Illegal aliens sue Florida gov

Hey, asshole, asylum seekers are not criminals. They are not illegal aliens. They entered at US ports of entry and made an application for asylum.

What's pathetic is the average intellect of Trump fans.
It's telling that no matter how many times it's explained to MAGAts that these migrants are not here illegally, they are stuck on stupid.
What in that clip bothered you? He said asylum seekers should be heard and that the main focus of immigration reform should be in fixing the reasons they come here in the first place. What's wrong with that?

You focus on the politi-speak and not what he's actually saying. He also said we should be able to immediately absorb them... what does that mean? .... until they can be heard?
You know how that works right? They are let in with a piece of paper that says they need to appear on such and such date.. but with millions of people coming in, who is going to follow up on that?
In essence he put the word out on the street, you cross the border you get to stay.
This is not his only statement I've heard.

You dont really know why its wrong for such a great wave of people to be encouraged to cross the border all at once? really? You dont see how it causes more people to DIE in th eprocess? you dont see how it opens up advantages and opportunity for Drug Cartels to operate in drugs like fentanyl and human trafficking?

The Biden ? Harris policy was reckless and endangering to everyone involved, all in the name of being "nice"

We already have a legal immigration system wherin a million people can come here in a welcomed fashion and with full support. Those people have to wait and pay money.

This county is pathetic
50 criminals will sue Desantis for tens of millions and most likely win

When Joe Biden chartered flights of illegal immigrants to such destinations as Florida, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, and New York, he did so in secret. When Ron DeSantis and Greg Abbott transported illegal immigrants to such “sanctuaries” as Chicago, New York, Washington, D.C., and Martha’s Vineyard, they did so in such a transparent way that critics accused them of grandstanding and directing political theater. Is the latter really more dishonorable than the former, not to mention actionable? And where's the lawsuits against Biden for doing the same thing?
Laugh riot that non citizen criminals are suing citizen non criminals
How ya Hoaxin?
Liberals trying to redefine the words migrants and asylum
Shave the square peg enough and it might go in that round hole
When Joe Biden chartered flights of illegal immigrants to such destinations as Florida, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, and New York, he did so in secret. When Ron DeSantis and Greg Abbott transported illegal immigrants to such “sanctuaries” as Chicago, New York, Washington, D.C., and Martha’s Vineyard, they did so in such a transparent way that critics accused them of grandstanding and directing political theater. Is the latter really more dishonorable than the former, not to mention actionable? And where's the lawsuits against Biden for doing the same thing?

Right! they were openly kidnapped for all the world to see!
Laugh riot that non citizen criminals are suing citizen non criminals
How ya Hoaxin?
They committed misdemeanors. BFD. Real criminals are being sued by the state of New York. I`m just happy that Trump doesn`t have a dog or cat because they would be in legal hot water too.
You focus on the politi-speak and not what he's actually saying. He also said we should be able to immediately absorb them... what does that mean? .... until they can be heard?
You know how that works right? They are let in with a piece of paper that says they need to appear on such and such date.. but with millions of people coming in, who is going to follow up on that?
Due process is a bitch, what can I tell ya? 😁
In essence he put the word out on the street, you cross the border you get to stay.
This is not his only statement I've heard.
The visual of Biden putting The Word out on the street is High-larious! 😆
You dont really know why its wrong for such a great wave of people to be encouraged to cross the border all at once? really? You dont see how it causes more people to DIE in th eprocess? you dont see how it opens up advantages and opportunity for Drug Cartels to operate in drugs like fentanyl and human trafficking?
Those people are risking those things for a reason and it isn't because they got the word from the streets that Biden come on over. 😆
The Biden ? Harris policy was reckless and endangering to everyone involved, all in the name of being "nice"
No, poverty and violence endangers peoples lives. It's what they're coming here to escape.
We already have a legal immigration system wherin a million people can come here in a welcomed fashion and with full support. Those people have to wait and pay money.
Asylum seeking is also legal. Sad day for you. 🥺

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