If you try to impeach Trump, the American people will not stand for it

Sorry, I've never attacked any American citizens. Come to think of it I've never attacked anybody anywhere.

You might wanna save some of them there mushrooms for a rainy day. Don't do 'em all at once.

Two top Democratic strategists have exited the presidential campaign after explosive undercover videos showed them discussing voter fraud and their roles in planting paid agitators at campaign events for Republican candidate Donald Trump.

Robert Creamer, founder of Democracy Advocates and the husband of Rep. Janice D. Schakowsky, Illinois Democrat, stepped down from the campaign Tuesday, a day after Scott Foval was fired from his post as national field director of Americans United for Change.

Mr. Trump, who has long complained of a “rigged” election system, said at a Tuesday rally in Colorado that the video released by the conservative group Project Veritas Action confirmed his suspicions of Democrat-sponsored political chicanery.}

Undercover video shows Democrats saying they hire agitators to disrupt Donald Trump events

What was that you were saying, Comrade Brown Shirt?
"If you try to impeach Trump, the American people will not stand for it"



If impeached and convicted in the Senate, the American people would expect Trump resign and be subject to criminal prosecution if warranted.

And a majority of Americans would be glad to see Trump gone.

You mean the same majority that elected him?
"If you try to impeach Trump, the American people will not stand for it"



If impeached and convicted in the Senate, the American people would expect Trump resign and be subject to criminal prosecution if warranted.

And a majority of Americans would be glad to see Trump gone.

If pigs fly, the American people will expect to board them like 737's.

You fascists live in a fantasy world.

Trump and his admin have repeatedly been caught LYING about why people were fired.

1. Trump says/does something stupid.
2. Staff goes on cleanup and attempts to control damage
3. Trump goes on TV or Twitter and contradicts spin
4. Later contradicts contradiction

Izzatrite Brown Shirt?

Your post and the OP sounds like they were composed by liberals. You, like a liberal, invoke Nazi Germany when describing the other side, and the OP, like a liberal, talks about rioting, chaos, and civil disobedience. I have never been more relieved not to be associated with either party.

As Santayana wrote, "those who fail to learn from the past are condemned to repeat it."

The rise of Hitler's Reich is virtually identical to what the fascist left is doing in this nation. A relatively small contingent of violent thugs raising a ruckus. The use of agitators to foment violence at Trump rallies, the burning of Ferguson, the open assault on basic liberty.

I talk about rioting a chaos because the fascist democrats are rioting and causing chaos. Reality is (Ayn Rand) We cannot make believe that what it going on isn't happening, simply because we don't like it. The nation is under assault, the basic premise of that land of the free is the subject of a prolonged attack by the democrats. If they win, the USA based on the Constitution is over.

Oh, and I am a liberal. I am an advocate of liberty. I am a follower of Jefferson, Mason, Payne, et al. The fascist democrats are not liberals, they are leftists, Stalinists.
Those were all separate incidents that you decided to lump together.

They are separate incidents that are coincidentally connected. Coincidence like that takes a lot of planning.

Yates - tells Drumph about Flynn...fired

Preet Bharara - investigating Trump financial ties - fired after being told he wouldn't be

Nunes - gets info from WH then pretends to take that info back to the WH as "new information"...must step down

Comey fired after asking for more resources for Russia investigation

Comey memos infer Drumph trying to slow or stop investigations

Der Gropenfuherer is not acting innocent.

Dishonesty is all you have. Yates was fired for a different reason. Bharara was fired for a different reason. Nunes is still in Congress. Comey did no such thing.

Lies is all you have. Let it go!

Ah the irony. Who says they were all fired for a "different reason"? The WH? The same WH that has been caught over and over and over lying about all things Russia?


You have no proof that what I said is not true. That is your problem!

I have proof of the reasons I gave. You just don't want to believe because that shows your bias.

Only the White House is saying they were fired for a different reason. Lies come out of the White House 95% of the time.

Over and over the Trump/Pence duo have lied about Russia, Flynn, Comey, etc.

And NOBODY can seem to remember visits with the Russian Ambassador. It's like he's got a flashy thing like in Men in Black.

So, the White House, who actually fired Comey is saying one thing, but the fascist propaganda outlets are reporting something different?

Gee, isn't reporting false information just flat out lying? Isn't it fake news?
If they are considering what charges to place on Trump for impeachment, seems like some Republican Congressmen are thought to be wavering. The call to Republican Congress people is to save the Republican party, and not Trump. Conservatives are now on their third major party.

