If you try to impeach Trump, the American people will not stand for it

CNN is now reporting that the White House legal staff have begun to research Impeachment procedures.

We're past "platforms", kiddies... none of that $hit matters anymore.

Providing aid and comfort to the enemies of the Republic - Treason - is now the new Gold Standard for relevancy.


We're... what?... 120 days into this Abortion of a Presidency... and the White House is already researching Impeachment... and, no doubt, Treason?

Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ-on-a-Crutch, my little Trumpettes... what kind of dog-$hit have you thrust upon the Republic?
Dream on snowflake....
Dweeb won't admit the deep do do he's in.
Google Hilary Clinton.com. After 2 years you still don't know what it is. Funny. You're not much into politics are you
It was Obama's platform and that is why she lost. We have seen enough of Obamaism and the people wanted it over with. The people knew Hillary would not be the change the nation needed. Trump is doing great! Jobs are on the rise, the market is booming, all is good and righteous.
Trump is doing great?
What color is the sky in your world?
Tramp is in the air on his way to his next coterie of self inflicted errors and must be FUMING at these two bombshell stories that broke today.
Makes me smile.
There would be all out war if they tried it. Just remember the rally's. We are all still with Trump. Don't even try it. The nation would be torn apart.

"Just remember the rally is"? Dafuk does that mean?

I'm just guessing here but....


--- Amirite?

A little over your head there pal.

OK then you tell me what "just remember the rally is" might mean. That's my best guess.

Well, if you read very closely and reread a few times you might realize it says: "Just remember the rally's"
There would be all out war if they tried it. Just remember the rally's. We are all still with Trump. Don't even try it. The nation would be torn apart.

"Just remember the rally is"? Dafuk does that mean?

I'm just guessing here but....


--- Amirite?

A little over your head there pal.

OK then you tell me what "just remember the rally is" might mean. That's my best guess.

Well, if you read very closely and reread a few times you might realize it says: "Just remember the rally's"

That's what I said. "Just remember the rally is".

This is sailing over your head isn't it.
Dweeb won't admit the deep do do he's in.
Fake news always gets released on Friday.
Your IQ is south of 80 isn't it.
You have no idea the sources of these stories do you. They're coming directly from leaks from the WH.
Now ask yourself why would the people who know what's the Tramp is doing is leaking damning information on him.
And you blame the press. What a bozo you are!
Yes, we know that was the left's wet dream but Hillary didn't have the majority either. Obama had 51%, which is a majority but hardly a mandate. We are putting the country back together and we aren't going to let you little commies destroy our republic.
I didn't call you a name, you fuckin' asshole!
Your IQ is south of 80 isn't it.
You have no idea the sources of these stories do you. They're coming directly from leaks from the WH.
Now ask yourself why would the people who know what's the Tramp is doing is leaking damning information on him.
And you blame the press. What a bozo you are!
You watch...every Friday you libs get a bunch of fake news reports to chomp on over the weekend just to find out on Monday it was all fake. Buuuaaahahaha and this Friday is no different.
Dweeb won't admit the deep do do he's in.
Fake news always gets released on Friday.
Your IQ is south of 80 isn't it.
You have no idea the sources of these stories do you. They're coming directly from leaks from the WH.
Now ask yourself why would the people who know what's the Tramp is doing is leaking damning information on him.
And you blame the press. What a bozo you are!

I think we'll start referring to the Democrat party as the Party of Anonymous Sources, or PAS for short. That seems to be the new trend since Trump was elected.
It will be interesting when Republicans break. People were suggesting impeachment before Trumps first 100 days were even up, what will it be like in a year? If Trump is going to go, can America do it early before more damage?

They were talking impeachment before he started his first 100 days. Prior to that, they said he would never take the oath of office. After that, they predicted he would hang around for a few weeks then hand the presidency to Pence. During that time, they said he was mentally unfit to take office, and they're rehashing that today.

Trump is not going anywhere except in the minds of liberals. By the time he wins reelection, they will be suicidal.
You fascists have been swearing that you'll get Trump for years. This is no different than your recounts, faithless electors, etc. Just another wet dream of the whiny snots on the left.
But if they DO...WE GET PENCE! Which would be like a dream.
See, even committed conservatives don't care if Trump makes it. The same thing happened with Nixon. They figured Ford was just fine. Of course that incident had the added LOLs of their having to get rid of Agnew first, A TWOFER!!! :laugh2:

Which is why you impeach Pence first. [emoji48]

Impeach Pence first? Do you even understand the impeachment process and why it's there? Do you know who takes charge if something happens to the VP and President? That's right, can you say President Ryan?
No psychiatrist comes to a conclusion on a persons state of mind just by reading social media. Yes, they do interview the person which none of these supposed 50,000 have ever done with Donald. And they don't interview them once, they need to talk to them dozens of times before they can conclude a person is mentally unstable.

Alleged Unabomber Puts Psychiatry on Trial | Psychiatric Times

because Kaczynski has refused to submit to an examination by the government's experts.

testimony from psychiatrists and psychologists concerning Kaczynski's mental state; testimony derived from evaluations of his writing, historical social and medical data, and from interviews with family members and acquaintances.

Psychiatrists are generally more insane than any of the people they *treat*.

The point is that psychiatrists in a death penalty case were able to evaluate somebody without personally interviewing them, and it passed judicial requirements. If it was good enough for the Unibomber case, it's good enough for Trump.

Utter bull.
Enough is finally enough. You Democrats had it all your way for eight years, and it's our turn. If you can't handle that reality, then you are opting out of our republican form of government and overthrowing a system that dates back to over 200 years. We will not sit back and allow you to overthrow the government, we will come to our President's defense. Also, there are a lot more of us than you think, and we're a lot more dangerous than you think.
The U.S. military is already planning for you treasonous Red State conserva-fucks. Lets see how you hill billy's withstand the drone attacks!!!!!

They are?

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