If you're working for minimum wage your financial problems are yours alone

People have life circumstances that sometimes leads to minimum wage jobs. And who's supposed to do these jobs? Someone has to do it. Working at a fast food job doesn't mean you have no ambition.

A lot of people work fast food jobs to put themselves through college or to take care fo family. Some people have a sick parent or sibling.

There are a lot of reasons why someone might work a fast food job. You need to pay them a reasonable wage.

We're the wealthiest nation on earth. We can afford to be more compassionate towards our fellow Americans. Help those in need. Very few can survive on the current Minimum Wage. Let's not curse them and just throw em away. We're a better nation than that. I truly believe that.
I wish I could be as dumb as conservatives are. Let's see both me AND my wife have skills we had to be licensed for yet have NEVER made over 12$ an hour. Not our fault. I was injured and now stay home with kids and earn a shit wage but it pays rent so it is what it is. Wife actually got a job that literally required no skill that paid MORE than her job as a CNA did! Pathetic truly. Lived in 3 different states and not much difference in what they paid! Again not our fault. We got skills we were just as usual screwed by capitalism and capitalists who got rich off our labor. Figure EACH resident of a nursing home pays 1500-5k a MONTH to stay there depending on its services and MOST places she worked had AT LEAST 75-150 residents and yet she brought home less than 2k a month. Slave labor,wage theft,theft of labor is what it is all the while the higher ups got RICH with their new cars 2 homes private schools etc.
Most of the people that believe all it takes to be successful is ambition and the willingness to work hard, have never faced the problems of those that can't get ahead no matter how hard they work.

They comfort themselves with the belief that failure is always a personal choice so nothing can or should be done about. These are also the same people that are so shocked when the breaking news is a young mother that killed herself and her three children out of desperation and hopelessness.

“Before you criticize a man, walk a mile in his shoes”
I have walked a mile in ALL THEIR SHOES.
I've been homeless
I've been to prison
I was given over to the state at the age of 7
I've lived in the ghetto
I've lived in drug houses

There isn't much in the way of bad luck or poor decisions I haven't experienced. Yet I was able to rise above it all because of my determination to get out of that life.

Excuses are just that....EXCUSES
Guess some of us are so continually knocked down and just don't have the strength or the belief things will ever get better NO MATTER WHAT they do. By this time in my life I want to raise my kids get them hopefully off to college and then just go hide in the damn woods with my books and watch the world go by without bothering me. I am not sure WHAT it is but I have practically given up thinking I can improve MY life,my wife she has been accepted to college and is working her way through the pile of bullshit to start next fall for her RN degree and I am backing her and dealing with shit work shifts and taking on more work at home to help her. I got my CDL,got injured,then tried college and it wasn't for me I was constantly antsy and scatter brained and just wanted to get away constantly. Its like I am now I HATE staying in one place for more than a month or so at a time....not a great life for a family obviously so the urge is constantly there but so is the KNOWING that my kids need stability etc. Granted both me and the wife look back and realize we REALLY fucked up. She had a bright future ahead of her she wanted to be a chef in a big hotel or eatery etc,me I realize I should NOT have ever had kids as I am just someone who wants to be on the road 24/7. I LOVE finding books,reading books,collecting books and traveling. Mix all that together and well you get what I got now. Miserable,Depressed life I can't WAIT to escape from. Youngest is 20 months so got 16 years still....I wish more than anything I had 2 things growing up. 1. parents that actually gave a shit to push me towards higher education even if it was tech school or something and 2. a mind that didn't run 24/7 and want to escape society and just enjoy freedom.
We're the wealthiest nation on earth. We can afford to be more compassionate towards our fellow Americans. Help those in need. Very few can survive on the current Minimum Wage. Let's not curse them and just throw em away. We're a better nation than that. I truly believe that.

