IG Horowitz just testified to the Senate that FBI did not follow Woods procedures

unless the report sucks trump to a happy ending his drones could care less what it said -

same shit different day .......


Woods procedure not followed, illegal warrant and illegal spying.

It’s that fucking simple,

the feds were tapping trump tower when he was selling condos to russians LONG BEFORE OBAMA WAS PRESIDENT -


IG Horowitz just said it 2 hours ago to the Senate intelligence committee.

then theres this too -

The FBI listened in on phone conversations and monitored text messages between 2011 and 2013 while probing a gambling and money-laundering ring tied to the Russian mob that operated out of a 63rd-floor pad in Trump Tower,

Trump ignited a firestorm of controversy with a series of tweets that claimed then-President Barack Obama “had my ‘wires tapped’ in Trump Tower” shortly before last year’s election.

stfu - please.
And what was The Result of That Illegal Wire Tapping of Trump Tower which you Russian Trolls told us NEVER HAPPENED?

They wire tapped TRUMP TOWER for 3 years?


Property records show that Vadim Trincher — who’s finishing up a five-year sentence for racketeering conspiracy — transferred ownership of the apartment to his wife in 2014, but the feds slapped a $75,000 lien on it last year, to cover his unpaid fine.

now STFU
Woods procedure not followed, illegal warrant and illegal spying.

It’s that fucking simple,

the feds were tapping trump tower when he was selling condos to russians LONG BEFORE OBAMA WAS PRESIDENT -


IG Horowitz just said it 2 hours ago to the Senate intelligence committee.

then theres this too -

The FBI listened in on phone conversations and monitored text messages between 2011 and 2013 while probing a gambling and money-laundering ring tied to the Russian mob that operated out of a 63rd-floor pad in Trump Tower,

Trump ignited a firestorm of controversy with a series of tweets that claimed then-President Barack Obama “had my ‘wires tapped’ in Trump Tower” shortly before last year’s election.

stfu - please.
And what was The Result of That Illegal Wire Tapping of Trump Tower which you Russian Trolls told us NEVER HAPPENED?

They wire tapped TRUMP TOWER for 3 years?


Property records show that Vadim Trincher — who’s finishing up a five-year sentence for racketeering conspiracy — transferred ownership of the apartment to his wife in 2014, but the feds slapped a $75,000 lien on it last year, to cover his unpaid fine.

now STFU
Why did Obama Bin Lying pay Putin for The Dirty Dossier and then after propagating it, order his Foot Soldiers in The FBI to take out Trump?

“The IG’s investigation did identify issues and errors in the FISA process, including potential misconduct.”

That quote, acknowledging the problems associated with the part of the FBI investigation pertaining to Carter Page, comes from Adam Schiff. It's an honest assessment of the IG's findings and one Schiff should be credited for making. I am hard pressed to find a similar reaction from Repubs to the overarching conclusion by Horowitz that the investigation in to the Trump campaign was warranted and not effected by political bias.

Most notably, both Billy the Bagman and Individual 1 have told lies about the findings. For example, Barr claims (without evidence) Crossfire Hurricane was an operation directed by the “incumbent government,” meaning the Obama admin, to “spy on political opponents.” But the IG report did not find any WH briefings on Crossfire Hurricane or even that AG Lynch was aware of it. It goes on in some detail to explain all of the witnesses they interviewed told the IG that the FBI did not try to recruit members of the Trump campaign, did not send human resources to collect information in Trump campaign headquarters or Trump campaign spaces, and did not ask human resources to join the Trump campaign or otherwise attend campaign related events as part of the investigation. So..........Barr once again has deceitfully mis-characterized a DoJ report, the first one being Mueller's.

As for the Liar-in-Chief, well, he did what he does...............lie. He did so by saying the report shows there was an attempted overthrow of the government. But there is nothing in the report that supports that accusation. In fact, the IG found that political bias did not factor into the probe. It even turned up text messages of FBI agents hoping Trump would beat Hillary Clinton. In many ways, the IG report should have been disappointing to Trump, yet he disingenuously suggests (lies) it’s even worse than he expected.

And now we come to the crushing blow, putting to rest the grand conspiracy theory the FBI was out to get Trump. The investigation was ongoing during the campaign for the presidency, YET NOT A SINGLE FBI AGENT DISCLOSED THE EXISTENCE OF THE INVESTIGATION TO THE MEDIA.

