If You Work Hard, Pay Taxes, Defend Your Country and Go to Church on Sunday...Democrats Hate You

Small town Christian values do not play well in Washington D.C. with the big government establishment Democrats and their media puppets.
America is held hostage by flyover states

I work hard, pay a lot in taxes and spent 20 years defending our country and the conservatives hate me.

So, what is the difference between you and the liberals?

I love my nation.

You love your version of our nation. Yet you hate anyone that does not think and talk and look just like you.
The problem with those states and one of the reason they are fly overs, even by Trump , is they are mainly Evangelicals.
Great Americans. Defend this nation when asked to serve. Support our Constitution and our Republic despite the best efforts of Democrats to destroy her.

Cons only care about the 2nd amendment .
Keep on thinking that and keep losing elections.

Which gop talking point is pro constitutional? Name another right than the 2nd that they back?
Let’s start with states rights and repeal of that bullshit mandate to buy a product.

States rights you say !

Like how the gop wants to force universal reciprocity for gun licenses? Or how they want to overrule state laws where pot is legal??

You lose round one . Try again.
Democrats are better Christians that conservatives.

Cons talk a good game , but they are fakes . Jesus would vote Democrat.
Sure. Because Jesus advocated the murder of babies. Those that liberals do not want to extend legal rights to.

Fine . I’ll give you that one .

What would Jesus say about the rest?
Death penalty, cutting programs for the poor, cutting health insurance to children , bloated military , hating gays , uncontrolled guns, racism , police brutality, anti immigration, anti environment...

I can go on and on.
He would agree with family values and support of greatest Christian nation in world history.
Plenty of, "ambitious and proactive" women there.

Not free chics making excuses.
The problem with those states and one of the reason they are fly overs, even by Trump , is they are mainly Evangelicals.
Great Americans. Defend this nation when asked to serve. Support our Constitution and our Republic despite the best efforts of Democrats to destroy her.

Cons only care about the 2nd amendment .
Keep on thinking that and keep losing elections.

Which gop talking point is pro constitutional? Name another right than the 2nd that they back?
Let’s start with states rights and repeal of that bullshit mandate to buy a product.
States have that power, for health and safety reasons.
Democrats are better Christians that conservatives.

Cons talk a good game , but they are fakes . Jesus would vote Democrat.
Sure. Because Jesus advocated the murder of babies. Those that liberals do not want to extend legal rights to.

Fine . I’ll give you that one .

What would Jesus say about the rest?
Death penalty, cutting programs for the poor, cutting health insurance to children , bloated military , hating gays , uncontrolled guns, racism , police brutality, anti immigration, anti environment...

I can go on and on.
He would agree with family values and support of greatest Christian nation in world history.
Here are the traditional pews kindly provided by Trump at his temple, where the faithful can be found 24 hours a day, cleansing their filthy lucre in highly refined ministrations. Some congregants are known to develop obsessive rituals which they believe, if violated, will bring down the wrath of fate on their heads. In this way, Saint Trump has been credited for creating tens of millions of worshipers of his god:

Great Americans. Defend this nation when asked to serve. Support our Constitution and our Republic despite the best efforts of Democrats to destroy her.

Cons only care about the 2nd amendment .
Keep on thinking that and keep losing elections.

Which gop talking point is pro constitutional? Name another right than the 2nd that they back?
Let’s start with states rights and repeal of that bullshit mandate to buy a product.

States rights you say !

Like how the gop wants to force universal reciprocity for gun licenses?

We have universal reciprocity for driver's licenses, and driving is not even a right.
Democrats are better Christians that conservatives.

Cons talk a good game , but they are fakes . Jesus would vote Democrat.
Sure. Because Jesus advocated the murder of babies. Those that liberals do not want to extend legal rights to.

Fine . I’ll give you that one .

What would Jesus say about the rest?
Death penalty, cutting programs for the poor, cutting health insurance to children , bloated military , hating gays , uncontrolled guns, racism , police brutality, anti immigration, anti environment...

I can go on and on.
He would agree with family values and support of greatest Christian nation in world history.

Family values, eh?

All Donald Trump's creepiest comments about his daughter Ivanka

In the almost 20 years since, Mr Trump has called his eldest daughter “voluptuous”. He’s said it’s OK to describe her as “a piece of ass”, though she is a senior executive in his business empire. And he’s said that, if she wasn’t his daughter, “perhaps [he’d] be dating her”.
He would agree with family values and support of greatest Christian nation in world history.
Here is The Donald with his first wife:


Maybe there was a language barrier, I don't know. But Trump fooled around on her a lot. He said the 80s were his "personal Vietnam", sex-wise.

So he made this mistress his second wife. I think the "Trump Family Values" thing on the cover is a real treat, don't you?


Trump's second wife was an American, but he went back on a big outsourcing kick again, and dumped her so he could marry this woman young enough to be his daughter:

Democrats are better Christians that conservatives.

Cons talk a good game , but they are fakes . Jesus would vote Democrat.
Sure. Because Jesus advocated the murder of babies. Those that liberals do not want to extend legal rights to.

Fine . I’ll give you that one .

What would Jesus say about the rest?
Death penalty, cutting programs for the poor, cutting health insurance to children , bloated military , hating gays , uncontrolled guns, racism , police brutality, anti immigration, anti environment...