So where does that leave the nurse who gets paid 15 bucks an hour who had to bust their ass to get it?
I hear ya
I wish I could be as dumb as conservatives are. Let's see both me AND my wife have skills we had to be licensed for yet have NEVER made over 12$ an hour. Not our fault. I was injured and now stay home with kids and earn a shit wage but it pays rent so it is what it is. Wife actually got a job that literally required no skill that paid MORE than her job as a CNA did! Pathetic truly. Lived in 3 different states and not much difference in what they paid! Again not our fault. We got skills we were just as usual screwed by capitalism and capitalists who got rich off our labor. Figure EACH resident of a nursing home pays 1500-5k a MONTH to stay there depending on its services and MOST places she worked had AT LEAST 75-150 residents and yet she brought home less than 2k a month. Slave labor,wage theft,theft of labor is what it is all the while the higher ups got RICH with their new cars 2 homes private schools etc.
Most of the people that believe all it takes to be successful is ambition and the willingness to work hard, have never faced the problems of those that can't get ahead no matter how hard they work.

They comfort themselves with the belief that failure is always a personal choice so nothing can or should be done about. These are also the same people that are so shocked when the breaking news is a young mother that killed herself and her three children out of desperation and hopelessness.

“Before you criticize a man, walk a mile in his shoes”
I have walked a mile in ALL THEIR SHOES.
I've been homeless
I've been to prison
I was given over to the state at the age of 7
I've lived in the ghetto
I've lived in drug houses

There isn't much in the way of bad luck or poor decisions I haven't experienced. Yet I was able to rise above it all because of my determination to get out of that life.

Excuses are just that....EXCUSES
Guess some of us are so continually knocked down and just don't have the strength or the belief things will ever get better NO MATTER WHAT they do. By this time in my life I want to raise my kids get them hopefully off to college and then just go hide in the damn woods with my books and watch the world go by without bothering me. I am not sure WHAT it is but I have practically given up thinking I can improve MY life,my wife she has been accepted to college and is working her way through the pile of bullshit to start next fall for her RN degree and I am backing her and dealing with shit work shifts and taking on more work at home to help her. I got my CDL,got injured,then tried college and it wasn't for me I was constantly antsy and scatter brained and just wanted to get away constantly. Its like I am now I HATE staying in one place for more than a month or so at a time....not a great life for a family obviously so the urge is constantly there but so is the KNOWING that my kids need stability etc. Granted both me and the wife look back and realize we REALLY fucked up. She had a bright future ahead of her she wanted to be a chef in a big hotel or eatery etc,me I realize I should NOT have ever had kids as I am just someone who wants to be on the road 24/7. I LOVE finding books,reading books,collecting books and traveling. Mix all that together and well you get what I got now. Miserable,Depressed life I can't WAIT to escape from. Youngest is 20 months so got 16 years still....I wish more than anything I had 2 things growing up. 1. parents that actually gave a shit to push me towards higher education even if it was tech school or something and 2. a mind that didn't run 24/7 and want to escape society and just enjoy freedom.

I hear ya. Just find some good hobbies to get into. Cooking is one great hobby. Nothing like cooking your own fantastic meals. Once you get into it, it can be very fun and rewarding. It's little things that often improve quality of life. Just find a couple hobbies that make you happy. They'll get ya through all the struggles.
We're the wealthiest nation on earth. We can afford to be more compassionate towards our fellow Americans. Help those in need. Very few can survive on the current Minimum Wage. Let's not curse them and just throw em away. We're a better nation than that. I truly believe that.

So where does that leave the nurse who gets paid 15 bucks an hour who had to bust their ass to get it?

They will get a 50 cent raise instead of a $7 dollar raise..

Trickle up poor, trickle up misery the Social Marxist liberal way

We're the wealthiest nation on earth. We can afford to be more compassionate towards our fellow Americans. Help those in need. Very few can survive on the current Minimum Wage. Let's not curse them and just throw em away. We're a better nation than that. I truly believe that.
I help plenty via charity. Forced government help NEVER fixes anything. Just look at all the great ghettos of the nation. When created they were to be a solution to a problem yet their results were much worse than the problems they were created to fix.

Help yourself before expecting others to do it for you.
I hear ya
I wish I could be as dumb as conservatives are. Let's see both me AND my wife have skills we had to be licensed for yet have NEVER made over 12$ an hour. Not our fault. I was injured and now stay home with kids and earn a shit wage but it pays rent so it is what it is. Wife actually got a job that literally required no skill that paid MORE than her job as a CNA did! Pathetic truly. Lived in 3 different states and not much difference in what they paid! Again not our fault. We got skills we were just as usual screwed by capitalism and capitalists who got rich off our labor. Figure EACH resident of a nursing home pays 1500-5k a MONTH to stay there depending on its services and MOST places she worked had AT LEAST 75-150 residents and yet she brought home less than 2k a month. Slave labor,wage theft,theft of labor is what it is all the while the higher ups got RICH with their new cars 2 homes private schools etc.
Most of the people that believe all it takes to be successful is ambition and the willingness to work hard, have never faced the problems of those that can't get ahead no matter how hard they work.

