I'll just leave this here......



RBG and fellow Supreme Court Justice, Antonin Scalia, ride an elephant in India in 1994. (Collection of the Supreme Court of the United States)


RBG and fellow Supreme Court Justice, Antonin Scalia, ride an elephant in India in 1994. (Collection of the Supreme Court of the United States)
That doll would likely scare every little girl. Scares me!!!
So she's not a young girl any more, but smart has always been hotter than perky tits. . The Notorious RGB is still as attractive as she ever was.

No, she's not. She is old as fuck. If she is even still alive.


Boys generally feel that way. A man understands there is a lot more than perky tits that make a woman attractive.
Amen. Find one with perky tits who swallows though and it’s a keeper.
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So she's not a young girl any more, but smart has always been hotter than perky tits. . The Notorious RGB is still as attractive as she ever was.

No, she's not. She is old as fuck. If she is even still alive.


Boys generally feel that way. A man understands there is a lot more than perky tits that make a woman attractive.

"But it's always worth remembering that however stridently you might disagree with somebody else's views, sometimes you can forge ahead and find some common, friendly ground."
Scalia And Ginsburg Were Friends
No, she's not. She is old as fuck. If she is even still alive.


Boys generally feel that way. A man understands there is a lot more than perky tits that make a woman attractive.

No, she's old as fuck and looks like hell. She is not attractive.

That you are in denial of that fact, is just one more piece of evidence, nay, PROOF, that liberalism is a mental disorder.

I suspect you will keep that opinion until you grow up.

Everyone healthy will hold that opinion, as long as they are alive. Because it is the painfully obvious truth.

ONly someone out of touch with reality would say otherwise.

You are free to believe what ever dumb thing you want. You seem to think that obese orange fool was a good choice for president, after all.
Stop being a hypocrite.

You have NEVER, not even once, ever on this site, complimented or said anything nice about the current POTUS.

You are just as partisan as Correll. You know I don't like Trump. But I evaluate everything he does, on a case by case basis, not on the fact that he is a doofus, and I don't want to give him any credit. But in some things, he has been very good for the nation. You don't want to do that.

You cringe at the very thought that he might actually be good at shaking up the endemic bureaucratic corruption.

w/e. You are either an establishment shill or a fool. OTH, yeah, he's POS, what of it? Sometimes it takes a bomb thrower to tear down entrenched interests that have created a mess.

The nation will survive. The Constitution survived the Civil War, two world wars and a great Depression, it sure as hell can survive a two bit reality star, so relax.
Perhaps she's no spring chicken anymore, heck who among us can be young and beautiful forever. But you, on the other hand, are so full of malice and partisan detritus that you can't see her for the smart, educated accomplished woman that she is. Oh well, your loss.
She must be tired, too. I felt bad for her last night at the swearing in ceremony; she is stooped over and even her face is getting mask-like, and I'd bet you anything that woman would like to have retired years ago, but with Trump in, she's going to keep pushing. She's determined, that's for sure. I just wish she didn't have to do it.
Perhaps she's no spring chicken anymore, heck who among us can be young and beautiful forever. But you, on the other hand, are so full of malice and partisan detritus that you can't see her for the smart, educated accomplished woman that she is. Oh well, your loss.
She must be tired, too. I felt bad for her last night at the swearing in ceremony; she is stooped over and even her face is getting mask-like, and I'd bet you anything that woman would like to have retired years ago, but with Trump in, she's going to keep pushing. She's determined, that's for sure. I just wish she didn't have to do it.
She doesn’t have to do anything.

Need personal content with a cut and paste
I'd hit that twice on Sunday cause the good Lord wants us all to be happy on the Sabbath!
The Sabbath is Saturday.
Hmm...I guess I'm not Catholic.

Okay, twice on Saturday AND Sunday! You talked Me into it.
Dat's da Jews your thinking of.

I have a cousin who married a Jew.

Now their daughter has sabbath starting sun down Friday, ending sun down Sunday. Nice life.

OTH, it ends any chance of a guy asking her out in high school.


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