If you're working for minimum wage your financial problems are yours alone

Says anyone with half a brain cell. Its good to see those jobs unfilled. If businesses struggle to fill positions that is good.

That is correct, it is good, because if they can't find labor, they need to increase their wage offer without unions and government regulation. That's the natural supply and demand process.

But as long as we keep letting foreigners into this country to take our jobs, that will never happen.
We could be generating revenue with a market friendly work visa, instead of merely wasting money enforcing a porous border.

What? How would work Visas generate money? What generates money is people getting paid better. The higher the pay, the more taxation gets generated. That can't be done with foreigners who come here, work for next to nothing, send the money home, and move back for a few years living like a king.
Says anyone with half a brain cell. Its good to see those jobs unfilled. If businesses struggle to fill positions that is good.
So you're OK with cutting EBT in half to,start? Then to zero?

this is why I believe in unemployment compensation, simply for being unemployed on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States.

And who is supposed to pay for all this unemployment? You do realize that unemployment is an insurance, don't you?
You are a fucking idiot and I welcome the moderation. Fuck off

So you wouldn't? Right?

So there you go, you are in perfect position to understand why some wouldn't want near-slave wages to be legal.

It wouldn't matter. Many places can't get Americans to work for the minimum wage now.

Well then NOT "many-places" in America are currently employing around 8-10 million people that make under $9 an hour, how does that change the discussion?

And there are a lot of places that can't find Americans to work for that money. How many fast food restaurants do you see without a HELP WANTED sign inside and even outside of a building?
social services is paying around fourteen dollars an hour, by comparison. rational choice theory always applies.

Correct, that is the problem. Welfare pays better than work in many cases. A good reason it should pay much less. Then people would have no choice but to support themselves.
If you're working for minimum wage, you're working, and deserve a decent wage.

Is that what working is all about, what one deserves and not what their labor is actually worth?
value can be subjective.

It's not subjective at all. A worker is only worth as much as the next person willing to do the same job for the same money. It doesn't matter whether you clean toilets or repair computers.
That's not entirely true. Depending on the job/employer pay isn't always based on productivity. There are some that any raises given are given to everyone based on a pay scale for the type of position held and length of employment.

Usually minimum wage jobs don't offer 40 hours per week anymore. Most are only part-time.
You have no idea what I would give to have a part time job for a month or two right now.
my hours for the last 3 months have been 65 to 75 hours a week, I have been working 7 days a week this entire 3 month period, I am typing this right now at 1:48am from my desk at work. Why you ask? because we are having a hard time finding people to fill the spots that we have empty right now for staff. The work is out there, the problem is that people are too picky. Yes I need to work and yes I want to work, but God forbid that the hours are on a midshift, or they include weekends, you dont expect people to give up their weekends just to have a $43.00 an hour job do you? that wouldn't be fair at all. So these positions go unfilled and people like me get screwed with having to fill in the hours.. on the bright side, thats roughly 30 hours a week of overtime. My complaints are fairly silent on payday.
I dont like these hours but the thought of being unemployed right now is not a thought that I entertain with much glee.
there are no unfilled positions; only positions that don't pay enough. please stop with the wealth, chauvinism.
there are no positions that do not pay enough, only people that are too greedy and conceited to accept that they are not worth what they think they are. And I dont care how many advanced degrees you have, if you are flipping a burger you deserve minimum wage to perform that task.
So stop with the employers can afford anything attitude.
it is employers who are the greedy ones; they are not working for a minimum wage.

Then the solution is simple: be an employer yourself and then you can pay your workers whatever you want.
i am not the one complaining about minimum wages for labor, but not myself.
You are a fucking idiot and I welcome the moderation. Fuck off

So you wouldn't? Right?

So there you go, you are in perfect position to understand why some wouldn't want near-slave wages to be legal.

It wouldn't matter. Many places can't get Americans to work for the minimum wage now.

I doubt what you say but if I were in their shoes I wouldn't blame them. Did you know that in the last thirty years 86% of all the increase in wealth went to the upper 1%?

The poor bastards should either organize a union and sit down or just quit doing a damn thing. The rich can't do shit without a bunch of poor and average people working for them. Most rich people have trouble wiping their own asses.

In a free country, you can be whatever you desire. You don't have to be poor and you don't have to work for minimum wage your entire life.

Immigrants come to this country barely knowing enough English to get by with ten bucks in their pockets. Yet through a lot of hard work, some get educated and get good jobs. Many work night and day to save for their own business; some even buying into franchises.

But native born Americans just can't seem to figure that out. Why?

There is a selection bias.

