Illegals already cutting through Trump's multi billion $ wall...

Anyone who opposes the wall is a douchebag and an imbecile.
Articulated like a typical Trump minion.
Walls make sense on some parts of the border but not on most of the border. Most of the wall that has been built since Trump came to office was approved and funded while Obama was President.
Trump makes a complex problem overly simple for very stupid people like you. He says all people trying to get in the US are bad, the answer is a wall along the entire US-mexico border. The minions eat it up. We need to understand all the different people trying to get in the US and address each group and a wall is not the best solution along the entire US-Mexico border. But a dumbass like you will never understand.
F-off, Muddbrain. Have you been to the entire border to know which parts "make sense" and which don't? There is absolutely NO REASON to be against a border wall out in the middle of nowhere down at the border UNLESS YOU SIMPLY WANT THOSE PEOPLE COMING IN. We can afford it. We need it. Lying shitstains like you never prove a thing with your lies--- --- Trump has NEVER said that all people coming from Mexico are "bad," merely that they are breaking the law and are a potential security risk.
Another articulation of border security that only a Trump brain dead minion could come up with.
Maintaining and securing a wall the entire length of the US-Mexico border is impossible. There are many tech solutions at different places along the border that could be more secure, less expensive to install and less expensive to maintain.
Plus the majority of illegals in the US come in through airports not the southern border.
But dumbass Trump minions like simple answers that do not work for complex questions because they are absolute super dumbasses.
Wrong again, moron. All your "tech solutions" can be made to disappear with the stroke of a pen. All some future Hillary has to do is stop implementing them. The beauty of the wall is that it can't be made to disappear.

Your claim that the majority of illegals come through airports is also a lie.

Whenever Dims don't want to solve a problem, they call it "complex" when we all know the solution is simple.

The final solution is to defeat Dims.

Only a Dimwit like Elmer Fudge could try to spin building a simple wall as a "complex" ineffective problem. We've only been doing it as the de facto way of establishing and enforcing boundaries for at least 11,000 years.

But now it can't even keep out poor, starving, impoverished people with nothing but rags for clothes, who BTW, find it much easier to take a jet in with a passport than to just walk across the border! :21:
How many border guards do they have, 10? Furthermore, I'm told the new sections of wall have all kinds of sensors and video cameras.
I am a Trump minion. He is my god, my leader. Whatever he says, I support. Those who do npt take his word as gospel I will destroy.
Anyone who opposes the wall is a douchebag and an imbecile.
Articulated like a typical Trump minion.
Walls make sense on some parts of the border but not on most of the border. Most of the wall that has been built since Trump came to office was approved and funded while Obama was President.
Trump makes a complex problem overly simple for very stupid people like you. He says all people trying to get in the US are bad, the answer is a wall along the entire US-mexico border. The minions eat it up. We need to understand all the different people trying to get in the US and address each group and a wall is not the best solution along the entire US-Mexico border. But a dumbass like you will never understand.
Wrong. Walls work everywhere they are used. Israel entirely surrounded the West Bank with walls. Their illegal intrusions went to zero as a result.

Everything you open borders douchebags say on this subject is a lie. It's always backed by nothing. The only thing we need to understand is that people in Mexico want to cross our border illegally. The wall is the way you address them. You're right about one thing: I will never understand idiocy like yours.

shhh, the left hate facts. you'll send them in a tizzy.
A great example of the brainless simple mindedness of Trump minions. Trump is able to con them because their inability for critical thinking.
To compare the Israel wall with Palestine and the proposed wall between US and Mexico is like comparing apples and oranges.
The most illegal crossings into Israel before the wall was 17,000 people. The wall was set up to stop terrorists. They represent a minority of the illegal crossings. The population that is trying to breach the Israel wall is very small. Mainly terrorists. It is 440 miles long

The US is facing a 2000 mile border with Mexico with hundreds of thousands of strongly motivated people to enter the US illegally. There are those seeking work, asylum seekers, drug smugglers, human smuggling. They come from all the countries of central and south America.

