Illegal Alien Fetuses Are NOT Babies & Thus NOT Citizens


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Thanks to the Governor of Virginia & the Democrats who have voted to allow the murder of babies AFTER they have been born, the Left's argument that 'fetuses expunged from the womb' by illegals on US soil are instantly US Cirmtizens is MOOT...GONE...NO MORE!

Democrats have and are now arguing babies BORN are NOT instantly US citizens protected by the Constitution and US law and they CAN be MURDERED.

If American babies born in the US are NOT US citizens, then there is no way Illegal 'fetuses' 'deposited' in the US are!

Until there is a legal decision is made in regards to HOW LONG a baby has to be out of the womb, how many breaths does it have to take, how long must it be 'kept comfortable' & alive before it is counted as a living child then no illegal 'fetus' born on US soil can / should be considered a human being and thus a US Citizen!
Thanks to the Governor of Virginia & the Democrats who have voted to allow the murder of babies AFTER they have been born, the Left's argument that 'fetuses expunged from the womb' by illegals on US soil are instantly US Cirmtizens is MOOT...GONE...NO MORE!

Democrats have and are now arguing babies BORN are NOT instantly US citizens protected by the Constitution and US law and they CAN be MURDERED.

If American babies born in the US are NOT US citizens, then there is no way Illegal 'fetuses' 'deposited' in the US are!

Until there is a legal decision is made in regards to HOW LONG a baby has to be out of the womb, how many breaths does it have to take, how long must it be 'kept comfortable' & alive before it is counted as a living child then no illegal 'fetus' born on US soil can / should be considered a human being and thus a US Citizen!
Good God dude you are a complete and total retard. Nobody has voted to kill full term children.
Thanks to the Governor of Virginia & the Democrats who have voted to allow the murder of babies AFTER they have been born, the Left's argument that 'fetuses expunged from the womb' by illegals on US soil are instantly US Cirmtizens is MOOT...GONE...NO MORE!

Democrats have and are now arguing babies BORN are NOT instantly US citizens protected by the Constitution and US law and they CAN be MURDERED.

If American babies born in the US are NOT US citizens, then there is no way Illegal 'fetuses' 'deposited' in the US are!

Until there is a legal decision is made in regards to HOW LONG a baby has to be out of the womb, how many breaths does it have to take, how long must it be 'kept comfortable' & alive before it is counted as a living child then no illegal 'fetus' born on US soil can / should be considered a human being and thus a US Citizen!
You truly take partisan hack stupidity to a whole new level, Twinkle Toes.
Thanks to the Governor of Virginia & the Democrats who have voted to allow the murder of babies AFTER they have been born, the Left's argument that 'fetuses expunged from the womb' by illegals on US soil are instantly US Cirmtizens is MOOT...GONE...NO MORE!

Democrats have and are now arguing babies BORN are NOT instantly US citizens protected by the Constitution and US law and they CAN be MURDERED.

If American babies born in the US are NOT US citizens, then there is no way Illegal 'fetuses' 'deposited' in the US are!

Until there is a legal decision is made in regards to HOW LONG a baby has to be out of the womb, how many breaths does it have to take, how long must it be 'kept comfortable' & alive before it is counted as a living child then no illegal 'fetus' born on US soil can / should be considered a human being and thus a US Citizen!
Good God dude you are a complete and total retard. Nobody has voted to kill full term children.
It's amazing how unhinged partisan hack nut cases like the OP have become. They have totally lost touch with reality.
Thanks to the Governor of Virginia & the Democrats who have voted to allow the murder of babies AFTER they have been born, the Left's argument that 'fetuses expunged from the womb' by illegals on US soil are instantly US Cirmtizens is MOOT...GONE...NO MORE!

Democrats have and are now arguing babies BORN are NOT instantly US citizens protected by the Constitution and US law and they CAN be MURDERED.

If American babies born in the US are NOT US citizens, then there is no way Illegal 'fetuses' 'deposited' in the US are!

Until there is a legal decision is made in regards to HOW LONG a baby has to be out of the womb, how many breaths does it have to take, how long must it be 'kept comfortable' & alive before it is counted as a living child then no illegal 'fetus' born on US soil can / should be considered a human being and thus a US Citizen!
They never voted on any law to kill kids after they are born.
Thanks to the Governor of Virginia & the Democrats who have voted to allow the murder of babies AFTER they have been born, the Left's argument that 'fetuses expunged from the womb' by illegals on US soil are instantly US Cirmtizens is MOOT...GONE...NO MORE!

Democrats have and are now arguing babies BORN are NOT instantly US citizens protected by the Constitution and US law and they CAN be MURDERED.

