IG Horowitz just testified to the Senate that FBI did not follow Woods procedures

You will notice that Russian asset Donald Trump and his horde of lickspittles consistently fail to mention the FBI investigation uncovered massive Russian interference in the 2016 election. The investigation caught the Russians red-handed and in real time.

You have to wonder why Trump and his horde of lickspittles fail to acknowledge this.

These findings completely legitimize that investigation.

The end.
The Russian interference that happened on Obama's watch was not coordinated with Trump or anyone in his campaign. This investigation isn't about Russian meddling, it is about corruption at the Obama DOJ.

Nice attempt to divert, Lickspittle.
The FBI’s investigation into the Trump campaign was not coordinated with Obama or anyone outside the strict confines of law enforcement.
Oh really? Why did Obama be asked to be updated on it? You know The Investigation in to Russian Collusion based on The Russian Dossier HE PAID FOR.

Yah, that one.
what proof do you have that Obama paid for the Dossier? Nothing? That’s what I thought
Poor dumb bastards. Didn't read the report for themselves. Instead, as usual, they waited for their propagandists to feed them some piss to guzzle.

We just saw proof of that. :lol:

Need a napkin, bripat?

“The IG’s investigation did identify issues and errors in the FISA process, including potential misconduct.”

That quote, acknowledging the problems associated with the part of the FBI investigation pertaining to Carter Page, comes from Adam Schiff. It's an honest assessment of the IG's findings and one Schiff should be credited for making. I am hard pressed to find a similar reaction from Repubs to the overarching conclusion by Horowitz that the investigation in to the Trump campaign was warranted and not effected by political bias.

Most notably, both Billy the Bagman and Individual 1 have told lies about the findings. For example, Barr claims (without evidence) Crossfire Hurricane was an operation directed by the “incumbent government,” meaning the Obama admin, to “spy on political opponents.” But the IG report did not find any WH briefings on Crossfire Hurricane or even that AG Lynch was aware of it. It goes on in some detail to explain all of the witnesses they interviewed told the IG that the FBI did not try to recruit members of the Trump campaign, did not send human resources to collect information in Trump campaign headquarters or Trump campaign spaces, and did not ask human resources to join the Trump campaign or otherwise attend campaign related events as part of the investigation. So..........Barr once again has deceitfully mis-characterized a DoJ report, the first one being Mueller's.

As for the Liar-in-Chief, well, he did what he does...............lie. He did so by saying the report shows there was an attempted overthrow of the government. But there is nothing in the report that supports that accusation. In fact, the IG found that political bias did not factor into the probe. It even turned up text messages of FBI agents hoping Trump would beat Hillary Clinton. In many ways, the IG report should have been disappointing to Trump, yet he disingenuously suggests (lies) it’s even worse than he expected.

And now we come to the crushing blow, putting to rest the grand conspiracy theory the FBI was out to get Trump. The investigation was ongoing during the campaign for the presidency, YET NOT A SINGLE FBI AGENT DISCLOSED THE EXISTENCE OF THE INVESTIGATION TO THE MEDIA.

What better way to sabotage Trump's candidacy would there have been than to leak to the press the probe in to Russian contacts with the campaign before the election? BUT NO ONE DID.
"issues and errors" means the FISA warrants were illegal, dumbass.
He just said it 30 seconds ago. Turn on the TV.

The FBI did not follow procedures to get the warrant.

Obama and his DOJ spied ILLEGALLY ON A POLITICAL OPPONENT! Horowitz is laying it out now
Are you actually listening or are you just looking for things to spin?

main point is the investigation was not politically motivated, it was justified, so not a hoax. Yes there were procedure errors and corners cut and misconduct woth the warrant process so there may be some personnel and systematic changes that need to be made, which is a good thing.

nowhere did he say that Obama illegally spies on Trump. Stop lying
Horowitz stated he was illegally surveilled. You really need to listen to the hearing. If you really were, you would have heard it.
Listening to it right now. You are mischaracterizing what he is saying. There was misconduct with the FISA in that the agents didn’t tell the court all the information they had.... that is quite different than illegal spying. I know you are desperate for a headline but let’s have an honest talk about this shall we?
Poor dumb bastards. Didn't read the report for themselves. Instead, as usual, they waited for their propagandists to feed them some piss to guzzle.

