Illegal aliens contribution to the economy.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
A negative. If they contribute so much to our economy, they must also be able to do the same for Mexico’s economy. So the solution to controlling illegal immigration is to return them back to Mexico so they can contribute to Mexico’s economy making life better for all Mexicans so they will not have to come here for a better life. The best contribution illegal aliens can do for us is creating a better economy for themselves in Mexico. Taking 12 million hard working Mexicans out of Mexico’s workforce is a economically disaster for Mexico, causing more illegal immigration.
“We cannot punish the innocent little children of illegal aliens by deporting them so we have do the “compassionate and humane” thing and let the stay” providing them a college education and a job when they finish. Also it mean chain migration for millions of relatives, aunts, uncles and first, second and third cousins, of unskilled uneducated and will be a drain on social services. Entitlements that the GOP want to cut. Dream Act spells AMNESTY for 12 million because no one believes that we are going to let the children remain and deport their parents. With the stroke of his pen and abuse of power like we have never seen in president before, we already have amnesty. We are turning to the largest third world country in the world with all it’s third world problems.
What contribution does low wage uneducated unskilled people make when they pay no taxes, but receive unearned tax refunds and child credit refunds and receive supplements to their incomes?

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