What better way to sabotage Trump's candidacy would there have been than to leak to the press the probe in to Russian contacts with the campaign before the election? BUT NO ONE DID.
"issues and errors" means the FISA warrants were illegal, dumbass.

At no point does Horowitz say the warrant was therefore invalid or illegal.

He makes recommendations for improving their procedures to prevent such errors in the future.

Read. The. Report.


Opinion | The Horowitz Horror Show

Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz, as he explains, is bound to assume good faith unless given “documentary or testimonial evidence” otherwise.
Woods procedure not followed, illegal warrant and illegal spying.

It’s that fucking simple,

the feds were tapping trump tower when he was selling condos to russians LONG BEFORE OBAMA WAS PRESIDENT -


IG Horowitz just said it 2 hours ago to the Senate intelligence committee.

then theres this too -

The FBI listened in on phone conversations and monitored text messages between 2011 and 2013 while probing a gambling and money-laundering ring tied to the Russian mob that operated out of a 63rd-floor pad in Trump Tower,

Trump ignited a firestorm of controversy with a series of tweets that claimed then-President Barack Obama “had my ‘wires tapped’ in Trump Tower” shortly before last year’s election.

stfu - please.
And what was The Result of That Illegal Wire Tapping of Trump Tower which you Russian Trolls told us NEVER HAPPENED?

They wire tapped TRUMP TOWER for 3 years?


Property records show that Vadim Trincher — who’s finishing up a five-year sentence for racketeering conspiracy — transferred ownership of the apartment to his wife in 2014, but the feds slapped a $75,000 lien on it last year, to cover his unpaid fine.

now STFU
So they spied on Trump for three years, WIRETAPPING TRUMP Tower, something you have denied for three years happened, even going so far to ridicule The President, and tell people he was Mentally Ill, and Unfit for Office, and then The Wiretapping FBI, Charged Trump with NOTHING, because he DID NOTHING ILLEGAL, but slapped a lien on some Russian nobody knows and no one gives a fuck about?

Am I right?

That's what you said, not me....YOU!
  • Thanks
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He just said it 30 seconds ago. Turn on the TV.

The FBI did not follow procedures to get the warrant.

Obama and his DOJ spied ILLEGALLY ON A POLITICAL OPPONENT! Horowitz is laying it out now
Horowitz has not said anyone was spied on illegally.

Stop lying.
Horrowitz' boss did, and he is The One with Subpoeana Power.
You in no wasy whatsoever addressed:

Horowitz has not said anyone was spied on illegally.

Stop lying.
The spying was legal. The method it was authorized under was corrupt.
the feds were tapping trump tower when he was selling condos to russians LONG BEFORE OBAMA WAS PRESIDENT -


IG Horowitz just said it 2 hours ago to the Senate intelligence committee.

then theres this too -

The FBI listened in on phone conversations and monitored text messages between 2011 and 2013 while probing a gambling and money-laundering ring tied to the Russian mob that operated out of a 63rd-floor pad in Trump Tower,

Trump ignited a firestorm of controversy with a series of tweets that claimed then-President Barack Obama “had my ‘wires tapped’ in Trump Tower” shortly before last year’s election.

stfu - please.
And what was The Result of That Illegal Wire Tapping of Trump Tower which you Russian Trolls told us NEVER HAPPENED?

They wire tapped TRUMP TOWER for 3 years?


Property records show that Vadim Trincher — who’s finishing up a five-year sentence for racketeering conspiracy — transferred ownership of the apartment to his wife in 2014, but the feds slapped a $75,000 lien on it last year, to cover his unpaid fine.

now STFU
So they spied on Trump for three years, WIRETAPPING TRUMP Tower, something you have denied for three years happened, even going so far to ridicule The President, and tell people he was Mentally Ill, and Unfit for Office, and then The Wiretapping FBI, Charged Trump with NOTHING, because he DID NOTHING ILLEGAL, but slapped a lien on some Russian nobody knows and no one gives a fuck about?

Am I right?

That's what you said, not me....YOU!
No one tapped Trump tower. The report makes that abundantly clear.
unless the report sucks trump to a happy ending his drones could care less what it said -

same shit different day .......


Woods procedure not followed, illegal warrant and illegal spying.

