Illegal immigrants

Funny how some people define others by skin color specifically, name the country they hate, and still whine and complain when they are reminded that they are, in fact, racists and bigots.
We are all dreamers , in some way. I dream our government will stop being Quislings and collaborators to Mexican invaders. Hitler used overt force by way of bombs and Stukas and blizkreig to invade overtly, Mexicans use passive aggression and subversion as a form of blitzkrieg to invade, and I see them pretty much the same. And our leaders that capitulate to illegal Mexican invaders, I see as collaborators, the Vichy Government that has sold us out. We don't want these sell outs they usurp their power. We don't want sanctuary cities, we don't want the state to ignore immigration laws. NO!
We are all dreamers , in some way. I dream our government will stop being Quislings and collaborators to Mexican invaders. Hitler used overt force by way of bombs and Stukas and blizkreig to invade overtly, Mexicans use passive aggression and subversion as a form of blitzkrieg to invade, and I see them pretty much the same. And our leaders that capitulate to illegal Mexican invaders, I see as collaborators, the Vichy Government that has sold us out. We don't want these sell outs they usurp their power. We don't want sanctuary cities, we don't want the state to ignore immigration laws. NO!

I absolutely agree with your stance on illegal immigration, yet (sorry to go off topic) completely disagree with your ideas concerning gun control.
should never be allowed to become citizens. Even if we give them legal status the fact that they refused to obey our laws in coming to The US should prevent any future citizenship
Well I HATE TO REMIND YOU >>>>>>THAT ALL AMERICANS ARE IMMIGRANTS,ILLEGAL OR NOT>>>>>>YOU MAY WELL BE A DECENDED FROM ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS OR OTHERS ON HERE....IT IS THE LAW OF AVERAGES..........So you yourself could well be kicked out,even if you are 1st,2nd,3rd or 4th generation.........see how Dumb your prose is in the hands and mind of the more intelligent,IE MYSELF LOL...steve
Fuck all illegals
Cut of all incentive
YAWN...anyhow,you would never be able to gather in fruit and crops in CALIF., without Illegals...FACT but you would let them rot on the ground,that sounds stupid

We are all dreamers , in some way. I dream our government will stop being Quislings and collaborators to Mexican invaders. Hitler used overt force by way of bombs and Stukas and blizkreig to invade overtly, Mexicans use passive aggression and subversion as a form of blitzkrieg to invade, and I see them pretty much the same. And our leaders that capitulate to illegal Mexican invaders, I see as collaborators, the Vichy Government that has sold us out. We don't want these sell outs they usurp their power. We don't want sanctuary cities, we don't want the state to ignore immigration laws. NO!
Ask TRUMP why he EMPLOYED ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS and who was fined by the Courts for under paying them...methinks you PROTEST TOO MUCH but then I have found most AMERICANS ARE TOTAL HYPOCRITES
should never be allowed to become citizens. Even if we give them legal status the fact that they refused to obey our laws in coming to The US should prevent any future citizenship
The liberal compassion to the illegal horde crossing the border was shown in full force last night at the Presidents First SOTU speech. Liberals should be thankful I am not running for president.
1. I would close the borders by either building a wall or getting the military out of foreign nations, put them on the border and give orders to shoot to kill anyone trying to cross illegally.
2. Enact a 5 year Census, going house to house and if you cannot prove you have a legitimate birth certificate with Social Security you are immediately rounded up by ICE and taken to the emergency holding areas that Obama and Bush created for overzealous rioters.
3. Punish anyone or any company known for hiring illegals with $10,000 fine and 5 years in jail.
4. Arrest any politician who aids and abets a known illegal criminal by enacting sanctuary cities, counties or states, give them a trial for treason , if found guilty, send to a country of their choice or executed.
I no longer have compassion for those who come here illegally and demand the same rights that I have. Fuck em all.

You are mistaking common sense with compassion. Your post shows you have neither. Reagan pushed through the last amnesty over the objections of Democrats who said it would just encourage more illegal immigration.

Every time Democrats tried to increase fines for employers who hire illegals, Republicans have blocked the legislation. Both Obama and Clinton cracked down hard on illegals. Trump is a piker where it comes to deportations compared to Obama’s first year in office.

There are 11 million undocumented aliens in your country. Deporting them will serious affect your GDP, your food supply and several industries such as construction. Removal of these 11 million will cost billions to round them up, give them hearing and deport them.

There are no FEMA camps. Those are a conservative pipe dream.

Donald Trump and the crowd that believes in FEMA camps

So where do you propose to put all these people, and who is going to round them up? Your courts are already overwhelmed and anyone who has been in the country for more than 14 days is legally entitled to a hearing.

Illegals are coming in by plane with visasand overstaying their visas. They’re not sneaking across your borders in any large numbers. More people are going back to Mexico than are sneaking into the US.

