If you're working for minimum wage your financial problems are yours alone

Most all ceos are lazy and should not have wealth. We both agree on this. Most ceos are underworked overpaid and bring no value. This we agree on too.

That's because you never knew a CEO. You watch too many movies about CEO's sitting in their office all day practicing their putts on their astroturf set up in their office.

Movies and television shows are not reality. But if you really believe that about CEO's, why don't you become a CEO yourself? Apply to companies and tell them that you want a job being overpaid and underworked.

Good luck with your CEO job hunting.
Oh I knew ceos and THANKFULLY two of the companies I worked for went under and closed. I was ECSTATIC that I left them...no wimpy anti American 2_ weeks notice. I prayed for their demise and later it came to fruition. Proof there is a god. Too bad you gulp in propogandsa like a southern bass. They are dumb.
The opportunity is everywhere is a nasty LIE ray. I call that an 11 on the zero to 10 american bs meter. Note small a.

Opportunity is everywhere. Anybody can make investments with their money. You can invest in real estate, you can invest in the stock market, you can invest in your own business, you can invest in the commodities market. It's all up to you...........

Or, you can do what most people do. Spend your money on that 70" UHD television set. Spend your money on the most expensive cable or satellite service. Spend your money on the most expensive cell phone plan for you and your family. Take European vacations a few times a year. Buy a new car every three or four years.

It's your money and it's up to you what you do with it. But when somebody avoids all the comfort and entertainment temptations, and ends up earning a lot of money, don't complain, because yes, you had every same opportunity.
Most all ceos are lazy and should not have wealth. We both agree on this. Most ceos are underworked overpaid and bring no value. This we agree on too.

That's because you never knew a CEO. You watch too many movies about CEO's sitting in their office all day practicing their putts on their astroturf set up in their office.

Movies and television shows are not reality. But if you really believe that about CEO's, why don't you become a CEO yourself? Apply to companies and tell them that you want a job being overpaid and underworked.

Good luck with your CEO job hunting.
I would, but I don't want to have to work harder than my help, to convince them it really is hard work that got me where I am, not a loan from daddy.
It wouldn't matter. Many places can't get Americans to work for the minimum wage now.

Well then NOT "many-places" in America are currently employing around 8-10 million people that make under $9 an hour, how does that change the discussion?

And there are a lot of places that can't find Americans to work for that money. How many fast food restaurants do you see without a HELP WANTED sign inside and even outside of a building?
social services is paying around fourteen dollars an hour, by comparison. rational choice theory always applies.

Correct, that is the problem. Welfare pays better than work in many cases. A good reason it should pay much less. Then people would have no choice but to support themselves.
there is a reason for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage. only the right wants the poor to work harder for less, so the rich can get richer faster.

There is a reason for a $15.00 an hour minimum wage, and that reason it relieves people from bettering themselves. If you had to work towards making that $15.00 an hour by yourself, you'll try harder.
Most all ceos are lazy and should not have wealth. We both agree on this. Most ceos are underworked overpaid and bring no value. This we agree on too.

That's because you never knew a CEO. You watch too many movies about CEO's sitting in their office all day practicing their putts on their astroturf set up in their office.

Movies and television shows are not reality. But if you really believe that about CEO's, why don't you become a CEO yourself? Apply to companies and tell them that you want a job being overpaid and underworked.

Good luck with your CEO job hunting.
I would, but I don't want to have to work harder than my help, to convince them it really is hard work that got me where I am, not a loan from daddy.

Or, you would if you could. But the truth is you can't do the job of a CEO.
Yes I could. Its a cake easy job in most cases. Those most unable usually get it. I stake everything I own on it.
Well then NOT "many-places" in America are currently employing around 8-10 million people that make under $9 an hour, how does that change the discussion?

And there are a lot of places that can't find Americans to work for that money. How many fast food restaurants do you see without a HELP WANTED sign inside and even outside of a building?
social services is paying around fourteen dollars an hour, by comparison. rational choice theory always applies.

Correct, that is the problem. Welfare pays better than work in many cases. A good reason it should pay much less. Then people would have no choice but to support themselves.
there is a reason for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage. only the right wants the poor to work harder for less, so the rich can get richer faster.

There is a reason for a $15.00 an hour minimum wage, and that reason it relieves people from bettering themselves. If you had to work towards making that $15.00 an hour by yourself, you'll try harder.
the reason for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage is that social services pays fourteen dollars an hour, by comparison. rational choice theory applies; only the right, never gets it.
Most all ceos are lazy and should not have wealth. We both agree on this. Most ceos are underworked overpaid and bring no value. This we agree on too.

That's because you never knew a CEO. You watch too many movies about CEO's sitting in their office all day practicing their putts on their astroturf set up in their office.

