If you try to impeach Trump, the American people will not stand for it

That may be true for finer points ---- but there is also the realm of the blatantly obvious.

Note that this video is several years old, made well before the 2016 campaign ----- yet look who shows up as the obvious go-to example:

There simply ain't no way around it --- y'all voted for a clown who's been doing everything he can to convey to you the fact that he belongs in a mental institution. Even to the point of painting himself orange.

"I"m very humble. I'm humble in ways you wouldn't even understand".

If you can find a way to ignore that ^^ then you're just drowning in your own self-delusion.

So he's a narcisist, so what? Most wealthy people are. Are you going to tell me that DumBama wasn't?

Trump was a businessman and an entertainer. You can't be successful in either line of work unless you have incredibly thick skin.


Did you just post THICK SKIN in reference to Rump????

That may be the most perverted denialism I've read all year right there. I mean holy SHIT. :lol:

No I don't think most wealthy people are narcissists, nor do I think all narcissists are wealthy. I don't see Warren Buffet or Bill Gates or Sheldon Adelson stamping their name on everything they can find.

You mean like Obama Care???

I don't think DumBama gave one speech without constant remarks of himself either using "I' or "me" dozens of times.

The ACA doesn't have O'bama's name on it. That's appended after the fact by pundits.

You can't very well talk in any language without using the first person. That ain't what narcissism means. You should watch the video. It doesn't mean you speak in first person --- it means that when you do you blurt out ridiculous claptrap like "I'll be the greatest god ever created" and "I got more electoral votes than anybody since Reagan". That's narcissism AND self-delusion.

Thick skin means unable to handle remarks and insults; not respond harshly to them. Thin skinned people curl up in a ball and hide in a corner because they can't handle criticism. They allow the media to walk all over them assuming the best thing to do is keep quiet and hide.

Trump's not like that. You hit him once, he will hit you twice.

The thin of skin like Rumpleforeskin doesn't curl up into a ball, far as we know, nor are narcissists heavy on passive traits as you describe here. He sits up all night on his golden toilet sending whiny tweets at 3:24 in the morning about how mean Megyn Kelly is and how unfair the media is and how some who-cares TV actor shouldn't be dating who he's dating and how evil Jeb Bush is and how O'bama tapped his phones. Good GOD man I went all the way to France and worked in two vineyards' wine harvests and both of them put together didn't put out a fraction of the whine in this whiny little bitch. Sad.

But speaking of self-delusion, it's instructive that you would actually sit up and count first-person pronouns and use of teleprompters in an O'bama speech ---- as if nobody ever did that before. How desperate is that. Sad.

Actually no, I didn't, but others have and that's where I read about it. I couldn't even stand the mans voice yet alone do a count during one of his repetitive boring speeches about the same crap over and over.

His entire presidency was about him; his agenda, his view on America, his hope and change. He and his wife never loved America........well, Michelle started to after he got elected.

Yes, Trump is a fighter which is something we didn't have the 8 years before his election. He will stay up all night and Tweet. He will criticize the media. He will defend himself from any attackers.

Trump has dementia!!! How will it end for him? Will he resign? or will the GOP turn on Trump and "IMPEACH" that FAT FUCK.......
So he's a narcisist, so what? Most wealthy people are. Are you going to tell me that DumBama wasn't?

Trump was a businessman and an entertainer. You can't be successful in either line of work unless you have incredibly thick skin.


Did you just post THICK SKIN in reference to Rump????

That may be the most perverted denialism I've read all year right there. I mean holy SHIT. :lol:

No I don't think most wealthy people are narcissists, nor do I think all narcissists are wealthy. I don't see Warren Buffet or Bill Gates or Sheldon Adelson stamping their name on everything they can find.

You mean like Obama Care???

I don't think DumBama gave one speech without constant remarks of himself either using "I' or "me" dozens of times.

The ACA doesn't have O'bama's name on it. That's appended after the fact by pundits.

You can't very well talk in any language without using the first person. That ain't what narcissism means. You should watch the video. It doesn't mean you speak in first person --- it means that when you do you blurt out ridiculous claptrap like "I'll be the greatest god ever created" and "I got more electoral votes than anybody since Reagan". That's narcissism AND self-delusion.

Thick skin means unable to handle remarks and insults; not respond harshly to them. Thin skinned people curl up in a ball and hide in a corner because they can't handle criticism. They allow the media to walk all over them assuming the best thing to do is keep quiet and hide.

Trump's not like that. You hit him once, he will hit you twice.