Success or failure of the Israel wall has very little bearing on the challenge of securing the US border.
I am a Trump minion. He is my god, my leader. Whatever he says, I support. Those who do npt take his word as gospel I will destroy.
Anyone who opposes the wall is a douchebag and an imbecile.
Articulated like a typical Trump minion.
Walls make sense on some parts of the border but not on most of the border. Most of the wall that has been built since Trump came to office was approved and funded while Obama was President.
Trump makes a complex problem overly simple for very stupid people like you. He says all people trying to get in the US are bad, the answer is a wall along the entire US-mexico border. The minions eat it up. We need to understand all the different people trying to get in the US and address each group and a wall is not the best solution along the entire US-Mexico border. But a dumbass like you will never understand.
Wrong. Walls work everywhere they are used. Israel entirely surrounded the West Bank with walls. Their illegal intrusions went to zero as a result.

Everything you open borders douchebags say on this subject is a lie. It's always backed by nothing. The only thing we need to understand is that people in Mexico want to cross our border illegally. The wall is the way you address them. You're right about one thing: I will never understand idiocy like yours.

shhh, the left hate facts. you'll send them in a tizzy.
A great example of the brainless simple mindedness of Trump minions. Trump is able to con them because their inability for critical thinking.
To compare the Israel wall with Palestine and the proposed wall between US and Mexico is like comparing apples and oranges.
The most illegal crossings into Israel before the wall was 17,000 people. The wall was set up to stop terrorists. They represent a minority of the illegal crossings. The population that is trying to breach the Israel wall is very small. Mainly terrorists. It is 440 miles long

The US is facing a 2000 mile border with Mexico with hundreds of thousands of strongly motivated people to enter the US illegally. There are those seeking work, asylum seekers, drug smugglers, human smuggling. They come from all the countries of central and south America.

Success or failure of the Israel wall has very little bearing on the challenge of securing the US border.

rumor has it the wall in Hungary repels hundreds of thousands ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS every year trying to sneak in and get jobs -

ya think -

Anyone who opposes the wall is a douchebag and an imbecile.
Articulated like a typical Trump minion.
Walls make sense on some parts of the border but not on most of the border. Most of the wall that has been built since Trump came to office was approved and funded while Obama was President.
Trump makes a complex problem overly simple for very stupid people like you. He says all people trying to get in the US are bad, the answer is a wall along the entire US-mexico border. The minions eat it up. We need to understand all the different people trying to get in the US and address each group and a wall is not the best solution along the entire US-Mexico border. But a dumbass like you will never understand.
F-off, Muddbrain. Have you been to the entire border to know which parts "make sense" and which don't? There is absolutely NO REASON to be against a border wall out in the middle of nowhere down at the border UNLESS YOU SIMPLY WANT THOSE PEOPLE COMING IN. We can afford it. We need it. Lying shitstains like you never prove a thing with your lies--- --- Trump has NEVER said that all people coming from Mexico are "bad," merely that they are breaking the law and are a potential security risk.
Another articulation of border security that only a Trump brain dead minion could come up with.
Maintaining and securing a wall the entire length of the US-Mexico border is impossible. There are many tech solutions at different places along the border that could be more secure, less expensive to install and less expensive to maintain.
Plus the majority of illegals in the US come in through airports not the southern border.
But dumbass Trump minions like simple answers that do not work for complex questions because they are absolute super dumbasses.

Another articulation of border security that only a Trump brain dead minion could come up with.

View attachment 288168

Look Elmer Glue, THERE IS NO BORDER SECURITY with the DNC! The Chinese built a wall the whole length of their country to keep out the Mongols, the Israelis surround their country with a wall, but we the greatest military power on the planet can't build an effect deterrent to keep most illegal aliens out?


Yes, I can think of a very effective tech solution that doesn't need a wall. Post signs saying KEEP OUT. All trespassers will be shot. Then station robot drones and motion activated mini guns to take out anything moving across the border. Have BP come by once a week to throw the dead bodies back into Mexico. End of problem.

Now that you have revealed that you are in favor of abolishing the Bill of Rights, and that you are a rabid facist, I now know that there is absolutely no point in responding to your posts in the future.