It’s that fucking simple,

the feds were tapping trump tower when he was selling condos to russians LONG BEFORE OBAMA WAS PRESIDENT -


IG Horowitz just said it 2 hours ago to the Senate intelligence committee.

then theres this too -

The FBI listened in on phone conversations and monitored text messages between 2011 and 2013 while probing a gambling and money-laundering ring tied to the Russian mob that operated out of a 63rd-floor pad in Trump Tower,

Trump ignited a firestorm of controversy with a series of tweets that claimed then-President Barack Obama “had my ‘wires tapped’ in Trump Tower” shortly before last year’s election.

stfu - please.
And what was The Result of That Illegal Wire Tapping of Trump Tower which you Russian Trolls told us NEVER HAPPENED?

They wire tapped TRUMP TOWER for 3 years?

and yet another stated trump lie debunked.
He just said it 30 seconds ago. Turn on the TV.

The FBI did not follow procedures to get the warrant.

Obama and his DOJ spied ILLEGALLY ON A POLITICAL OPPONENT! Horowitz is laying it out now
Horowitz has not said anyone was spied on illegally.

Stop lying.
Horrowitz' boss did, and he is The One with Subpoeana Power.
You in no wasy whatsoever addressed:

Horowitz has not said anyone was spied on illegally.

Stop lying.
The spying was legal. The method it was authorized under was corrupt.
I'd argue the spying was illegal since the laws and regulations authorizing it were intentionally abused, and The FISA Court was intentionally misled, and FALSE AFFIDAVITS were filed.

I am pissed today. THE SURVEILLANCE STATE needs burnt to THE GROUND!
Last edited:
Woods procedure not followed, illegal warrant and illegal spying.

It’s that fucking simple,

the feds were tapping trump tower when he was selling condos to russians LONG BEFORE OBAMA WAS PRESIDENT -


IG Horowitz just said it 2 hours ago to the Senate intelligence committee.

then theres this too -

The FBI listened in on phone conversations and monitored text messages between 2011 and 2013 while probing a gambling and money-laundering ring tied to the Russian mob that operated out of a 63rd-floor pad in Trump Tower,

Trump ignited a firestorm of controversy with a series of tweets that claimed then-President Barack Obama “had my ‘wires tapped’ in Trump Tower” shortly before last year’s election.

stfu - please.
And what was The Result of That Illegal Wire Tapping of Trump Tower which you Russian Trolls told us NEVER HAPPENED?

They wire tapped TRUMP TOWER for 3 years?

and yet another stated trump lie debunked.
It wasn’t debunked unless you bend reality again.
He just said it 30 seconds ago. Turn on the TV.

The FBI did not follow procedures to get the warrant.

Obama and his DOJ spied ILLEGALLY ON A POLITICAL OPPONENT! Horowitz is laying it out now
Horowitz has not said anyone was spied on illegally.

Stop lying.
Horrowitz' boss did, and he is The One with Subpoeana Power.
You in no wasy whatsoever addressed:

Horowitz has not said anyone was spied on illegally.

Stop lying.
The spying was legal. The method it was authorized under was corrupt.
I'd argue the spying was illegal since the laws and regulations authoring it were intentionally abused, and The FISA Court was intentionally misled, and FALSE AFFIDAVITS were filed.

I am pissed today. THE SURVEILLANCE STATE needs burnt to THE GROUND!
I kinda don't care if your'e pissed, am I supposed to?
IG Horowitz just said it 2 hours ago to the Senate intelligence committee.

then theres this too -

The FBI listened in on phone conversations and monitored text messages between 2011 and 2013 while probing a gambling and money-laundering ring tied to the Russian mob that operated out of a 63rd-floor pad in Trump Tower,

Trump ignited a firestorm of controversy with a series of tweets that claimed then-President Barack Obama “had my ‘wires tapped’ in Trump Tower” shortly before last year’s election.

stfu - please.
And what was The Result of That Illegal Wire Tapping of Trump Tower which you Russian Trolls told us NEVER HAPPENED?

They wire tapped TRUMP TOWER for 3 years?


Property records show that Vadim Trincher — who’s finishing up a five-year sentence for racketeering conspiracy — transferred ownership of the apartment to his wife in 2014, but the feds slapped a $75,000 lien on it last year, to cover his unpaid fine.

now STFU
So they spied on Trump for three years, WIRETAPPING TRUMP Tower, something you have denied for three years happened, even going so far to ridicule The President, and tell people he was Mentally Ill, and Unfit for Office, and then The Wiretapping FBI, Charged Trump with NOTHING, because he DID NOTHING ILLEGAL, but slapped a lien on some Russian nobody knows and no one gives a fuck about?

