Ignorant and Uninformed

Can you provide three or four of the books that helped inform your geopolitical perspective?

Reading & School might help somewhat with forming world views, and logic.

They also can increase indoctrination.

You can't fix genetically stupid, and thoughtless illogical folks.

Look at yourself, you might read a lot, but you don't quite grasp that Capitalism sells out to Liberalism, and that Koshers push Liberalism, and that our healthcare system is uber expensive, and broken, in far worse shape than every other 1st World country, and probably even many 2nd World countries too.

So you've never read a book.....as one can glean from your posts.

Perhaps you should keep your posts in threads about monster trucks, favorite Crayola, and the best 24-Hour All Cartoon Network.

Now....get back to your blanket fort.

I mostly read online. Actual factual data, be it political, scientific, or otherwise

I've read Orwell's 1984, Hayek's Road to serfdom, and Huxley's Brave New World.

The irony is that it's actually Capitalist Corporations like Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft, among others pushing for the biggest amount of Orwellian terror at this moment.

Republicans also have pushed for the Patriot Act, Homeland Security, and even SOPA in large too.

To say that point blank that it's just Democrats causing tyranny, censorship, and surveillance would be an absurd statement.

Of course Democrats are also involved, but far from being the "ONLY" ones.

You are definitely very ignorant, and arrogant.

You can't even figure out that the Holocaust was almost entirely perpetrated by Germans.

You make no favors for your own arguments.

1. "You are definitely very ignorant, and arrogant."

The latter, but clearly not the former.

2. "You can't even figure out that the Holocaust was almost entirely perpetrated by Germans."
A quarter of a million German Jews were slaughtered....three million Polish Jews.
"Poles Helped Nazis Kill Most Of The Jews In Hiding During Holocaust
— According to new research done in Poland, two thirds of the local Jews who hid there from the Nazis did not survive the war, mostly because of the actions of their non-Jewish neighbors.

The figure comes from a two-volume work of 1,600 pages that historians from the Warsaw-based Center for Research on Holocaust of Jews have compiled over the past five years in nine out of Poland’s 13 regions, the Tok FM radio station reported Sunday."
Poles Helped Nazis Kill Most Of The Jews In Hiding During Holocaust

3. "You make no favors for your own arguments."
I ask no 'favors'....my posts are all linked, sourced, and documented.

I'd be happy to provide a curriculum for you, several books, that might make you appear a tiny bit less dumb.

Say the word.

LOL, You're such a mindless drone.

You never realized that Nazi Germany invaded Poland, and setup the camps there FIiRST for Poles, rather than Jews?

Of course you don't grasp, or comprehend much.

You're an ignorant, and arrogant twit.

"You're such a mindless drone."

Don't be absurd....if you can help it.

“Consider the weeks after the German invasion of eastern Poland on June 22, 1941. Public authority collapsed in the face of the advancing German army. In many communities, local Poles and other non-Jews beat, robbed, raped and murdered their Jewish neighbors. Our forthcoming book, “Intimate Violence: Anti-Jewish Pogroms on the Eve of the Holocaust,” documents 219 such pogroms in cities and small towns across eastern Poland, nearly 10 percent of the 2,304 localities where Jews and non-Jews dwelled together. Ethnic Poles were the primary perpetrators in approximately 25 percent of the pogroms; in the remaining instances, ethnic Ukrainians predominated.

Some argue that the Germans compelled Poles and other non-Jews to commit violence. It’s true that the Germans encouraged non-Jews to do their dirty work; some pogroms took place with the Germans observing. But in many other cases, the violence began before the Germans arrived or after they left.´”
6. "The Supreme Court on Monday delivered a blow to those who are pro-choice when they turned down a case that challenged Kentucky's pro-life law, which required doctors to provide ultrasound images and play fetal heartbeats for women who were seeking an abortion.

7.The 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals previously upheld the law.

"As a First Amendment matter, there is nothing suspect with a State's requiring a doctor, before performing an abortion, to make truthful, non-misleading factual disclosures, relevant to informed consent, even if those disclosures relate to unborn life and have the effect of persuading the patient not to have an abortion," the appeals court wrote.

