Illegal aliens do vote - a lot - and here is how they do it.


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Hell - obozo gave an interview the day before the election and told the illegals to vote!!!

Articles: Illegal Aliens Really Do Vote – a Lot

jan 28 2017 A warm, sunny Saturday a decade ago, there was a Hispanic festival in our small town, a bedroom community for illegal aliens seeking day labor jobs in the nearby wealthy suburbs. It was a sanctuary city at the time. No problem with the festival itself. The music was lively and the food tasty. And don't the Irish have St. Patrick's Day, and the Italians Columbus Day?

While wandering around the festivities, I noticed a table with three nice ladies in front of a "Register To Vote" sign. Curious about its presence at a festival where the bulk of the crowd was either illegal alien day laborers or legal non-citizens, I went over to inquire. Before I spoke, one of those nice ladies asked me if I was registered to vote. Wanting to see where this would go, I said no, and asked how to sign up. A voter registration form was thrust in my hands. The very first item on these forms, in Virginia and the rest of America, was "I am a citizen of the United States of America," with YES and NO blocks to check.

"Don't I need to show you some proof of citizenship?" I asked. She replied "no." I asked her how she could verify that I wasn’t lying. Sensing she might be on a slippery slope, she called over a supervisor from the Registrar's Office and told the woman of my concern. The official told me they never checked citizenship status because I would be penalized if I lied. Really? So I asked her how she would verify my truthfulness, or those of the dozens of new voters being registered that day. Defensively, she replied that they checked all registrations for accuracy at the Registrar's Office when they were turned in.

I called the Registrar Monday, and asked if they do indeed verify citizenship status. I was told that they didn't unless someone made a specific complaint against an individual applicant.
Our minority voted for president really needs to grow up now and move on even if his minions are unable to.
Illegal voting is widespread and everyone knows it. Democrats have to deny it because if they admit it, they would be expected to do something to stop it. If they did something to stop it, they would never win in California again.
Hell - obozo gave an interview the day before the election and told the illegals to vote!!!

Articles: Illegal Aliens Really Do Vote – a Lot

jan 28 2017 A warm, sunny Saturday a decade ago, there was a Hispanic festival in our small town, a bedroom community for illegal aliens seeking day labor jobs in the nearby wealthy suburbs. It was a sanctuary city at the time. No problem with the festival itself. The music was lively and the food tasty. And don't the Irish have St. Patrick's Day, and the Italians Columbus Day?

While wandering around the festivities, I noticed a table with three nice ladies in front of a "Register To Vote" sign. Curious about its presence at a festival where the bulk of the crowd was either illegal alien day laborers or legal non-citizens, I went over to inquire. Before I spoke, one of those nice ladies asked me if I was registered to vote. Wanting to see where this would go, I said no, and asked how to sign up. A voter registration form was thrust in my hands. The very first item on these forms, in Virginia and the rest of America, was "I am a citizen of the United States of America," with YES and NO blocks to check.

"Don't I need to show you some proof of citizenship?" I asked. She replied "no." I asked her how she could verify that I wasn’t lying. Sensing she might be on a slippery slope, she called over a supervisor from the Registrar's Office and told the woman of my concern. The official told me they never checked citizenship status because I would be penalized if I lied. Really? So I asked her how she would verify my truthfulness, or those of the dozens of new voters being registered that day. Defensively, she replied that they checked all registrations for accuracy at the Registrar's Office when they were turned in.

I called the Registrar Monday, and asked if they do indeed verify citizenship status. I was told that they didn't unless someone made a specific complaint against an individual applicant.

Aw, more NaziCon propaganda from American Thinker. Hilarious!

Gregg Phillips, Discredited Voter Fraud ‘Expert’ Cited By Trump, Has Produced No Evidence
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If my ears heard right, on the news this a.m. someone said only four states require proof of citizenship in order to register to vote. I know I didn't have to show mine any of the times I registered.
I don't know why showing proof of citizenship is such a big hairy deal in order to register to vote. Show your birth certificate or your citizenship papers the first time and be done with it. What is the big problem? Get a state issued photo ID if you don't have a drivers license, for annual voting. They aren't expensive.

Although I doubt we'll find 3 to 5 million illegal aliens voted for Hillary Clinton in this last election, if it is a big concern in the minds of Republicans, I don't really see the problem in accommodating their paranoia.
Although I doubt we'll find 3 to 5 million illegal aliens voted for Hillary Clinton in this last election, if it is a big concern in the minds of Republicans, I don't really see the problem in accommodating their paranoia.
Let's find out how many are registered. I think it's a pretty safe bet as to who they voted for. PS, it's not paranoia to want to ensure election integrity, whether it's 3 to 5 million or 3 to 5 hundred.
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Although I doubt we'll find 3 to 5 million illegal aliens voted for Hillary Clinton in this last election, if it is a big concern in the minds of Republicans, I don't really see the problem in accommodating their paranoia.