I strongly suggest you and your fellow Brown Shirts hold your breath until Trump is impeached.

After all, the faithless electors are guaranteed to impeach him during the recounts. :thup:
Enough is finally enough. You Democrats had it all your way for eight years, and it's our turn. If you can't handle that reality, then you are opting out of our republican form of government and overthrowing a system that dates back to over 200 years. We will not sit back and allow you to overthrow the government, we will come to our President's defense. Also, there are a lot more of us than you think, and we're a lot more dangerous than you think.
The U.S. military is already planning for you treasonous Red State conserva-fucks. Lets see how you hill billy's withstand the drone attacks!!!!!

Red state conservatives are the retired military you moron, this fool ^^^ thinks the military would side with the left :laugh:

The fascists were sure of it under Obammy "cuz he wuz camander is cheef." The retards don't grasp that the moronic logic they used works against them now.

The fascist democrats are either too stupid to tie their own shoes, or so consumed with their hatred that they no longer have even a tenuous grasp on reality.
Bingo. And yet ---- just enough of said quacks actually voted for an orange freak who literally would not exist as a name anyone knew, if not for "I've seen this guy on television". Which was basically his entire platform.

Trump had a good platform.

Donald Trump on the Issues

What was Hillary's platform? Take guns? America is great because America is good? She didn't have a platform.

"Hillary"? What "Hillary"? I mentioned no one named "Hillary". Why are you trying to change the subject?

You don't have to answer --- I already know why. Pogo's Law.

You said Trump had no platform; He did, and I provided proof here: Donald Trump on the Issues

It was his opponent that had no platform.

I said his platform was basically "dig me", on the basis of "as seen on TV". I don't really care what he puts up and takes down on a daily basis that's a load of bullshit crafted only for manipulation. All that is just window dressing. Rump has never been selling a policy, which is why it's so easy to change every day like a shirt. Rump sells emotion. You can't write that on a web page -- it's a performance art.

To quote perhaps the most candid statement to come from his corner: "You don't sell products, benefits or solutions ---- you sell feelings". Thus spake the "playbook" from Rump 'University' and that's exactly what he did.

---- None of which has diddly to do with anyone named "Hillary", nor with any 'opponent'. This was all a five-post exchange about Rump's mental imbalance. And how he uses it.

CNN is now reporting that the White House legal staff have begun to research Impeachment procedures.

We're past "platforms", kiddies... none of that $hit matters anymore.

Providing aid and comfort to the enemies of the Republic - Treason - is now the new Gold Standard for relevancy.


We're... what?... 120 days into this Abortion of a Presidency... and the White House is already researching Impeachment... and, no doubt, Treason?

Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ-on-a-Crutch, my little Trumpettes... what kind of dog-$hit have you thrust upon the Republic?

So Obama will be going to jail or hung then?
Still Jonesing on Former President Obama, eh?
"If you try to impeach Trump, the American people will not stand for it"



If impeached and convicted in the Senate, the American people would expect Trump resign and be subject to criminal prosecution if warranted.

And a majority of Americans would be glad to see Trump gone.

You mean the same majority that elected him?

Clearly there's some confusion as to the definition of "majority".

To be fair, there was a majority of the electorate that turned out to vote. Barely. 45% said "fuck it, there's nothing worth voting for" and stayed home. That leaves 55% of the electorate that did vote, which is abysmal for a nation that purports to have championed this process, however it is more than half.

Of that 55%, 54% voted for somebody who does not paint him/herself orange.

That leaves Rump with 46% of the 55%, which boils down to 25% of the electorate.

Now tell the class what color the sky is on a planet where 25% constitutes a "majority".

A few of the saner Democrats are trying to cool off the radicalized base, but apparently insanity has become the prevailing wind.

Let me tell you this. Millions of Americans voted for Donald Trump, we still support him, and if you do manage to topple him, all hell will break loose.

Simply put, we have had enough of the Democrats, the media, the academia, the bureaucrats, and the Hollywood types who have ruined our country and Trump has promised to fix it.

If you think you can depose him without a fight, you are wrong.

We will form human barricades to keep him from leaving the White House, and we will go into the streets, if necessary and show you what it means when the normally law abiding, patriotic, tax paying, hard working American people have finally had enough.

This is a warning which you should heed.

If you depose Trump, it will lead to all out civil war.

You want a civil war over a fat whiny-littlle-bitch narcissist asshole who never matured past age 11 and paints himself orange? Really, a civil war for that?