I can go on and on.
He would agree with family values and support of greatest Christian nation in world history.

Family values, eh?

All Donald Trump's creepiest comments about his daughter Ivanka

In the almost 20 years since, Mr Trump has called his eldest daughter “voluptuous”. He’s said it’s OK to describe her as “a piece of ass”, though she is a senior executive in his business empire. And he’s said that, if she wasn’t his daughter, “perhaps [he’d] be dating her”.
Well, this guy who is NOT HW is a little off.
Why do you need to go to church on Sunday when you can go Saturday?
Are you a JEW? (joke@)

When Byron De La Beckwith was asked by a reporter "did you murder Medger Evers" that was the retort
I'm Jew from the waist down. I got the operation...Catholics have Saturday mass...Didn't you get fish patties in school on Friday's?
He would agree with family values and support of greatest Christian nation in world history.
Not even a year after marrying his third wife:

Donald J. Trump: You know and ...

Unknown: She used to be great. She’s still very beautiful.

Trump: I moved on her, actually. You know, she was down on Palm Beach. I moved on her, and I failed. I’ll admit it.

Unknown: Whoa.

Trump: I did try and fuck her. She was married.

Unknown: That’s huge news.

Trump: No, no, Nancy. No, this was [unintelligible] — and I moved on her very heavily. In fact, I took her out furniture shopping.

She wanted to get some furniture. I said, “I’ll show you where they have some nice furniture.” I took her out furniture —

I moved on her like a bitch. But I couldn’t get there. And she was married. Then all of a sudden I see her, she’s now got the big phony tits and everything. She’s totally changed her look.

Billy Bush: Sheesh, your girl’s hot as shit. In the purple.

Trump: Whoa! Whoa!

Bush: Yes! The Donald has scored. Whoa, my man!


Trump: Look at you, you are a pussy.


Trump: All right, you and I will walk out.


Trump: Maybe it’s a different one.

Bush: It better not be the publicist. No, it’s, it’s her, it’s —

Trump: Yeah, that’s her. With the gold. I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.

Bush: Whatever you want.

Trump: Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything.

Bush: Uh, yeah, those legs, all I can see is the legs.

Trump: Oh, it looks good.

Bush: Come on shorty.

Trump: Ooh, nice legs, huh?
Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted, while evil people and impostors will go on from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived. - 2 Timothy 3:13.

Democrats are better Christians that conservatives.

Cons talk a good game , but they are fakes . Jesus would vote Democrat.
Sure. Because Jesus advocated the murder of babies. Those that liberals do not want to extend legal rights to.

Fine . I’ll give you that one .

What would Jesus say about the rest?
Death penalty, cutting programs for the poor, cutting health insurance to children , bloated military , hating gays , uncontrolled guns, racism , police brutality, anti immigration, anti environment...

I can go on and on.
He would agree with family values and support of greatest Christian nation in world history.

Family values, eh?

All Donald Trump's creepiest comments about his daughter Ivanka

In the almost 20 years since, Mr Trump has called his eldest daughter “voluptuous”. He’s said it’s OK to describe her as “a piece of ass”, though she is a senior executive in his business empire. And he’s said that, if she wasn’t his daughter, “perhaps [he’d] be dating her”.
You put your mouth on another guy’s penis. You have no moral high ground to cast aspersions on anyone.
Sure. Because Jesus advocated the murder of babies. Those that liberals do not want to extend legal rights to.

Small town Christian values do not play well in Washington D.C. with the big government establishment Democrats and their media puppets.
America is held hostage by flyover states

The problem with those states and one of the reason they are fly overs, even by Trump , is they are mainly Evangelicals.
Great Americans. Defend this nation when asked to serve. Support our Constitution and our Republic despite the best efforts of Democrats to destroy her.

Cons only care about the 2nd amendment .
Keep on thinking that and keep losing elections.

Poor tard. You think you are winning! BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Kicking liberal ass is winning to me:banana:
Why do you need to go to church on Sunday when you can go Saturday?
Are you a JEW? (joke@)

When Byron De La Beckwith was asked by a reporter "did you murder Medger Evers" that was the retort
I'm Jew from the waist down. I got the operation...Catholics have Saturday mass...Didn't you get fish patties in school on Friday's?
It was a joke. One good thing about being a Catholic is you can go to church and still get laid on Sat
Democrats are better Christians that conservatives.

Cons talk a good game , but they are fakes . Jesus would vote Democrat.
Sure. Because Jesus advocated the murder of babies. Those that liberals do not want to extend legal rights to.

Fine . I’ll give you that one .

What would Jesus say about the rest?
Death penalty, cutting programs for the poor, cutting health insurance to children , bloated military , hating gays , uncontrolled guns, racism , police brutality, anti immigration, anti environment...

I can go on and on.
He would agree with family values and support of greatest Christian nation in world history.

Family values, eh?

All Donald Trump's creepiest comments about his daughter Ivanka

In the almost 20 years since, Mr Trump has called his eldest daughter “voluptuous”. He’s said it’s OK to describe her as “a piece of ass”, though she is a senior executive in his business empire. And he’s said that, if she wasn’t his daughter, “perhaps [he’d] be dating her”.
You put your mouth on another guy’s penis. You have no moral high ground to cast aspersions on anyone.
What's so weird about you is you have some aspiration to HW but none of his decency

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