There were fewer undocumented Mexicans in the US when Obama left office, than when he entered, in part because of the Recession. Building the wall is a waste of time and money.

“Sanctuary cities” are simply cities who don’t waste precious tax dollars and spaces in overcrowded local jails for federal immigration prisoners. They’re not paid to arrest or detain federal prisoners nor are they legally required to do so. You don’t like it? Change the law.

So stop blaming liberals for the mess that Reagan and the Republicans made with their amnesty and refusal to act and come up with some common sense solutions that address the economics of rounding up and deporting 11 million people and the effect that will have on your economy.
amnesty over the objections of Democrats
Is there any time that you don't fucking LIE?

Ronald Reagan went to Tip O'Neil and made a deal that if Tip would give Ronald the wall, then the illegals would be given amnesty. Tip said he would make the deal, and when Ronald Signed the bill and the wall was supposed to be built, Tip then said that the funding of the wall wasn't there. Typical of the worthless liberal to say one thing then lie his ass off because the ends justify the means.
Fuck all illegals
Cut of all incentive
YAWN...anyhow,you would never be able to gather in fruit and crops in CALIF., without Illegals...FACT but you would let them rot on the ground,that sounds stupid

Who is my great leader, ya big dummy?
And why would someone elses actions have anything to do with my beliefs? Sounds like projection...
We are all dreamers , in some way. I dream our government will stop being Quislings and collaborators to Mexican invaders. Hitler used overt force by way of bombs and Stukas and blizkreig to invade overtly, Mexicans use passive aggression and subversion as a form of blitzkrieg to invade, and I see them pretty much the same. And our leaders that capitulate to illegal Mexican invaders, I see as collaborators, the Vichy Government that has sold us out. We don't want these sell outs they usurp their power. We don't want sanctuary cities, we don't want the state to ignore immigration laws. NO!
Ask TRUMP why he EMPLOYED ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS and who was fined by the Courts for under paying them...methinks you PROTEST TOO MUCH but then I have found most AMERICANS ARE TOTAL HYPOCRITES

Out of 323.1 million people, how many do you know?

should never be allowed to become citizens. Even if we give them legal status the fact that they refused to obey our laws in coming to The US should prevent any future citizenship
Well I HATE TO REMIND YOU >>>>>>THAT ALL AMERICANS ARE IMMIGRANTS,ILLEGAL OR NOT>>>>>>YOU MAY WELL BE A DECENDED FROM ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS OR OTHERS ON HERE....IT IS THE LAW OF AVERAGES..........So you yourself could well be kicked out,even if you are 1st,2nd,3rd or 4th generation.........see how Dumb your prose is in the hands and mind of the more intelligent,IE MYSELF LOL...steve

Like all Australians are convicts?
I would vote to boot you. If Trump only wants to import the intelligent people into America, he needs to get rid of some of those who aren't so smart.

Bumper sticker slogan theology - it isn't working for you any more.

I would vote to boot you.

You should do that.

The Dems should run on higher taxes, gun confiscation and open borders.
Yell it from the rooftops!!!

Your comrades will sweep back into power.

Bumper sticker slogan theology - it isn't working for you any more.

It worked to defeat Hillary.......

Your worst problem is that you are your own worst enemy. You don't have the IQ to hold a good conversation.

You prove your lack of comprehension skills by thinking you're insulting me by chiding Democrats. I've never voted for a Democrat in my life; try confiscating my gun and it will ruin your day.

And you think Democrats are my "comrades?" You are too ignorant of history, political strategies, and the platforms of the major parties. Maybe if you weren't wearing a clown suit, trying to impress Obama with that impersonation, you could find the time to get yourself an education. You have over 37000 posts on this site. Do you even have a life?

And you think Democrats are my "comrades?"

You're a Republican who thinks deporting illegal aliens is a bad idea?

Maybe if you weren't wearing a clown suit, trying to impress Obama with that impersonation

That's not me, that's Obama, moron.

Just because I voted for Trump does not mean I like Republicans either.

What I am against, son, is building a government so big that we cannot resist it when you and I are deemed the bad guys. That day must be here because I've been watching my own brethren get their asses kicked while they do nothing but peck keyboards and try to make enemies among themselves.

You are in a fight with an enemy that is smarter than you. They use psychology to get you to expend your efforts making moves that are penny wise and dollar foolish.

You cannot understand that for everything you gain, there's something lost. If you could build a wall 50 feet tall for free, it would be used against you as long as Uncle Scam had control over it. And if Donald Trump is the only asset you have in this fight, the day he's gone, you're screwed.

You are seeing that backlash by the left over guns. When Trump is gone, you will see the backlash over immigration and people like you will be the target. If you want a problem fixed, you have to out think the opposition and do it yourself. If it involves increasing the size, power and / or scope of government, you will lose... every time.

