Illegals already cutting through Trump's multi billion $ wall...

so you are a racist,,,

then have war declared and send 50K troops to the border,,,

to shoot down women and children to satisfy your emotions is evil,,,

If they don't want to be shot, then they need to stay the f••• out of our country. If they choose to participate in an illegal foreign invasion of our country, then they should do so knowing that death is a likely consequence.

And only the most evil of savages send women and children into war. The blood is on their hands.

when did congress declare war??

and youre right its our country not yours,,so keep your emotions to yourself and deal with the problem not the symptoms,,,

youve said a lot about those crossing illegally but youve said nothing about the 100's of thousands of muslim refugees currently milking our system and how your GOPers plan to send them back,,,and also the visa overstays???

when are they going home???
How about big signs saying trespassers will be shot, and leave dead bodies say every 100 feet!

We could do like Louisiana. They give you 6 dollars cash for every nutria tail you bring them because you're eradicating an invasive species and they want them gone. We could do that for wetbacks too. 100 dollars cash for every dead wetback. 50 for every kid. Only valid if shot off the wall. Can't shoot through the gaps in the bars. That's cheating. It would never pass muster but it would solve the problem. The gov't likes to throw money at problems to fix them. That would be money that would actually fix the problem.

We wouldn't have a wetback problem within 48 hours.

well since its dems and repubes that caused the problem should we also put a bounty on their heads???

LefTard Logic:
“If you left your keys in your ignition and your car was stolen it is your fault and not the fault of the thief.”

You people really are fascinating.
FFS thats a stupid fucking comment,,,

and so you know I am for border security, just not the random killing of women and children,,,

The analogy I used is spot on with your retarded assertion “whitey made them do it”.
Look bud, nobody wants to see anybody hurt..but many have reached the ‘by any means necessary’ point.
We are that fed up and we don’t see any potential recourse.
Many of us honestly dream and pray for MASS civil unrest, we believe some real crazy shit is going to have to happen in order to end the lunacy, the trampling of the American people and their will.
thats as an over the top emotional response as I've ever heard,,,trespassing doesnt [sic] carry the death penalty,,,

In most jurisdictions in this country, if someone breaks into your home while you are there, you are recognized as having the right to assume that the intruder means you harm, and to use deadly force against that intruder.

thats still different than trespass,,,

you dont just shoot someone because they walked on your grass,,,
How about big signs saying trespassers will be shot, and leave dead bodies say every 100 feet!

We could do like Louisiana. They give you 6 dollars cash for every nutria tail you bring them because you're eradicating an invasive species and they want them gone. We could do that for wetbacks too. 100 dollars cash for every dead wetback. 50 for every kid. Only valid if shot off the wall. Can't shoot through the gaps in the bars. That's cheating. It would never pass muster but it would solve the problem. The gov't likes to throw money at problems to fix them. That would be money that would actually fix the problem.

We wouldn't have a wetback problem within 48 hours.

well since its dems and repubes that caused the problem should we also put a bounty on their heads???

LefTard Logic:
“If you left your keys in your ignition and your car was stolen it is your fault and not the fault of the thief.”

You people really are fascinating.
FFS thats a stupid fucking comment,,,

and so you know I am for border security, just not the random killing of women and children,,,

The analogy I used is spot on with your retarded assertion “whitey made them do it”.
Look bud, nobody wants to see anybody hurt..but many have reached the ‘by any means necessary’ point.
We are that fed up and we don’t see any potential recourse.
Many of us honestly dream and pray for MASS civil unrest, we believe some real crazy shit is going to have to happen in order to end the lunacy, the trampling of the American people and their will.

when did I say whitey made them do it???
changing the subject to such an extreme does help your POV,,,

to murder women and children is still the essence of evil,,,
better to hold the elected to their oaths of office,,,why are you guys so against that??

It’s not murder...there is no murder in war and we are at war with wetbacks. Nutless pussies can’t and won’t admit that but sane folks know that Mexico has fucked our people and our nation over like no other nation or people has over the last several decades.

Enlighten us, how would you begin to hold our elected to their oaths of office with the composition of today’s electorate?

when did congress declare war???

my first step would be to not vote for them when theyve made it clear they have no intention to uphold their oath of office

and its sounding more like you have a problem with brown people instead of illegal crossings,,,

Haha...yeah that makes perfect sense...Me not voting always stops the piece of shit from winning.

If you don’t have a problem with brown people you simply haven’t been paying attention...or maybe you are just as lowdown as they are as filth is never really bothered by other filth.

so you are a racist,,,

I’m not a fool...I like statistics and odds, my country and fellow countrymen more than I hate being called words used by ignorant fucks who embrace PC programming.

when did I embrace the PC programming???
I just dont think murdering women and children is a good idea when we already have laws in place to deal with the problem,,,
Again where is the Border Patrol when the illegals are cutting the wall.
Seems it is a failure of the police rather than the Wall. The wall should only be the first phase of our border policy
How about big signs saying trespassers will be shot, and leave dead bodies say every 100 feet!