Pro-life groups celebrated the decision. "
Pro-life Victory: Supreme Court Refuses to Hear Challenge to an Ultrasound Law

Can I get an 'Amen!'
Reading & School might help somewhat with forming world views, and logic.

They also can increase indoctrination.

You can't fix genetically stupid, and thoughtless illogical folks.

Look at yourself, you might read a lot, but you don't quite grasp that Capitalism sells out to Liberalism, and that Koshers push Liberalism, and that our healthcare system is uber expensive, and broken, in far worse shape than every other 1st World country, and probably even many 2nd World countries too.

So you've never read a book.....as one can glean from your posts.

Perhaps you should keep your posts in threads about monster trucks, favorite Crayola, and the best 24-Hour All Cartoon Network.

Now....get back to your blanket fort.

I mostly read online. Actual factual data, be it political, scientific, or otherwise

I've read Orwell's 1984, Hayek's Road to serfdom, and Huxley's Brave New World.

The irony is that it's actually Capitalist Corporations like Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft, among others pushing for the biggest amount of Orwellian terror at this moment.

Republicans also have pushed for the Patriot Act, Homeland Security, and even SOPA in large too.

To say that point blank that it's just Democrats causing tyranny, censorship, and surveillance would be an absurd statement.

Of course Democrats are also involved, but far from being the "ONLY" ones.

You are definitely very ignorant, and arrogant.

You can't even figure out that the Holocaust was almost entirely perpetrated by Germans.

You make no favors for your own arguments.

1. "You are definitely very ignorant, and arrogant."

The latter, but clearly not the former.

2. "You can't even figure out that the Holocaust was almost entirely perpetrated by Germans."
A quarter of a million German Jews were slaughtered....three million Polish Jews.
"Poles Helped Nazis Kill Most Of The Jews In Hiding During Holocaust
— According to new research done in Poland, two thirds of the local Jews who hid there from the Nazis did not survive the war, mostly because of the actions of their non-Jewish neighbors.

The figure comes from a two-volume work of 1,600 pages that historians from the Warsaw-based Center for Research on Holocaust of Jews have compiled over the past five years in nine out of Poland’s 13 regions, the Tok FM radio station reported Sunday."
Poles Helped Nazis Kill Most Of The Jews In Hiding During Holocaust

3. "You make no favors for your own arguments."
I ask no 'favors'....my posts are all linked, sourced, and documented.

I'd be happy to provide a curriculum for you, several books, that might make you appear a tiny bit less dumb.

Say the word.

LOL, You're such a mindless drone.

You never realized that Nazi Germany invaded Poland, and setup the camps there FIiRST for Poles, rather than Jews?

Of course you don't grasp, or comprehend much.

You're an ignorant, and arrogant twit.

"You're such a mindless drone."

Don't be absurd....if you can help it.

“Consider the weeks after the German invasion of eastern Poland on June 22, 1941. Public authority collapsed in the face of the advancing German army. In many communities, local Poles and other non-Jews beat, robbed, raped and murdered their Jewish neighbors. Our forthcoming book, “Intimate Violence: Anti-Jewish Pogroms on the Eve of the Holocaust,” documents 219 such pogroms in cities and small towns across eastern Poland, nearly 10 percent of the 2,304 localities where Jews and non-Jews dwelled together. Ethnic Poles were the primary perpetrators in approximately 25 percent of the pogroms; in the remaining instances, ethnic Ukrainians predominated.

Some argue that the Germans compelled Poles and other non-Jews to commit violence. It’s true that the Germans encouraged non-Jews to do their dirty work; some pogroms took place with the Germans observing. But in many other cases, the violence began before the Germans arrived or after they left.´”

You're only proving to be severely ignorant, you might read, but you don't, and can't think for yourself, due to your lower functioning brain.

Haha, the Nazi SS was about 60 - 75% German, and about 0% Polish.