The thin of skin like Rumpleforeskin doesn't curl up into a ball, far as we know, nor are narcissists heavy on passive traits as you describe here. He sits up all night on his golden toilet sending whiny tweets at 3:24 in the morning about how mean Megyn Kelly is and how unfair the media is and how some who-cares TV actor shouldn't be dating who he's dating and how evil Jeb Bush is and how O'bama tapped his phones. Good GOD man I went all the way to France and worked in two vineyards' wine harvests and both of them put together didn't put out a fraction of the whine in this whiny little bitch. Sad.

But speaking of self-delusion, it's instructive that you would actually sit up and count first-person pronouns and use of teleprompters in an O'bama speech ---- as if nobody ever did that before. How desperate is that. Sad.

Actually no, I didn't, but others have and that's where I read about it. I couldn't even stand the mans voice yet alone do a count during one of his repetitive boring speeches about the same crap over and over.

His entire presidency was about him; his agenda, his view on America, his hope and change. He and his wife never loved America........well, Michelle started to after he got elected.

Yes, Trump is a fighter which is something we didn't have the 8 years before his election. He will stay up all night and Tweet. He will criticize the media. He will defend himself from any attackers.
Trump has dementia!!! How will it end for him? Will he resign? or will the GOP turn on Trump and "IMPEACH" that FAT FUCK.......

How will it end? He will serve our country for the next four years and perhaps eight. That's how it will end.
This is a Witch Hunt. No viable evidence has been produced to back their FAKE ASS NEWS.

They are throwing shit at the wall hoping something sticks.

What is their purpose......................to tie Trump up as much as possible so the Swamp can't be drained. They want things to stay the same and will try everything to stop an agenda that would expose their fraud and self serving practices for decades.

Time to increase the flames under their asses and let the smoke out.

A few of the saner Democrats are trying to cool off the radicalized base, but apparently insanity has become the prevailing wind.

Let me tell you this. Millions of Americans voted for Donald Trump, we still support him, and if you do manage to topple him, all hell will break loose.

Simply put, we have had enough of the Democrats, the media, the academia, the bureaucrats, and the Hollywood types who have ruined our country and Trump has promised to fix it.

If you think you can depose him without a fight, you are wrong.

We will form human barricades to keep him from leaving the White House, and we will go into the streets, if necessary and show you what it means when the normally law abiding, patriotic, tax paying, hard working American people have finally had enough.

This is a warning which you should heed.

If you depose Trump, it will lead to all out civil war.
There will be blood.
How inbreed Red STate conservative voters are willing to give up their worthless lives for Trump!
Lemme toss you a clue here.

Normally-adjusted people do not stay up to four in the morning for the purpose of whining. Let alone get mired in the minutiae of every single entity who challenged your paper-thin eggshell ego.

They don't? How long have you been on USMB anyway? After all, there are time stamps when people post their remarks.

It's well known that the Donald doesn't sleep very much; only a few hours a night. I don't care for his tweeting either, but that doesn't mean the events he's commenting on is causing him to lose sleep.
Trump only gets 3 hours of sleep because of DRUGS!!! He's 70 fuck years old; he fat as fuck! He eats fast foods, doesnt exercise; and he already has on-set Dementia (which he inherited from his Father).

Thanks, but when I need a blogger psychiatrist, you'll be the first person I contact. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
This is a Witch Hunt. No viable evidence has been produced to back their FAKE ASS NEWS.

They are throwing shit at the wall hoping something sticks.

What is their purpose......................to tie Trump up as much as possible so the Swamp can't be drained. They want things to stay the same and will try everything to stop an agenda that would expose their fraud and self serving practices for decades.

Time to increase the flames under their asses and let the smoke out.

What the left is really afraid of is staying out of Trump's way because they know the results will be good for the country and bad for them. Stopping the invaders from entering our country will give more Americans jobs and increases in pay. Putting in more conservative judges across the land will stop Socialism and Communism in it's tracks. Supporting our police instead of supporting our criminals like the Democrats have means a safer environment for all of us. Building up our military instead of giving in to them like DumBama will earn their respect for the US.

Democrats can't have any of that. That's why they are going to try and sidetrack Trump any way they can.
I'm not a democrat...
I travel the world, and trust me the whole world is laughing at your poor choice.
Even if your orange man brings prosperity to every household in America....liking him and voting for him is immoral....most arrogant piece of shit, liar, narcissist, sexist..he's a dictator. And he's part of the problem he's the 1%. Failed businessman who uses the system to stay afloat while many ordinary Americans go to jail for 1% of what he did.
Wake up and educate yourself, you are an embarassement.

Enough is finally enough. You Democrats had it all your way for eight years, and it's our turn. If you can't handle that reality, then you are opting out of our republican form of government and overthrowing a system that dates back to over 200 years. We will not sit back and allow you to overthrow the government, we will come to our President's defense. Also, there are a lot more of us than you think, and we're a lot more dangerous than you think.