We just saw proof of that. :lol:

Need a napkin, bripat?
You read a 500 page report in a couple of days?

Who do you think you're fooling, asshole?
One key point that I'm glad miss lindsey is hammering on...

Klinesmith doctored an email from the CIA that said "YES, carter page is a trusted CIA informant".

Klinesmith changed the email to say "NO carter page is NOT a CIA informant" and then he presented that email to the FISA court!
Well that guy sure as hell should be going to jail.
why do you supposed that was changed? for what purpose?

To obtain a FISA warrant so they could spy on the Trump campaign.

Why else would you present falsified evidence to a FISA judge?
He just said it 30 seconds ago. Turn on the TV.

The FBI did not follow procedures to get the warrant.

Obama and his DOJ spied ILLEGALLY ON A POLITICAL OPPONENT! Horowitz is laying it out now
Are you actually listening or are you just looking for things to spin?

main point is the investigation was not politically motivated, it was justified, so not a hoax. Yes there were procedure errors and corners cut and misconduct woth the warrant process so there may be some personnel and systematic changes that need to be made, which is a good thing.

nowhere did he say that Obama illegally spies on Trump. Stop lying
Horowitz stated he was illegally surveilled. You really need to listen to the hearing. If you really were, you would have heard it.
Listening to it right now. You are mischaracterizing what he is saying. There was misconduct with the FISA in that the agents didn’t tell the court all the information they had.... that is quite different than illegal spying. I know you are desperate for a headline but let’s have an honest talk about this shall we?
No, you are. Here we go with word play again.
One key point that I'm glad miss lindsey is hammering on...

Klinesmith doctored an email from the CIA that said "YES, carter page is a trusted CIA informant".

Klinesmith changed the email to say "NO carter page is NOT a CIA informant" and then he presented that email to the FISA court!
Well that guy sure as hell should be going to jail.
why do you supposed that was changed? for what purpose?

To obtain a FISA warrant so they could spy on the Trump campaign.

Why else would you present falsified evidence to a FISA judge?
it would have been a question I would have asked. hmmmmmmmmmm

“The IG’s investigation did identify issues and errors in the FISA process, including potential misconduct.”

That quote, acknowledging the problems associated with the part of the FBI investigation pertaining to Carter Page, comes from Adam Schiff. It's an honest assessment of the IG's findings and one Schiff should be credited for making. I am hard pressed to find a similar reaction from Repubs to the overarching conclusion by Horowitz that the investigation in to the Trump campaign was warranted and not effected by political bias.

Most notably, both Billy the Bagman and Individual 1 have told lies about the findings. For example, Barr claims (without evidence) Crossfire Hurricane was an operation directed by the “incumbent government,” meaning the Obama admin, to “spy on political opponents.” But the IG report did not find any WH briefings on Crossfire Hurricane or even that AG Lynch was aware of it. It goes on in some detail to explain all of the witnesses they interviewed told the IG that the FBI did not try to recruit members of the Trump campaign, did not send human resources to collect information in Trump campaign headquarters or Trump campaign spaces, and did not ask human resources to join the Trump campaign or otherwise attend campaign related events as part of the investigation. So..........Barr once again has deceitfully mis-characterized a DoJ report, the first one being Mueller's.

As for the Liar-in-Chief, well, he did what he does...............lie. He did so by saying the report shows there was an attempted overthrow of the government. But there is nothing in the report that supports that accusation. In fact, the IG found that political bias did not factor into the probe. It even turned up text messages of FBI agents hoping Trump would beat Hillary Clinton. In many ways, the IG report should have been disappointing to Trump, yet he disingenuously suggests (lies) it’s even worse than he expected.

And now we come to the crushing blow, putting to rest the grand conspiracy theory the FBI was out to get Trump. The investigation was ongoing during the campaign for the presidency, YET NOT A SINGLE FBI AGENT DISCLOSED THE EXISTENCE OF THE INVESTIGATION TO THE MEDIA.

