If you try to impeach Trump, the American people will not stand for it

Post Hard Evidence and not BS. Fake news doesn't matter................You will lose.
FBI will not show their hand until suspects have been interviewed

Why would you expect evidence

So how long have they been working on it now? Last I read was since July. So let's see, July..... August.... September....... Seems to me they've been working on it for 9 months now and nothing.
Post Hard Evidence and not BS. Fake news doesn't matter................You will lose.
FBI will not show their hand until suspects have been interviewed

Why would you expect evidence

So how long have they been working on it now? Last I read was since July. So let's see, July..... August.... September....... Seems to me they've been working on it for 9 months now and nothing.
So how far does Trump's disapproval continue to decline before the GOP make the decision to dump Trump???

A few of the saner Democrats are trying to cool off the radicalized base, but apparently insanity has become the prevailing wind.

Let me tell you this. Millions of Americans voted for Donald Trump, we still support him, and if you do manage to topple him, all hell will break loose.

Simply put, we have had enough of the Democrats, the media, the academia, the bureaucrats, and the Hollywood types who have ruined our country and Trump has promised to fix it.

If you think you can depose him without a fight, you are wrong.

We will form human barricades to keep him from leaving the White House, and we will go into the streets, if necessary and show you what it means when the normally law abiding, patriotic, tax paying, hard working American people have finally had enough.

This is a warning which you should heed.

If you depose Trump, it will lead to all out civil war.

Two things come to mind:
  1. You seem to confuse our country as something other than the citizens
  2. You are in the minority as all the votes cast in the Presidential election attest.
As to the first, the threat of violence/war which you seem to lust for is disgusting, and something anyone who has seen the Elephant knows, war is hell.

As to the second, you are a minority within the minority, and advocating civil unrest especially against elected officials is sedition:
I suggest you take you opinion to the steps of the FBI Building in any city or town in the United States, and carry a sign and a petition for others to signup for Blackrock's War.

In fact posting this thread would seem to red flag you as an enemy of my country, and hopefully a visit by agents of the FBI.
Post Hard Evidence and not BS. Fake news doesn't matter................You will lose.
FBI will not show their hand until suspects have been interviewed

Why would you expect evidence

So how long have they been working on it now? Last I read was since July. So let's see, July..... August.... September....... Seems to me they've been working on it for 9 months now and nothing.
Manafort, Flynn, Kushner and Trump have not testified

You don't release your evidence until they do

Why tip your hand and give them a chance to change their story?

GIve the charges and evidence or shut the hell up.
Only on the GOP Propaganda Machine are any Dems of interest calling for impeachment yet...but Trump is so dumb/misinformed/nutty he might just get pulled by his own administration after 6 more months of this bs...


Big deal. Your guy couldn't even pronounce corpsman.

How many Americans can?

I would think most. If not, our education system is in terrible trouble.
Post Hard Evidence and not BS. Fake news doesn't matter................You will lose.
FBI will not show their hand until suspects have been interviewed

Why would you expect evidence

So how long have they been working on it now? Last I read was since July. So let's see, July..... August.... September....... Seems to me they've been working on it for 9 months now and nothing.
So how far does Trump's disapproval continue to decline before the GOP make the decision to dump Trump???

Disapproval means nothing. Professional politicians realize that approval or disapproval are controlled by the MSM who target people with weak minds. They tell weak minded people how to think. For example, can you give me a story by the MSM (no not right-wing sources) that reported positively about Trump since he took office? I think you would have to did long and hard to find one. That's because the MSM reports nothing but negative about Trump 99% of the time, so of course his approval ratings suck.
They are separate incidents that are coincidentally connected. Coincidence like that takes a lot of planning.

Yates - tells Drumph about Flynn...fired

Preet Bharara - investigating Trump financial ties - fired after being told he wouldn't be

Nunes - gets info from WH then pretends to take that info back to the WH as "new information"...must step down

Comey fired after asking for more resources for Russia investigation

Comey memos infer Drumph trying to slow or stop investigations

Der Gropenfuherer is not acting innocent.

Dishonesty is all you have. Yates was fired for a different reason. Bharara was fired for a different reason. Nunes is still in Congress. Comey did no such thing.

Lies is all you have. Let it go!

Ah the irony. Who says they were all fired for a "different reason"? The WH? The same WH that has been caught over and over and over lying about all things Russia?


You have no proof that what I said is not true. That is your problem!

I have proof of the reasons I gave. You just don't want to believe because that shows your bias.

Only the White House is saying they were fired for a different reason. Lies come out of the White House 95% of the time.

Over and over the Trump/Pence duo have lied about Russia, Flynn, Comey, etc.

And NOBODY can seem to remember visits with the Russian Ambassador. It's like he's got a flashy thing like in Men in Black.