Look Herkel & Jerkel,
  • First, THANK YOU if you never speak to me again!
  • Second, Bill of Rights? Rabid Fascist? For defending our borders? First no wall can stop them, but if we actually do STOP THEM if they trespass past signs warning shoot to kill, we are monsters? HAHAHAHAHA And if they climb over the wall then go past the signs to stop or be shot AND THEY GET SHOT, we are evil demons? Dude, you are FRUITIER THAN A NUTCAKE! So basically, the USA is wide open and we might as well accept being overrun with heathens? I SEE.
  • Third, thank you for confirming what everyone here already knew, that Leftism, Liberalism and especially anti-Trump TDSism is a sign of mental illness. You ought to be rounded up, given a lobotomy and put out on the floor to weave baskets where at least you'll have a few useful years left.
I am a Trump minion. He is my god, my leader. Whatever he says, I support. Those who do npt take his word as gospel I will destroy.
Anyone who opposes the wall is a douchebag and an imbecile.
Articulated like a typical Trump minion.
Walls make sense on some parts of the border but not on most of the border. Most of the wall that has been built since Trump came to office was approved and funded while Obama was President.
Trump makes a complex problem overly simple for very stupid people like you. He says all people trying to get in the US are bad, the answer is a wall along the entire US-mexico border. The minions eat it up. We need to understand all the different people trying to get in the US and address each group and a wall is not the best solution along the entire US-Mexico border. But a dumbass like you will never understand.
Wrong. Walls work everywhere they are used. Israel entirely surrounded the West Bank with walls. Their illegal intrusions went to zero as a result.

Everything you open borders douchebags say on this subject is a lie. It's always backed by nothing. The only thing we need to understand is that people in Mexico want to cross our border illegally. The wall is the way you address them. You're right about one thing: I will never understand idiocy like yours.

shhh, the left hate facts. you'll send them in a tizzy.
A great example of the brainless simple mindedness of Trump minions. Trump is able to con them because their inability for critical thinking.
To compare the Israel wall with Palestine and the proposed wall between US and Mexico is like comparing apples and oranges.
The most illegal crossings into Israel before the wall was 17,000 people. The wall was set up to stop terrorists. They represent a minority of the illegal crossings. The population that is trying to breach the Israel wall is very small. Mainly terrorists. It is 440 miles long

The US is facing a 2000 mile border with Mexico with hundreds of thousands of strongly motivated people to enter the US illegally. There are those seeking work, asylum seekers, drug smugglers, human smuggling. They come from all the countries of central and south America.

Success or failure of the Israel wall has very little bearing on the challenge of securing the US border.
You keep bringing up the length. That only affects the cost. Based on length, our wall should cost 4-5 times more. However, our economy is 60 times bigger. So the longer length isn't an issue. We can easily afford it. You claim

The population trying to get past the Israeli wall is small because most people don't even want to try when confronted with it. The population of people in the West-bank is quite large: 3.3 million people. Without the wall they would all cross the border and take jobs in Israel.

You claim the Mexicans are more motivated than Palestinian terrorists. I would dispute that assertion, and you certainly have no way to prove it. The Israeli wall wind's it's way through numerous heavily populated urban areas, which is a much more difficult environment for controlling border crossings. Your belief that coming from Central America somehow makes them better able to get past a wall is based on absolutely nothing.

You basically have nothing but a bunch of baseless assertions.
F-off, Muddbrain. Have you been to the entire border to know which parts "make sense" and which don't? There is absolutely NO REASON to be against a border wall out in the middle of nowhere down at the border UNLESS YOU SIMPLY WANT THOSE PEOPLE COMING IN. We can afford it. We need it. Lying shitstains like you never prove a thing with your lies--- --- Trump has NEVER said that all people coming from Mexico are "bad," merely that they are breaking the law and are a potential security risk.
Another articulation of border security that only a Trump brain dead minion could come up with.
Maintaining and securing a wall the entire length of the US-Mexico border is impossible. There are many tech solutions at different places along the border that could be more secure, less expensive to install and less expensive to maintain.
Plus the majority of illegals in the US come in through airports not the southern border.
But dumbass Trump minions like simple answers that do not work for complex questions because they are absolute super dumbasses.
Wrong again, moron. All your "tech solutions" can be made to disappear with the stroke of a pen. All some future Hillary has to do is stop implementing them. The beauty of the wall is that it can't be made to disappear.

Your claim that the majority of illegals come through airports is also a lie.

Whenever Dims don't want to solve a problem, they call it "complex" when we all know the solution is simple.

The final solution is to defeat Dims.