If American babies born in the US are NOT US citizens, then there is no way Illegal 'fetuses' 'deposited' in the US are!

Until there is a legal decision is made in regards to HOW LONG a baby has to be out of the womb, how many breaths does it have to take, how long must it be 'kept comfortable' & alive before it is counted as a living child then no illegal 'fetus' born on US soil can / should be considered a human being and thus a US Citizen!
You truly are an ignorant, deranged rightwing partisan hack.

And this fails as a ridiculous strawman fallacy.

You’re also attempting – and failing – to conflate two separate issues one having nothing to do with the other.
Good God dude you are a complete and total retard. Nobody has voted to kill full term children.

Nice to see you agree that Democrats ARE "nobodies".
You have just proven yourself to be every bit as stupid as the op. We will get a guardian appointed for you asap, meanwhile don't lick any power outlets.


My point was made.

You need not have (though so generously) provided additional evidence.
Good God dude you are a complete and total retard. Nobody has voted to kill full term children.

Nice to see you agree that Democrats ARE "nobodies".
You have just proven yourself to be every bit as stupid as the op. We will get a guardian appointed for you asap, meanwhile don't lick any power outlets.


My point was made.

You need not have (though so generously) provided additional evidence.
Yes, you made the point that you are dangerously stupid and need a minded.
Thanks to the Governor of Virginia & the Democrats who have voted to allow the murder of babies AFTER they have been born, the Left's argument that 'fetuses expunged from the womb' by illegals on US soil are instantly US Cirmtizens is MOOT...GONE...NO MORE!

Democrats have and are now arguing babies BORN are NOT instantly US citizens protected by the Constitution and US law and they CAN be MURDERED.

If American babies born in the US are NOT US citizens, then there is no way Illegal 'fetuses' 'deposited' in the US are!

Until there is a legal decision is made in regards to HOW LONG a baby has to be out of the womb, how many breaths does it have to take, how long must it be 'kept comfortable' & alive before it is counted as a living child then no illegal 'fetus' born on US soil can / should be considered a human being and thus a US Citizen!
Good God dude you are a complete and total retard. Nobody has voted to kill full term children.
The Bills Democrats are putting forward, as the gov of Va explained, allows just that. You need someone to draw you a picture?
Thanks to the Governor of Virginia & the Democrats who have voted to allow the murder of babies AFTER they have been born, the Left's argument that 'fetuses expunged from the womb' by illegals on US soil are instantly US Cirmtizens is MOOT...GONE...NO MORE!

Democrats have and are now arguing babies BORN are NOT instantly US citizens protected by the Constitution and US law and they CAN be MURDERED.

If American babies born in the US are NOT US citizens, then there is no way Illegal 'fetuses' 'deposited' in the US are!

Until there is a legal decision is made in regards to HOW LONG a baby has to be out of the womb, how many breaths does it have to take, how long must it be 'kept comfortable' & alive before it is counted as a living child then no illegal 'fetus' born on US soil can / should be considered a human being and thus a US Citizen!
They never voted on any law to kill kids after they are born.
No, they just wrote it and submitted it - no vote yet. Why would you write and submit such a bill if you did not want it as law?
Thanks to the Governor of Virginia & the Democrats who have voted to allow the murder of babies AFTER they have been born, the Left's argument that 'fetuses expunged from the womb' by illegals on US soil are instantly US Cirmtizens is MOOT...GONE...NO MORE!

Democrats have and are now arguing babies BORN are NOT instantly US citizens protected by the Constitution and US law and they CAN be MURDERED.

If American babies born in the US are NOT US citizens, then there is no way Illegal 'fetuses' 'deposited' in the US are!

Until there is a legal decision is made in regards to HOW LONG a baby has to be out of the womb, how many breaths does it have to take, how long must it be 'kept comfortable' & alive before it is counted as a living child then no illegal 'fetus' born on US soil can / should be considered a human being and thus a US Citizen!
They never voted on any law to kill kids after they are born.
No, they just wrote it and submitted it - no vote yet. Why would you write and submit such a bill if you did not want it as law?
It died in committee it was never debated.
Interesting...the gov of Va explained their bill would allow the baby to he born, it would be kept 'comfortable' (is the born child a US citizen YET?), and then a discussion would be held about whether to kill or not the baby 'being kept comfortable'...

At any point during that discussion does the baby, having already been born and being kept comfortable, become a US citizen...

...or all babies only allowed to become US citizens AFTER you M*er F*ers decide NOT to kill them?

The Va gov said this is 'exactly what happens, and there you snowflakes go denying everything again.

