If you try to impeach Trump, the American people will not stand for it

Clearly there's some confusion as to the definition of "majority".

To be fair, there was a majority of the electorate that turned out to vote. Barely. 45% said "fuck it, there's nothing worth voting for" and stayed home. That leaves 55% of the electorate that did vote, which is abysmal for a nation that purports to have championed this process, however it is more than half.

Of that 55%, 54% voted for somebody who does not paint him/herself orange.

That leaves Rump with 46% of the 55%, which boils down to 25% of the electorate.

Now tell the class what color the sky is on a planet where 25% constitutes a "majority".

The majority that elected him as President.

Once AGAIN --- there is no "majority" in the figure of 25%. Nor is there any "majority" in 46%.

Cannot be done.

I see the world of Fake News has branched out to Fake Math. Ah, the opaque bubble of self-delusion....

He beat Hillary. The only way to do that is to have a majority of active voters voting for him.
I Own Trump Now.......he's my "Bitch"!!!

Well the bitch bombed his buddies airport.
Putin told Trump "NOT" to bomb the runways!!!! And Trump being the bitch-puppet he is .......did as he was told.
It's like when John Kerry voted for the $87 billion before he voted against it. You need to think with more than the usual number of republican brain cells.

Oh yes, I remember that one. Here it is:

If you know the way the senate works, it makes perfet sense for someone to vote differently on two similar but different bills. Strange how you can't understand simple voting procedure, yet you can fathom Trump saying one thing on monday, and the opposite on wednesday. Such as, why did Trump fire Comey? Because he followd the recomendation of the deputy AG, or because he was going to do it anyway?
Putin told Trump "NOT" to bomb the runways!!!! And Trump being the bitch-puppet he is .......did as he was told.

I don't know if Putin gave Trump any instructions, but it's clear Trump warning Putin of exactly where, when and how he would strike. And designing the strike to leave russian used assets, like the runways, perfectly intact.
Well the bitch bombed his buddies airport.

It was like a staged fight. Where he tells him an hour ahead of time where he's going to strike, and the blow doesn't do any permanent damage.

Sure he told him so we didn't start a confrontation with Russia. What? Do you think he should have bombed them as well? Then we would have never heard the end of it from you leftists.
The majority that elected him as President.

Once AGAIN --- there is no "majority" in the figure of 25%. Nor is there any "majority" in 46%.

Cannot be done.

I see the world of Fake News has branched out to Fake Math. Ah, the opaque bubble of self-delusion....

He beat Hillary. The only way to do that is to have a majority of active voters voting for him.
I Own Trump Now.......he's my "Bitch"!!!

Well the bitch bombed his buddies airport.
Putin told Trump "NOT" to bomb the runways!!!! And Trump being the bitch-puppet he is .......did as he was told.


A few of the saner Democrats are trying to cool off the radicalized base, but apparently insanity has become the prevailing wind.

Let me tell you this. Millions of Americans voted for Donald Trump, we still support him, and if you do manage to topple him, all hell will break loose.

Simply put, we have had enough of the Democrats, the media, the academia, the bureaucrats, and the Hollywood types who have ruined our country and Trump has promised to fix it.

If you think you can depose him without a fight, you are wrong.

We will form human barricades to keep him from leaving the White House, and we will go into the streets, if necessary and show you what it means when the normally law abiding, patriotic, tax paying, hard working American people have finally had enough.

This is a warning which you should heed.

If you depose Trump, it will lead to all out civil war.

Let me explain something to you----------> They won't impeach him any time soon. Notice how the left is always talking about how his popularity numbers keep falling, they laugh smugly, and tell you he is toast, right!

Well, the next time they start singing that tune, ask them a different question, hehehehehehehehehehehe. Have them tell you how the numbers in congress are doing, the numbers for Democrats are doing, and the numbers for Republicans are doing-)

See, what the left does NOT want to tell you is----------> Trump is still faaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrr moooooooooorrrrrrrreeeeeee popular than they are, lol. It is why they won't show you a head to head, they just want to crow his numbers are dropping.