They comfort themselves with the belief that failure is always a personal choice so nothing can or should be done about. These are also the same people that are so shocked when the breaking news is a young mother that killed herself and her three children out of desperation and hopelessness.

“Before you criticize a man, walk a mile in his shoes”
I have walked a mile in ALL THEIR SHOES.
I've been homeless
I've been to prison
I was given over to the state at the age of 7
I've lived in the ghetto
I've lived in drug houses

There isn't much in the way of bad luck or poor decisions I haven't experienced. Yet I was able to rise above it all because of my determination to get out of that life.

Excuses are just that....EXCUSES
Guess some of us are so continually knocked down and just don't have the strength or the belief things will ever get better NO MATTER WHAT they do. By this time in my life I want to raise my kids get them hopefully off to college and then just go hide in the damn woods with my books and watch the world go by without bothering me. I am not sure WHAT it is but I have practically given up thinking I can improve MY life,my wife she has been accepted to college and is working her way through the pile of bullshit to start next fall for her RN degree and I am backing her and dealing with shit work shifts and taking on more work at home to help her. I got my CDL,got injured,then tried college and it wasn't for me I was constantly antsy and scatter brained and just wanted to get away constantly. Its like I am now I HATE staying in one place for more than a month or so at a time....not a great life for a family obviously so the urge is constantly there but so is the KNOWING that my kids need stability etc. Granted both me and the wife look back and realize we REALLY fucked up. She had a bright future ahead of her she wanted to be a chef in a big hotel or eatery etc,me I realize I should NOT have ever had kids as I am just someone who wants to be on the road 24/7. I LOVE finding books,reading books,collecting books and traveling. Mix all that together and well you get what I got now. Miserable,Depressed life I can't WAIT to escape from. Youngest is 20 months so got 16 years still....I wish more than anything I had 2 things growing up. 1. parents that actually gave a shit to push me towards higher education even if it was tech school or something and 2. a mind that didn't run 24/7 and want to escape society and just enjoy freedom.

I hear ya. Just find some good hobbies to get into. Cooking is one great hobby. Nothing like cooking your own fantastic meals. Once you get into it, it can be very fun and rewarding. It's little things that often improve quality of life. Just find a couple hobbies that make you happy. They'll get ya through all the struggles.
And replace the self pity with self determination.
We're the wealthiest nation on earth. We can afford to be more compassionate towards our fellow Americans. Help those in need. Very few can survive on the current Minimum Wage. Let's not curse them and just throw em away. We're a better nation than that. I truly believe that.

So where does that leave the nurse who gets paid 15 bucks an hour who had to bust their ass to get it?

We should all let go of greed, envy, and bitterness. We should help each other. We're an incredibly wealthy nation. No American should have to slog along on such a low Minimum Wage. We can definitely do better for our fellow Americans. Let's do it.
We're the wealthiest nation on earth. We can afford to be more compassionate towards our fellow Americans. Help those in need. Very few can survive on the current Minimum Wage. Let's not curse them and just throw em away. We're a better nation than that. I truly believe that.

So where does that leave the nurse who gets paid 15 bucks an hour who had to bust their ass to get it?

We should all let go of greed, envy, and bitterness. We should help each other. We're an incredibly wealthy nation. No American should have to slog along on such a low Minimum Wage. We can definitely do better for our fellow Americans. Let's do it.
I thought you said we should help each other....then you spout off on crushing people....

Which is it?
We're the wealthiest nation on earth. We can afford to be more compassionate towards our fellow Americans. Help those in need. Very few can survive on the current Minimum Wage. Let's not curse them and just throw em away. We're a better nation than that. I truly believe that.

So where does that leave the nurse who gets paid 15 bucks an hour who had to bust their ass to get it?

We should all let go of greed, envy, and bitterness. We should help each other. We're an incredibly wealthy nation. No American should have to slog along on such a low Minimum Wage. We can definitely do better for our fellow Americans. Let's do it.

