If you want more ORLANDO STYLE MASSACRES, vote Hillary

Clinton has stated that she will follow Obama's policy to allow 10's of thousands more Muslims immigrate to the US. That is not a lie, but a known fact. It is hardly fear-mongering or hate from the right that caused a radical Islamist to kill 50 LGBT people at a night club.
And, the LGBT folks will still all vote for her. Now we know who is stupid.

We get it. Your bigotry towards homosexuals is the Lite variety.

You don't get anything. The Muslim culture does not accept homosexuals. The LGBT folks still want more of them to immigrate to the US. I call that stupid.

Conservative Christians don't accept homosexuals either. Deport the fundies?

Some conservative Christians may not accept homosexuals as the norm, but they don't kill them. See how easy that was.

99% of Muslims in America don't want to kill homosexuals either. That figure is probably about the same for rightwing Christians.
Clinton has stated that she will follow Obama's policy to allow 10's of thousands more Muslims immigrate to the US. That is not a lie, but a known fact. It is hardly fear-mongering or hate from the right that caused a radical Islamist to kill 50 LGBT people at a night club.
And, the LGBT folks will still all vote for her. Now we know who is stupid.

We get it. Your bigotry towards homosexuals is the Lite variety.

You don't get anything. The Muslim culture does not accept homosexuals. The LGBT folks still want more of them to immigrate to the US. I call that stupid.

Nothing like a bunch of blanket statements. :rolleyes:

Let's see if we can narrow your broad statements a bit. Now granted, I can only speak for one LGBT folk, me, but you're correct that I don't want to see Muslims banned from the US because of the actions of cult followers. Of course, I don't want to see any religion banned for the actions of a few extremists.

Just out of curiosity, did you know that not all Muslim countries treat being gay as a crime?

As a matter of fact I didn't know that. The only ones I have read about are those that KILL gays by throwing them off of buildings. I have several gay neighbors that I talk to on a weekly basis and I would not like to see any of them killed.
Just out of curiosity, do you have any Muslims as friends?

Five Muslim countries do no criminalize homosexuality.

Yes, I have Muslim friends and they are fine with my being gay. It comes from being an American Muslim. Culture makes all the difference in religions....ALL religions.

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May I hope none of your Muslim friends become radicalized like the two who were relatively normal in San Bernadino and now Orlando.
In the next five years, without changes to our autopilot visa dispensations, the U.S. will permanently resettle a Muslim population larger than the entire population of Washington D.C.

Afghanistan Migration Surging into America; 99% Support Sharia Law - Breitbart

The media got on Trump for talking about suspending the Islamic flux. They seem to be okay with the lax "refugee" code word standards that cover up Islamic terrorist connections.

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and thinking something will change. If you want more blood baths, just vote Hillary and she'll do her "progressive" continuation of Obama Muslim immigration if not even increase it.
The Orlando killer was born in New York.

He was a Muslim just as his immigrant parents are. What part of becoming radicalized don't you understand?

You tell us what Hillary's immigration plan is. All's you'll be doing is highlighting how she wants to import terrorists. I can see why a coward like you seeks to go down another rabbit hole instead.

You already did "tell us what Hillary's immigration plan is."

Now prove it.

And prove that "Bigotry regards religion; not sexuality".

And there's no "S" on the word "all".


I don't come on here to prove obvious sh** to you. Hillary has been quite candid that she supports high numbers of Muslim immigration. You know it, and I know it. If that's all you got, that's tantamount to saying you're defeated before you even begin.

she has not said that. if she did, you could find that quote & LINK IT. YOU know it & the rest of US thinking individuals know it.

no linky, no believy what you say.
Isn't it cute how liberals continue to demand others to their work for them but, when sent a rate card, fall silent? Yeah, having to pay.....well that's NOT "Free Stuff".

For me, Don't demand links on obvious, sh**. I will never do it. The contrast between Trump and Hillary's Islamic immigration plans are well known. I won't play their games.

oh i'm calling :bsflag:you should WANT to prove you're right. what a transparent joke you are.

You tell us what Hillary's immigration plan is. All's you'll be doing is highlighting how she wants to import terrorists. I can see why a coward like you seeks to go down another rabbit hole instead.

You already did "tell us what Hillary's immigration plan is."

Now prove it.

And prove that "Bigotry regards religion; not sexuality".

And there's no "S" on the word "all".