Only a Dimwit like Elmer Fudge could try to spin building a simple wall as a "complex" ineffective problem. We've only been doing it as the de facto way of establishing and enforcing boundaries for at least 11,000 years.

But now it can't even keep out poor, starving, impoverished people with nothing but rags for clothes, who BTW, find it much easier to take a jet in with a passport than to just walk across the border! :21:
I've stood on China's 'Great Wall'. It is in ruins, except the few sections renovated for tourists.

...and it was a failure. The Mongols bribed their way through it, and conquered China, and then ruled China for 400 years.

So in your revisionist history book, the wall failed . . . . . because the Chinese let themselves be bribed.

Things would have worked out so much better had they never built the wall at all and simply been overrun with barbarians!

But . . . . . walls WORK, even if people don't always!
Anyone who opposes the wall is a douchebag and an imbecile.
Articulated like a typical Trump minion.
Walls make sense on some parts of the border but not on most of the border. Most of the wall that has been built since Trump came to office was approved and funded while Obama was President.
Trump makes a complex problem overly simple for very stupid people like you. He says all people trying to get in the US are bad, the answer is a wall along the entire US-mexico border. The minions eat it up. We need to understand all the different people trying to get in the US and address each group and a wall is not the best solution along the entire US-Mexico border. But a dumbass like you will never understand.
Wrong. Walls work everywhere they are used. Israel entirely surrounded the West Bank with walls. Their illegal intrusions went to zero as a result.

Everything you open borders douchebags say on this subject is a lie. It's always backed by nothing. The only thing we need to understand is that people in Mexico want to cross our border illegally. The wall is the way you address them. You're right about one thing: I will never understand idiocy like yours.

shhh, the left hate facts. you'll send them in a tizzy.
A great example of the brainless simple mindedness of Trump minions. Trump is able to con them because their inability for critical thinking.
To compare the Israel wall with Palestine and the proposed wall between US and Mexico is like comparing apples and oranges.
The most illegal crossings into Israel before the wall was 17,000 people. The wall was set up to stop terrorists. They represent a minority of the illegal crossings. The population that is trying to breach the Israel wall is very small. Mainly terrorists. It is 440 miles long

The US is facing a 2000 mile border with Mexico with hundreds of thousands of strongly motivated people to enter the US illegally. There are those seeking work, asylum seekers, drug smugglers, human smuggling. They come from all the countries of central and south America.

Success or failure of the Israel wall has very little bearing on the challenge of securing the US border.

rumor has it the wall in Hungary repels hundreds of thousands ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS every year trying to sneak in and get jobs -

ya think -

That's not a rumor. It's a fact.

Hungarian Border Fence So Effective Illegal Immigrants Are Now At Pre Migrant-Crisis Levels
Articulated like a typical Trump minion.
Walls make sense on some parts of the border but not on most of the border. Most of the wall that has been built since Trump came to office was approved and funded while Obama was President.
Trump makes a complex problem overly simple for very stupid people like you. He says all people trying to get in the US are bad, the answer is a wall along the entire US-mexico border. The minions eat it up. We need to understand all the different people trying to get in the US and address each group and a wall is not the best solution along the entire US-Mexico border. But a dumbass like you will never understand.
Wrong. Walls work everywhere they are used. Israel entirely surrounded the West Bank with walls. Their illegal intrusions went to zero as a result.

Everything you open borders douchebags say on this subject is a lie. It's always backed by nothing. The only thing we need to understand is that people in Mexico want to cross our border illegally. The wall is the way you address them. You're right about one thing: I will never understand idiocy like yours.

shhh, the left hate facts. you'll send them in a tizzy.
A great example of the brainless simple mindedness of Trump minions. Trump is able to con them because their inability for critical thinking.
To compare the Israel wall with Palestine and the proposed wall between US and Mexico is like comparing apples and oranges.
The most illegal crossings into Israel before the wall was 17,000 people. The wall was set up to stop terrorists. They represent a minority of the illegal crossings. The population that is trying to breach the Israel wall is very small. Mainly terrorists. It is 440 miles long

The US is facing a 2000 mile border with Mexico with hundreds of thousands of strongly motivated people to enter the US illegally. There are those seeking work, asylum seekers, drug smugglers, human smuggling. They come from all the countries of central and south America.