There might have been sparse events where Poles killed Jews, there are also sparse events where Jews killed Poles, and even where Jews killed Jews.

You can't figure out proportionate values, at least 60 - 75% of those Jews killed in WW2, were by Germans.
Many of the others were not even Poles, but rather SS units from Ukraine, Russia, Netherlands, Latvia, France, Hungary, Italy, etc.
So you've never read a book.....as one can glean from your posts.

Perhaps you should keep your posts in threads about monster trucks, favorite Crayola, and the best 24-Hour All Cartoon Network.

Now....get back to your blanket fort.

I mostly read online. Actual factual data, be it political, scientific, or otherwise

I've read Orwell's 1984, Hayek's Road to serfdom, and Huxley's Brave New World.

The irony is that it's actually Capitalist Corporations like Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft, among others pushing for the biggest amount of Orwellian terror at this moment.

Republicans also have pushed for the Patriot Act, Homeland Security, and even SOPA in large too.

To say that point blank that it's just Democrats causing tyranny, censorship, and surveillance would be an absurd statement.

Of course Democrats are also involved, but far from being the "ONLY" ones.

You are definitely very ignorant, and arrogant.

You can't even figure out that the Holocaust was almost entirely perpetrated by Germans.

You make no favors for your own arguments.

1. "You are definitely very ignorant, and arrogant."

The latter, but clearly not the former.

2. "You can't even figure out that the Holocaust was almost entirely perpetrated by Germans."
A quarter of a million German Jews were slaughtered....three million Polish Jews.
"Poles Helped Nazis Kill Most Of The Jews In Hiding During Holocaust
— According to new research done in Poland, two thirds of the local Jews who hid there from the Nazis did not survive the war, mostly because of the actions of their non-Jewish neighbors.

The figure comes from a two-volume work of 1,600 pages that historians from the Warsaw-based Center for Research on Holocaust of Jews have compiled over the past five years in nine out of Poland’s 13 regions, the Tok FM radio station reported Sunday."
Poles Helped Nazis Kill Most Of The Jews In Hiding During Holocaust

3. "You make no favors for your own arguments."
I ask no 'favors'....my posts are all linked, sourced, and documented.

I'd be happy to provide a curriculum for you, several books, that might make you appear a tiny bit less dumb.

Say the word.

LOL, You're such a mindless drone.

You never realized that Nazi Germany invaded Poland, and setup the camps there FIiRST for Poles, rather than Jews?

Of course you don't grasp, or comprehend much.

You're an ignorant, and arrogant twit.

"You're such a mindless drone."

Don't be absurd....if you can help it.

“Consider the weeks after the German invasion of eastern Poland on June 22, 1941. Public authority collapsed in the face of the advancing German army. In many communities, local Poles and other non-Jews beat, robbed, raped and murdered their Jewish neighbors. Our forthcoming book, “Intimate Violence: Anti-Jewish Pogroms on the Eve of the Holocaust,” documents 219 such pogroms in cities and small towns across eastern Poland, nearly 10 percent of the 2,304 localities where Jews and non-Jews dwelled together. Ethnic Poles were the primary perpetrators in approximately 25 percent of the pogroms; in the remaining instances, ethnic Ukrainians predominated.

Some argue that the Germans compelled Poles and other non-Jews to commit violence. It’s true that the Germans encouraged non-Jews to do their dirty work; some pogroms took place with the Germans observing. But in many other cases, the violence began before the Germans arrived or after they left.´”

You're only proving to be severely ignorant, you might read, but you don't, and can't think for yourself, due to your lower functioning brain.

Haha, the Nazi SS was about 60 - 75% German, and about 0% Polish.

There might have been sparse events where Poles killed Jews, there are also sparse events where Jews killed Poles, and even where Jews killed Jews.

You can't figure out proportionate values, at least 60 - 75% of those Jews killed in WW2, were by Germans.
Many of the others were not even Poles, but rather SS units from Ukraine, Russia, Netherlands, Latvia, France, Hungary, Italy, etc.