Uh, last time I checked the White House, i.e, Trump fired them. I would think that he would know why since he has stated the reasons many times in interviews and in writing.

Are you really that stupid or are you just practicing?

Trump and his admin have repeatedly been caught LYING about why people were fired.

1. Trump says/does something stupid.
2. Staff goes on cleanup and attempts to control damage
3. Trump goes on TV or Twitter and contradicts spin
4. Later contradicts contradiction
Dishonesty is all you have. Yates was fired for a different reason. Bharara was fired for a different reason. Nunes is still in Congress. Comey did no such thing.

Lies is all you have. Let it go!

Ah the irony. Who says they were all fired for a "different reason"? The WH? The same WH that has been caught over and over and over lying about all things Russia?


You have no proof that what I said is not true. That is your problem!

I have proof of the reasons I gave. You just don't want to believe because that shows your bias.

Only the White House is saying they were fired for a different reason. Lies come out of the White House 95% of the time.

Over and over the Trump/Pence duo have lied about Russia, Flynn, Comey, etc.

And NOBODY can seem to remember visits with the Russian Ambassador. It's like he's got a flashy thing like in Men in Black.

Uh, last time I checked the White House, i.e, Trump fired them. I would think that he would know why since he has stated the reasons many times in interviews and in writing.

Are you really that stupid or are you just practicing?

Trump and his admin have repeatedly been caught LYING about why people were fired.

1. Trump says/does something stupid.
2. Staff goes on cleanup and attempts to control damage
3. Trump goes on TV or Twitter and contradicts spin
4. Later contradicts contradiction
Ah the irony. Who says they were all fired for a "different reason"? The WH? The same WH that has been caught over and over and over lying about all things Russia?


You have no proof that what I said is not true. That is your problem!

I have proof of the reasons I gave. You just don't want to believe because that shows your bias.

Only the White House is saying they were fired for a different reason. Lies come out of the White House 95% of the time.

Over and over the Trump/Pence duo have lied about Russia, Flynn, Comey, etc.

And NOBODY can seem to remember visits with the Russian Ambassador. It's like he's got a flashy thing like in Men in Black.

Uh, last time I checked the White House, i.e, Trump fired them. I would think that he would know why since he has stated the reasons many times in interviews and in writing.

Are you really that stupid or are you just practicing?

Trump and his admin have repeatedly been caught LYING about why people were fired.

1. Trump says/does something stupid.
2. Staff goes on cleanup and attempts to control damage
3. Trump goes on TV or Twitter and contradicts spin
4. Later contradicts contradiction

Relax, be patient, you're gonna get an aneurysm. Watergate took two years. Investigations take time.

Malcolm Nance, an intelligence expert and counterterrorism officer with the United States government (and author of a book, published in October 2016, titled “The Plot to Hack America: How Putin’s Cyberspies and WikiLeaks Tried to Steal the 2016 Election”) was even more blunt, saying that laypeople are confusing intelligencewith evidence, and thus potentially cherrypicking disparate and unrelated events and weaving them into a narrative without understanding what they don’t know:

Intelligence isn’t evidence — evidence is a legal term. But we’re actually there already! We’ve got sixteen intelligence agencies that have created the base of evidence for an FBI investigation. This has never happened in the history of America, that a president and his campaign may be working for, or working in collusion, or unwittingly, for foreign intelligence agencies.

Where the investigation stands

Right now, Orenstein described the scandal as an unfinished Pointillism painting: there’s a picture emerging of what happened, but many of the details remain unclear. Because of the scope of it, investigations and public disclosure may take a long time:

To do a real and legitimate investigation is going to take a long time and that’s been frustrating to a lot of people. We’re going to have to be concerned about this for a while, and things are going to drip drop out. A lot of us [who are experts in the field] know or think we know this is going to pan out to be a major, major scandal that rivals Watergate and probably will raise questions about impeachment of the president.

We have a lot of sources and people we talk to who know more than what’s published in the media. For me it feels like a slow motion revelation that we can see three or four steps down the line. But I understand that people experience every little twist and turn along the way — people don’t quite want to believe it or know what to believe. I would just advise people that we are living in a rather fantastical reality and it’s going to come crashing down on somebody at some point. …

The most likely scenario here is that there was a lot of money that changed hands. … I think there’s a money part of this and a campaign part of this — [what we don’t know is] what exactly is the linkage between these things? Most likely someone was buying influence in the Trump campaign. It’s not really whether it happened, it’s exactly how it happened.
Russia, U.S. Elections, and the Fake News Cycle
"If you try to impeach Trump, the American people will not stand for it"



If impeached and convicted in the Senate, the American people would expect Trump resign and be subject to criminal prosecution if warranted.

And a majority of Americans would be glad to see Trump gone.

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