Success or failure of the Israel wall has very little bearing on the challenge of securing the US border.

rumor has it the wall in Hungary repels hundreds of thousands ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS every year trying to sneak in and get jobs -

ya think -

That's not a rumor. It's a fact.

Hungarian Border Fence So Effective Illegal Immigrants Are Now At Pre Migrant-Crisis Levels


When one side gathers facts around which to determine reality while the other side makes up facts to fit a preconceived reality, the one side will never get through to the other, because while the one side is arguing how things really are, all the other side cares about is how they wish things to be.​
Anyone who opposes the wall is a douchebag and an imbecile.
Articulated like a typical Trump minion.
Walls make sense on some parts of the border but not on most of the border. Most of the wall that has been built since Trump came to office was approved and funded while Obama was President.
Trump makes a complex problem overly simple for very stupid people like you. He says all people trying to get in the US are bad, the answer is a wall along the entire US-mexico border. The minions eat it up. We need to understand all the different people trying to get in the US and address each group and a wall is not the best solution along the entire US-Mexico border. But a dumbass like you will never understand.
Wrong. Walls work everywhere they are used. Israel entirely surrounded the West Bank with walls. Their illegal intrusions went to zero as a result.

Everything you open borders douchebags say on this subject is a lie. It's always backed by nothing. The only thing we need to understand is that people in Mexico want to cross our border illegally. The wall is the way you address them. You're right about one thing: I will never understand idiocy like yours.

shhh, the left hate facts. you'll send them in a tizzy.
A great example of the brainless simple mindedness of Trump minions. Trump is able to con them because their inability for critical thinking.
To compare the Israel wall with Palestine and the proposed wall between US and Mexico is like comparing apples and oranges.
The most illegal crossings into Israel before the wall was 17,000 people. The wall was set up to stop terrorists. They represent a minority of the illegal crossings. The population that is trying to breach the Israel wall is very small. Mainly terrorists. It is 440 miles long

The US is facing a 2000 mile border with Mexico with hundreds of thousands of strongly motivated people to enter the US illegally. There are those seeking work, asylum seekers, drug smugglers, human smuggling. They come from all the countries of central and south America.

Success or failure of the Israel wall has very little bearing on the challenge of securing the US border.
You keep bringing up the length. That only affects the cost. Based on length, our wall should cost 4-5 times more. However, our economy is 60 times bigger. So the longer length isn't an issue. We can easily afford it. You claim

The population trying to get past the Israeli wall is small because most people don't even want to try when confronted with it. The population of people in the West-bank is quite large: 3.3 million people. Without the wall they would all cross the border and take jobs in Israel.

You claim the Mexicans are more motivated than Palestinian terrorists. I would dispute that assertion, and you certainly have no way to prove it. The Israeli wall wind's it's way through numerous heavily populated urban areas, which is a much more difficult environment for controlling border crossings. Your belief that coming from Central America somehow makes them better able to get past a wall is based on absolutely nothing.

You basically have nothing but a bunch of baseless assertions.
Trump is my leader, whatever he wants I will support, I will lie, cheat and do whatever is necessary to get him what he wants, nothing is more important than pleasing our great leader Donald Trump, he thinks for me because he is so great, I am not worthy to have my own thoughts.
You fricking idiot.
Length is a worry about security more than cost. To continually monitor and secure a 2000 mile wall is more difficult than a 400 mile wall. Cost should not matter because your great leader is having Mexico pay for it. We should spare not cost.

"You claim the Mexicans are more motivated than Palestinian terrorists. I would dispute that assertion,"
Your claim above shows how clueless you are about who is trying to get into the US at our southern border. Mexicans are a minority.of people trying to cross our southern border illegally. The majority are coming from central and south America. Most are asylum seekers who feel their life is in jeopardy in their home country. Life and death is a big motivator.

"The population of people in the West-bank is quite large: 3.3 million people. Without the wall they would all cross the border and take jobs in Israel."
Your statement above is the dumbest one you made. You cannot be this stupid. When there was no wall, the worst year only had 17,000 Palestinians illegally cross. You think 3 million palestinians would prefer to live in Israel. You are an idiot.
Plus there are 700 million people living south of our southern border. A larger % of the 700 million are motivated to come to the US than the % of 3 million Palestinians want to go to Israel.