QUESTION----------> If you are batting 275 in major league baseball, and everyone is crowing you hit 350 last year so you suck, it sounds good, doesn't it! But what if everyone else in the league besides you is hitting under 200? Well damn, your still the best hitter in the league, now aren't you!

That is what Democrats do NOT want to tell you! He may not be as good as he was, but as far as Americans go, he is a whole lot better than the leftists. And by the way, what it is called is PROPAGANDA what the Democrats are doing. They know if you eliminate the few dark blue states, they can't get elected dogcatcher, but you would never suspect it by listening to their arrogance.......now would you-)
First it's obvious you don't want to know if your president is a crook.
2nd. You obviously don't care.
Country comes last to you.
3rd. Democrats Can Retake the House in 2018 Without Converting a Single Trump Voter

Watch what happens-) You are either ignorant, or a phony baloney. In either case, you are wet behind the ears and if everything stays status quo, your side is hosed again-)
Sure he told him so we didn't start a confrontation with Russia. What? Do you think he should have bombed them as well? Then we would have never heard the end of it from you leftists.

It was a Syrian airbase. They used it to launch a chemical attack. Yet we warned them an hour ahead of time, where, when and how we would strike them.

Was it a military strike, or professional wrestling?
I love it, Rastus, when paid-posters out themselves!
Putin has set his country back decades because of his ego. Trump could do the same to us. He already wants to spend 8-10 billion tax payer dollars building a ridiculous wall.

He is a con man, whose biggest con a lot of people bought. The smarter people see through it and aren't buying it, specifically any product associated with his name. There will be lots of cheap real estate for the Chinese to buy when his empire collapses, and the investors (more than a few Russians) who got screwed will want his head.

Don't complain about the wall because it's an investment. It costs us taxpayers over 10 billion a year because of illegals not to mention how many billions they work for and send back to their country. They lower wages for real Americans and are smuggling drugs into this country killing over 50,000 Americans a year.

Your big eared bozo spent one billion for a stupid internet site alone. You continue funding PBS, NPR, and planned parenthood, so don't be complaining about spending money on something that will actually help this country.
The Wall won't work and is un-American, and won't pass. Pass the 2010 Bill with unfakable SS ID card. An actual solution.

More like $100 million. Yes I know MM is Nazi communist but check the links,dupe. And it's the only solution in the works.
The Myth Of The $634 Million Obamacare Website

Obamacare Website Costs Exceed $2 Billion, Study Finds
Why not make it 20 billion? lol
Trump won the presidency by 77,000 votes, yet lost the total vote count by 3 million.

Which makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

It's like when John Kerry voted for the $87 billion before he voted against it. You need to think with more than the usual number of republican brain cells.

Oh yes, I remember that one. Here it is:

Too bad you dupes always go with the bumper sticker character assassination., not policy. Great war, love the usual giant tax cut for the rich, rise for the rest in the long run...
CNN.com - Kerry discusses $87 billion comment - Sep 30, 2004
After the remark became controversial, Kerry explained that he had supported an earlier Democratic measure that would have paid for the $87 billion in war funding by reducing Bush's tax cuts.

After it was defeated, he said he voted against final passage of the bill to voice his displeasure with the president's Iraq policy.

Kerry told ABC on Wednesday that the comment "reflects the truth of the position, which is I thought to have the wealthiest people in America share the burden of paying for that war."
Dishonesty is all you have. Yates was fired for a different reason. Bharara was fired for a different reason. Nunes is still in Congress. Comey did no such thing.

Lies is all you have. Let it go!

Ah the irony. Who says they were all fired for a "different reason"? The WH? The same WH that has been caught over and over and over lying about all things Russia?


You have no proof that what I said is not true. That is your problem!

I have proof of the reasons I gave. You just don't want to believe because that shows your bias.

Only the White House is saying they were fired for a different reason. Lies come out of the White House 95% of the time.

Over and over the Trump/Pence duo have lied about Russia, Flynn, Comey, etc.

And NOBODY can seem to remember visits with the Russian Ambassador. It's like he's got a flashy thing like in Men in Black.

Uh, last time I checked the White House, i.e, Trump fired them. I would think that he would know why since he has stated the reasons many times in interviews and in writing.