You're right, our government should be so small that we can't even protect our borders. DERP!

You know, I don't know how you can call people names and circumvent the mods here, but have at it. The practice only shows that you do not have a cogent argument.

It was the anti-immigrant side that screwed up the border situation. You want a big government because, let's face it, you believe in National Socialism. It's your fault and those like you that border security went to Hell.
should never be allowed to become citizens. Even if we give them legal status the fact that they refused to obey our laws in coming to The US should prevent any future citizenship
Well I HATE TO REMIND YOU >>>>>>THAT ALL AMERICANS ARE IMMIGRANTS,ILLEGAL OR NOT>>>>>>YOU MAY WELL BE A DECENDED FROM ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS OR OTHERS ON HERE....IT IS THE LAW OF AVERAGES..........So you yourself could well be kicked out,even if you are 1st,2nd,3rd or 4th generation.........see how Dumb your prose is in the hands and mind of the more intelligent,IE MYSELF LOL...steve

So you yourself could well be kicked out,even if you are 1st,2nd,3rd or 4th generation.........

I would vote to boot you.

You should do that.

The Dems should run on higher taxes, gun confiscation and open borders.
Yell it from the rooftops!!!

Your comrades will sweep back into power.

Bumper sticker slogan theology - it isn't working for you any more.

It worked to defeat Hillary.......

Your worst problem is that you are your own worst enemy. You don't have the IQ to hold a good conversation.

You prove your lack of comprehension skills by thinking you're insulting me by chiding Democrats. I've never voted for a Democrat in my life; try confiscating my gun and it will ruin your day.

And you think Democrats are my "comrades?" You are too ignorant of history, political strategies, and the platforms of the major parties. Maybe if you weren't wearing a clown suit, trying to impress Obama with that impersonation, you could find the time to get yourself an education. You have over 37000 posts on this site. Do you even have a life?

And you think Democrats are my "comrades?"

You're a Republican who thinks deporting illegal aliens is a bad idea?

Maybe if you weren't wearing a clown suit, trying to impress Obama with that impersonation

That's not me, that's Obama, moron.

Just because I voted for Trump does not mean I like Republicans either.

What I am against, son, is building a government so big that we cannot resist it when you and I are deemed the bad guys. That day must be here because I've been watching my own brethren get their asses kicked while they do nothing but peck keyboards and try to make enemies among themselves.

You are in a fight with an enemy that is smarter than you. They use psychology to get you to expend your efforts making moves that are penny wise and dollar foolish.

You cannot understand that for everything you gain, there's something lost. If you could build a wall 50 feet tall for free, it would be used against you as long as Uncle Scam had control over it. And if Donald Trump is the only asset you have in this fight, the day he's gone, you're screwed.

You are seeing that backlash by the left over guns. When Trump is gone, you will see the backlash over immigration and people like you will be the target. If you want a problem fixed, you have to out think the opposition and do it yourself. If it involves increasing the size, power and / or scope of government, you will lose... every time.

You're right, our government should be so small that we can't even protect our borders. DERP!

You know, I don't know how you can call people names and circumvent the mods here, but have at it. The practice only shows that you do not have a cogent argument.

It was the anti-immigrant side that screwed up the border situation. You want a big government because, let's face it, you believe in National Socialism. It's your fault and those like you that border security went to Hell.

It was the anti-immigrant side that screwed up the border situation.


You want a big government

I don't.

let's face it, you believe in National Socialism.

I believe it is bad. Just like all forms of left-wing, big government are bad.
Your worst problem is that you are your own worst enemy. You don't have the IQ to hold a good conversation.

You prove your lack of comprehension skills by thinking you're insulting me by chiding Democrats. I've never voted for a Democrat in my life; try confiscating my gun and it will ruin your day.

And you think Democrats are my "comrades?" You are too ignorant of history, political strategies, and the platforms of the major parties. Maybe if you weren't wearing a clown suit, trying to impress Obama with that impersonation, you could find the time to get yourself an education. You have over 37000 posts on this site. Do you even have a life?

And you think Democrats are my "comrades?"

You're a Republican who thinks deporting illegal aliens is a bad idea?

Maybe if you weren't wearing a clown suit, trying to impress Obama with that impersonation

That's not me, that's Obama, moron.

Just because I voted for Trump does not mean I like Republicans either.

What I am against, son, is building a government so big that we cannot resist it when you and I are deemed the bad guys. That day must be here because I've been watching my own brethren get their asses kicked while they do nothing but peck keyboards and try to make enemies among themselves.

You are in a fight with an enemy that is smarter than you. They use psychology to get you to expend your efforts making moves that are penny wise and dollar foolish.

You cannot understand that for everything you gain, there's something lost. If you could build a wall 50 feet tall for free, it would be used against you as long as Uncle Scam had control over it. And if Donald Trump is the only asset you have in this fight, the day he's gone, you're screwed.