I do not expect you to understand. You are plain stupid. I shouldn't call you names, I should just feel sorry for you.
The wall won't stop all the filthy ass Democrat voting welfare queens from coming but it will stop a lot and that is a good thing.
If they built it alone the entire border, it would stop 99% of them.

First off you can't build it along the entire border and no it wouldn't.
Sure you can. I have never seen any part of the border in photos where you couldn't build the wall. The examples of Israel and Hungary show it would.
The wall won't stop all the filthy ass Democrat voting welfare queens from coming but it will stop a lot and that is a good thing.
If they built it alone the entire border, it would stop 99% of them.

First off you can't build it along the entire border and no it wouldn't.
Sure you can. I have never seen any part of the border in photos where you couldn't build the wall. The examples of Israel and Hungary show it would.

LOL, yeah the resort beach areas are going to just give up expensive beach property and allow a wall. Nobody is going to have a problem with a wall blocking their views either. LOL. Israel is not largely surrounded by water.
Articulated like a typical Trump minion.
Walls make sense on some parts of the border but not on most of the border. Most of the wall that has been built since Trump came to office was approved and funded while Obama was President.
Trump makes a complex problem overly simple for very stupid people like you. He says all people trying to get in the US are bad, the answer is a wall along the entire US-mexico border. The minions eat it up. We need to understand all the different people trying to get in the US and address each group and a wall is not the best solution along the entire US-Mexico border. But a dumbass like you will never understand.
Wrong. Walls work everywhere they are used. Israel entirely surrounded the West Bank with walls. Their illegal intrusions went to zero as a result.

Everything you open borders douchebags say on this subject is a lie. It's always backed by nothing. The only thing we need to understand is that people in Mexico want to cross our border illegally. The wall is the way you address them. You're right about one thing: I will never understand idiocy like yours.

shhh, the left hate facts. you'll send them in a tizzy.
A great example of the brainless simple mindedness of Trump minions. Trump is able to con them because their inability for critical thinking.
To compare the Israel wall with Palestine and the proposed wall between US and Mexico is like comparing apples and oranges.
The most illegal crossings into Israel before the wall was 17,000 people. The wall was set up to stop terrorists. They represent a minority of the illegal crossings. The population that is trying to breach the Israel wall is very small. Mainly terrorists. It is 440 miles long

The US is facing a 2000 mile border with Mexico with hundreds of thousands of strongly motivated people to enter the US illegally. There are those seeking work, asylum seekers, drug smugglers, human smuggling. They come from all the countries of central and south America.

Success or failure of the Israel wall has very little bearing on the challenge of securing the US border.
You keep bringing up the length. That only affects the cost. Based on length, our wall should cost 4-5 times more. However, our economy is 60 times bigger. So the longer length isn't an issue. We can easily afford it. You claim

The population trying to get past the Israeli wall is small because most people don't even want to try when confronted with it. The population of people in the West-bank is quite large: 3.3 million people. Without the wall they would all cross the border and take jobs in Israel.

You claim the Mexicans are more motivated than Palestinian terrorists. I would dispute that assertion, and you certainly have no way to prove it. The Israeli wall wind's it's way through numerous heavily populated urban areas, which is a much more difficult environment for controlling border crossings. Your belief that coming from Central America somehow makes them better able to get past a wall is based on absolutely nothing.

You basically have nothing but a bunch of baseless assertions.
Trump is my leader, whatever he wants I will support, I will lie, cheat and do whatever is necessary to get him what he wants, nothing is more important than pleasing our great leader Donald Trump, he thinks for me because he is so great, I am not worthy to have my own thoughts.
You fricking idiot.
Length is a worry about security more than cost. To continually monitor and secure a 2000 mile wall is more difficult than a 400 mile wall. Cost should not matter because your great leader is having Mexico pay for it. We should spare not cost.

Yeah, it's 5 times more difficult, which means it would require 5 times more money. Monitoring a wall in an unpopulated desert is far easier than monitoring one in densely populated areas.

Everything you post is absurd.

"You claim the Mexicans are more motivated than Palestinian terrorists. I would dispute that assertion,"
Your claim above shows how clueless you are about who is trying to get into the US at our southern border. Mexicans are a minority.of people trying to cross our southern border illegally. The majority are coming from central and south America. Most are asylum seekers who feel their life is in jeopardy in their home country. Life and death is a big motivator.