There are 7 billion people in the world and a few that are willing to leave everything familiar behind and move to lands foreign have a track record of willingness and ability to do something about their status quo.

That is correct, because many times, those people come from countries where there is no way for one to advance. They know that in America, that opportunity is everywhere. When they get here, they are in disbelief how many ways one can be successful.
That's not entirely true. Depending on the job/employer pay isn't always based on productivity. There are some that any raises given are given to everyone based on a pay scale for the type of position held and length of employment.

Usually minimum wage jobs don't offer 40 hours per week anymore. Most are only part-time.
You have no idea what I would give to have a part time job for a month or two right now.
my hours for the last 3 months have been 65 to 75 hours a week, I have been working 7 days a week this entire 3 month period, I am typing this right now at 1:48am from my desk at work. Why you ask? because we are having a hard time finding people to fill the spots that we have empty right now for staff. The work is out there, the problem is that people are too picky. Yes I need to work and yes I want to work, but God forbid that the hours are on a midshift, or they include weekends, you dont expect people to give up their weekends just to have a $43.00 an hour job do you? that wouldn't be fair at all. So these positions go unfilled and people like me get screwed with having to fill in the hours.. on the bright side, thats roughly 30 hours a week of overtime. My complaints are fairly silent on payday.
I dont like these hours but the thought of being unemployed right now is not a thought that I entertain with much glee.
there are no unfilled positions; only positions that don't pay enough. please stop with the wealth, chauvinism.
there are no positions that do not pay enough, only people that are too greedy and conceited to accept that they are not worth what they think they are. And I dont care how many advanced degrees you have, if you are flipping a burger you deserve minimum wage to perform that task.
So stop with the employers can afford anything attitude.
it is employers who are the greedy ones; they are not working for a minimum wage.
why should they work for minimum wage? they are the ones taking all of the risk. Should they be compensated for the risk they are exposing themselves to in order to employ others and stimulate the economy?
Im sure if you owned a major corporation, or you were the CEO, you would limit you pay to the same as what the guy sweeping the floor is paid.
it is just money when you say risk. try doing it without money. that is even riskier. Capitalism's, natural rate of unemployment is official policy that simply helps the rich get richer faster by making the poor work harder for less.
I believe in govt assistance for anyone working 40 hours per week for minimum wage. One cannot survive on that or pay a bill.

Exactly! The goddam rich Republicans are the only ones who even give it a thought. I'd like to see how that bunch or elitist horse's asses would make it on what they pay their drivers or gardeners. They'd more than likely load up a .38 and blow their fuckin' brains out......if they could hit their heads.

Your comment takes me back to something my father told me when I was a kid.

If you give a poor person a million dollars, chances are, they will be poor in just a few years. But if you take all the money away from a millionaire, he will become a millionaire once again because he knows how he did it the first time.

Wealth is not for everybody. In fact, books have been written on how lottery winnings actually ruined people's lives.
maybe, maybe not, in modern times. what if, everyone who gets a million dollars also gets an appointment with a financial planner? that is the Only problem with EBT cards; they cannot be used with financial planners.

Noooooo, the problem with EBT cards is that they can't be used to create wealth. Only cash that's invested can create wealth. Any self-made millionaire already are their own financial planner. But if people who get money dumped into their laps spend it irresponsibly, even the best financial planner can't talk them out of it.
yes, that is the problem with EBT cards; it is public policies like those, that render the right wing, literally, incredible concerning hard money policies. Money must be fungible to circulate.
Working until the day you die is unacceptable and horrific. It should be illegal. It adds embarrassment to a life unenjoyed.

So what if you didn't live in a civilized society? What if you lived off the earth itself? If you don't hunt, you die of starvation. If you don't cut down trees for firewood, you freeze to death in the winter. If you don't plant a garden every year, you do without vegetables. You do that every day until the day you die, and if you don't do those things, you will cause your own early death.
So you wouldn't? Right?

So there you go, you are in perfect position to understand why some wouldn't want near-slave wages to be legal.

It wouldn't matter. Many places can't get Americans to work for the minimum wage now.

Well then NOT "many-places" in America are currently employing around 8-10 million people that make under $9 an hour, how does that change the discussion?

And there are a lot of places that can't find Americans to work for that money. How many fast food restaurants do you see without a HELP WANTED sign inside and even outside of a building?
social services is paying around fourteen dollars an hour, by comparison. rational choice theory always applies.