So you have no interest in a list of books that might give you the correct outlook on contemporary geopolitical events, especially the direction America has taken since the 32nd President?

This might be why you are what you are.
Being informed is just a guise they use. They're not to be bothered with accountability or responsibility.
Those folks with an education are an enemy to you aren't they love.

When it comes to real education the left are illiterates.

There is no hope for America unless we pry the schools away from them the way earlier Republicans pried their slaves away.
Proper indoctrination is key, must have control.
I mostly read online. Actual factual data, be it political, scientific, or otherwise

I've read Orwell's 1984, Hayek's Road to serfdom, and Huxley's Brave New World.

The irony is that it's actually Capitalist Corporations like Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft, among others pushing for the biggest amount of Orwellian terror at this moment.

Republicans also have pushed for the Patriot Act, Homeland Security, and even SOPA in large too.

To say that point blank that it's just Democrats causing tyranny, censorship, and surveillance would be an absurd statement.

Of course Democrats are also involved, but far from being the "ONLY" ones.

You are definitely very ignorant, and arrogant.

You can't even figure out that the Holocaust was almost entirely perpetrated by Germans.

You make no favors for your own arguments.

1. "You are definitely very ignorant, and arrogant."

The latter, but clearly not the former.

2. "You can't even figure out that the Holocaust was almost entirely perpetrated by Germans."
A quarter of a million German Jews were slaughtered....three million Polish Jews.
"Poles Helped Nazis Kill Most Of The Jews In Hiding During Holocaust
— According to new research done in Poland, two thirds of the local Jews who hid there from the Nazis did not survive the war, mostly because of the actions of their non-Jewish neighbors.

The figure comes from a two-volume work of 1,600 pages that historians from the Warsaw-based Center for Research on Holocaust of Jews have compiled over the past five years in nine out of Poland’s 13 regions, the Tok FM radio station reported Sunday."
Poles Helped Nazis Kill Most Of The Jews In Hiding During Holocaust

3. "You make no favors for your own arguments."
I ask no 'favors'....my posts are all linked, sourced, and documented.

I'd be happy to provide a curriculum for you, several books, that might make you appear a tiny bit less dumb.

Say the word.

LOL, You're such a mindless drone.

You never realized that Nazi Germany invaded Poland, and setup the camps there FIiRST for Poles, rather than Jews?

Of course you don't grasp, or comprehend much.

You're an ignorant, and arrogant twit.

"You're such a mindless drone."

Don't be absurd....if you can help it.

“Consider the weeks after the German invasion of eastern Poland on June 22, 1941. Public authority collapsed in the face of the advancing German army. In many communities, local Poles and other non-Jews beat, robbed, raped and murdered their Jewish neighbors. Our forthcoming book, “Intimate Violence: Anti-Jewish Pogroms on the Eve of the Holocaust,” documents 219 such pogroms in cities and small towns across eastern Poland, nearly 10 percent of the 2,304 localities where Jews and non-Jews dwelled together. Ethnic Poles were the primary perpetrators in approximately 25 percent of the pogroms; in the remaining instances, ethnic Ukrainians predominated.

Some argue that the Germans compelled Poles and other non-Jews to commit violence. It’s true that the Germans encouraged non-Jews to do their dirty work; some pogroms took place with the Germans observing. But in many other cases, the violence began before the Germans arrived or after they left.´”

You're only proving to be severely ignorant, you might read, but you don't, and can't think for yourself, due to your lower functioning brain.

Haha, the Nazi SS was about 60 - 75% German, and about 0% Polish.

There might have been sparse events where Poles killed Jews, there are also sparse events where Jews killed Poles, and even where Jews killed Jews.

You can't figure out proportionate values, at least 60 - 75% of those Jews killed in WW2, were by Germans.
Many of the others were not even Poles, but rather SS units from Ukraine, Russia, Netherlands, Latvia, France, Hungary, Italy, etc.

So you have no interest in a list of books that might give you the correct outlook on contemporary geopolitical events, especially the direction America has taken since the 32nd President?