We've been through this a million times on this board.
Stop importing illegals and the min wage will rise without outside influence.
These people have stolen jobs from our youth who used them as a stepping stone to adulthood and from the elderly who used them to supplement their SS.
Your boss didn't kill your ambition.
Your boss didn't make you fail your education.
I didn't kill your ambition.
I didn't make you fail in school.

If you're an adult working for minimum wage it is YOUR irresponsible choices that led you there.
I'll tell that to the 78 year old trying to earn some extra dough working at McDonald's..
Why, he's just trying trying to supplement his retirement, not start a new career. If this 78 year can do the same as the rest if they want more wages. Sounds to Me like they have lots of time to go look for better wages.
We're the wealthiest nation on earth. We can afford to be more compassionate towards our fellow Americans. Help those in need. Very few can survive on the current Minimum Wage. Let's not curse them and just throw em away. We're a better nation than that. I truly believe that.
I help plenty via charity. Forced government help NEVER fixes anything. Just look at all the great ghettos of the nation. When created they were to be a solution to a problem yet their results were much worse than the problems they were created to fix.

Help yourself before expecting others to do it for you.

We all just need to let go of greed, envy, and bitterness. That's the Devil's work. God wants us to help those in need. Let's raise the Minimum Wage to something our nation can be proud of.
Your boss didn't kill your ambition.
Your boss didn't make you fail your education.
I didn't kill your ambition.
I didn't make you fail in school.

If you're an adult working for minimum wage it is YOUR irresponsible choices that led you there.
I'll tell that to the 78 year old trying to earn some extra dough working at McDonald's..
Why, he's just trying trying to supplement his retirement, not start a new career. If this 78 year can do the same as the rest if they want more wages. Sounds to Me like they have lots of time to go look for better wages.
It's not that hard, but I have met and hired people that refused to learn more, to earn more..
I hear ya
I wish I could be as dumb as conservatives are. Let's see both me AND my wife have skills we had to be licensed for yet have NEVER made over 12$ an hour. Not our fault. I was injured and now stay home with kids and earn a shit wage but it pays rent so it is what it is. Wife actually got a job that literally required no skill that paid MORE than her job as a CNA did! Pathetic truly. Lived in 3 different states and not much difference in what they paid! Again not our fault. We got skills we were just as usual screwed by capitalism and capitalists who got rich off our labor. Figure EACH resident of a nursing home pays 1500-5k a MONTH to stay there depending on its services and MOST places she worked had AT LEAST 75-150 residents and yet she brought home less than 2k a month. Slave labor,wage theft,theft of labor is what it is all the while the higher ups got RICH with their new cars 2 homes private schools etc.
Most of the people that believe all it takes to be successful is ambition and the willingness to work hard, have never faced the problems of those that can't get ahead no matter how hard they work.

They comfort themselves with the belief that failure is always a personal choice so nothing can or should be done about. These are also the same people that are so shocked when the breaking news is a young mother that killed herself and her three children out of desperation and hopelessness.

“Before you criticize a man, walk a mile in his shoes”
I have walked a mile in ALL THEIR SHOES.
I've been homeless
I've been to prison
I was given over to the state at the age of 7
I've lived in the ghetto
I've lived in drug houses

There isn't much in the way of bad luck or poor decisions I haven't experienced. Yet I was able to rise above it all because of my determination to get out of that life.

Excuses are just that....EXCUSES
Guess some of us are so continually knocked down and just don't have the strength or the belief things will ever get better NO MATTER WHAT they do. By this time in my life I want to raise my kids get them hopefully off to college and then just go hide in the damn woods with my books and watch the world go by without bothering me. I am not sure WHAT it is but I have practically given up thinking I can improve MY life,my wife she has been accepted to college and is working her way through the pile of bullshit to start next fall for her RN degree and I am backing her and dealing with shit work shifts and taking on more work at home to help her. I got my CDL,got injured,then tried college and it wasn't for me I was constantly antsy and scatter brained and just wanted to get away constantly. Its like I am now I HATE staying in one place for more than a month or so at a time....not a great life for a family obviously so the urge is constantly there but so is the KNOWING that my kids need stability etc. Granted both me and the wife look back and realize we REALLY fucked up. She had a bright future ahead of her she wanted to be a chef in a big hotel or eatery etc,me I realize I should NOT have ever had kids as I am just someone who wants to be on the road 24/7. I LOVE finding books,reading books,collecting books and traveling. Mix all that together and well you get what I got now. Miserable,Depressed life I can't WAIT to escape from. Youngest is 20 months so got 16 years still....I wish more than anything I had 2 things growing up. 1. parents that actually gave a shit to push me towards higher education even if it was tech school or something and 2. a mind that didn't run 24/7 and want to escape society and just enjoy freedom.