You are seeing that backlash by the left over guns. When Trump is gone, you will see the backlash over immigration and people like you will be the target. If you want a problem fixed, you have to out think the opposition and do it yourself. If it involves increasing the size, power and / or scope of government, you will lose... every time.

You're right, our government should be so small that we can't even protect our borders. DERP!

You know, I don't know how you can call people names and circumvent the mods here, but have at it. The practice only shows that you do not have a cogent argument.

It was the anti-immigrant side that screwed up the border situation. You want a big government because, let's face it, you believe in National Socialism. It's your fault and those like you that border security went to Hell.

It was the anti-immigrant side that screwed up the border situation.


You want a big government

I don't.

let's face it, you believe in National Socialism.

I believe it is bad. Just like all forms of left-wing, big government are bad.

In the early 2000s the civilian militias had taken up where the KKK had started in 1977 (IIRC.) Research David Duke and Border Watch.

Civilian militias were offering their services to those who asked. Then an altercation happened between the group Ranch Rescue and some Salvadorans that were attempting to cross over the border on private land. Acting at the behest of a private property owner, Ranch Rescue stopped the Salvadorans and a fight ensued. The Salvadorans lost.

The matter went to court and there the members of Ranch Rescue ended up in prison and the land-owner lost his family farm to the Salvadorans.

Leiva v. Ranch Rescue

My advice (and that of others at that time) was to appeal the decisions. BOTH sides (property owner and and Ranch Rescue) caved in AND the civilian militias bowed down to Uncle Scam. The judge ruled that members of Ranch Rescue violated the civil rights of the trespassing Salvadorans. So, essentially, the anti-immigrant Minutemen and so forth did not challenge the court that was saying that the rights of undocumented foreigners trumped the Rights of private property owners.

Those groups then spun off a number of anti-immigrant efforts, their leadership getting involved in civil rights violations, embarrassing losses, and a lot of their top brass convicted for a host of violations including multiple convictions for murder.

Those people turned back the clock on private property Rights; they killed innocent people; they allowed the government to grow bigger and now - along the border - the government won't even allow private property owners to protect their own private property! Today, rather than admit the defeat, they send in full time trolls and disinformation artists to try and harass me so that the truth cannot be told.

Essentially, your side is losing because they gave the government unlimited powers where, before, private property could have been protected by private interests, leaving the government to deal with real criminals ... like terrorists and drug smugglers.

Weakening private property Rights and claiming foreigners are "stealing" jobs (when the government does NOT own jobs in the private sector) is plain, straight up, National Socialism. They don't have a plan to deal with immigration and they cannot afford to have someone like me break the stalemate with proposals that solve the underlying issue. So, you are surrounded by incompetent dummies that have lost every war on this issue and with each succeeding generation, the demographics change a bit more that a win by a popularity vote goes against you - and it increases on a daily basis.

Son, you don't win a war with 37,000 + plus posts on a discussion board. You win the fight by being in it. You do that by petitioning legislators, getting involved in legal challenges, submitting proposed legislation to your elected representatives. You win via physical protest and getting off your ass to go talk face to face to neighbors, church pastors, politicians and the media. If you were in my neighborhood, you could not find people that lived here longer than twenty years that don't know who I am. Hell, that goes for the whole county.

The way the left beat the right was to fill it with people like Jim Gilchrist and T.J. Ready. The right laughed and told you what an idiot I was. Where are THEY today? All of those people lost and I exited the public eye and spent fifteen years, bitching about it anonymously. And here we are, fifteen years after the fact and the people you are influenced by have only become professionals at getting their asses kicked. Had they not screwed it up, we'd have that immigration issue taken off the table and be taking charge of a country now run by incompetent boobs... boobs YOU and your ilk put into power while you were getting your asses handed to you by the left.

All your posting and jockeying to become the most popular here won't change that. In a few months, God willing, you may hear of an effort that is NOT addicted nor used to losing. That presumes there are a few patriots left that have an IQ greater than their shoe size.
Deport all illegal immigrants!

To what end? You deport the breadwinner and then take on their wife and several American born children as welfarites. Do you think this stuff through?

The wife is free to self deport with her children.

With no jobs in Mexico, it makes more sense to stay in the U.S. and go on welfare.

Just because the morons running the anti-immigrant bandwagon didn't bother to teach you this:

* By putting the kids of welfare, it would bankrupt this country

* Foreign countries are under no legal obligation to accept American citizen children

* Your political jockeying will not be considered by the United States Supreme Court - which is, BTW, dominated by lawyers, who are members of the American Bar Association, the most liberal organization on the face of the earth.

You can win all the brownie points here you like, but the mindset you support hasn't seen anything but defeat in over 15 years.

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