What better way to sabotage Trump's candidacy would there have been than to leak to the press the probe in to Russian contacts with the campaign before the election? BUT NO ONE DID.
"issues and errors" means the FISA warrants were illegal, dumbass.

At no point does Horowitz say the warrant was therefore invalid or illegal.

He makes recommendations for improving their procedures to prevent such errors in the future.

Read. The. Report.

You will notice that Russian asset Donald Trump and his horde of lickspittles consistently fail to mention the FBI investigation uncovered massive Russian interference in the 2016 election. The investigation caught the Russians red-handed and in real time.

You have to wonder why Trump and his horde of lickspittles fail to acknowledge this.

These findings completely legitimize that investigation.

The end.
The Russian interference that happened on Obama's watch was not coordinated with Trump or anyone in his campaign. This investigation isn't about Russian meddling, it is about corruption at the Obama DOJ.

Nice attempt to divert, Lickspittle.
The FBI’s investigation into the Trump campaign was not coordinated with Obama or anyone outside the strict confines of law enforcement.
Oh really? Why did Obama be asked to be updated on it? You know The Investigation in to Russian Collusion based on The Russian Dossier HE PAID FOR.

Yah, that one.
what proof do you have that Obama paid for the Dossier? Nothing? That’s what I thought
Do some research

You can pick out the fbi lies in these articles now that we have the facts.

Obama's campaign paid nearly $1 million to the law firm that helped produce the Trump dossier

FBI releases documents showing payments to Trump dossier author Steele

Collusion bombshell: DNC lawyers met with FBI on Russia allegations before surveillance warrant

Did Obama, Brennan And Clinton Illegally Collude To Take Trump Down?

Not only did President Obama know about the investigation, he seems to have pushed it from the very beginning.

But don't take our word for it. Here's what Obama's Director of National Intelligence, the nation's former spy master, James Clapper, told CNN's Anderson Cooper:

"If it weren't for President Obama we might not have done the intelligence community assessment that we did that set up a whole sequence of events which are still unfolding today, including Special Counsel (Robert) Mueller's investigation.

President Obama is responsible for that. It was he who tasked us to do that intelligence community assessment in the first place."

BOOM.... Obama needs to go on trial for TREASON, & Sedition, and receive the appropriate sentence for that.

If he is smart, he just throws Shrillery von Cankles under the bus and just walks away.

Last edited:
The Inspector General is a Harvard Law School and Brandeis University graduate.

I'll take his word over that of some cheap hacks any day. I'll certainly take his word over that of a crooked game show host.

The FBI investigation was unbiased and justified.

Total exoneration.

The end.

The IG just testified this to the Senate.


That’s as clear as I can fucking make it to you Lefties.

If the Woods procedures were followed, there would have been no warrant.

The IG also testified the FBI did not tell the FISA court that the Dossier was funded by the DNC. :113:

Goddamn the lefties are fucking filthy corrupt.

“The IG’s investigation did identify issues and errors in the FISA process, including potential misconduct.”

That quote, acknowledging the problems associated with the part of the FBI investigation pertaining to Carter Page, comes from Adam Schiff. It's an honest assessment of the IG's findings and one Schiff should be credited for making. I am hard pressed to find a similar reaction from Repubs to the overarching conclusion by Horowitz that the investigation in to the Trump campaign was warranted and not effected by political bias.

Most notably, both Billy the Bagman and Individual 1 have told lies about the findings. For example, Barr claims (without evidence) Crossfire Hurricane was an operation directed by the “incumbent government,” meaning the Obama admin, to “spy on political opponents.” But the IG report did not find any WH briefings on Crossfire Hurricane or even that AG Lynch was aware of it. It goes on in some detail to explain all of the witnesses they interviewed told the IG that the FBI did not try to recruit members of the Trump campaign, did not send human resources to collect information in Trump campaign headquarters or Trump campaign spaces, and did not ask human resources to join the Trump campaign or otherwise attend campaign related events as part of the investigation. So..........Barr once again has deceitfully mis-characterized a DoJ report, the first one being Mueller's.