I hear ya. Just find some good hobbies to get into. Cooking is one great hobby. Nothing like cooking your own fantastic meals. Once you get into it, it can be very fun and rewarding. It's little things that often improve quality of life. Just find a couple hobbies that make you happy. They'll get ya through all the struggles.
I read. I collect books,I love going to thrift stores and looking for new books....but with christmas and wife just getting back to work and now truck being a major POS no money to do so. Don't scoped all stores near here would like to plan trip into Georgia or Tennessee or Charlotte,NC. I wish I enjoyed going to bars and drinking to get away from all the noise but I don't. I prefer being alone reading or researching etc. Not much space or time to do that here.Oh well life goes on for now...just hope shit changes soon.
I hear ya
I wish I could be as dumb as conservatives are. Let's see both me AND my wife have skills we had to be licensed for yet have NEVER made over 12$ an hour. Not our fault. I was injured and now stay home with kids and earn a shit wage but it pays rent so it is what it is. Wife actually got a job that literally required no skill that paid MORE than her job as a CNA did! Pathetic truly. Lived in 3 different states and not much difference in what they paid! Again not our fault. We got skills we were just as usual screwed by capitalism and capitalists who got rich off our labor. Figure EACH resident of a nursing home pays 1500-5k a MONTH to stay there depending on its services and MOST places she worked had AT LEAST 75-150 residents and yet she brought home less than 2k a month. Slave labor,wage theft,theft of labor is what it is all the while the higher ups got RICH with their new cars 2 homes private schools etc.
Most of the people that believe all it takes to be successful is ambition and the willingness to work hard, have never faced the problems of those that can't get ahead no matter how hard they work.

They comfort themselves with the belief that failure is always a personal choice so nothing can or should be done about. These are also the same people that are so shocked when the breaking news is a young mother that killed herself and her three children out of desperation and hopelessness.

“Before you criticize a man, walk a mile in his shoes”
I have walked a mile in ALL THEIR SHOES.
I've been homeless
I've been to prison
I was given over to the state at the age of 7
I've lived in the ghetto
I've lived in drug houses

There isn't much in the way of bad luck or poor decisions I haven't experienced. Yet I was able to rise above it all because of my determination to get out of that life.

Excuses are just that....EXCUSES
Guess some of us are so continually knocked down and just don't have the strength or the belief things will ever get better NO MATTER WHAT they do. By this time in my life I want to raise my kids get them hopefully off to college and then just go hide in the damn woods with my books and watch the world go by without bothering me. I am not sure WHAT it is but I have practically given up thinking I can improve MY life,my wife she has been accepted to college and is working her way through the pile of bullshit to start next fall for her RN degree and I am backing her and dealing with shit work shifts and taking on more work at home to help her. I got my CDL,got injured,then tried college and it wasn't for me I was constantly antsy and scatter brained and just wanted to get away constantly. Its like I am now I HATE staying in one place for more than a month or so at a time....not a great life for a family obviously so the urge is constantly there but so is the KNOWING that my kids need stability etc. Granted both me and the wife look back and realize we REALLY fucked up. She had a bright future ahead of her she wanted to be a chef in a big hotel or eatery etc,me I realize I should NOT have ever had kids as I am just someone who wants to be on the road 24/7. I LOVE finding books,reading books,collecting books and traveling. Mix all that together and well you get what I got now. Miserable,Depressed life I can't WAIT to escape from. Youngest is 20 months so got 16 years still....I wish more than anything I had 2 things growing up. 1. parents that actually gave a shit to push me towards higher education even if it was tech school or something and 2. a mind that didn't run 24/7 and want to escape society and just enjoy freedom.