We could do like Louisiana. They give you 6 dollars cash for every nutria tail you bring them because you're eradicating an invasive species and they want them gone. We could do that for wetbacks too. 100 dollars cash for every dead wetback. 50 for every kid. Only valid if shot off the wall. Can't shoot through the gaps in the bars. That's cheating. It would never pass muster but it would solve the problem. The gov't likes to throw money at problems to fix them. That would be money that would actually fix the problem.

We wouldn't have a wetback problem within 48 hours.

well since its dems and repubes that caused the problem should we also put a bounty on their heads???

LefTard Logic:
“If you left your keys in your ignition and your car was stolen it is your fault and not the fault of the thief.”

You people really are fascinating.

yep, and if your front doors unlocked, you must accept that someone will walk in uninvited.
what else is it? someone invades your country, that's an act of war. i don't need some dumb ass to tell me when it is. and using women and children to fight a battle is evil. and it seems you enjoy watching it.

then have war declared and send 50K troops to the border,,,

to shoot down women and children to satisfy your emotions is evil,,,
So you're still in favor of exposing women and children to get shot. and you call us evil. hahahaha, you're the devil friend.

thats not what I said and you know it,,,

youre getting emotional again,,,
says the guy getting emotional. irony is all you

sorry if seeing a dead women and child gets to me,,regardless of why they are dead,,,

they use to say america was great because it was good,,,that doesnt seem to be the case anymore,,,

America WAS GREAT 100 million wetbacks ago...Open your eyes dude!
using women and children to fight a battle is evil. I see you're all in for criminals exposing women and children into their battles. wow.

Indeed, it shows the depraved character of the enemy that we are fighting.

When real men go to war, they leave their women and children behind. No real man would intentionally put women and children in harm's way, dragging them into the battlefield. We are under attack by destructive, evil, savages. The very last thing that our nation needs is to let these savages in.
well being that real men aren't a thing anymore, I supposed that explains it.
How about big signs saying trespassers will be shot, and leave dead bodies say every 100 feet!

We could do like Louisiana. They give you 6 dollars cash for every nutria tail you bring them because you're eradicating an invasive species and they want them gone. We could do that for wetbacks too. 100 dollars cash for every dead wetback. 50 for every kid. Only valid if shot off the wall. Can't shoot through the gaps in the bars. That's cheating. It would never pass muster but it would solve the problem. The gov't likes to throw money at problems to fix them. That would be money that would actually fix the problem.

We wouldn't have a wetback problem within 48 hours.

well since its dems and repubes that caused the problem should we also put a bounty on their heads???

LefTard Logic:
“If you left your keys in your ignition and your car was stolen it is your fault and not the fault of the thief.”

You people really are fascinating.

yep, and if your front doors unlocked, you must accept that someone will walk in uninvited.

thats just stupid,,,

and we have laws to deal with that,,

why are you guys so against using the laws currently on the books to deal with it???

oh thats right because youre part of the uniparty,,,
then have war declared and send 50K troops to the border,,,

to shoot down women and children to satisfy your emotions is evil,,,
So you're still in favor of exposing women and children to get shot. and you call us evil. hahahaha, you're the devil friend.

thats not what I said and you know it,,,

youre getting emotional again,,,
says the guy getting emotional. irony is all you

sorry if seeing a dead women and child gets to me,,regardless of why they are dead,,,

they use to say america was great because it was good,,,that doesnt seem to be the case anymore,,,

America WAS GREAT 100 million wetbacks ago...Open your eyes dude!

your deflection is noted as a dumbass one,,,
what else is it? someone invades your country, that's an act of war. i don't need some dumb ass to tell me when it is. and using women and children to fight a battle is evil. and it seems you enjoy watching it.

then have war declared and send 50K troops to the border,,,

to shoot down women and children to satisfy your emotions is evil,,,
So you're still in favor of exposing women and children to get shot. and you call us evil. hahahaha, you're the devil friend.

thats not what I said and you know it,,,

youre getting emotional again,,,
says the guy getting emotional. irony is all you

sorry if seeing a dead women and child gets to me,,regardless of why they are dead,,,

they use to say america was great because it was good,,,that doesnt seem to be the case anymore,,,
need a tissue? I don't enjoy seeing women dragging kids of thousands of miles of desert exposing them to all sorts of evil. Selling their kids to make a buck. Yeah, you're all in on it. every single death is on your conscience.
How about big signs saying trespassers will be shot, and leave dead bodies say every 100 feet!