I don't come on here to prove obvious sh** to you. Hillary has been quite candid that she supports high numbers of Muslim immigration. You know it, and I know it. If that's all you got, that's tantamount to saying you're defeated before you even begin.

she has not said that. if she did, you could find that quote & LINK IT. YOU know it & the rest of US thinking individuals know it.

no linky, no believy what you say.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said Sunday that the United States should accept 65,000 refugees from Syria to help alleviate the humanitarian crisis created by the war there.

"We're facing the worst refugee crisis since the end of World War II and I think the United States has to do more," the former secretary of state said Sunday on CBS' "Face the Nation." "I would like to see us move from what is a good start with 10,000 to 65,000 and begin immediately to put into place the mechanisms for vetting the people that we would take in."

Hillary Clinton: U.S. should take 65,000 Syrian refugees
No right wing or left wing Christian want to kill any homosexual. It is against the Christian religion to kill another human being.

You've not heard of Kevin Swanson?

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No I haven't. Is he a right wing Christian?

LOL. Ted Cruz sure has. & he was your beloved's GOP second choice for prez.

happy viewing...

I don't recall saying I was a Republican or a Ted Cruz fan.
Neither Obama or Hillary can admit that radical Muslims are the problem. It doesn't fit their narrative so they are trying to make this about gun control, like they always do.

Of course, Hillary will continue Obama's policies. That was probably the deal in exchange for the support of the DNC. She just wants the power and will sell us out to get it. She's proven that already with the way the State Dept. was for sale when she was Sec. of State.
To my utter amazement, I just learned from a U.S. Senator on MSNBC that if someone is on the terrorist watch list - that does not prevent them from legally buying a gun.

Being obstinate does nothing to refute the fact that Hillary will be importing terrorists. You've already been check mated on this.
Hillary may import them....but Trump will sell them the weapons of their choice

Its certainly true that the Repubs have now voted at least twice to arm known and suspected terrorists.


Are all leftwing douche bags such utterly shameless liars like you?

IOW, you wussed out on answering obvious question I asked you about your ridiculous claims that we should block "Islams" from coming into the US and that we should bomb them all.

You people are just stupid.

And none of you can deny that the Rs voted to give known and suspected terrorists on the no fly list the very same access I have to any gun they want. And they just repeated that same vote. Why do you RWNJ traitors and the GOP and the NRA want terrorists (and illegals, criminals and the mentally ill) to have guns?

I think I've made it quite plain that I think we should block them and bomb them into oblivion.

According to the Constitution, you can't deny people their Constitutional rights without due process. Some bureaucrat putting your name on a list is not due process. What you're saying is that you wipe your ass on the Constitution.

It's already illegal for illegals, criminals and the mentally ill to have guns.

in FLA, there is no mandatory waiting period for 'long rifles' ie the AR-15. That is why 50 people are dead today in Orlando, with probably more dying in the hospital.
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That's not even my post, you illiterate bag of hack hammers.


Fixed the mistake. Should we talk about that over the next six pages or are you gonna be novel and engage the point of the thread for a change?

Who will import more terrorists; Clinton or Trump?

Why would we start now? You've been avoiding the question ever since I put it on you.

I haven't avoided anything. I've told you in no uncertain terms that I don't intend to chase balls like a dog and get you a link. You on the other hand have repeatedly ignored the question that this thread is predicated upon (Who will import more terrorists; Trump or Clinton?).

Doooooooon't think so Hunior. The title of this thread was, and still is:

If you want more ORLANDO STYLE MASSACRES, vote Hillary

--- which you then attempted to bring the pus out of by advancing the claim that she "wants to import terrorists".

--- which I then challenged you to back up.

--- whereupon you ran away, and have been running ever since. Because you're a wimpo.

I think you have this faulty notion that I am obligated to prove anything and everything to (specifically) you. If you want to be a real poster and answer one simple question (who will import more terrorists; Trump or Clinton?) then I might be inclined to go into more detail. But if you're just gonna be a stupid sh** who doesn't want to present any semblance of a counter view or defend Hillary in any capacity, then I must conclude that you're not serious about the issue, and I'm thusly not inclined to play your games. Be a serious poster if you want serious replies.

trump may not 'import' anyone, but what he is doing is helping the self radicalizing of some right here at home with the ability to get a killing machine that can blow away scores of people in less than 5 minutes... all thanx to the 2nd amendment extremists, led by the NRA.
In the next five years, without changes to our autopilot visa dispensations, the U.S. will permanently resettle a Muslim population larger than the entire population of Washington D.C.