Correct, that is the problem. Welfare pays better than work in many cases. A good reason it should pay much less. Then people would have no choice but to support themselves.
there is a reason for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage. only the right wants the poor to work harder for less, so the rich can get richer faster.
The opportunity is everywhere is a nasty LIE ray. I call that an 11 on the zero to 10 american bs meter. Note small a.
You have no idea what I would give to have a part time job for a month or two right now.
my hours for the last 3 months have been 65 to 75 hours a week, I have been working 7 days a week this entire 3 month period, I am typing this right now at 1:48am from my desk at work. Why you ask? because we are having a hard time finding people to fill the spots that we have empty right now for staff. The work is out there, the problem is that people are too picky. Yes I need to work and yes I want to work, but God forbid that the hours are on a midshift, or they include weekends, you dont expect people to give up their weekends just to have a $43.00 an hour job do you? that wouldn't be fair at all. So these positions go unfilled and people like me get screwed with having to fill in the hours.. on the bright side, thats roughly 30 hours a week of overtime. My complaints are fairly silent on payday.
I dont like these hours but the thought of being unemployed right now is not a thought that I entertain with much glee.
there are no unfilled positions; only positions that don't pay enough. please stop with the wealth, chauvinism.
there are no positions that do not pay enough, only people that are too greedy and conceited to accept that they are not worth what they think they are. And I dont care how many advanced degrees you have, if you are flipping a burger you deserve minimum wage to perform that task.
So stop with the employers can afford anything attitude.
it is employers who are the greedy ones; they are not working for a minimum wage.
why should they work for minimum wage? they are the ones taking all of the risk. Should they be compensated for the risk they are exposing themselves to in order to employ others and stimulate the economy?
Im sure if you owned a major corporation, or you were the CEO, you would limit you pay to the same as what the guy sweeping the floor is paid.
it is just money when you say risk. try doing it without money. that is even riskier. Capitalism's, natural rate of unemployment is official policy that simply helps the rich get richer faster by making the poor work harder for less.
most small business owners start with little to no money, the put a second mortgage on their house, or the borrow out the ass to start up. of course there is no reason to expect the loans to be repaid out of the business proceeds. By all means, lets just pretend those payments dont have to be made and give the workers twice,, no, three times as much.
If you're working for minimum wage, you're working, and deserve a decent wage.

Is that what working is all about, what one deserves and not what their labor is actually worth?
value can be subjective.

It's not subjective at all. A worker is only worth as much as the next person willing to do the same job for the same money. It doesn't matter whether you clean toilets or repair computers.
yes, it is as subjective as any market can be.
The opportunity is everywhere is a nasty LIE ray. I call that an 11 on the zero to 10 american bs meter. Note small a.
if opportunity is everywhere, why are alleged capitalists whining they can't make it if they have to double minimum wages? Henry Ford did it. I thought Only the poor should make poor lifestyle choices to stay poor.
"Wealth is not for everybody". Yup...only a few should have it. The rest should eek by struggling every inc. Classy.h of the way. Only in america will you hear this. Classy.

Wealth is not for everybody. If you have the inclination to be wealthy, it's likely you are one of those who deserve wealth.

You can give money to some people and it will improve their lives. You can give money to others, and it will destroy their lives. That's why places that help the homeless tell people the worst thing you can do for a homeless person is give them cash. They will use that cash to purchase alcohol or drugs. You're not helping them by giving them money--you are hurting them instead.
there are no unfilled positions; only positions that don't pay enough. please stop with the wealth, chauvinism.
there are no positions that do not pay enough, only people that are too greedy and conceited to accept that they are not worth what they think they are. And I dont care how many advanced degrees you have, if you are flipping a burger you deserve minimum wage to perform that task.
So stop with the employers can afford anything attitude.
it is employers who are the greedy ones; they are not working for a minimum wage.
why should they work for minimum wage? they are the ones taking all of the risk. Should they be compensated for the risk they are exposing themselves to in order to employ others and stimulate the economy?
Im sure if you owned a major corporation, or you were the CEO, you would limit you pay to the same as what the guy sweeping the floor is paid.
it is just money when you say risk. try doing it without money. that is even riskier. Capitalism's, natural rate of unemployment is official policy that simply helps the rich get richer faster by making the poor work harder for less.
most small business owners start with little to no money, the put a second mortgage on their house, or the borrow out the ass to start up. of course there is no reason to expect the loans to be repaid out of the business proceeds. By all means, lets just pretend those payments dont have to be made and give the workers twice,, no, three times as much.
no need to hire anyone; why not save money on labor and, do it yourself?
Most all ceos are lazy and should not have wealth. We both agree on this. Most ceos are underworked overpaid and bring no value. This we agree on too.
Why are salliues complaining their are jobs but people are too lazy to do them? Those are anti Americans inmy eye.

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