Ignorance Of The Law Is No Excuse

Please link to prove that Trump did all the stuff you said in crossing the border.
The Government alleges that he took steps to hide the documents instead of returning them...including telling his attorney to lie to the investigators.

This is what is alleged by the OIC.

PS: I didn't cross the border. There is a checkpoint on US 77 between Sarita and Raymondville--about 80 miles from the border. That is where I was.
Biden's government claimed it was ok to have classified documents in your home but then later decided it was not OK to have those very same documents in your home. They flip flopped on the very same documents. First it is OK then it wasn't.
I don't think they ever said it was "ok".

It is not okay to actively try to hide the documents once they are discovered, show documents to others who don't have the security clearance, and tell your attorney to lie to the feds.

Again, this is what is alleged by the OIC.
I don't think they ever said it was "ok".

It is not okay to actively try to hide the documents once they are discovered, show documents to others who don't have the security clearance, and tell your attorney to lie to the feds.

Again, this is what is alleged by the OIC.
It's entrapment. The government knew that Trump is a contrarian, and that if they told him to return the documents he would instead keep them. They should have told him to keep them, then he would have returned them.
Well, that's on him because no one but an idiot wants to work for him, not because Trump is guilty (lawyers represent defendants all the time, whether they are guilty or innocent) but because Trump is Trump and an asshole who doesn't always pay his bills. BUT, Trump shouldn't be in this position in the first place if it wasn't for weaponization of government agencies for political purposes.
Trump has done enough grifting from his supporters, he uses that money. This is the reason:

Lawyers have been averse to working with Trump given the ex-president’s “difficult” reputation, including his history of using attorneys as “attack dogs or political aides,” refusing to heed legal advice and not paying his legal bills, the outlets report.
PS: I didn't cross the border. There is a checkpoint on US 77 between Sarita and Raymondville--about 80 miles from the border. That is where I was.
I'm still waiting for your link to prove Trump did all the things you said he did while crossing the border.
So, we've got numerous people, with Hillary Clinton being the very worst offender, who have not been charged with any crimes related to the mishandling of classified documents. Joe Biden was found to have classified documents against law and they kept it hush, hush because the election was right around the corner and, he continued having classified documents against the law months after that. He knowingly had classified documents in violation of the law and he and his lawyers and others purposely obstructed justice by keeping it quiet instead of returning them to the National Archives. They kept it all quiet until they knew it was coming out in the media and then decided to come clean.

Hillary had set up an illegal server in her basement where numerous classified documents were funneled through and could be hacked (some by Wikileaks), with some of them winding up on Anthony Wiener's laptop and Huma Abedin (a person with ties to radical Islam) had access to many classified documents. Did she or Anthony Weiner have clearance to see those classified documents? After receiving a subpoena to keep records for an investigation, Hillary obstructed justice and had 30,000 emails deleted.

And yet the DOJ is trying to claim that these people didn't intend on breaking the law so were not charged while claiming that Trump intended to break the law by not returning "classified" documents when ordered to do so. Apparently just the fact of having classified documents illegally was OK with the DOJ just as long as you returned them when asked or ordered to do so. If not, then, all of a sudden, having classified documents is not OK, even though it was OK beforehand.

Hillary certainly wasn't ignorant of the law (hell, she's a lawyer) at least when she had 30,000 emails deleted against a subpoena (and probably other aspects of her case as well). Why should Trump be held accountable for merely having documents in his possession that were OK to have before as well as numerous other people, including Biden, and why should Trump be held accountable for obstruction of justice when others weren't? Why can Huma Abedin and Anthony Weiner and Wikileaks have access to classified documents and everyone who came in and out of Biden's garage and other places but Trump must be held accountable for others seeing classified documents? So, what happened to ignorance of the law is no excuse? The others should be charged even if the DOJ claims they were ignorant of the laws. Otherwise, it looks like weaponized law enforcement doing a political hit job.
Biden cooperated, Trump did not! Nuff said!
I don't think they ever said it was "ok".

It is not okay to actively try to hide the documents once they are discovered, show documents to others who don't have the security clearance, and tell your attorney to lie to the feds.

Again, this is what is alleged by the OIC.
That's exactly what Biden & Co did, keeping secret he had classified documents in his home because there was in election in a matter of days. Then, he knew he had classified docs in his garage months later and kept it secret until he knew the media was about to report it. And Hillary had 30,000 emails deleted after receiving a subpoena to not do that.
That's exactly what Biden & Co did, keeping secret he had classified documents in his home because there was in election in a matter of days. Then, he knew he had classified docs in his garage months later and kept it secret until he knew the media was about to report it.
And when the feds asked for them back...did he fight them, have his attorney lie to investigators?
Trump has done enough grifting from his supporters, he uses that money. This is the reason:

Lawyers have been averse to working with Trump given the ex-president’s “difficult” reputation, including his history of using attorneys as “attack dogs or political aides,” refusing to heed legal advice and not paying his legal bills, the outlets report.
I don't deny any of that. But, it is wrong to weaponize government agencies for purely partisan political purposes against your enemies. Trump would not be in the position he is in but for that weaponization and abuse of power by the Democrats and their lapdogs. He shouldn't need an attorney. People should not have to prove they are innocent to a kangaroo court.

Ignorance Of The Law Is No Excuse​

I thought you were talking about Cannon.

She infamously botched a civil case brought by Trump to recover the very same documents now at issue in the criminal case, a decision so lacking in logic and precedent that the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit swiftly repudiated her ruling and sent Trump packing.

The 11th Circuit’s ruling was particularly dismissive in reversing Cannon: “The law is clear. We cannot write a rule that allows any subject of a search warrant to block government investigations after the execution of the warrant. Nor can we write a rule that allows only former presidents to do so.” Specifically, the panel held she didn’t have jurisdiction and should not have ruled on the case.
Some wondered if the president’s son, Donald Trump Jr., would be charged in the Mueller investigation after his admitted 2016 meeting with a Russian lawyer to solicit dirt on Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton. Well, that’s not the case. He and and other participants–then-campaign manager Paul Manafort and senior advisor Jared Kushner— aren’t being charged with violating campaign finance law because there wasn’t “admissible evidence” to show that they knew that what they were doing was illegal, according to the newly released and redacted Mueller Report.

“To prove that a defendant acted ‘knowledgeably and willfully,’ the government would have to show that the defendant had general knowledge his conduct was unlawful,” said the report.

Translation; he wasn't charged due to ignorance of the law.
And when the feds asked for them back...did he fight them, have his attorney lie to investigators?
And when Hillary received a subpoena to keep records and not destroy them, and she did anyway (as in not giving them back because they were destroyed), don't you think that should be prosecuted?
And when Hillary received a subpoena to keep records and not destroy them, and she did anyway (as in not giving them back because they were destroyed), don't you think that should be prosecuted?
E-mails are a bit different since 2 parties are involved. The FBI looked at it and decided not to. Trump's DOJ did nothing.

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