If you're working for minimum wage your financial problems are yours alone

Ray if I can learn how to sit on my butt I can be a CEO. Unli!ke you they are no more important than the laborers who earn nothing but do the actual work. Ceos should be booted out in the cold left to suffer.

Well show us how easy it is. That's all I'm asking. Show me how you can be a CEO with no education, no political ties, no business relationships, no successful history running a company. It's so easy........right?

I'll wait here for you to announce what company hired you to be their CEO.
Your boss didn't kill your ambition.
Your boss didn't make you fail your education.
I didn't kill your ambition.
I didn't make you fail in school.

If you're an adult working for minimum wage it is YOUR irresponsible choices that led you there.

I wonder GrampsM, if slavery wasn't illegal would you also be the guy making threads about how being a slave is your own damn fault?
You are a fucking idiot and I welcome the moderation. Fuck off

So you wouldn't? Right?

So there you go, you are in perfect position to understand why some wouldn't want near-slave wages to be legal.

On both counts there is a moral component to the question. It maybe very well be someone's fault, doesn't make it moral.

How about no minimum wage? Let the market determine wages based on your skills and work ethic.
Your boss didn't kill your ambition.
Your boss didn't make you fail your education.
I didn't kill your ambition.
I didn't make you fail in school.

If you're an adult working for minimum wage it is YOUR irresponsible choices that led you there.

I wonder GrampsM, if slavery wasn't illegal would you also be the guy making threads about how being a slave is your own damn fault?
You are a fucking idiot and I welcome the moderation. Fuck off

So you wouldn't? Right?

So there you go, you are in perfect position to understand why some wouldn't want near-slave wages to be legal.

On both counts there is a moral component to the question. It maybe very well be someone's fault, doesn't make it moral.

How about no minimum wage? Let the market determine wages based on your skills and work ethic.

Why not bring back slavery and child labor as well?

Unions and a minimum wage is why America had such a vibrant middle class.
Yup. But if nobody, even the unemployed apply, you have zero to say. You have no complaint. If everyone let's the market decide, alot of people get screwed.
Correct, that is the problem. Welfare pays better than work in many cases. A good reason it should pay much less. Then people would have no choice but to support themselves.
there is a reason for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage. only the right wants the poor to work harder for less, so the rich can get richer faster.

There is a reason for a $15.00 an hour minimum wage, and that reason it relieves people from bettering themselves. If you had to work towards making that $15.00 an hour by yourself, you'll try harder.
the reason for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage is that social services pays fourteen dollars an hour, by comparison. rational choice theory applies; only the right, never gets it.

No, it's the left that doesn't get it.

"If you pay people not to work, don't be surprised when they don't!"
Rush Limbaugh

If welfare programs are paying more than jobs do, then welfare is paying too much, that's the problem. Lowlifes are living like kings, eating so much on their SNAP's cards that they are grossly overweight, living in the suburbs on HUD, irresponsibly having kids they can't afford because they're lazy, getting their utilities paid for free, and let's not forget Medicaid for the whole family.

So what's the point of working? Studies have shown the so-called poor live just as good if not better than the working. In NYC, people that receive full benefits do better than a starting teacher. It's no wonder why over one-third of our population of working age people don't have a job and are not looking for one either.

If WalMart and other large corporations would pay a living wage, then those people would be ineligible for assistance programs. Matter of fact, if it wasn't for WIC, I don't think I would have been able to stay in the Navy, because E4's didn't make that much.

And the obesity program isn't because they are gorging themselves on their SNAP cards, it's because they don't make enough to eat healthy, and many items that people are allowed to buy on SNAP consist of a lot of empty calories.

Well maybe you should come to my grocery store sometime. We have all kinds of SNAP's people in line. In fact, I unfortunately end up behind them all the time.

Yes, you should see what they are buying. Ready made cakes, top quality steaks, roasts, ribs, chicken... Oh, and then the best part. The best part is after they pay for their food with their SNAP's card, out comes the wad of cash to pay for their cigarettes, alcohol, greeting cards, flowers, perfume and other female body products, huge bags of dog food and several bags of cat litter.

Yep, that's right, we are paying to make them fat and they are supporting their house full of animals while getting drunk. And hey! If you're lucky, you may be able to follow them out to their car to see what kind of vehicles some of these people drive.

If you increase wages, those people would still make the same amount of money because they would work less hours to keep those goodies coming in. Some of our customers use temporary services because they either want to try out employees before hiring them outright, or because of the changing purchasing levels by their customers.

I talk to the full-time people that work in these places. They tell me that when they get busy, they ask these temps if they would work overtime or on the weekend. They refuse. Why? Because more hours means less benefits.
No adult should show up for minimum wage and do a good job. That I believe. The employer doest deserve good workers for that.
Your boss didn't kill your ambition.
Your boss didn't make you fail your education.
I didn't kill your ambition.
I didn't make you fail in school.