We could do like Louisiana. They give you 6 dollars cash for every nutria tail you bring them because you're eradicating an invasive species and they want them gone. We could do that for wetbacks too. 100 dollars cash for every dead wetback. 50 for every kid. Only valid if shot off the wall. Can't shoot through the gaps in the bars. That's cheating. It would never pass muster but it would solve the problem. The gov't likes to throw money at problems to fix them. That would be money that would actually fix the problem.

We wouldn't have a wetback problem within 48 hours.

well since its dems and repubes that caused the problem should we also put a bounty on their heads???

LefTard Logic:
“If you left your keys in your ignition and your car was stolen it is your fault and not the fault of the thief.”

You people really are fascinating.

yep, and if your front doors unlocked, you must accept that someone will walk in uninvited.

and the border isnt your front door or mine,,,its the responsibility of those elected to office
Again where is the Border Patrol when the illegals are cutting the wall.
Seems it is a failure of the police rather than the Wall. The wall should only be the first phase of our border policy

on tv bitching about how bad they need a wall.

So rather than admit that 45 has lied to you dimwitted Russia Loving idiots, you laugh it off, which is what happens every time he lies to you.

After 8 years of Obama we became pretty immune to lying presidents.
You better check your facts, Trump minion. !3,500 lies for Trump, 50 for Obama.
Obama's 50 Lies / Obama Not Exactly

Obama got politifact lie of the year. Obama goes for quality, not quantity.
If Obama was competing in,2017, 2018 and 2019 he would not make the top 500 lies for the year. Trump would have won them all.
then have war declared and send 50K troops to the border,,,

to shoot down women and children to satisfy your emotions is evil,,,
So you're still in favor of exposing women and children to get shot. and you call us evil. hahahaha, you're the devil friend.

thats not what I said and you know it,,,

youre getting emotional again,,,
says the guy getting emotional. irony is all you

sorry if seeing a dead women and child gets to me,,regardless of why they are dead,,,

they use to say america was great because it was good,,,that doesnt seem to be the case anymore,,,
need a tissue? I don't enjoy seeing women dragging kids of thousands of miles of desert exposing them to all sorts of evil. Selling their kids to make a buck. Yeah, you're all in on it. every single death is on your conscience.

dont change the subject to satisfy your over emotional hemorrhoid,,,
How about big signs saying trespassers will be shot, and leave dead bodies say every 100 feet!

We could do like Louisiana. They give you 6 dollars cash for every nutria tail you bring them because you're eradicating an invasive species and they want them gone. We could do that for wetbacks too. 100 dollars cash for every dead wetback. 50 for every kid. Only valid if shot off the wall. Can't shoot through the gaps in the bars. That's cheating. It would never pass muster but it would solve the problem. The gov't likes to throw money at problems to fix them. That would be money that would actually fix the problem.

We wouldn't have a wetback problem within 48 hours.

well since its dems and repubes that caused the problem should we also put a bounty on their heads???

LefTard Logic:
“If you left your keys in your ignition and your car was stolen it is your fault and not the fault of the thief.”

You people really are fascinating.

yep, and if your front doors unlocked, you must accept that someone will walk in uninvited.

thats just stupid,,,

and we have laws to deal with that,,

why are you guys so against using the laws currently on the books to deal with it???

oh thats right because youre part of the uniparty,,,

Again I’ll ask you; how would I begin to get our piece of shit governor here in Mexifornia to use the laws currently on the books to deal with it?
How about big signs saying trespassers will be shot, and leave dead bodies say every 100 feet!

We could do like Louisiana. They give you 6 dollars cash for every nutria tail you bring them because you're eradicating an invasive species and they want them gone. We could do that for wetbacks too. 100 dollars cash for every dead wetback. 50 for every kid. Only valid if shot off the wall. Can't shoot through the gaps in the bars. That's cheating. It would never pass muster but it would solve the problem. The gov't likes to throw money at problems to fix them. That would be money that would actually fix the problem.

We wouldn't have a wetback problem within 48 hours.

well since its dems and repubes that caused the problem should we also put a bounty on their heads???
I thought there already was one. clean out the swamp. Trump declared it, and we the people voted for it.

thinking it and it being true isnt the same,,,

and yes we want the swamp cleaned out,,,thats no reason to murder women and children to satisfy your emotions,,,more so when they are the symptom not the problem,,,
then why are the women and children tag teaming with evil men who don't care that they live. and that you support it. You should be fighting to stop the misuse by the cartels. why aren't you?
I thought you assholes were on the "Trump will never build a wall" train? Nobody said it was perfect, it slows em down. I think they should attack these threats with high-pressure water and dogs.

Say OP, do you lock your doors at night? How the fuck come, considering I can drill right through your door?

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