Am I right?

That's what you said, not me....YOU!
No one tapped Trump tower. The report makes that abundantly clear.
You and Your COMRADES in your ZEAL to Promote More Hate and Disinformation just Told us VER BATEM, that TRUMP TOWER WAS WIRE TAPPED BY THE FBI!

Why did Obama Pay Putin for The Dirty Dossier, and once he received it, order his Loyal Foot Soldiers to Take out President Trump?

Is this why Obama Bin Lying is the only President in US History that decided he just LOVED Washington so MUCH, he had to live a mere block from THE WHITE HOUSE?

Is this why he communicated with Hillary Clinton on a Secret Illegal Server Using an Alias and LIED ABOUT IT?
the feds were tapping trump tower when he was selling condos to russians LONG BEFORE OBAMA WAS PRESIDENT -


IG Horowitz just said it 2 hours ago to the Senate intelligence committee.

then theres this too -

The FBI listened in on phone conversations and monitored text messages between 2011 and 2013 while probing a gambling and money-laundering ring tied to the Russian mob that operated out of a 63rd-floor pad in Trump Tower,

Trump ignited a firestorm of controversy with a series of tweets that claimed then-President Barack Obama “had my ‘wires tapped’ in Trump Tower” shortly before last year’s election.

stfu - please.
And what was The Result of That Illegal Wire Tapping of Trump Tower which you Russian Trolls told us NEVER HAPPENED?

They wire tapped TRUMP TOWER for 3 years?

and yet another stated trump lie debunked.
It wasn’t debunked unless you bend reality again.
Isn't that what KellyAnnish alternative facts and reality is for?
then theres this too -

The FBI listened in on phone conversations and monitored text messages between 2011 and 2013 while probing a gambling and money-laundering ring tied to the Russian mob that operated out of a 63rd-floor pad in Trump Tower,

Trump ignited a firestorm of controversy with a series of tweets that claimed then-President Barack Obama “had my ‘wires tapped’ in Trump Tower” shortly before last year’s election.

stfu - please.
And what was The Result of That Illegal Wire Tapping of Trump Tower which you Russian Trolls told us NEVER HAPPENED?

They wire tapped TRUMP TOWER for 3 years?


Property records show that Vadim Trincher — who’s finishing up a five-year sentence for racketeering conspiracy — transferred ownership of the apartment to his wife in 2014, but the feds slapped a $75,000 lien on it last year, to cover his unpaid fine.

now STFU
So they spied on Trump for three years, WIRETAPPING TRUMP Tower, something you have denied for three years happened, even going so far to ridicule The President, and tell people he was Mentally Ill, and Unfit for Office, and then The Wiretapping FBI, Charged Trump with NOTHING, because he DID NOTHING ILLEGAL, but slapped a lien on some Russian nobody knows and no one gives a fuck about?

Am I right?

That's what you said, not me....YOU!
No one tapped Trump tower. The report makes that abundantly clear.
You and Your COMRADES in your ZEAL to Promote More Hate and Disinformation just Told us VER BATEM, that TRUMP TOWER WAS WIRE TAPPED BY THE FBI!

Why did Obama Pay Putin for The Dirty Dossier, and once he received it, order his Loyal Foot Soldiers to Take out President Trump?

Is this why Obama Bin Lying is the only President in US History that decided he just LOVED Washington so MUCH, he had to live a mere block from THE WHITE HOUSE?

Is this why he communicated with Hillary Clinton on a Secret Illegal Server Using an Alias and LIED ABOUT IT?

The law is your enemy, tell 'em e'ery chance ya get.
IG Horowitz just said it 2 hours ago to the Senate intelligence committee.

then theres this too -

The FBI listened in on phone conversations and monitored text messages between 2011 and 2013 while probing a gambling and money-laundering ring tied to the Russian mob that operated out of a 63rd-floor pad in Trump Tower,

Trump ignited a firestorm of controversy with a series of tweets that claimed then-President Barack Obama “had my ‘wires tapped’ in Trump Tower” shortly before last year’s election.

stfu - please.
And what was The Result of That Illegal Wire Tapping of Trump Tower which you Russian Trolls told us NEVER HAPPENED?

They wire tapped TRUMP TOWER for 3 years?