As for the Liar-in-Chief, well, he did what he does...............lie. He did so by saying the report shows there was an attempted overthrow of the government. But there is nothing in the report that supports that accusation. In fact, the IG found that political bias did not factor into the probe. It even turned up text messages of FBI agents hoping Trump would beat Hillary Clinton. In many ways, the IG report should have been disappointing to Trump, yet he disingenuously suggests (lies) it’s even worse than he expected.

And now we come to the crushing blow, putting to rest the grand conspiracy theory the FBI was out to get Trump. The investigation was ongoing during the campaign for the presidency, YET NOT A SINGLE FBI AGENT DISCLOSED THE EXISTENCE OF THE INVESTIGATION TO THE MEDIA.

What better way to sabotage Trump's candidacy would there have been than to leak to the press the probe in to Russian contacts with the campaign before the election? BUT NO ONE DID.

The fucking Woods procedure wasn’t followed.

Its an illegal warrant.

That’s illegal spying on a political opponent.

The IG just testified this to the Senate.

That is in his report. Errors were made, recommendations have been made to prevent those errors in the future.


Horowitz never said the errors invalidated the warrant or made it illegal. Your partisan hack masters made that up, you dumb parroting rube.

The FBI investigation was unbiased and justified.

The end.

“The IG’s investigation did identify issues and errors in the FISA process, including potential misconduct.”

That quote, acknowledging the problems associated with the part of the FBI investigation pertaining to Carter Page, comes from Adam Schiff. It's an honest assessment of the IG's findings and one Schiff should be credited for making. I am hard pressed to find a similar reaction from Repubs to the overarching conclusion by Horowitz that the investigation in to the Trump campaign was warranted and not effected by political bias.

Most notably, both Billy the Bagman and Individual 1 have told lies about the findings. For example, Barr claims (without evidence) Crossfire Hurricane was an operation directed by the “incumbent government,” meaning the Obama admin, to “spy on political opponents.” But the IG report did not find any WH briefings on Crossfire Hurricane or even that AG Lynch was aware of it. It goes on in some detail to explain all of the witnesses they interviewed told the IG that the FBI did not try to recruit members of the Trump campaign, did not send human resources to collect information in Trump campaign headquarters or Trump campaign spaces, and did not ask human resources to join the Trump campaign or otherwise attend campaign related events as part of the investigation. So..........Barr once again has deceitfully mis-characterized a DoJ report, the first one being Mueller's.

As for the Liar-in-Chief, well, he did what he does...............lie. He did so by saying the report shows there was an attempted overthrow of the government. But there is nothing in the report that supports that accusation. In fact, the IG found that political bias did not factor into the probe. It even turned up text messages of FBI agents hoping Trump would beat Hillary Clinton. In many ways, the IG report should have been disappointing to Trump, yet he disingenuously suggests (lies) it’s even worse than he expected.

And now we come to the crushing blow, putting to rest the grand conspiracy theory the FBI was out to get Trump. The investigation was ongoing during the campaign for the presidency, YET NOT A SINGLE FBI AGENT DISCLOSED THE EXISTENCE OF THE INVESTIGATION TO THE MEDIA.

What better way to sabotage Trump's candidacy would there have been than to leak to the press the probe in to Russian contacts with the campaign before the election? BUT NO ONE DID.
nobody admitted this was politically biased. that's all Horowitz is saying. that's it. How many criminals admit they did something when questioned? Please, give me that answer.

Explain why the FBI lawyer changed Page's email? I'm happy to listen.

“The IG’s investigation did identify issues and errors in the FISA process, including potential misconduct.”

That quote, acknowledging the problems associated with the part of the FBI investigation pertaining to Carter Page, comes from Adam Schiff. It's an honest assessment of the IG's findings and one Schiff should be credited for making. I am hard pressed to find a similar reaction from Repubs to the overarching conclusion by Horowitz that the investigation in to the Trump campaign was warranted and not effected by political bias.

