Illegal aliens sue Florida gov

You just have a short memory, or just a selective one.

Watch the clip. he says illegal immigrants should not be deported (unless they comit some major crime)
If you watch it in its entirety. Only a fucking idiot would not believe that "Brown" people are not smart enough to watch American TV and realize that Biden was clearly signaling that his election would be the best opportunity for them to come right now.

Which is also why many of them show up at the border wearing Biden tee shirts.
Do I need to find that for you too?

But I understand from your post that your hung up on some racist fantasy, so I wont expect much out of you.


Biden, a Democrat, said in a June tweet he will send a bill to Congress “on day one” that laid out “a clear roadmap to citizenship” for some 11 million people living in the United States unlawfully.


Biden pledged to immediately halt construction of the U.S.-Mexico border wall, which Trump touted as a major accomplishment during a Texas visit just days before leaving office.

What in that clip bothered you? He said asylum seekers should be heard and that the main focus of immigration reform should be in fixing the reasons they come here in the first place. What's wrong with that?
Not anymore. Now everyone in the world who wants to come here just needs to learn how to say "a-sy-lum" (whether they know what it means or not) and they're in.
And genius liberals don't see how this might be problematic.

Right. It would make more sense for someone say in Honduras who says their life is threatened to simply relocate in a country like Peru or Argentina where Spanish is already the dominant language. They could get a job and live down there much easier, as the culture is MORE similar as opposed to the U.S. where the culture is less similar. Of course we all know the real reason is social services and financial handouts.
They can only get that in the U.S. its a chance of a lifetime.
Different rules for those fleeing Marxist regimes. Thank a Republican for that.

You're not smart.
And what would those "different rules" be? Please be specific.
I've reads your posts. You are the last person on USMB to be calling someone else "not smart".
The migrants flown to MV are in the US legally......but, you know, MAGAts can't tell any hispanics apart.
Then why are they being held captive on a military base in MA? Why did Obama and his MV neighbors have them rounded up by the national guard?
Too much to ask in this place. You dive into attack mode at will, forgive me if I simply do the same to you.

Aw look. A signature LOL reaction. Here comes some bullshit about me being angry and stupid next.
Here's your flag:
Then why are they being held captive on a military base in MA? Why did Obama and his MV neighbors have them rounded up by the national guard?
They are NOT being held captive. Nice try. The Cape Cod base has facilities to house them temporarily...something that MV doesn't have during the height of the tourist season when there's not a room to be had.

This county is pathetic
50 criminals will sue Desantis for tens of millions and most likely win
Hey, asshole, asylum seekers are not criminals. They are not illegal aliens. They entered at US ports of entry and made an application for asylum.

What's pathetic is the average intellect of Trump fans.
Hey, asshole, asylum seekers are not criminals. They are not illegal aliens. They entered at US ports of entry and made an application for asylum.

What's pathetic is the average intellect of Trump fans.
YOU have zero intellect, you piece of Marxist VERMIN

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