If you try to impeach Trump, the American people will not stand for it

How will it end? He will serve our country for the next four years and perhaps eight. That's how it will end.
I f everyone watches Fox Rush etc and are good little fascisti...

And those that watch MSN, NBC, CBS, CNN, ABC, etc. are almost as stupid as you.
Those viewers often check Fox to see what nuttiness, hate/character assassination and ignoring half the news looks like...Most Foxbots just get dumber and angrier...

Angrier...maybe....more like amazed at the crap liberals pull out of their rear.
"Crap" being facts and actual solutions...I guess RWers have to protect the brainwashing megarich GOP swine from paying their fair share. Most actually believe the rich pay too much. Amazing ignorance everywhere on the brainwashed RW...

"protect the brainwashing megarich GOP swine from paying their fair share." .... "Most actually believe the rich pay too much." ...do you have any understanding at all of what you just said?

A few of the saner Democrats are trying to cool off the radicalized base, but apparently insanity has become the prevailing wind.

Let me tell you this. Millions of Americans voted for Donald Trump, we still support him, and if you do manage to topple him, all hell will break loose.

Simply put, we have had enough of the Democrats, the media, the academia, the bureaucrats, and the Hollywood types who have ruined our country and Trump has promised to fix it.

If you think you can depose him without a fight, you are wrong.

We will form human barricades to keep him from leaving the White House, and we will go into the streets, if necessary and show you what it means when the normally law abiding, patriotic, tax paying, hard working American people have finally had enough.

This is a warning which you should heed.

If you depose Trump, it will lead to all out civil war.

Most delusional post i've seen on the internet this week.

If Trump is impeached, it would be through the Constitutional process as proscribed by law.

That ruling would be upheld through the Supreme Court, and enforced by rule of law through the federal enforcement agencies, and backed by the military if necessary.

You will lose. Badly. But hey, it would at least be some entertainment watching you get your ass shot off after Trump leaves on the helicopter.

I don't know who it is you think you represent.

It isn't the people. The majority of them voted for Clinton, and Democrats picked up seats in both houses after the election.

You won the electoral college by a grand total of 78,000 votes.

More than twice that were not even counted in just Wisconsin because of voter suppression laws.

Heres a newsflash for you pal.

The overwhelming masjority of America despises your dumb ass, and 4 million more of them will be of voting age in 2020.

You're running out of time and friends skippy.

The colonies were under the Crown in the 1770s. What the colonists did was completely unlawful.

Human nature often overrides such circumstances of law.

Not saying anything, just a thought.

All moot, as there will be no impeachment.
If The Democrat Party wants to guarantee Trump an overwhelming veto-proof majority in congress they really do need to continue their impeachment antics. Elections do have consequences!
Right....you sound scared for your Orange Master.
If The Democrat Party wants to guarantee Trump an overwhelming veto-proof majority in congress they really do need to continue their impeachment antics. Elections do have consequences!
Right....you sound scared for your Orange Master.

I think it's pretty cool the buttecea loaned her ugly mug for this meme......
images (1).jpg
It's like when John Kerry voted for the $87 billion before he voted against it. You need to think with more than the usual number of republican brain cells.

Oh yes, I remember that one. Here it is:

If you know the way the senate works, it makes perfet sense for someone to vote differently on two similar but different bills. Strange how you can't understand simple voting procedure, yet you can fathom Trump saying one thing on monday, and the opposite on wednesday. Such as, why did Trump fire Comey? Because he followd the recomendation of the deputy AG, or because he was going to do it anyway?
Not sure your analogy holds up. Congressmen will typically vote against a bill until certain provisions are added they think are needed.

Your Trump example of him saying one thing one day and something different the next is Trump adding addition information. The problem is when Trump makes statements of policy and then says the very opposite.

  • Trump labeled China a currency manipulator on his first day in office. Within a few weeks, Trump said the Chinese are not currency manipulators, yet only a week before he said they were world class currency manipulators.
  • During his campaign, he declared more than once how he loved low interest rates then he excoriated the Federal Reserve for keeping rates low.
  • Trump said he supported the Export-Import Bank, noting that small companies are “really helped” by the institution. Later in his campaign, he said the bank was totally unnecessary and should be abolished.
  • He blasted NATO time after time in his campaign. Threaten to leave NATO and hold back funds. Within a month after he was sworn in he praised NATO as a valuable partner in the fight against terrorism.