Most notably, both Billy the Bagman and Individual 1 have told lies about the findings. For example, Barr claims (without evidence) Crossfire Hurricane was an operation directed by the “incumbent government,” meaning the Obama admin, to “spy on political opponents.” But the IG report did not find any WH briefings on Crossfire Hurricane or even that AG Lynch was aware of it. It goes on in some detail to explain all of the witnesses they interviewed told the IG that the FBI did not try to recruit members of the Trump campaign, did not send human resources to collect information in Trump campaign headquarters or Trump campaign spaces, and did not ask human resources to join the Trump campaign or otherwise attend campaign related events as part of the investigation. So..........Barr once again has deceitfully mis-characterized a DoJ report, the first one being Mueller's.

As for the Liar-in-Chief, well, he did what he does...............lie. He did so by saying the report shows there was an attempted overthrow of the government. But there is nothing in the report that supports that accusation. In fact, the IG found that political bias did not factor into the probe. It even turned up text messages of FBI agents hoping Trump would beat Hillary Clinton. In many ways, the IG report should have been disappointing to Trump, yet he disingenuously suggests (lies) it’s even worse than he expected.

And now we come to the crushing blow, putting to rest the grand conspiracy theory the FBI was out to get Trump. The investigation was ongoing during the campaign for the presidency, YET NOT A SINGLE FBI AGENT DISCLOSED THE EXISTENCE OF THE INVESTIGATION TO THE MEDIA.

What better way to sabotage Trump's candidacy would there have been than to leak to the press the probe in to Russian contacts with the campaign before the election? BUT NO ONE DID.

The fucking Woods procedure wasn’t followed.

Its an illegal warrant.

That’s illegal spying on a political opponent.
Show us where Horowitz says the errors mean the warrant was illegal.

I'll wait here.

Your political hack masters piled that on. They made it up.
You will notice that Russian asset Donald Trump and his horde of lickspittles consistently fail to mention the FBI investigation uncovered massive Russian interference in the 2016 election. The investigation caught the Russians red-handed and in real time.

You have to wonder why Trump and his horde of lickspittles fail to acknowledge this.

These findings completely legitimize that investigation.

The end.
The Russian interference that happened on Obama's watch was not coordinated with Trump or anyone in his campaign. This investigation isn't about Russian meddling, it is about corruption at the Obama DOJ.

Nice attempt to divert, Lickspittle.
The FBI’s investigation into the Trump campaign was not coordinated with Obama or anyone outside the strict confines of law enforcement.
Oh really? Why did Obama be asked to be updated on it? You know The Investigation in to Russian Collusion based on The Russian Dossier HE PAID FOR.

Yah, that one.
what proof do you have that Obama paid for the Dossier? Nothing? That’s what I thought
Do some research

You can pick out the fbi lies in these articles now that we have the facts.

Obama's campaign paid nearly $1 million to the law firm that helped produce the Trump dossier

FBI releases documents showing payments to Trump dossier author Steele

Collusion bombshell: DNC lawyers met with FBI on Russia allegations before surveillance warrant

Did Obama, Brennan And Clinton Illegally Collude To Take Trump Down?

Not only did President Obama know about the investigation, he seems to have pushed it from the very beginning.

But don't take our word for it. Here's what Obama's Director of National Intelligence, the nation's former spy master, James Clapper, told CNN's Anderson Cooper:

"If it weren't for President Obama we might not have done the intelligence community assessment that we did that set up a whole sequence of events which are still unfolding today, including Special Counsel (Robert) Mueller's investigation.

President Obama is responsible for that. It was he who tasked us to do that intelligence community assessment in the first place."

BOOM.... Obama needs to go on trial for TREASON, & Sedition, and receive the appropriate sentence for that.

If he is smart, he just throws Shrillery von Cankles under the bus and just walks away.

wow, looks like you got a solid case. Now you can answer to why Trump and Barr aren’t going to do shit about any of it? Obama isn’t going to jail. And that isn’t because Trump and Barr are in the bag for Obama, it’s because you believe fake news and conspiracy theories.



Lefties, pretend Bush did the same thing to OBAMA.

Now is it perfectly fine and a valid warrant?

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