Property records show that Vadim Trincher — who’s finishing up a five-year sentence for racketeering conspiracy — transferred ownership of the apartment to his wife in 2014, but the feds slapped a $75,000 lien on it last year, to cover his unpaid fine.

now STFU
So they spied on Trump for three years, WIRETAPPING TRUMP Tower, something you have denied for three years happened, even going so far to ridicule The President, and tell people he was Mentally Ill, and Unfit for Office, and then The Wiretapping FBI, Charged Trump with NOTHING, because he DID NOTHING ILLEGAL, but slapped a lien on some Russian nobody knows and no one gives a fuck about?

Am I right?

That's what you said, not me....YOU!
No one tapped Trump tower. The report makes that abundantly clear.
sure they did.

I'm still interested in why this was done. Why do you supposed horowitz didn't ask the lawyer why he falsified the email about Carter Page? I'd say he failed his duty.

The report documents one example of clear misconduct by an FBI attorney who falsified a document to alter information about Page. In that case, the FBI did not disclose to the FISA court that Page had a relationship with the CIA and had provided information to the intelligence agency about Russia — though the bureau was aware of the relationship.

The report documents one example of clear misconduct by an FBI attorney who falsified a document to alter information about Page. In that case, the FBI did not disclose to the FISA court that Page had a relationship with the CIA and had provided information to the intelligence agency about Russia — though the bureau was aware of the relationship."
the feds were tapping trump tower when he was selling condos to russians LONG BEFORE OBAMA WAS PRESIDENT -


IG Horowitz just said it 2 hours ago to the Senate intelligence committee.

then theres this too -

The FBI listened in on phone conversations and monitored text messages between 2011 and 2013 while probing a gambling and money-laundering ring tied to the Russian mob that operated out of a 63rd-floor pad in Trump Tower,

Trump ignited a firestorm of controversy with a series of tweets that claimed then-President Barack Obama “had my ‘wires tapped’ in Trump Tower” shortly before last year’s election.

stfu - please.
And what was The Result of That Illegal Wire Tapping of Trump Tower which you Russian Trolls told us NEVER HAPPENED?

They wire tapped TRUMP TOWER for 3 years?

and yet another stated trump lie debunked.
It wasn’t debunked unless you bend reality again.
I never have, so no need to do that ever.
BTW: Amy Klobuchar just took herself out of The Presidential Race.

She is bold faced lying on National TV, and then trying to sweep what The FBI did under the rug....and wait for it.....Making it about THE RUSSIANS, and advocating Censoring, and Silencing President Trump on Twitter and Facebook.






Yet she wants to talk about Russia and our Elections yet Refuses to Support VOTER ID.

Russia did not cast one vote in our elections but Illegals are caught every single election casting votes, but only a tiny fraction of them are caught cuz "SANCTUARY CITIES"
Last edited:

“The IG’s investigation did identify issues and errors in the FISA process, including potential misconduct.”

That quote, acknowledging the problems associated with the part of the FBI investigation pertaining to Carter Page, comes from Adam Schiff. It's an honest assessment of the IG's findings and one Schiff should be credited for making. I am hard pressed to find a similar reaction from Repubs to the overarching conclusion by Horowitz that the investigation in to the Trump campaign was warranted and not effected by political bias.

Most notably, both Billy the Bagman and Individual 1 have told lies about the findings. For example, Barr claims (without evidence) Crossfire Hurricane was an operation directed by the “incumbent government,” meaning the Obama admin, to “spy on political opponents.” But the IG report did not find any WH briefings on Crossfire Hurricane or even that AG Lynch was aware of it. It goes on in some detail to explain all of the witnesses they interviewed told the IG that the FBI did not try to recruit members of the Trump campaign, did not send human resources to collect information in Trump campaign headquarters or Trump campaign spaces, and did not ask human resources to join the Trump campaign or otherwise attend campaign related events as part of the investigation. So..........Barr once again has deceitfully mis-characterized a DoJ report, the first one being Mueller's.

As for the Liar-in-Chief, well, he did what he does...............lie. He did so by saying the report shows there was an attempted overthrow of the government. But there is nothing in the report that supports that accusation. In fact, the IG found that political bias did not factor into the probe. It even turned up text messages of FBI agents hoping Trump would beat Hillary Clinton. In many ways, the IG report should have been disappointing to Trump, yet he disingenuously suggests (lies) it’s even worse than he expected.