Interviews have demonstrated that most are motivated by economic concerns. They are coming for a better life. You're full of horseshit.

"The population of people in the West-bank is quite large: 3.3 million people. Without the wall they would all cross the border and take jobs in Israel."
Your statement above is the dumbest one you made. You cannot be this stupid. When there was no wall, the worst year only had 17,000 Palestinians illegally cross. You think 3 million palestinians would prefer to live in Israel. You are an idiot.
Plus there are 700 million people living south of our southern border. A larger % of the 700 million are motivated to come to the US than the % of 3 million Palestinians want to go to Israel.

Before they built the wall they had razor wire and chain link fences. They also had thousands of border guards. Your assumption that they did nothing is based on ignorance. There may be 700 million people living South of our border, but only a small percentage are withing walking distance. People from Brazil aren't going to walk to the US border.

I do not expect you to understand. You are plain stupid. I shouldn't call you names, I should just feel sorry for you.

I understand that you're a liar and an idiot.
The wall won't stop all the filthy ass Democrat voting welfare queens from coming but it will stop a lot and that is a good thing.
If they built it alone the entire border, it would stop 99% of them.

First off you can't build it along the entire border and no it wouldn't.
Sure you can. I have never seen any part of the border in photos where you couldn't build the wall. The examples of Israel and Hungary show it would.

LOL, yeah the resort beach areas are going to just give up expensive beach property and allow a wall. Nobody is going to have a problem with a wall blocking their views either. LOL. Israel is not largely surrounded by water.
What "resort beach areas" are there on our Southern border?
The wall won't stop all the filthy ass Democrat voting welfare queens from coming but it will stop a lot and that is a good thing.
If they built it alone the entire border, it would stop 99% of them.

First off you can't build it along the entire border and no it wouldn't.
Sure you can. I have never seen any part of the border in photos where you couldn't build the wall. The examples of Israel and Hungary show it would.

LOL, yeah the resort beach areas are going to just give up expensive beach property and allow a wall. Nobody is going to have a problem with a wall blocking their views either. LOL. Israel is not largely surrounded by water.
What "resort beach areas" are there on our Southern border?

It would be a hundred times easier to take a boat from anywhere in Mexico to anywhere in the U.S. than hiking across the desert. People have been doing it from Cuba for years.
Wrong. Walls work everywhere they are used. Israel entirely surrounded the West Bank with walls. Their illegal intrusions went to zero as a result.

Everything you open borders douchebags say on this subject is a lie. It's always backed by nothing. The only thing we need to understand is that people in Mexico want to cross our border illegally. The wall is the way you address them. You're right about one thing: I will never understand idiocy like yours.

shhh, the left hate facts. you'll send them in a tizzy.
A great example of the brainless simple mindedness of Trump minions. Trump is able to con them because their inability for critical thinking.
To compare the Israel wall with Palestine and the proposed wall between US and Mexico is like comparing apples and oranges.
The most illegal crossings into Israel before the wall was 17,000 people. The wall was set up to stop terrorists. They represent a minority of the illegal crossings. The population that is trying to breach the Israel wall is very small. Mainly terrorists. It is 440 miles long

The US is facing a 2000 mile border with Mexico with hundreds of thousands of strongly motivated people to enter the US illegally. There are those seeking work, asylum seekers, drug smugglers, human smuggling. They come from all the countries of central and south America.

Success or failure of the Israel wall has very little bearing on the challenge of securing the US border.
You keep bringing up the length. That only affects the cost. Based on length, our wall should cost 4-5 times more. However, our economy is 60 times bigger. So the longer length isn't an issue. We can easily afford it. You claim

The population trying to get past the Israeli wall is small because most people don't even want to try when confronted with it. The population of people in the West-bank is quite large: 3.3 million people. Without the wall they would all cross the border and take jobs in Israel.

You claim the Mexicans are more motivated than Palestinian terrorists. I would dispute that assertion, and you certainly have no way to prove it. The Israeli wall wind's it's way through numerous heavily populated urban areas, which is a much more difficult environment for controlling border crossings. Your belief that coming from Central America somehow makes them better able to get past a wall is based on absolutely nothing.