Trump should not be reversing himself on major policy issues. It's critical that the president have consistent views on major issues otherwise he will be sending mixed messages to our allies. How can government employees carry out Trump policies when Trump himself doesn't.

I think the underlying problem is Trump makes statements for effect or to support a point with little concern for the truthfulness of the statements nor does he considered the effect those statements will have on other issues. Most president have their staff screen their comments and speeches beforehand to avoid unwanted side effects. Trump apparently doesn't consider that important.
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It's like when John Kerry voted for the $87 billion before he voted against it. You need to think with more than the usual number of republican brain cells.

Oh yes, I remember that one. Here it is:

If you know the way the senate works, it makes perfet sense for someone to vote differently on two similar but different bills. Strange how you can't understand simple voting procedure, yet you can fathom Trump saying one thing on monday, and the opposite on wednesday. Such as, why did Trump fire Comey? Because he followd the recomendation of the deputy AG, or because he was going to do it anyway?
Not sure your analogy holds up. Congressmen will typically vote against a bill until certain provisions are added they think are needed.

Your Trump example of him saying one thing one day and something different the next is Trump adding addition information. The problem is when Trump makes statements of policy and then says the very opposite.

  • Trump labeled China a currency manipulator on his first day in office. Within few weeks, Trump said the Chinese are not currency manipulators, yet only a week before he said they were world class currency manipulators.
  • During his campaign, he declared more than once how he loved low interest rates then he excoriated the Federal Reserve for keeping rates low.
  • Trump said he supported the Export-Import Bank, noting that small companies are “really helped” by the institution. Later in his campaign, he said the bank was totally unnecessary and should be abolished.
  • He blasted NATO time after time in his campaign. Threaten to leave NATO and hold back funds. Within a month after he was sworn in he praised NATO as a valuable partner in the fight against terrorism.

Trump should not be reversing himself on major policy issues. It's critical that the president have consist views on major issues otherwise he will be sending mixed messages to our allies as well as government employees that must carry out his policies.

Trump has functioned along these lines his entire career. He never lets the other side of a negotiation know precisely where he stands. It better permits adaptability in negotiation.

For example, we want Chinese assistance with the DPRK. You don't get something for nothing.
Trump has dementia!!! How will it end for him? Will he resign? or will the GOP turn on Trump and "IMPEACH" that FAT FUCK.......

How will it end? He will serve our country for the next four years and perhaps eight. That's how it will end.

I f everyone watches Fox Rush etc and are good little fascisti...

And those that watch MSN, NBC, CBS, CNN, ABC, etc. are almost as stupid as you.

Clever lol. They all suq in that they're a 24/7 punditocracy with no foreign offices to speak of, but Fox and especially Rush, Beck, Savage, the Moonie Times, Koch Heritage etc are bought off lying non-journalist propagandists/character assassinators, dupe. A disgrace. Our entire media though are bomb throwing, anything for ratings messes. But the 'librul" media are at least trying to be journalists and factual...

The liberal media is doing nothing but fueling the hate, they all want the riots and the protests and the violence and the left has delivered it to them.

Only on Fox!! You're talking about 60 anarchists and gangstas in the last year, superdupe...
I f everyone watches Fox Rush etc and are good little fascisti...

And those that watch MSN, NBC, CBS, CNN, ABC, etc. are almost as stupid as you.
Those viewers often check Fox to see what nuttiness, hate/character assassination and ignoring half the news looks like...Most Foxbots just get dumber and angrier...

Angrier...maybe....more like amazed at the crap liberals pull out of their rear.
"Crap" being facts and actual solutions...I guess RWers have to protect the brainwashing megarich GOP swine from paying their fair share. Most actually believe the rich pay too much. Amazing ignorance everywhere on the brainwashed RW...

"protect the brainwashing megarich GOP swine from paying their fair share." .... "Most actually believe the rich pay too much." ...do you have any understanding at all of what you just said?
That's what the dupes want and why...pretty simple.
I'd love to see an EO requiring liberals to have a red star tattooed on their foreheads.
It's like when John Kerry voted for the $87 billion before he voted against it. You need to think with more than the usual number of republican brain cells.

Oh yes, I remember that one. Here it is:

If you know the way the senate works, it makes perfet sense for someone to vote differently on two similar but different bills. Strange how you can't understand simple voting procedure, yet you can fathom Trump saying one thing on monday, and the opposite on wednesday. Such as, why did Trump fire Comey? Because he followd the recomendation of the deputy AG, or because he was going to do it anyway?
Not sure your analogy holds up. Congressmen will typically vote against a bill until certain provisions are added they think are needed.