And now we come to the crushing blow, putting to rest the grand conspiracy theory the FBI was out to get Trump. The investigation was ongoing during the campaign for the presidency, YET NOT A SINGLE FBI AGENT DISCLOSED THE EXISTENCE OF THE INVESTIGATION TO THE MEDIA.

What better way to sabotage Trump's candidacy would there have been than to leak to the press the probe in to Russian contacts with the campaign before the election? BUT NO ONE DID.
"issues and errors" means the FISA warrants were illegal, dumbass.

At no point does Horowitz say the warrant was therefore invalid or illegal.

He makes recommendations for improving their procedures to prevent such errors in the future.

Read. The. Report.


Opinion | The Horowitz Horror Show

Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz, as he explains, is bound to assume good faith unless given “documentary or testimonial evidence” otherwise.

Are you allowed to copy that WSJ piece and paste it here? I can't see it cuz I ain't a subscriber.

“The IG’s investigation did identify issues and errors in the FISA process, including potential misconduct.”

That quote, acknowledging the problems associated with the part of the FBI investigation pertaining to Carter Page, comes from Adam Schiff. It's an honest assessment of the IG's findings and one Schiff should be credited for making. I am hard pressed to find a similar reaction from Repubs to the overarching conclusion by Horowitz that the investigation in to the Trump campaign was warranted and not effected by political bias.

Most notably, both Billy the Bagman and Individual 1 have told lies about the findings. For example, Barr claims (without evidence) Crossfire Hurricane was an operation directed by the “incumbent government,” meaning the Obama admin, to “spy on political opponents.” But the IG report did not find any WH briefings on Crossfire Hurricane or even that AG Lynch was aware of it. It goes on in some detail to explain all of the witnesses they interviewed told the IG that the FBI did not try to recruit members of the Trump campaign, did not send human resources to collect information in Trump campaign headquarters or Trump campaign spaces, and did not ask human resources to join the Trump campaign or otherwise attend campaign related events as part of the investigation. So..........Barr once again has deceitfully mis-characterized a DoJ report, the first one being Mueller's.

As for the Liar-in-Chief, well, he did what he does...............lie. He did so by saying the report shows there was an attempted overthrow of the government. But there is nothing in the report that supports that accusation. In fact, the IG found that political bias did not factor into the probe. It even turned up text messages of FBI agents hoping Trump would beat Hillary Clinton. In many ways, the IG report should have been disappointing to Trump, yet he disingenuously suggests (lies) it’s even worse than he expected.

And now we come to the crushing blow, putting to rest the grand conspiracy theory the FBI was out to get Trump. The investigation was ongoing during the campaign for the presidency, YET NOT A SINGLE FBI AGENT DISCLOSED THE EXISTENCE OF THE INVESTIGATION TO THE MEDIA.

What better way to sabotage Trump's candidacy would there have been than to leak to the press the probe in to Russian contacts with the campaign before the election? BUT NO ONE DID.
"issues and errors" means the FISA warrants were illegal, dumbass.

At no point does Horowitz say the warrant was therefore invalid or illegal.

He makes recommendations for improving their procedures to prevent such errors in the future.

Read. The. Report.


Opinion | The Horowitz Horror Show

Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz, as he explains, is bound to assume good faith unless given “documentary or testimonial evidence” otherwise.

Are you allowed to copy that WSJ piece and paste it here? I can't see it cuz I ain't a subscriber.
No, it's illegal.
Libs peed all over themselves with excitement when the report came out but his report and testimony are far more damaging than helpful
Another false and fake feelings fest gone awry.
IG Horowitz just said it 2 hours ago to the Senate intelligence committee.

then theres this too -

The FBI listened in on phone conversations and monitored text messages between 2011 and 2013 while probing a gambling and money-laundering ring tied to the Russian mob that operated out of a 63rd-floor pad in Trump Tower,

Trump ignited a firestorm of controversy with a series of tweets that claimed then-President Barack Obama “had my ‘wires tapped’ in Trump Tower” shortly before last year’s election.

stfu - please.
And what was The Result of That Illegal Wire Tapping of Trump Tower which you Russian Trolls told us NEVER HAPPENED?

They wire tapped TRUMP TOWER for 3 years?

and yet another stated trump lie debunked.
It wasn’t debunked unless you bend reality again.
Isn't that what KellyAnnish alternative facts and reality is for?
we know your reality is made up. we got it. you don't have to constantly remind us.

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