Are you really that stupid or are you just practicing?

Trump and his admin have repeatedly been caught LYING about why people were fired.

1. Trump says/does something stupid.
2. Staff goes on cleanup and attempts to control damage
3. Trump goes on TV or Twitter and contradicts spin
4. Later contradicts contradiction

How is that lying? You have no facts, just innuendo. So how is any of that illegal?
Irrelevant that CNN promotes bullshit????
Oh, hell, during the campaign, I was throwing rocks at them, as the Clinton News Network...

Did they report incorrectly, or did some White House staffer or another leak to the press, that White House staff have begun researching Impeachment procedures?

It's called brainwashing. Notice all the so-called anonymous sources? Notice every week they come out with some new story about Trump, or how they constantly bring up the Russia thing?

Hey, I have an anonymous source that says Michelle is a lesbian, do you believe it? I mean it's getting ridiculous already.

The MSM is working tirelessly to keep Trump in a negative light, and it doesn't matter if what they are reporting is BS or not because brainwashing works in their opinion.
Oh, I agree that the Liberal element of the MSM has had Drump in their sights for eons.

And, I happily concede that Centrist outlets are beginning to lean in that same direction, based upon Drump's outrageous behaviors and utterances in his first 120 days.

Hell, even some of the more honest Right-leaning outlets are obviously growing increasingly uncomfortable continuing to defend Drumpf; their hearts aren't in it.

Bottom line... there's no love lost between Drump and many mainstream Republicans, either, and that relationship continues to erode as evidence of collusion firms up.

Drump is so opaque and secretive that he has lost much of his credibility and much of whatever Honeymoon Period tolerance that folks had been willing to extend to him.

It doesn't look good, for Drumpf, at this moment - if he has nothing to hide, he needs to become Transparent Man, and that, in one damned hurry - while there's still time.

But he won't - either out of egotism or a real and overwhelming need to remain opaque until there is no longer any choice.

Think about that, mine good colleague.

There is no evidence to firm up. Plenty of accusations, plenty of "anonymous" sources, but no evidence that Trump did anything wrong.
The work of the newly-appointed Special Prosecutor will give us the answer to such questions.

For about the 10th time I have posted on this message board, you need to learn the difference in a Special Counsel and a Special Prosecutor. You ignoramuses keep saying Prosecutor when he couldn't prosecute a parking ticket!

There is no law allowing for a Special Prosecutor in this case or any other for that matter. Congress must pass a law authorizing it.
Actually no, I didn't, but others have and that's where I read about it. I couldn't even stand the mans voice yet alone do a count during one of his repetitive boring speeches about the same crap over and over.

His entire presidency was about him; his agenda, his view on America, his hope and change. He and his wife never loved America........well, Michelle started to after he got elected.

Yes, Trump is a fighter which is something we didn't have the 8 years before his election. He will stay up all night and Tweet. He will criticize the media. He will defend himself from any attackers.
Trump has dementia!!! How will it end for him? Will he resign? or will the GOP turn on Trump and "IMPEACH" that FAT FUCK.......

How will it end? He will serve our country for the next four years and perhaps eight. That's how it will end.

I f everyone watches Fox Rush etc and are good little fascisti...

And those that watch MSN, NBC, CBS, CNN, ABC, etc. are almost as stupid as you.

Clever lol. They all suq in that they're a 24/7 punditocracy with no foreign offices to speak of, but Fox and especially Rush, Beck, Savage, the Moonie Times, Koch Heritage etc are bought off lying non-journalist propagandists/character assassinators, dupe. A disgrace. Our entire media though are bomb throwing, anything for ratings messes. But the 'librul" media are at least trying to be journalists and factual...

The liberal media is doing nothing but fueling the hate, they all want the riots and the protests and the violence and the left has delivered it to them.
I love it, Rastus, when paid-posters out themselves!
Putin has set his country back decades because of his ego. Trump could do the same to us. He already wants to spend 8-10 billion tax payer dollars building a ridiculous wall.