Movies and television shows are not reality. But if you really believe that about CEO's, why don't you become a CEO yourself? Apply to companies and tell them that you want a job being overpaid and underworked.

Good luck with your CEO job hunting.
I would, but I don't want to have to work harder than my help, to convince them it really is hard work that got me where I am, not a loan from daddy.

Or, you would if you could. But the truth is you can't do the job of a CEO.
all it takes is a loan from daddy; anyone can make it, that way.
What about the people in the military? Are they "failures" because instead of choosing to earn lots of money they chose to stay and defend this country?
I'm 79. I can carry my rifle all day deer hunting. But I would not give that same effort in wartime...took old.
Most all ceos are lazy and should not have wealth. We both agree on this. Most ceos are underworked overpaid and bring no value. This we agree on too.

That's because you never knew a CEO. You watch too many movies about CEO's sitting in their office all day practicing their putts on their astroturf set up in their office.

Movies and television shows are not reality. But if you really believe that about CEO's, why don't you become a CEO yourself? Apply to companies and tell them that you want a job being overpaid and underworked.

Good luck with your CEO job hunting.
I would, but I don't want to have to work harder than my help, to convince them it really is hard work that got me where I am, not a loan from daddy.

Or, you would if you could. But the truth is you can't do the job of a CEO.
all it takes is a loan from daddy; anyone can make it, that way.

The Decline of Inherited Money
And there are a lot of places that can't find Americans to work for that money. How many fast food restaurants do you see without a HELP WANTED sign inside and even outside of a building?
social services is paying around fourteen dollars an hour, by comparison. rational choice theory always applies.

Correct, that is the problem. Welfare pays better than work in many cases. A good reason it should pay much less. Then people would have no choice but to support themselves.
there is a reason for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage. only the right wants the poor to work harder for less, so the rich can get richer faster.

There is a reason for a $15.00 an hour minimum wage, and that reason it relieves people from bettering themselves. If you had to work towards making that $15.00 an hour by yourself, you'll try harder.
the reason for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage is that social services pays fourteen dollars an hour, by comparison. rational choice theory applies; only the right, never gets it.

No, it's the left that doesn't get it.

"If you pay people not to work, don't be surprised when they don't!"
Rush Limbaugh

If welfare programs are paying more than jobs do, then welfare is paying too much, that's the problem. Lowlifes are living like kings, eating so much on their SNAP's cards that they are grossly overweight, living in the suburbs on HUD, irresponsibly having kids they can't afford because they're lazy, getting their utilities paid for free, and let's not forget Medicaid for the whole family.

So what's the point of working? Studies have shown the so-called poor live just as good if not better than the working. In NYC, people that receive full benefits do better than a starting teacher. It's no wonder why over one-third of our population of working age people don't have a job and are not looking for one either.
Yes I could. Its a cake easy job in most cases. Those most unable usually get it. I stake everything I own on it.

Then get a job as a CEO and then tell us about it. You wouldn't even know how to get to your office yet alone do one thing a CEO does. Do you think companies pay them the kind of money they make if anybody could do their job?
social services is paying around fourteen dollars an hour, by comparison. rational choice theory always applies.

Correct, that is the problem. Welfare pays better than work in many cases. A good reason it should pay much less. Then people would have no choice but to support themselves.
there is a reason for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage. only the right wants the poor to work harder for less, so the rich can get richer faster.

There is a reason for a $15.00 an hour minimum wage, and that reason it relieves people from bettering themselves. If you had to work towards making that $15.00 an hour by yourself, you'll try harder.
the reason for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage is that social services pays fourteen dollars an hour, by comparison. rational choice theory applies; only the right, never gets it.

No, it's the left that doesn't get it.

"If you pay people not to work, don't be surprised when they don't!"
Rush Limbaugh

If welfare programs are paying more than jobs do, then welfare is paying too much, that's the problem. Lowlifes are living like kings, eating so much on their SNAP's cards that they are grossly overweight, living in the suburbs on HUD, irresponsibly having kids they can't afford because they're lazy, getting their utilities paid for free, and let's not forget Medicaid for the whole family.

So what's the point of working? Studies have shown the so-called poor live just as good if not better than the working. In NYC, people that receive full benefits do better than a starting teacher. It's no wonder why over one-third of our population of working age people don't have a job and are not looking for one either.

If WalMart and other large corporations would pay a living wage, then those people would be ineligible for assistance programs. Matter of fact, if it wasn't for WIC, I don't think I would have been able to stay in the Navy, because E4's didn't make that much.

And the obesity program isn't because they are gorging themselves on their SNAP cards, it's because they don't make enough to eat healthy, and many items that people are allowed to buy on SNAP consist of a lot of empty calories.
Ray if I can learn how to sit on my butt I can be a CEO. Unli!ke you they are no more important than the laborers who earn nothing but do the actual work. Ceos should be booted out in the cold left to suffer.

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