Your Trump example of him saying one thing one day and something different the next is Trump adding addition information. The problem is when Trump makes statements of policy and then says the very opposite.

  • Trump labeled China a currency manipulator on his first day in office. Within few weeks, Trump said the Chinese are not currency manipulators, yet only a week before he said they were world class currency manipulators.
  • During his campaign, he declared more than once how he loved low interest rates then he excoriated the Federal Reserve for keeping rates low.
  • Trump said he supported the Export-Import Bank, noting that small companies are “really helped” by the institution. Later in his campaign, he said the bank was totally unnecessary and should be abolished.
  • He blasted NATO time after time in his campaign. Threaten to leave NATO and hold back funds. Within a month after he was sworn in he praised NATO as a valuable partner in the fight against terrorism.

Trump should not be reversing himself on major policy issues. It's critical that the president have consist views on major issues otherwise he will be sending mixed messages to our allies as well as government employees that must carry out his policies.

Trump has functioned along these lines his entire career. He never lets the other side of a negotiation know precisely where he stands. It better permits adaptability in negotiation.

For example, we want Chinese assistance with the DPRK. You don't get something for nothing.
And that is exactly why president don't negotiate trade deals, defense agreements, etc. Presidents can not be adaptable when it comes to principals.
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How will it end? He will serve our country for the next four years and perhaps eight. That's how it will end.
I f everyone watches Fox Rush etc and are good little fascisti...

And those that watch MSN, NBC, CBS, CNN, ABC, etc. are almost as stupid as you.
Clever lol. They all suq in that they're a 24/7 punditocracy with no foreign offices to speak of, but Fox and especially Rush, Beck, Savage, the Moonie Times, Koch Heritage etc are bought off lying non-journalist propagandists/character assassinators, dupe. A disgrace. Our entire media though are bomb throwing, anything for ratings messes. But the 'librul" media are at least trying to be journalists and factual...

The liberal media is doing nothing but fueling the hate, they all want the riots and the protests and the violence and the left has delivered it to them.
Only on Fox!! You're talking about 60 anarchists and gangstas in the last year, superdupe...

I wouldn't know, I don't watch FOX, I watch CNN and three House Democrats were on there talking impeachment. More fueling the hate, you Dems only know hate when you don't get your way.

What a bunch of chicken-little snowflakes. Dropping a brick already.

On Thursday this week, 05/18/2017 this Russia--Trump investigation turned into a Criminal Investigation.

"Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham on Thursday said it’s clear that after Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein briefed the Senate on the investigation into Russian involvement in the presidential election that it has become a criminal probe.

“The shock to the body is that this is now a criminal investigation,” Graham (R-SC) told reporters moments after he exited the Senate chamber.

He said now that it has become a criminal investigation instead of an counterintelligence probe Congress may be impeded in carrying out its own examinations.

“You’ve got a special counsel who has prosecutorial powers now, and I think we in Congress have to be very careful not to interfere,” Graham said. “Public access to this is probably going to be very limited now. It’s going to really limit what the public will know about this.”

Basically what this means is everyone is going to clam up and lawyer up--and they'll have to pay for their own attorney fees. Trump surrogates, including anyone who will be testifying in the senate hearings will be very careful as to what they say, if anything, and all the talking will be done by Special Prosecutor, Robert Mueller--who will continue to gather evidence from current sources and gain new information.


Grand Jury subpeonas were sent out last week on General Flynn.
Michael Flynn targeted by grand jury subpoenas, sources confirm

Flynn reportedly lied to FBI about sanctions talk with Russian envoy
Michael Flynn received more than $33,000 from Russian TV
Flynn was paid to lobby for Turkey while attending Trump intel briefings: report
Michael Flynn asked for immunity. Senate Intelligence turned him down.


I imagine we'll see subpeonas go out on several others in the Trump circle here very quickly.

Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign - CNNPolitics.com

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What a bunch of chicken-little snowflakes. Dropping a brick already.

On Thursday this week, 05/18/2017 this Russia--Trump investigation turned into a Criminal Investigation.

"Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham on Thursday said it’s clear that after Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein briefed the Senate on the investigation into Russian involvement in the presidential election that it has become a criminal probe.

“The shock to the body is that this is now a criminal investigation,” Graham (R-SC) told reporters moments after he exited the Senate chamber.