He is a con man, whose biggest con a lot of people bought. The smarter people see through it and aren't buying it, specifically any product associated with his name. There will be lots of cheap real estate for the Chinese to buy when his empire collapses, and the investors (more than a few Russians) who got screwed will want his head.

Don't complain about the wall because it's an investment. It costs us taxpayers over 10 billion a year because of illegals not to mention how many billions they work for and send back to their country. They lower wages for real Americans and are smuggling drugs into this country killing over 50,000 Americans a year.

Your big eared bozo spent one billion for a stupid internet site alone. You continue funding PBS, NPR, and planned parenthood, so don't be complaining about spending money on something that will actually help this country.
The Wall won't work and is un-American, and won't pass. Pass the 2010 Bill with unfakable SS ID card. An actual solution.

More like $100 million. Yes I know MM is Nazi communist but check the links,dupe. And it's the only solution in the works.
The Myth Of The $634 Million Obamacare Website

Obamacare Website Costs Exceed $2 Billion, Study Finds
Why not make it 20 billion? lol

I wouldn't put it past DumBama if he did.
Sure he told him so we didn't start a confrontation with Russia. What? Do you think he should have bombed them as well? Then we would have never heard the end of it from you leftists.

It was a Syrian airbase. They used it to launch a chemical attack. Yet we warned them an hour ahead of time, where, when and how we would strike them.

Was it a military strike, or professional wrestling?

Oh please, you leftists would have been the first to complain if we hit Russian military and started a conflict with them.
The Tories were monarchists, not conservatives.

The classical liberalism of the time stands in full opposition to modern "liberalism". Stealing a name does not make you any less totalitarian.

Hopefully, no conflict will prove necessary, but I'm sure you realize that should your push come to a shove, you people would lose miserably, because you have nothing to fight for, and because the military - which voted overwhelmingly against the Democrats - would squash you like the bugs you people are.
LOL The military would not interfere with an impeachment carried out in a Constitutional manner. And dumb fucks like you would end up shot by the local cops if you tried the idiocy that you promote.

In this case, an impeachment sans evidence of criminality - for which the Democrats are screaming - would be viewed as an attempted coup.
you want to be dictated don't you.... You should move..... Try russian.

Au contraire, I want the Democrats politically destroyed. They are totalitarianists of no value to the American system of government, or the people.
That is an anti American statement.

Non sequitur. You'll have to explain.

A few of the saner Democrats are trying to cool off the radicalized base, but apparently insanity has become the prevailing wind.

Let me tell you this. Millions of Americans voted for Donald Trump, we still support him, and if you do manage to topple him, all hell will break loose.

Simply put, we have had enough of the Democrats, the media, the academia, the bureaucrats, and the Hollywood types who have ruined our country and Trump has promised to fix it.

If you think you can depose him without a fight, you are wrong.

We will form human barricades to keep him from leaving the White House, and we will go into the streets, if necessary and show you what it means when the normally law abiding, patriotic, tax paying, hard working American people have finally had enough.

This is a warning which you should heed.

If you depose Trump, it will lead to all out civil war.

Most delusional post i've seen on the internet this week.

If Trump is impeached, it would be through the Constitutional process as proscribed by law.

That ruling would be upheld through the Supreme Court, and enforced by rule of law through the federal enforcement agencies, and backed by the military if necessary.

You will lose. Badly. But hey, it would at least be some entertainment watching you get your ass shot off after Trump leaves on the helicopter.

I don't know who it is you think you represent.

It isn't the people. The majority of them voted for Clinton, and Democrats picked up seats in both houses after the election.

You won the electoral college by a grand total of 78,000 votes.

More than twice that were not even counted in just Wisconsin because of voter suppression laws.

Heres a newsflash for you pal.

The overwhelming masjority of America despises your dumb ass, and 4 million more of them will be of voting age in 2020.

You're running out of time and friends skippy.
So now Republicans are threatening a civil war if Trump is impeached. More bluster on their parts and America will have to take that chance.
I still can remember the Goldwater slogan, "Obey the Law," and now we have Republicans chanting: obey the law and there will be a civil war.
To make Americans even more scared Republicans should tell the public that Trump went to military school.

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