Illegals and the Scream that they are Hurting America.

Wages for Apple picking, and jobs like it, literally can’t be lowered below the minimum.
And immigrant work crews will lower the price to the minimum, which they'll work around any way by declaring them as contractors or something.

Be that as it may, that reinforced minimum means no shortage of labour can increase the value of American labour to a level where it will participate in that work.
Why would Americans work those jobs when the government makes it more lucrative not to work at all. If Americans relied on those jobs to eat they would be lining up for them.


Yes, and they would also be eating grass if there were famines. So what? The fact is there was never a labor shortage, on farms or anywhere else. Illegals are wanted because they can be cheated, abused, and robbed, period.

And, none of those cost savings get passed on to consumers anyway. That's what having only 4 grocery chains and 3 giant ag corporations does to prices.
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Is that ^^^^ the best you got.

If your net worth is less than 1 Million, then STFU.
If your net worth is less than 1.7 Million, then you got some catching up to do.
If your net worth is more than 1.7 million, then Congrats, you can be part of the club.
The club includes donates to charities not know as the Church Cult or Political Donations.
The club donates to food banks, scholarships to trade schools or Universities, childhood cancer, 'Make A Wish', and many other Noble Causes.

Who do you donate too?

Sure thing sweetheart. Post up how much cash you have in hand right now. Post a picture with a piece of paper with my name on it with your cash.

We will see who has more.

I donate to St. Jude. My local veterans support group, a couple of wildlife sanctuaries, and I support local kids to go to college.

What about you, big mouth. And I have a car that's worth more than 1.7 million.
It is terrifying that in a supposed capitalistic society the government is the largest employer. The Fed has gone way beyond what is mandated by the Constitution.

Giant corporations require giant govt. to protect their interests from uppity slaves and competition from small businesses and start ups.
That was 60-100 years ago.

Let's have a Real Farmer join this conversation.
One with real crops, milk cows (200+) and tell us HONESTLY how many illegals they employ.
The farm would NOT survive without illegals working the fields and milking the cows.
they have machines that milk the cows.....
You can't mechanize picking of tomatoes, strawberries, grapes, and peppers.

They are too fragile.

At least they haven't yet, AFAIK.
yes they can.....these are tomatoes....



It's a shocking turn given the sheer amount of money investors — including $375 million from multinational giant SoftBank, which is renowned for its poor investments like the infamous WeWork — have poured into the startup. And in an even broader sense, it once again shows that even as AI makes incredible strides in the market, practical robotics ventures remain enduring difficult.

I went by that 'fully automated McDonald's' all the prole haters here were wanking off over last week; it had more employees running around than the 'old fashioned' one a few miles away had, another hilarious fact. they weren't any busier either, not doing well even at the lunch rush; I was one of two cars in line.
I have YET to be adversely affected by an illegal, from ANY Country.

USA has jobs that the GOP white lazy ass will never do, but deem necessary by such, but bitch about losing jobs to these illegal for a job they would NEVER accept.

1). GOP/Conservatives/RWI's......are you going to pick the fields? Hell No.

2). Are you going to clean the resorts/hotels/motels that rich white Americans visit? Hell No.

Which one of you RWI posters here, that constantly bitch about illegal immigrants, has had a job stolen by one of these illegals?

My guess is ZERO/NONE.
If so, name the job you wanted but was denied.
/-----/ What an elitist, arrogant snob. The answer to both questions is yes. There are Americans who will do those jobs, but they can't afford to compete with illegals who work for less. Funny how your mantra, PEOPLE NEED A LIVING WAGE takes a back seat when you hire illegals.
1). GOP/Conservatives/RWI's......are you going to pick the fields? Hell No. HELL YES

2). Are you going to clean the resorts/hotels/motels that rich white Americans visit? Hell No. HELL YES
Illegals HELP keep the cost of products lower.
But biden.......

If you are successful and travel using Hotels, then thank the business owner for hiring illegals.

The list is large.
Why are you so hateful.....You are....You know it.
What you mean is that having a population of starving peasants to do your bidding saves you a few pennies of travel expenses when you dtay in a motel

But consider the cost of free healthcare that have to buy for them

And your auto insurance rates that a higher thanks to uninsured drivers eho crash into people

There is a long list of costs including welfare for American citizens who arent working
What you mean is that having a population of starving peasants to do your bidding saves you a few pennies of travel expenses when you dtay in a motel

But consider the cost of free healthcare that have to buy for them

And your auto insurance rates that a higher thanks to uninsured drivers eho crash into people

There is a long list of costs including welfare for American citizens who arent working

Business gets what business wants.
Construction jobs ARE readily available. They’re begging for entry level workers.

I have zero experience but I know I could get an entry level job in construction tomorrow if I wanted to. So could any able bodied kid out of high school.
But as an American citizen you dont have to work

Bleeding heart libs will give you free food, housing and walking around money to buy recreational drugs with

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