entire presidency was about him; his agenda, his view on America, his hope and change. He and his wife never loved America........well, Michelle started to after he got elected.

Yes, Trump is a fighter which is something we didn't have the 8 years before his election. He will stay up all night and Tweet. He will criticize the media. He will defend himself from any attackers.
It does no good to talk with the Anti American trash. A bullet does ALL the talking that needs to be done. Simple as it can be put. THAT is when they take you seriously. Until then let them think its all a joke...you would think all the violence the leftist in Berkeley started and then got stomped would show the Anti American leftists that the American Patriots are done talking and we are ready for action.

The left protests, blocks traffic, destroys private and pubic property. The right gets even at the voting booth, and that's something the left hasn't figured out yet.

People on the right will not respond with violence; that isn't our way of doing things. We will respond the way we did the last election, the midterms before, and the midterms before that. While liberals will get hauled off to jail and prison and accomplishing nothing, we will win the battle and war without violence unless we are approached with violence.

Years ago when I studied martial arts, my teacher told me of an old Chines proverb: Only use violence for self defense or when mind is too weak to solve problem.

Liberals clearly display their mental inabilities to solve problems.

A few of the saner Democrats are trying to cool off the radicalized base, but apparently insanity has become the prevailing wind.

Let me tell you this. Millions of Americans voted for Donald Trump, we still support him, and if you do manage to topple him, all hell will break loose.

Simply put, we have had enough of the Democrats, the media, the academia, the bureaucrats, and the Hollywood types who have ruined our country and Trump has promised to fix it.

If you think you can depose him without a fight, you are wrong.

We will form human barricades to keep him from leaving the White House, and we will go into the streets, if necessary and show you what it means when the normally law abiding, patriotic, tax paying, hard working American people have finally had enough.

This is a warning which you should heed.

If you depose Trump, it will lead to all out civil war.
If Trump is "deposed", there will be no civil war because Republicans would have voted to impeach. Secondly, if there were a war, the liberal North would beat Trump's South, which doesnt know how to win civil wars.

A few of the saner Democrats are trying to cool off the radicalized base, but apparently insanity has become the prevailing wind.

Let me tell you this. Millions of Americans voted for Donald Trump, we still support him, and if you do manage to topple him, all hell will break loose.

Simply put, we have had enough of the Democrats, the media, the academia, the bureaucrats, and the Hollywood types who have ruined our country and Trump has promised to fix it.

If you think you can depose him without a fight, you are wrong.

We will form human barricades to keep him from leaving the White House, and we will go into the streets, if necessary and show you what it means when the normally law abiding, patriotic, tax paying, hard working American people have finally had enough.

This is a warning which you should heed.

If you depose Trump, it will lead to all out civil war.

Uh no.

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