Damn, you spend half your life denying corruption, crime, immorality, lack of ethics, lack of civility, and half the time reality ... It's hard as held to be. democrat sheep....
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Thanks to the Governor of Virginia & the Democrats who have voted to allow the murder of babies AFTER they have been born, the Left's argument that 'fetuses expunged from the womb' by illegals on US soil are instantly US Cirmtizens is MOOT...GONE...NO MORE!

Democrats have and are now arguing babies BORN are NOT instantly US citizens protected by the Constitution and US law and they CAN be MURDERED.

If American babies born in the US are NOT US citizens, then there is no way Illegal 'fetuses' 'deposited' in the US are!

Until there is a legal decision is made in regards to HOW LONG a baby has to be out of the womb, how many breaths does it have to take, how long must it be 'kept comfortable' & alive before it is counted as a living child then no illegal 'fetus' born on US soil can / should be considered a human being and thus a US Citizen!
natural born, is the operative clause.
Thanks to the Governor of Virginia & the Democrats who have voted to allow the murder of babies AFTER they have been born, the Left's argument that 'fetuses expunged from the womb' by illegals on US soil are instantly US Cirmtizens is MOOT...GONE...NO MORE!

Democrats have and are now arguing babies BORN are NOT instantly US citizens protected by the Constitution and US law and they CAN be MURDERED.

If American babies born in the US are NOT US citizens, then there is no way Illegal 'fetuses' 'deposited' in the US are!

Until there is a legal decision is made in regards to HOW LONG a baby has to be out of the womb, how many breaths does it have to take, how long must it be 'kept comfortable' & alive before it is counted as a living child then no illegal 'fetus' born on US soil can / should be considered a human being and thus a US Citizen!
They never voted on any law to kill kids after they are born.
No, they just wrote it and submitted it - no vote yet. Why would you write and submit such a bill if you did not want it as law?
It died in committee it was never debated.
But, again, Democrats want to kill babies after they are born...The bill was sent to is only a matter of time until there are enough baby killing leftist extremists to pass it...

So before that happens, perhaps we should have this discussion....

How many breaths does that baby killing bitch want Americans to take before she will acknowledge them as US citizens protected by the Constitution and law?

How many?

What if the mother asks to 'sleep on it' & decide the next morning? How many HOURS does the 'execution committee's and the bitch who ejected the baby out of her womb (considering what she is doing you can not realistically call her a 'mother') have to decide to kill the child or not?

What's next?

'Take it home for 24-48 hours...if you don't love it, bring it back & we'll kill it?!

And don't give me shit about this being unrealistic. Just 10 years ago, before anyone heard the name Obama, no one in this country would have said a word allowed in public about the possibility of killing a child ... killing a baby after it was born... you have Democrats submitting bills calling for it!
Thanks to the Governor of Virginia & the Democrats who have voted to allow the murder of babies AFTER they have been born, the Left's argument that 'fetuses expunged from the womb' by illegals on US soil are instantly US Cirmtizens is MOOT...GONE...NO MORE!

Democrats have and are now arguing babies BORN are NOT instantly US citizens protected by the Constitution and US law and they CAN be MURDERED.

If American babies born in the US are NOT US citizens, then there is no way Illegal 'fetuses' 'deposited' in the US are!

Until there is a legal decision is made in regards to HOW LONG a baby has to be out of the womb, how many breaths does it have to take, how long must it be 'kept comfortable' & alive before it is counted as a living child then no illegal 'fetus' born on US soil can / should be considered a human being and thus a US Citizen!
You truly are an ignorant, deranged rightwing partisan hack.

And this fails as a ridiculous strawman fallacy.

You’re also attempting – and failing – to conflate two separate issues one having nothing to do with the other.

That's not true. Those issues can be linked as the OP pointed out.

The real problem for dems is they are forcing the SCOTUS to make
a ruling on something they have never done. "When does Life begin?"

The late term abortions being pushed by dems, as pointed out by the
Gov of Va...would allow a Doctor and the Mother to decide whether
to allow it to live or kill, if the Baby survived the abortion. Now maybe
your constitution is different than mine, but mine says no Citizen will
be denied of life, liberty or property without due process. Momma and
a Doctor are not due process.

Why do you think the Dems want the Gov of Va to resign? As long as
he is in office his remarks on late term abortion will be used to counter
late term abortion advocates.

The immigrant baby comparison might be a stretch, but that late
term abortion garbage is now having to go to the back burner, because
less than 15% of the country does not favor killing a baby after it is born.
So, again, before their next legislative attempt to pass a bill to kill babies after they are born, we should really have that discussion about how long after the baby is born can it be considered an American citizen vs how long can we 'keep it comfortable' & still kill it...

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