He said now that it has become a criminal investigation instead of an counterintelligence probe Congress may be impeded in carrying out its own examinations.

“You’ve got a special counsel who has prosecutorial powers now, and I think we in Congress have to be very careful not to interfere,” Graham said. “Public access to this is probably going to be very limited now. It’s going to really limit what the public will know about this.”

Basically what this means is everyone is going to clam up and lawyer up--and they'll have to pay for their own attorney fees. Trump surrogates, including anyone who will be testifying in the senate hearings will be very careful as to what they say, if anything, and all the talking will be done by Special Prosecutor, Robert Mueller--who will continue to gather evidence from current sources and gain new information.


Grand Jury supeonas have already been isued on General Flynn.
Michael Flynn targeted by grand jury subpoenas, sources confirm

Flynn reportedly lied to FBI about sanctions talk with Russian envoy
Michael Flynn received more than $33,000 from Russian TV
Flynn was paid to lobby for Turkey while attending Trump intel briefings: report


I imagine we'll see subpeonas go out on several others in the Trump circle also.

Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign - CNNPolitics.com

We already had this argument moron, it has always been a criminal investigation dofus.

How will it end? He will serve our country for the next four years and perhaps eight. That's how it will end.
I f everyone watches Fox Rush etc and are good little fascisti...

And those that watch MSN, NBC, CBS, CNN, ABC, etc. are almost as stupid as you.
Clever lol. They all suq in that they're a 24/7 punditocracy with no foreign offices to speak of, but Fox and especially Rush, Beck, Savage, the Moonie Times, Koch Heritage etc are bought off lying non-journalist propagandists/character assassinators, dupe. A disgrace. Our entire media though are bomb throwing, anything for ratings messes. But the 'librul" media are at least trying to be journalists and factual...

The liberal media is doing nothing but fueling the hate, they all want the riots and the protests and the violence and the left has delivered it to them.
Only on Fox!! You're talking about 60 anarchists and gangstas in the last year, superdupe...

Could you be just a little more delusional? The protests of these mask wearing commies that are showing up and being paid by Soros and his NGOs are nothing but cowardly snowflakes that don't want their faces recognized. They run in packs and unless the odds overwhelmingly in their favor? They don't attack....they are just a pack of cowardly dogs....nothing more or less. I don't have a TV but I have seen plenty of youtube videos of leftards behaving badly that are pissed that the Hildebeast wasn't able to steal the election. I have seen enough youtube videos of commie groups and La Raza joining in while waving their commie and Mexican flags. You are easily on the list of my top ten "Dumbest, Least Informed Posters" Hall Of Shame.

The only thing that you have going for you is your willingness to embarrass yourself in the hope that someone will take your fool-fueled rants seriously. You are a joke......an unfunny joke but a joke nonetheless.

A few of the saner Democrats are trying to cool off the radicalized base, but apparently insanity has become the prevailing wind.

Let me tell you this. Millions of Americans voted for Donald Trump, we still support him, and if you do manage to topple him, all hell will break loose.

Simply put, we have had enough of the Democrats, the media, the academia, the bureaucrats, and the Hollywood types who have ruined our country and Trump has promised to fix it.

If you think you can depose him without a fight, you are wrong.

We will form human barricades to keep him from leaving the White House, and we will go into the streets, if necessary and show you what it means when the normally law abiding, patriotic, tax paying, hard working American people have finally had enough.

This is a warning which you should heed.

If you depose Trump, it will lead to all out civil war.

Fuck them! They can like it, or lump it. The choice is there's to make.

A few of the saner Democrats are trying to cool off the radicalized base, but apparently insanity has become the prevailing wind.

Let me tell you this. Millions of Americans voted for Donald Trump, we still support him, and if you do manage to topple him, all hell will break loose.

Simply put, we have had enough of the Democrats, the media, the academia, the bureaucrats, and the Hollywood types who have ruined our country and Trump has promised to fix it.

If you think you can depose him without a fight, you are wrong.

We will form human barricades to keep him from leaving the White House, and we will go into the streets, if necessary and show you what it means when the normally law abiding, patriotic, tax paying, hard working American people have finally had enough.

This is a warning which you should heed.

If you depose Trump, it will lead to all out civil war.

Yes, indeed,

They have illegally appointed Mueller to investigate DJT even though there is no reason to conduct the investigation.