I hear ya. Just find some good hobbies to get into. Cooking is one great hobby. Nothing like cooking your own fantastic meals. Once you get into it, it can be very fun and rewarding. It's little things that often improve quality of life. Just find a couple hobbies that make you happy. They'll get ya through all the struggles.
And replace the self pity with self determination.
You obviously did,like I said guess some of us just don't have it....or can't do it. I don't know.
I hear ya
I wish I could be as dumb as conservatives are. Let's see both me AND my wife have skills we had to be licensed for yet have NEVER made over 12$ an hour. Not our fault. I was injured and now stay home with kids and earn a shit wage but it pays rent so it is what it is. Wife actually got a job that literally required no skill that paid MORE than her job as a CNA did! Pathetic truly. Lived in 3 different states and not much difference in what they paid! Again not our fault. We got skills we were just as usual screwed by capitalism and capitalists who got rich off our labor. Figure EACH resident of a nursing home pays 1500-5k a MONTH to stay there depending on its services and MOST places she worked had AT LEAST 75-150 residents and yet she brought home less than 2k a month. Slave labor,wage theft,theft of labor is what it is all the while the higher ups got RICH with their new cars 2 homes private schools etc.
Most of the people that believe all it takes to be successful is ambition and the willingness to work hard, have never faced the problems of those that can't get ahead no matter how hard they work.

They comfort themselves with the belief that failure is always a personal choice so nothing can or should be done about. These are also the same people that are so shocked when the breaking news is a young mother that killed herself and her three children out of desperation and hopelessness.

“Before you criticize a man, walk a mile in his shoes”
I have walked a mile in ALL THEIR SHOES.
I've been homeless
I've been to prison
I was given over to the state at the age of 7
I've lived in the ghetto
I've lived in drug houses

There isn't much in the way of bad luck or poor decisions I haven't experienced. Yet I was able to rise above it all because of my determination to get out of that life.

Excuses are just that....EXCUSES
Guess some of us are so continually knocked down and just don't have the strength or the belief things will ever get better NO MATTER WHAT they do. By this time in my life I want to raise my kids get them hopefully off to college and then just go hide in the damn woods with my books and watch the world go by without bothering me. I am not sure WHAT it is but I have practically given up thinking I can improve MY life,my wife she has been accepted to college and is working her way through the pile of bullshit to start next fall for her RN degree and I am backing her and dealing with shit work shifts and taking on more work at home to help her. I got my CDL,got injured,then tried college and it wasn't for me I was constantly antsy and scatter brained and just wanted to get away constantly. Its like I am now I HATE staying in one place for more than a month or so at a time....not a great life for a family obviously so the urge is constantly there but so is the KNOWING that my kids need stability etc. Granted both me and the wife look back and realize we REALLY fucked up. She had a bright future ahead of her she wanted to be a chef in a big hotel or eatery etc,me I realize I should NOT have ever had kids as I am just someone who wants to be on the road 24/7. I LOVE finding books,reading books,collecting books and traveling. Mix all that together and well you get what I got now. Miserable,Depressed life I can't WAIT to escape from. Youngest is 20 months so got 16 years still....I wish more than anything I had 2 things growing up. 1. parents that actually gave a shit to push me towards higher education even if it was tech school or something and 2. a mind that didn't run 24/7 and want to escape society and just enjoy freedom.

I hear ya. Just find some good hobbies to get into. Cooking is one great hobby. Nothing like cooking your own fantastic meals. Once you get into it, it can be very fun and rewarding. It's little things that often improve quality of life. Just find a couple hobbies that make you happy. They'll get ya through all the struggles.
And replace the self pity with self determination.

I agree. But we should help those in need. We shouldn't hate and condemn them. We should simply help them.
Your boss didn't kill your ambition.
Your boss didn't make you fail your education.
I didn't kill your ambition.
I didn't make you fail in school.

If you're an adult working for minimum wage it is YOUR irresponsible choices that led you there.
I'll tell that to the 78 year old trying to earn some extra dough working at McDonald's..
Why, he's just trying trying to supplement his retirement, not start a new career. If this 78 year can do the same as the rest if they want more wages. Sounds to Me like they have lots of time to go look for better wages.
It's not that hard, but I have met and hired people that refused to learn more, to earn more..
Yep. I have too. But remember, we're talking about a snowflake (odium) here and they're situation is more important than ours.

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