This might be why you are what you are.

LOL, Anybody who thinks Capitalism fosters socially Conservative & Nationalist values, must be a tad bit slow.

So, Capitalism doesn't hire Illegals, outsource jobs, push for Porn industry, Prostitution Capitalists, Abortion by Hospitals, for Gay bars, and Gay wedding banquets, and merchandise, or what about Capitalists selling Che Guevara T-Shirts, and Sex toy shops, or how about Marijuana, or Opium farmer Capitalists?

Don't get me started on the Liberal Capitalists like Facebook, Google, Twitter, censoring out the Right-Wing opposition, or how about CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, and Hollywood fostering Liberal values?

You simply aren't bright enough to grasp how society, and even Capitalism actually works.
Forcing an unnecessary procedure and forcing a citizen to view imagines and sounds before medically terminating a pregnancy is straight forward authoritarianism by the State. It seems to be designed to inflict maximum emotional damage possible to the woman. Kentuckians should vote out these authoritarian GOP from the State government and right the law themselves.
Forcing an unnecessary procedure and forcing a citizen to view imagines and sounds before medically terminating a pregnancy is straight forward authoritarianism by the State. It seems to be designed to inflict maximum emotional damage possible to the woman. Kentuckians should vote out these authoritarian GOP from the State government and right the law themselves.

Tsk, tsk, tsk.....how terrible.....to have to view the life you are about to snuff out.

You poor thing, you.

"Foot voting is expressing one's preferences through one's actions, by voluntarily participating in ... People who engage in foot voting are said to "vote with their feet". ... in a 1956 paper, and with Ronald Reagan, who advocated migration between states of the United States as a solution to unsatisfactory local conditions."
Foot voting - Wikipedia

Here's a game I play in learning the geography of the United States....
Only one state is contiguous with just one other state....know what it is?

Many states are contiguous with six other states.....but only two in contact with eight other states.
Kentucky is one of the two.

Don't like the Kentucky law, and intend on killing the unborn you created......take a walk to another venue.

Aren't you the savage who said this?

The question:
“In other words, you support mass murdering babies because supporting and raising them is too difficult. Are you related to Heinrich Himmler?

Your answer:
"I guess that's no, I don't really care about the lives of these babies."
Liberals On Abortion

Are you related to Heinrich Himmler?
8. "March for Life applauds the U.S. Supreme Court decision today upholding a Kentucky ultrasound law,” March for Life President Jeanne Mancini said in a statement. “Women facing an unexpected pregnancy deserve to have as much medically and technically accurate information as possible when they are making what could be the most important decision of their life.”

9. "Americans United for Life hails the final legal victory today of Kentucky’s common-sense informed consent provision simply ensuring that abortion facilities offer women who are thinking about abortion visual, ultrasound confirmation of the humanity of the life in their womb,” President and CEO of American United for Life Catherine Glenn Foster said in a statement. “Consistent with the Supreme Court’s direction that mothers considering abortion may be given accurate, nonmisleading information about abortion and the nature of human life, today’s decision confirms that women deserve the truth, and cannot give real informed consent to an abortion unless facilities are transparent and honest about what abortion really is. That’s a right that was denied to me when I was 19 years old and making a difficult, life-changing decision, and I am so relieved that going forward, the women of Kentucky will have the opportunity I never did.”
Pro-life Victory: Supreme Court Refuses to Hear Challenge to an Ultrasound Law
Forcing an unnecessary procedure and forcing a citizen to view imagines and sounds before medically terminating a pregnancy is straight forward authoritarianism by the State. It seems to be designed to inflict maximum emotional damage possible to the woman. Kentuckians should vote out these authoritarian GOP from the State government and right the law themselves.

Tsk, tsk, tsk.....how terrible.....to have to view the life you are about to snuff out.

You poor thing, you.

"Foot voting is expressing one's preferences through one's actions, by voluntarily participating in ... People who engage in foot voting are said to "vote with their feet". ... in a 1956 paper, and with Ronald Reagan, who advocated migration between states of the United States as a solution to unsatisfactory local conditions."
Foot voting - Wikipedia

Here's a game I play in learning the geography of the United States....
Only one state is contiguous with just one other state....know what it is?