You're easily amused aintchya. :rolleyes:

/---- Your over the top infantile description of Pres Trump exposes how unhinged and desperate you are. Keep up the good work
CNN is now reporting that the White House legal staff have begun to research Impeachment procedures.

View attachment 127726

Irrelevant that CNN promotes bullshit????
Oh, hell, during the campaign, I was throwing rocks at them, as the Clinton News Network...

Did they report incorrectly, or did some White House staffer or another leak to the press, that White House staff have begun researching Impeachment procedures?

It's called brainwashing. Notice all the so-called anonymous sources? Notice every week they come out with some new story about Trump, or how they constantly bring up the Russia thing?

Hey, I have an anonymous source that says Michelle is a lesbian, do you believe it? I mean it's getting ridiculous already.

The MSM is working tirelessly to keep Trump in a negative light, and it doesn't matter if what they are reporting is BS or not because brainwashing works in their opinion.
Oh, I agree that the Liberal element of the MSM has had Drump in their sights for eons.

And, I happily concede that Centrist outlets are beginning to lean in that same direction, based upon Drump's outrageous behaviors and utterances in his first 120 days.

Hell, even some of the more honest Right-leaning outlets are obviously growing increasingly uncomfortable continuing to defend Drumpf; their hearts aren't in it.

Bottom line... there's no love lost between Drump and many mainstream Republicans, either, and that relationship continues to erode as evidence of collusion firms up.

Drump is so opaque and secretive that he has lost much of his credibility and much of whatever Honeymoon Period tolerance that folks had been willing to extend to him.

It doesn't look good, for Drumpf, at this moment - if he has nothing to hide, he needs to become Transparent Man, and that, in one damned hurry - while there's still time.

But he won't - either out of egotism or a real and overwhelming need to remain opaque until there is no longer any choice.

Think about that, mine good colleague.
Oh, hell, during the campaign, I was throwing rocks at them, as the Clinton News Network...

Did they report incorrectly, or did some White House staffer or another leak to the press, that White House staff have begun researching Impeachment procedures?

It's called brainwashing. Notice all the so-called anonymous sources? Notice every week they come out with some new story about Trump, or how they constantly bring up the Russia thing?

Hey, I have an anonymous source that says Michelle is a lesbian, do you believe it? I mean it's getting ridiculous already.

The MSM is working tirelessly to keep Trump in a negative light, and it doesn't matter if what they are reporting is BS or not because brainwashing works in their opinion.
Oh, I agree that the Liberal element of the MSM has had Drump in their sights for eons.

And, I happily concede that Centrist outlets are beginning to lean in that same direction, based upon Drump's outrageous behaviors and utterances in his first 120 days.

Hell, even some of the more honest Right-leaning outlets are obviously growing increasingly uncomfortable continuing to defend Drumpf; their hearts aren't in it.

Bottom line... there's no love lost between Drump and many mainstream Republicans, either, and that relationship continues to erode as evidence of collusion firms up.

Drump is so opaque and secretive that he has lost much of his credibility and much of whatever Honeymoon Period tolerance that folks had been willing to extend to him.

It doesn't look good, for Drumpf, at this moment - if he has nothing to hide, he needs to become Transparent Man, and that, in one damned hurry - while there's still time.

But he won't - either out of egotism or a real and overwhelming need to remain opaque until there is no longer any choice.

Think about that, mine good colleague.

There is no evidence to firm up. Plenty of accusations, plenty of "anonymous" sources, but no evidence that Trump did anything wrong.

Irrelevant that CNN promotes bullshit????
Oh, hell, during the campaign, I was throwing rocks at them, as the Clinton News Network...

Did they report incorrectly, or did some White House staffer or another leak to the press, that White House staff have begun researching Impeachment procedures?

It's called brainwashing. Notice all the so-called anonymous sources? Notice every week they come out with some new story about Trump, or how they constantly bring up the Russia thing?

Hey, I have an anonymous source that says Michelle is a lesbian, do you believe it? I mean it's getting ridiculous already.

The MSM is working tirelessly to keep Trump in a negative light, and it doesn't matter if what they are reporting is BS or not because brainwashing works in their opinion.
Oh, I agree that the Liberal element of the MSM has had Drump in their sights for eons.

And, I happily concede that Centrist outlets are beginning to lean in that same direction, based upon Drump's outrageous behaviors and utterances in his first 120 days.

Hell, even some of the more honest Right-leaning outlets are obviously growing increasingly uncomfortable continuing to defend Drumpf; their hearts aren't in it.