If you're an adult working for minimum wage it is YOUR irresponsible choices that led you there.

I wonder GrampsM, if slavery wasn't illegal would you also be the guy making threads about how being a slave is your own damn fault?
You are a fucking idiot and I welcome the moderation. Fuck off

So you wouldn't? Right?

So there you go, you are in perfect position to understand why some wouldn't want near-slave wages to be legal.

On both counts there is a moral component to the question. It maybe very well be someone's fault, doesn't make it moral.

How about no minimum wage? Let the market determine wages based on your skills and work ethic.

Why not bring back slavery and child labor as well?

Unions and a minimum wage is why America had such a vibrant middle class.
WWII is what built Americas middle class. No other country was left intact to compete
Your boss didn't kill your ambition.
Your boss didn't make you fail your education.
I didn't kill your ambition.
I didn't make you fail in school.

If you're an adult working for minimum wage it is YOUR irresponsible choices that led you there.

I wonder GrampsM, if slavery wasn't illegal would you also be the guy making threads about how being a slave is your own damn fault?
You are a fucking idiot and I welcome the moderation. Fuck off

So you wouldn't? Right?

So there you go, you are in perfect position to understand why some wouldn't want near-slave wages to be legal.

On both counts there is a moral component to the question. It maybe very well be someone's fault, doesn't make it moral.

How about no minimum wage? Let the market determine wages based on your skills and work ethic.

Why not bring back slavery and child labor as well?

Unions and a minimum wage is why America had such a vibrant middle class.

Nope it was all about World War II why the middle class flourished..

Where I live the grocery stores pay $10.00 an hour to stock shelves and cant find anyone to work
I wonder GrampsM, if slavery wasn't illegal would you also be the guy making threads about how being a slave is your own damn fault?
You are a fucking idiot and I welcome the moderation. Fuck off

So you wouldn't? Right?

So there you go, you are in perfect position to understand why some wouldn't want near-slave wages to be legal.

On both counts there is a moral component to the question. It maybe very well be someone's fault, doesn't make it moral.

How about no minimum wage? Let the market determine wages based on your skills and work ethic.

Why not bring back slavery and child labor as well?

Unions and a minimum wage is why America had such a vibrant middle class.
WWII is what built Americas middle class. No other country was left intact to compete

Thanks you beat me to it...

If they get less benefits for working extra, what a most heinous place. I hope it goes under.
When I owned my own company ...construction, my starting wage was 25.25 per hour plus bennies...only union. They took pride in their work unlike non union slobs.

Must have been up north before the mexican invasion.
You wouldnt last a week in construction contracting these days because you'd never beat the quote of a crew of wetbacks.
If they get less benefits for working extra, what a most heinous place. I hope it goes under.

I have no idea WTF you're even talking about. GOVERNMENT gives them less benefits for earning too much. That's why they don't want to earn more than X amount per month.
Well then NOT "many-places" in America are currently employing around 8-10 million people that make under $9 an hour, how does that change the discussion?

And there are a lot of places that can't find Americans to work for that money. How many fast food restaurants do you see without a HELP WANTED sign inside and even outside of a building?
social services is paying around fourteen dollars an hour, by comparison. rational choice theory always applies.

You pay people not worth $7.25 an hour $14 an hour and let's see where "rational choice" leads you
Keep in mind we're not talking about a lot of people making minimum wage. Only about 4% of all hourly paid workers, including full and part time are paid minimum wage or less. I have never heard of a serious proposal to take minimum wage directly from $7 to $14. It is usually implemented in steps by states over a period of years. It has a minimal impact on the economy as well the workforce. By the time the federal government raises the federal minimum wage most states have already raised their minimum wage and most workers are making well above both state and federal minimum wage. We spend way too much time arguing over it.

So if people get fired more slowly that is better? If you want them to lose their jobs, why not just rip off the band aid and do it now?

Also, not only are a small portion of workers earning minimum wage, but the ones on minimum wage rarely stay there. How does preventing the lowest skilled workers who need the jobs the most from getting any job a cause of giving yourself a smug, self congratulatory, leftist pat on the back for something you spent none of your own money on?
But they don't lose their jobs...

In a letter to the president and leaders in congress, more than 600 economists, including 7 Nobel Prize winners wrote, "In recent years there have been important developments in the academic literature on the effect of increases in the minimum wage on employment, with the weight of evidence now showing that increases in the minimum wage have had little or no negative effect on the employment of minimum-wage workers, even during times of weakness in the labor market. Research suggests that a minimum-wage increase could have a small stimulative effect on the economy as low-wage workers spend their additional earnings, raising demand and job growth, and providing some help on the jobs front."

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