Mueller REFUSED to investigate the IRS when it stuck it to conservatives groups. So now you know the motherfucker is biased.


A few of the saner Democrats are trying to cool off the radicalized base, but apparently insanity has become the prevailing wind.

Let me tell you this. Millions of Americans voted for Donald Trump, we still support him, and if you do manage to topple him, all hell will break loose.

Simply put, we have had enough of the Democrats, the media, the academia, the bureaucrats, and the Hollywood types who have ruined our country and Trump has promised to fix it.

If you think you can depose him without a fight, you are wrong.

We will form human barricades to keep him from leaving the White House, and we will go into the streets, if necessary and show you what it means when the normally law abiding, patriotic, tax paying, hard working American people have finally had enough.

This is a warning which you should heed.

If you depose Trump, it will lead to all out civil war.
The American people won't stand for it?? Says who? You??


By a margin of 48% to 41%, more Americans want him impeached than those who don't.

Poll: 48 percent want Trump impeached

You can't fuck America like installing an bumbling buffoon like Trump and get away with it.
Of course you can get whatever result you want from a "POLL."

And this "POLL" is pure BULL SHIT, just like ALL the "POLLS" that said he was going to LOSE.

Go pound sand.
You mean the polls that indicated Trump would lose the popular vote... and he did. Face it, a plurality are in favor of impeaching Trump. And for good reason.


A few of the saner Democrats are trying to cool off the radicalized base, but apparently insanity has become the prevailing wind.

Let me tell you this. Millions of Americans voted for Donald Trump, we still support him, and if you do manage to topple him, all hell will break loose.

Simply put, we have had enough of the Democrats, the media, the academia, the bureaucrats, and the Hollywood types who have ruined our country and Trump has promised to fix it.

If you think you can depose him without a fight, you are wrong.

We will form human barricades to keep him from leaving the White House, and we will go into the streets, if necessary and show you what it means when the normally law abiding, patriotic, tax paying, hard working American people have finally had enough.

This is a warning which you should heed.

If you depose Trump, it will lead to all out civil war.
The American people won't stand for it?? Says who? You??


By a margin of 48% to 41%, more Americans want him impeached than those who don't.

Poll: 48 percent want Trump impeached

You can't fuck America like installing an bumbling buffoon like Trump and get away with it.
Of course you can get whatever result you want from a "POLL."

And this "POLL" is pure BULL SHIT, just like ALL the "POLLS" that said he was going to LOSE.

Go pound sand.
You mean the polls that indicated Trump would lose the popular vote... and he did. Face it, a plurality are in favor of impeaching Trump. And for good reason.


Then how did Russia meddle in the election twinkle toes?


A few of the saner Democrats are trying to cool off the radicalized base, but apparently insanity has become the prevailing wind.

Let me tell you this. Millions of Americans voted for Donald Trump, we still support him, and if you do manage to topple him, all hell will break loose.

Simply put, we have had enough of the Democrats, the media, the academia, the bureaucrats, and the Hollywood types who have ruined our country and Trump has promised to fix it.

If you think you can depose him without a fight, you are wrong.

We will form human barricades to keep him from leaving the White House, and we will go into the streets, if necessary and show you what it means when the normally law abiding, patriotic, tax paying, hard working American people have finally had enough.

This is a warning which you should heed.

If you depose Trump, it will lead to all out civil war.
The American people won't stand for it?? Says who? You??


By a margin of 48% to 41%, more Americans want him impeached than those who don't.

Poll: 48 percent want Trump impeached

You can't fuck America like installing an bumbling buffoon like Trump and get away with it.

Why not? You did!

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

By electing a president who took the unemployment down from 10% to 5%, nearly tripled the stock market, gave us national healthcare, kept this country from slipping into a depression despite Republicans best efforts.
then donnie should have been impeached week 1...... why does America have such low standards for him?
For what?
any number of things.
I would love to see them get his ass for treason. Let him rot in jail like traitor he is. But if obstruction of justice, perjury, tampering with evidence etc. come first than so be it.

So, Trump's a traitor, but a guy who frees 5 terrorist leaders in exchange for a deserter isn't?

What world did I wake up in today?!
silly comparison. We are literally talking treason here. Get a grip.

Yes we are. It's called "or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States."

18 U.S. Code § 2381 - Treason
And Trump gave aid and comfort to ISIS when he exposed an Israeli operation to infiltrate the terrorist organization. Trump's lucky we're not at war as the penalty for treason during wartime is death.

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