Well hell - let's just ignore bank robbery too until the numbers hit 5 million a year.!!! THINK
The writer of the OP is terrible. From the get go,

A warm, sunny Saturday a decade ago, there was a Hispanic festival in our small town, a bedroom community for illegal aliens seeking day labor jobs in the nearby wealthy suburbs.

Ain't that nice. Starts the article talking about a community FOR illegal aliens. Yep, their community, their festival. Then spends the rest of the article explaining how terrible it is that members of that community might actually ATTEMPT to have a voice in THEIR VERY OWN FUCKING COMMUNITY. What a total dimwit.
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Ain't that nice. Starts the article talking about a community FOR illegal aliens. Yep, their community, their festival. Then spends the rest of the article explaining how terrible it is that members of that community might actually ATTEMPT to have a voice in THEIR VERY OWN FUCKING COMMUNITY. What a total dimwit.

You and your friends invade mexico and start a "community" and see how the law down there treats you.
Ain't that nice. Starts the article talking about a community FOR illegal aliens. Yep, their community, their festival. Then spends the rest of the article explaining how terrible it is that members of that community might actually ATTEMPT to have a voice in THEIR VERY OWN FUCKING COMMUNITY. What a total dimwit.

You and your friends invade mexico and start a "community" and see how the law down there treats you.

Unlike you, I don't strive to be like Mexico.
If it's so widespread then it should be very easy to provide irrefutable proof and yet none of you do.
If it's so widespread then it should be very easy to provide irrefutable proof and yet none of you do.

HAHA. You call that an argument.? Anyway the burden of proof is now on you to show illegals do not vote. Obama gave millions of illegals a certificate saying they can live and work here even though the law says they can't!!!! That means the default position is that obozo didn't enforce any of our immigration laws. THINK
If it's so widespread then it should be very easy to provide irrefutable proof and yet none of you do.
What kind of proof would be acceptable to you, a written confession? No, you would claim it was fake. Hidden video? No, you would claim it was fake. A congressional investigation? No, you would reject the source because they were partisan. Realistically, is there any proof you would accept? Probably not.
Hell - obozo gave an interview the day before the election and told the illegals to vote!!!

Articles: Illegal Aliens Really Do Vote – a Lot

jan 28 2017 A warm, sunny Saturday a decade ago, there was a Hispanic festival in our small town, a bedroom community for illegal aliens seeking day labor jobs in the nearby wealthy suburbs. It was a sanctuary city at the time. No problem with the festival itself. The music was lively and the food tasty. And don't the Irish have St. Patrick's Day, and the Italians Columbus Day?

While wandering around the festivities, I noticed a table with three nice ladies in front of a "Register To Vote" sign. Curious about its presence at a festival where the bulk of the crowd was either illegal alien day laborers or legal non-citizens, I went over to inquire. Before I spoke, one of those nice ladies asked me if I was registered to vote. Wanting to see where this would go, I said no, and asked how to sign up. A voter registration form was thrust in my hands. The very first item on these forms, in Virginia and the rest of America, was "I am a citizen of the United States of America," with YES and NO blocks to check.

"Don't I need to show you some proof of citizenship?" I asked. She replied "no." I asked her how she could verify that I wasn’t lying. Sensing she might be on a slippery slope, she called over a supervisor from the Registrar's Office and told the woman of my concern. The official told me they never checked citizenship status because I would be penalized if I lied. Really? So I asked her how she would verify my truthfulness, or those of the dozens of new voters being registered that day. Defensively, she replied that they checked all registrations for accuracy at the Registrar's Office when they were turned in.

I called the Registrar Monday, and asked if they do indeed verify citizenship status. I was told that they didn't unless someone made a specific complaint against an individual applicant.

No illegal is going to risk getting caught and deported just so they can cast a vote. That's the ultimate--"here I am, come and get me" moment.

Furthermore Obama has deported more illegals than any other President.
Obama Has Deported More People Than Any Other President
Obama deported record number of immigrants, despite Trump’s claim

No illegal is going to risk getting caught and deported just so they can cast a vote. That's the ultimate--"here I am, come and get me" moment.

HAHAHA. That may be true now under trump but under obozo it certainly wasn't. He WANTED AND ENCOURAGED illegals to vote. THINK

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