Bottom line... there's no love lost between Drump and many mainstream Republicans, either, and that relationship continues to erode as evidence of collusion firms up.

Drump is so opaque and secretive that he has lost much of his credibility and much of whatever Honeymoon Period tolerance that folks had been willing to extend to him.

It doesn't look good, for Drumpf, at this moment - if he has nothing to hide, he needs to become Transparent Man, and that, in one damned hurry - while there's still time.

But he won't - either out of egotism or a real and overwhelming need to remain opaque until there is no longer any choice.

Think about that, mine good colleague.

There is no evidence to firm up. Plenty of accusations, plenty of "anonymous" sources, but no evidence that Trump did anything wrong.
The work of the newly-appointed Special Prosecutor will give us the answer to such questions.
Irrelevant that CNN promotes bullshit????
Oh, hell, during the campaign, I was throwing rocks at them, as the Clinton News Network...

Did they report incorrectly, or did some White House staffer or another leak to the press, that White House staff have begun researching Impeachment procedures?

It's called brainwashing. Notice all the so-called anonymous sources? Notice every week they come out with some new story about Trump, or how they constantly bring up the Russia thing?

Hey, I have an anonymous source that says Michelle is a lesbian, do you believe it? I mean it's getting ridiculous already.

The MSM is working tirelessly to keep Trump in a negative light, and it doesn't matter if what they are reporting is BS or not because brainwashing works in their opinion.
Oh, I agree that the Liberal element of the MSM has had Drump in their sights for eons.

And, I happily concede that Centrist outlets are beginning to lean in that same direction, based upon Drump's outrageous behaviors and utterances in his first 120 days.

Hell, even some of the more honest Right-leaning outlets are obviously growing increasingly uncomfortable continuing to defend Drumpf; their hearts aren't in it.

Bottom line... there's no love lost between Drump and many mainstream Republicans, either, and that relationship continues to erode as evidence of collusion firms up.

Drump is so opaque and secretive that he has lost much of his credibility and much of whatever Honeymoon Period tolerance that folks had been willing to extend to him.

It doesn't look good, for Drumpf, at this moment - if he has nothing to hide, he needs to become Transparent Man, and that, in one damned hurry - while there's still time.

But he won't - either out of egotism or a real and overwhelming need to remain opaque until there is no longer any choice.

Think about that, mine good colleague.

There is no evidence to firm up. Plenty of accusations, plenty of "anonymous" sources, but no evidence that Trump did anything wrong.
The work of the newly-appointed Special Prosecutor will give us the answer to such questions.

He's not a prosecutor. You hire a prosecutor to prosecute when somebody breaks the law.
Irrelevant that CNN promotes bullshit????
Oh, hell, during the campaign, I was throwing rocks at them, as the Clinton News Network...

Did they report incorrectly, or did some White House staffer or another leak to the press, that White House staff have begun researching Impeachment procedures?

It's called brainwashing. Notice all the so-called anonymous sources? Notice every week they come out with some new story about Trump, or how they constantly bring up the Russia thing?

Hey, I have an anonymous source that says Michelle is a lesbian, do you believe it? I mean it's getting ridiculous already.

The MSM is working tirelessly to keep Trump in a negative light, and it doesn't matter if what they are reporting is BS or not because brainwashing works in their opinion.
Oh, I agree that the Liberal element of the MSM has had Drump in their sights for eons.

And, I happily concede that Centrist outlets are beginning to lean in that same direction, based upon Drump's outrageous behaviors and utterances in his first 120 days.

Hell, even some of the more honest Right-leaning outlets are obviously growing increasingly uncomfortable continuing to defend Drumpf; their hearts aren't in it.

Bottom line... there's no love lost between Drump and many mainstream Republicans, either, and that relationship continues to erode as evidence of collusion firms up.

Drump is so opaque and secretive that he has lost much of his credibility and much of whatever Honeymoon Period tolerance that folks had been willing to extend to him.

It doesn't look good, for Drumpf, at this moment - if he has nothing to hide, he needs to become Transparent Man, and that, in one damned hurry - while there's still time.

But he won't - either out of egotism or a real and overwhelming need to remain opaque until there is no longer any choice.

Think about that, mine good colleague.

There is no evidence to firm up. Plenty of accusations, plenty of "anonymous" sources, but no evidence that Trump did anything wrong.
The work of the newly-appointed Special Prosecutor will give us the answer to such questions.

Basically a Grand Jury investigation over Rumors. I heard you cheated on your taxes. Don't know if it's true or not........but we should audit you to find out...................kinda like the IRS under Obama.

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