Gee, I wish I was as much of a failed businessman as Trump. I'm sure most liberals do too, it's just they don't have the balls to say it.

Whelp -- he did successfully accept the umpteem skillion dollars Daddy handed him for the accomplishment of existing. So--- there's that.

But damn, you're right, every day I wallow in the shameful fact that I never had an airline, several casinos, a water, a vodka, a steak, a board game, a travel service and a vitamin company that would have people mail in their pee, all go bankrupt.

And yet he still became a billionaire.

Trump picked the right parents. No doubt.
Trump is Putin's Bitch!!!!
I'm not a democrat...
I travel the world, and trust me the whole world is laughing at your poor choice.
Even if your orange man brings prosperity to every household in America....liking him and voting for him is immoral....most arrogant piece of shit, liar, narcissist, sexist..he's a dictator. And he's part of the problem he's the 1%. Failed businessman who uses the system to stay afloat while many ordinary Americans go to jail for 1% of what he did.
Wake up and educate yourself, you are an embarassement.

Gee, I wish I was as much of a failed businessman as Trump. I'm sure most liberals do too, it's just they don't have the balls to say it.

Whelp -- he did successfully accept the umpteem skillion dollars Daddy handed him for the accomplishment of existing. So--- there's that.

But damn, you're right, every day I wallow in the shameful fact that I never had an airline, several casinos, a water, a vodka, a steak, a board game, a travel service and a vitamin company that would have people mail in their pee, all go bankrupt.

And yet he still became a billionaire.

Trump picked the right parents. No doubt.
Trump is Putin's Bitch!!!!
He's Nobody's bitch. Why the establishment can't stand him. They have been getting away with murder for decades. Time to expose them for what they are and they will stop at nothing to stay hidden.


Did you just post THICK SKIN in reference to Rump????

That may be the most perverted denialism I've read all year right there. I mean holy SHIT. :lol:

No I don't think most wealthy people are narcissists, nor do I think all narcissists are wealthy. I don't see Warren Buffet or Bill Gates or Sheldon Adelson stamping their name on everything they can find.

You mean like Obama Care???

I don't think DumBama gave one speech without constant remarks of himself either using "I' or "me" dozens of times.

The ACA doesn't have O'bama's name on it. That's appended after the fact by pundits.

You can't very well talk in any language without using the first person. That ain't what narcissism means. You should watch the video. It doesn't mean you speak in first person --- it means that when you do you blurt out ridiculous claptrap like "I'll be the greatest god ever created" and "I got more electoral votes than anybody since Reagan". That's narcissism AND self-delusion.

Thick skin means unable to handle remarks and insults; not respond harshly to them. Thin skinned people curl up in a ball and hide in a corner because they can't handle criticism. They allow the media to walk all over them assuming the best thing to do is keep quiet and hide.

Trump's not like that. You hit him once, he will hit you twice.

The thin of skin like Rumpleforeskin doesn't curl up into a ball, far as we know, nor are narcissists heavy on passive traits as you describe here. He sits up all night on his golden toilet sending whiny tweets at 3:24 in the morning about how mean Megyn Kelly is and how unfair the media is and how some who-cares TV actor shouldn't be dating who he's dating and how evil Jeb Bush is and how O'bama tapped his phones. Good GOD man I went all the way to France and worked in two vineyards' wine harvests and both of them put together didn't put out a fraction of the whine in this whiny little bitch. Sad.

But speaking of self-delusion, it's instructive that you would actually sit up and count first-person pronouns and use of teleprompters in an O'bama speech ---- as if nobody ever did that before. How desperate is that. Sad.

Actually no, I didn't, but others have and that's where I read about it. I couldn't even stand the mans voice yet alone do a count during one of his repetitive boring speeches about the same crap over and over.

His entire presidency was about him; his agenda, his view on America, his hope and change. He and his wife never loved America........well, Michelle started to after he got elected.

Yes, Trump is a fighter which is something we didn't have the 8 years before his election. He will stay up all night and Tweet. He will criticize the media. He will defend himself from any attackers.
Trump has dementia!!! How will it end for him? Will he resign? or will the GOP turn on Trump and "IMPEACH" that FAT FUCK.......

How will it end? He will serve our country for the next four years and perhaps eight. That's how it will end.

You mean like Obama Care???

I don't think DumBama gave one speech without constant remarks of himself either using "I' or "me" dozens of times.

The ACA doesn't have O'bama's name on it. That's appended after the fact by pundits.

You can't very well talk in any language without using the first person. That ain't what narcissism means. You should watch the video. It doesn't mean you speak in first person --- it means that when you do you blurt out ridiculous claptrap like "I'll be the greatest god ever created" and "I got more electoral votes than anybody since Reagan". That's narcissism AND self-delusion.