You basically have nothing but a bunch of baseless assertions.
Trump is my leader, whatever he wants I will support, I will lie, cheat and do whatever is necessary to get him what he wants, nothing is more important than pleasing our great leader Donald Trump, he thinks for me because he is so great, I am not worthy to have my own thoughts.
You fricking idiot.
Length is a worry about security more than cost. To continually monitor and secure a 2000 mile wall is more difficult than a 400 mile wall. Cost should not matter because your great leader is having Mexico pay for it. We should spare not cost.

Yeah, it's 5 times more difficult, which means it would require 5 times more money. Monitoring a wall in an unpopulated desert is far easier than monitoring one in densely populated areas.

Everything you post is absurd.

"You claim the Mexicans are more motivated than Palestinian terrorists. I would dispute that assertion,"
Your claim above shows how clueless you are about who is trying to get into the US at our southern border. Mexicans are a minority.of people trying to cross our southern border illegally. The majority are coming from central and south America. Most are asylum seekers who feel their life is in jeopardy in their home country. Life and death is a big motivator.

Interviews have demonstrated that most are motivated by economic concerns. They are coming for a better life. You're full of horseshit.

"The population of people in the West-bank is quite large: 3.3 million people. Without the wall they would all cross the border and take jobs in Israel."
Your statement above is the dumbest one you made. You cannot be this stupid. When there was no wall, the worst year only had 17,000 Palestinians illegally cross. You think 3 million palestinians would prefer to live in Israel. You are an idiot.
Plus there are 700 million people living south of our southern border. A larger % of the 700 million are motivated to come to the US than the % of 3 million Palestinians want to go to Israel.

Before they built the wall they had razor wire and chain link fences. They also had thousands of border guards. Your assumption that they did nothing is based on ignorance. There may be 700 million people living South of our border, but only a small percentage are withing walking distance. People from Brazil aren't going to walk to the US border.

I do not expect you to understand. You are plain stupid. I shouldn't call you names, I should just feel sorry for you.

I understand that you're a liar and an idiot.
Your response did not disappoint. You cannot reason with stupid.
Oh it's easy. When I see stupidity, I call it out. No proposals required.
So you can't submit a proposal, because you don't have any control over the border, but you are qualified to attack those who do?

The reality is that you're just a fucking dumbass without a clue.
I live on the border. For many many years. I shop at stores on the border. I cross into Tijuana by car and on foot. I see these 'walls' every single day.

I know that they are easily defeated and their only purpose is to give red state nutters a false sense of security from the 'hordes of Meemaw raper/killers!'

I know the real problem areas are the legal border crossings.

The proposals I've seen on this site are just nonsense.
Your testimonial evidence is 100% worthless. For one thing, why should anyone believe you? For another, we have empirical evidence that shows walls are 99% effecti

Your claim that they don't work is just wind blowing out your ugly ass.
Oh I don't really care if you believe me or not. Your choice.

I find that most red state nutters choose to believe their own version of reality, often spoon fed to them by their Dear Orange Leader.
How Ironic.

I supplied proof that my claims are correct. You supplied jack shit.

Who is being spoon fed own version of reality?
I believe my own eyes and ears. That's what I believe. I live this every day. All day. I live here. I can speak to what happens on this section of the border.
Also from the above link:

"In addition to cutting through the walls, officials told the Post that smugglers have also repeatedly scaled and climbed over the walls with makeshift ladders, particularly in areas near San Diego."

I guess that, Mexicans have learned to use ladders. Who could have known?

Let me ask.... do you think more... or less... or the same number would be crossing if there was absolutely not border whatsoever?

No one anywhere suggested that the number of illegal crossing would end up zero with the wall.

The number of illegal crossings from East to West Germany was not zero during that time, and the Soviets were shooting to kill those who crossed.
Also from the above link:

"In addition to cutting through the walls, officials told the Post that smugglers have also repeatedly scaled and climbed over the walls with makeshift ladders, particularly in areas near San Diego."

I guess that, Mexicans have learned to use ladders. Who could have known?

Let me ask.... do you think more... or less... or the same number would be crossing if there was absolutely not border whatsoever?

No one anywhere suggested that the number of illegal crossing would end up zero with the wall.

The number of illegal crossings from East to West Germany was not zero during that time, and the Soviets were shooting to kill those who crossed.

People can advocate this all day BUT it's something we are never going to do so it's not a solution.

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