Many states are contiguous with six other states.....but only two in contact with eight other states.
Kentucky is one of the two.

Don't like the Kentucky law, and intend on killing the unborn you created......take a walk to another venue.

Aren't you the savage who said this?

The question:
“In other words, you support mass murdering babies because supporting and raising them is too difficult. Are you related to Heinrich Himmler?

Your answer:
"I guess that's no, I don't really care about the lives of these babies."
Liberals On Abortion

Are you related to Heinrich Himmler?

There is no medical necessity in the forced viewing law. Just the holier than thou crowd getting their jollies by further emotionally scaring these young female breeders.

And your continued shameless slander is still a lie. But as we all know that's just what you do.
Forcing an unnecessary procedure and forcing a citizen to view imagines and sounds before medically terminating a pregnancy is straight forward authoritarianism by the State. It seems to be designed to inflict maximum emotional damage possible to the woman. Kentuckians should vote out these authoritarian GOP from the State government and right the law themselves.

Tsk, tsk, tsk.....how terrible.....to have to view the life you are about to snuff out.

You poor thing, you.

"Foot voting is expressing one's preferences through one's actions, by voluntarily participating in ... People who engage in foot voting are said to "vote with their feet". ... in a 1956 paper, and with Ronald Reagan, who advocated migration between states of the United States as a solution to unsatisfactory local conditions."
Foot voting - Wikipedia

Here's a game I play in learning the geography of the United States....
Only one state is contiguous with just one other state....know what it is?

Many states are contiguous with six other states.....but only two in contact with eight other states.
Kentucky is one of the two.

Don't like the Kentucky law, and intend on killing the unborn you created......take a walk to another venue.

Aren't you the savage who said this?

The question:
“In other words, you support mass murdering babies because supporting and raising them is too difficult. Are you related to Heinrich Himmler?

Your answer:
"I guess that's no, I don't really care about the lives of these babies."
Liberals On Abortion

Are you related to Heinrich Himmler?

There is no medical necessity in the forced viewing law. Just the holier than thou crowd getting their jollies by further emotionally scaring these young female breeders.

And your continued shameless slander is still a lie. But as we all know that's just what you do.

There is no medical necessity in slaying the unborn child you helped to create.

One can only wonder what mistake in upbringing or cerebral injury caused people like you to demand the 'right' to kill for the sake of convenience.

Reform yourself, savage.
Forcing an unnecessary procedure and forcing a citizen to view imagines and sounds before medically terminating a pregnancy is straight forward authoritarianism by the State. It seems to be designed to inflict maximum emotional damage possible to the woman. Kentuckians should vote out these authoritarian GOP from the State government and right the law themselves.

Tsk, tsk, tsk.....how terrible.....to have to view the life you are about to snuff out.

You poor thing, you.

"Foot voting is expressing one's preferences through one's actions, by voluntarily participating in ... People who engage in foot voting are said to "vote with their feet". ... in a 1956 paper, and with Ronald Reagan, who advocated migration between states of the United States as a solution to unsatisfactory local conditions."
Foot voting - Wikipedia

Here's a game I play in learning the geography of the United States....
Only one state is contiguous with just one other state....know what it is?

Many states are contiguous with six other states.....but only two in contact with eight other states.
Kentucky is one of the two.

Don't like the Kentucky law, and intend on killing the unborn you created......take a walk to another venue.

Aren't you the savage who said this?

The question:
“In other words, you support mass murdering babies because supporting and raising them is too difficult. Are you related to Heinrich Himmler?

Your answer:
"I guess that's no, I don't really care about the lives of these babies."
Liberals On Abortion

Are you related to Heinrich Himmler?

There is no medical necessity in the forced viewing law. Just the holier than thou crowd getting their jollies by further emotionally scaring these young female breeders.

And your continued shameless slander is still a lie. But as we all know that's just what you do.