Thick skin means unable to handle remarks and insults; not respond harshly to them. Thin skinned people curl up in a ball and hide in a corner because they can't handle criticism. They allow the media to walk all over them assuming the best thing to do is keep quiet and hide.

Trump's not like that. You hit him once, he will hit you twice.

The thin of skin like Rumpleforeskin doesn't curl up into a ball, far as we know, nor are narcissists heavy on passive traits as you describe here. He sits up all night on his golden toilet sending whiny tweets at 3:24 in the morning about how mean Megyn Kelly is and how unfair the media is and how some who-cares TV actor shouldn't be dating who he's dating and how evil Jeb Bush is and how O'bama tapped his phones. Good GOD man I went all the way to France and worked in two vineyards' wine harvests and both of them put together didn't put out a fraction of the whine in this whiny little bitch. Sad.

But speaking of self-delusion, it's instructive that you would actually sit up and count first-person pronouns and use of teleprompters in an O'bama speech ---- as if nobody ever did that before. How desperate is that. Sad.

Actually no, I didn't, but others have and that's where I read about it. I couldn't even stand the mans voice yet alone do a count during one of his repetitive boring speeches about the same crap over and over.

His entire presidency was about him; his agenda, his view on America, his hope and change. He and his wife never loved America........well, Michelle started to after he got elected.

Yes, Trump is a fighter which is something we didn't have the 8 years before his election. He will stay up all night and Tweet. He will criticize the media. He will defend himself from any attackers.
Trump has dementia!!! How will it end for him? Will he resign? or will the GOP turn on Trump and "IMPEACH" that FAT FUCK.......

How will it end? He will serve our country for the next four years and perhaps eight. That's how it will end.

Oh, well that says it all right there. Somebody selling a book saying shocking things makes a believer out of me. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Gee, I wish I was as much of a failed businessman as Trump. I'm sure most liberals do too, it's just they don't have the balls to say it.

Whelp -- he did successfully accept the umpteem skillion dollars Daddy handed him for the accomplishment of existing. So--- there's that.

But damn, you're right, every day I wallow in the shameful fact that I never had an airline, several casinos, a water, a vodka, a steak, a board game, a travel service and a vitamin company that would have people mail in their pee, all go bankrupt.

And yet he still became a billionaire.

Trump picked the right parents. No doubt.
Trump is Putin's Bitch!!!!
He's Nobody's bitch. Why the establishment can't stand him. They have been getting away with murder for decades. Time to expose them for what they are and they will stop at nothing to stay hidden.

The ACA doesn't have O'bama's name on it. That's appended after the fact by pundits.

You can't very well talk in any language without using the first person. That ain't what narcissism means. You should watch the video. It doesn't mean you speak in first person --- it means that when you do you blurt out ridiculous claptrap like "I'll be the greatest god ever created" and "I got more electoral votes than anybody since Reagan". That's narcissism AND self-delusion.

The thin of skin like Rumpleforeskin doesn't curl up into a ball, far as we know, nor are narcissists heavy on passive traits as you describe here. He sits up all night on his golden toilet sending whiny tweets at 3:24 in the morning about how mean Megyn Kelly is and how unfair the media is and how some who-cares TV actor shouldn't be dating who he's dating and how evil Jeb Bush is and how O'bama tapped his phones. Good GOD man I went all the way to France and worked in two vineyards' wine harvests and both of them put together didn't put out a fraction of the whine in this whiny little bitch. Sad.

But speaking of self-delusion, it's instructive that you would actually sit up and count first-person pronouns and use of teleprompters in an O'bama speech ---- as if nobody ever did that before. How desperate is that. Sad.

Actually no, I didn't, but others have and that's where I read about it. I couldn't even stand the mans voice yet alone do a count during one of his repetitive boring speeches about the same crap over and over.

His entire presidency was about him; his agenda, his view on America, his hope and change. He and his wife never loved America........well, Michelle started to after he got elected.

Yes, Trump is a fighter which is something we didn't have the 8 years before his election. He will stay up all night and Tweet. He will criticize the media. He will defend himself from any attackers.
Trump has dementia!!! How will it end for him? Will he resign? or will the GOP turn on Trump and "IMPEACH" that FAT FUCK.......

How will it end? He will serve our country for the next four years and perhaps eight. That's how it will end.

Oh, well that says it all right there. Somebody selling a book saying shocking things makes a believer out of me. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Post Hard Evidence and not BS. Fake news doesn't matter................You will lose.
Trump will resign vs facing Impeachment!!!!
Your side has been wrong for so long............He will not run.....he can't win............can't do anything.......we'll block your Supreme Court Nominees..........

He's beaten you every step of the way.

kinda like this..........


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