Afghanistan Migration Surging into America; 99% Support Sharia Law - Breitbart

The media got on Trump for talking about suspending the Islamic flux. They seem to be okay with the lax "refugee" code word standards that cover up Islamic terrorist connections.

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and thinking something will change. If you want more blood baths, just vote Hillary and she'll do her "progressive" continuation of Obama Muslim immigration if not even increase it.

No, no, Hillary will take all the guns away and make us all safe.

You have it all wrong.

just like Obama has been doing for the last 71/2 years? :afro:

You tell us what Hillary's immigration plan is. All's you'll be doing is highlighting how she wants to import terrorists. I can see why a coward like you seeks to go down another rabbit hole instead.

You already did "tell us what Hillary's immigration plan is."

Now prove it.

And prove that "Bigotry regards religion; not sexuality".

And there's no "S" on the word "all".


I don't come on here to prove obvious sh** to you. Hillary has been quite candid that she supports high numbers of Muslim immigration. You know it, and I know it. If that's all you got, that's tantamount to saying you're defeated before you even begin.

she has not said that. if she did, you could find that quote & LINK IT. YOU know it & the rest of US thinking individuals know it.

no linky, no believy what you say.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said Sunday that the United States should accept 65,000 refugees from Syria to help alleviate the humanitarian crisis created by the war there.

"We're facing the worst refugee crisis since the end of World War II and I think the United States has to do more," the former secretary of state said Sunday on CBS' "Face the Nation." "I would like to see us move from what is a good start with 10,000 to 65,000 and begin immediately to put into place the mechanisms for vetting the people that we would take in."

Hillary Clinton: U.S. should take 65,000 Syrian refugees

So, where does she say she wants to import terrorists?
In the next five years, without changes to our autopilot visa dispensations, the U.S. will permanently resettle a Muslim population larger than the entire population of Washington D.C.

Afghanistan Migration Surging into America; 99% Support Sharia Law - Breitbart

The media got on Trump for talking about suspending the Islamic flux. They seem to be okay with the lax "refugee" code word standards that cover up Islamic terrorist connections.

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and thinking something will change. If you want more blood baths, just vote Hillary and she'll do her "progressive" continuation of Obama Muslim immigration if not even increase it.

This guy was a citizen. He was not an immigrant. If the FBI was investigating him, how did he buy all these weapons?

You think Donnie can stop mass shootings? Will he set up Internment camps for citizens who are Muslims?

So, you want to talk about the incompetence of the Obama regime for knowing about this guy and not stopping it? That's fine.

No, let'talk about the fact that the NRA continues to buy repub congressman, blocking greater restrictions on nut cases like this to purchase an arsenal.

This nut case as you call him was a licensed armed security guard, he passed all the background checks you assholes are calling for, did a lot of good for the folks in FL, didn't they.

Him being a security guard meant nothing. I believe he was a guard for several years before he was being 'watched' by the FBI & he sure was after. And he was still able to buy firearms.

How the Orlando Killer Omar Mateen Got His Guns

Just before he launched the worst mass shooting in American history, Omar Mateen went to a gun store—again and again and again.

The source further reports that Mateen had purchased a Sig Sauer .221 caliber assault rifle at a firearms shop near his Florida home, St. Lucie Gun Sales, on June 4 and then a Glock 17 at the same store on June 5. Mateen had returned to the store a third time on June 9 to buy magazines for his weapons. The store is a federally licensed firearms dealer. Under law, the seller would have had to notify the Federal Bureau of Investigation of Mateen's purchase so that his name could be checked against the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, or NICS.

Mateen was actually listed on two federal watch lists, a U.S. official tells The Daily Beast: The Terrorist Identities Datamart Environment, which contains classified information, and the Terrorist Screening Database, which is the FBI's central watchlist. The gun background check would have run Mateen's name against that second database, but he had been removed from it in 2014. The sales were approved and early Sunday morning he used the weapons to fire round after round after round at defenseless people at the Pulse nightclub. Mateen left a third weapon, a revolver capable of firing only a mere six shots, in his van.

An FBI spokesman didn't respond to a request for comment about whether the gun seller made the required check. However, it's unlikely it would have raised any red flags.

Even if it had, Mateen still could have purchased the weapons legally. The U.S. official says that, at most, the FBI would be alerted that he was trying to buy the weapons and perhaps agents would have watched Mateen more closely.

How the Orlando Killer Omar Mateen Got His Guns
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