There is no medical necessity in slaying the unborn child you helped to create.

One can only wonder what mistake in upbringing or cerebral injury caused people like you to demand the 'right' to kill for the sake of convenience.

Reform yourself, savage.

No reason to reproduce based on the cycles of the savage natural world we emerged from.

It's the women right to decide when to raise a family, hopefully though contraceptives. But nothing is 100%.

I can't imagine what nasty things happen to you to make you the way you appear either.

But I love you, you do make me laugh.
Forcing an unnecessary procedure and forcing a citizen to view imagines and sounds before medically terminating a pregnancy is straight forward authoritarianism by the State. It seems to be designed to inflict maximum emotional damage possible to the woman. Kentuckians should vote out these authoritarian GOP from the State government and right the law themselves.

Tsk, tsk, tsk.....how terrible.....to have to view the life you are about to snuff out.

You poor thing, you.

"Foot voting is expressing one's preferences through one's actions, by voluntarily participating in ... People who engage in foot voting are said to "vote with their feet". ... in a 1956 paper, and with Ronald Reagan, who advocated migration between states of the United States as a solution to unsatisfactory local conditions."
Foot voting - Wikipedia

Here's a game I play in learning the geography of the United States....
Only one state is contiguous with just one other state....know what it is?

Many states are contiguous with six other states.....but only two in contact with eight other states.
Kentucky is one of the two.

Don't like the Kentucky law, and intend on killing the unborn you created......take a walk to another venue.

Aren't you the savage who said this?

The question:
“In other words, you support mass murdering babies because supporting and raising them is too difficult. Are you related to Heinrich Himmler?

Your answer:
"I guess that's no, I don't really care about the lives of these babies."
Liberals On Abortion

Are you related to Heinrich Himmler?

There is no medical necessity in the forced viewing law. Just the holier than thou crowd getting their jollies by further emotionally scaring these young female breeders.

And your continued shameless slander is still a lie. But as we all know that's just what you do.

There is no medical necessity in slaying the unborn child you helped to create.

One can only wonder what mistake in upbringing or cerebral injury caused people like you to demand the 'right' to kill for the sake of convenience.

Reform yourself, savage.

No reason to reproduce based on the cycles of the savage natural world we emerged from.

It's the women right to decide when to raise a family, hopefully though contraceptives. But nothing is 100%.

I can't imagine what nasty things happen to you to make you the way you appear either.

But I love you, you do make me laugh.

You're a disgusting excuse for a human being....but I bet you get tired of people telling you that.

Liberals, it seems, feel that 'convenience' is a perfectly good reason to end a human life.

I don't.
.....government school grads, those who don't read books, .....the Democrat voter.

If you don't believe that being uninformed is an enhancement, if not a requirement, to vote Democrat, look at the demand by the Left that knowledge, information, be kept from their supporters.

1. The state of Kentucky passed a law that required doctors to provide ultrasound images and play fetal heartbeats for women who were seeking an abortion.

2. "The State of Kentucky said the law is "simple and straightforward," which they argued is part of the "informed-consent process" and "does nothing more than require that women who are considering an abortion be provided with information that is truthful, non-misleading and relevant to their decision of whether to have an abortion," CNN reported."

3. "...an abortion clinic, argued the law said doctors' First Amendment rights were violated because the woman was forced to see the baby's images before an abortion was performed."

4. Planned Parenthood argued the law is "medically unnecessary" and isn't based on "medicine or science."


Planned Parenthood

This medically-unnecessary law has no basis in medicine or science. The only thing it does is shame and stigmatize people for seeking abortion services. Abortion is health care, and no person should be punished for accessing basic health care. Period."

Pro-life Victory: Supreme Court Refuses to Hear Challenge to an Ultrasound Law

Imagine how harmful to the doctrines of the Democrats/Progressives/Liberals it would be if both sides of every issue were mandated.

Why.....there might be a whole slew of Trump elections.
Ironically Dems are generally better educated than GOP types. Curious what some knowledge can do.

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