Illegals and the Scream that they are Hurting America.

They use migrant farm workers for produce here. I'm sure most are on legal visas.

Crackers do the cows, though.
And there is the real crux of the problem.
Nothing wrong with immigrants, if they are LEGAL.

And if we need more "immigrants" to "do the jobs Americans won't do":rolleyes: ,* than we need to improve the Customs and Immigration processes to provide more legal entry means, and/or expand the numbers of temporary migrant worker permits.

One aspect here that is astounding is how a certain mentality(mindset) can't see~grasp that if one breaks a law to get into a country, than it's highly probable they will break other laws once here. Often "illegal immigrants" have been used to break other laws getting into our country and once here, since many are used to traffic in drugs, and some are channeled into illegal sex trafficking/activities.

*If a worker is illegal, than they can be paid less than minimum or prevailing wage, provided no benefits, or medical insurance, subject to other "abuses" by employers and the community. This can also result in jobs that citizens used to do now paying less than they once did, especially once adjusted to reflect inflation; hence less incentive for citizens to take those jobs.
So who’s doing the picking?

I literally see bus loads of Latino immigrants bused around in giant buses with ‘manzana’ (Spanish word for apple) in giant letters on side almost everyday where I live. They’re apple pickers.

I’m going to go out on a limb and guess many of them are illegals.

I’m against illegal immigration of any kind, but these seem like hard working, honest people who are sending a big chunk of their wages back to poor relations wherever they’re from.

They certainly aren’t taking jobs away from Americans. Nobody’s lining up to pick apples for Christ’s sake.
We have plenty of legal immigrants. We also don’t need tens of millions to pick crops. You people don’t know anything about farming.
No, and they should be trust-busted up into thousands of small farms.
Would seem neither you nor Winco know much about current farming, especially the financial challenges farm owners face.

For a start, if you "trust busted" large* farms into 'small farms' who do you think is going to take on those mortgages and do the work needed to make the farm viable?

Do you really think there is a surplus of citizens in this country that know how to operate a farm?
Do you really think that a grain farm is the same as a produce farm, or an orchard, or the same as a dairy?
Do you realize how much that will drive up the price of food at retail level?
Do you know any farmers, on a personal basis where you can talk shop and business expenses with them?

Heck, do you even have a backyard garden where you can get some clue on how to plant, tend, and harvest produce, food for yourself?

* How do you define "Large" farm?
Yeah, it’s hard to find American help because not many Americans want the job.

They could have it if they wanted. That’s my point.

How can illegals be “taking” anything if it’s jobs few Americans apparently want?

Why would Americans work those jobs when the government makes it more lucrative not to work at all. If Americans relied on those jobs to eat they would be lining up for them.

Why would Americans work those jobs when the government makes it more lucrative not to work at all. If Americans relied on those jobs to eat they would be lining up for them.

I agree that all able-bodied men receiving welfare should either have a job or else be forced to government labor in exchange for welfare.

Put them to work patching the roads, planting trees, picking up trash off the freeways, whatever.

No one should be allowed to sit at home and collect a welfare check if they’re physically capable of labor
Would seem neither you nor Winco know much about current farming, especially the financial challenges farm owners face.

For a start, if you "trust busted" large* farms into 'small farms' who do you think is going to take on those mortgages and do the work needed to make the farm viable?

Do you really think there is a surplus of citizens in this country that know how to operate a farm?
Do you really think that a grain farm is the same as a produce farm, or an orchard, or the same as a dairy?
Do you realize how much that will drive up the price of food at retail level?
Do you know any farmers, on a personal basis where you can talk shop and business expenses with them?

Heck, do you even have a backyard garden where you can get some clue on how to plant, tend, and harvest produce, food for yourself?

* How do you define "Large" farm?
theres a good case to be made to break up several different categories of farming into smaller scale operations and it isnt always about costs,,

you ever look in a hog house??

the newer systems are nothing more than hogs stored on top of a septic tank that gets cleaned out once a yr at best,,

and produce should be broken down and made more local,,

the biggest problem with big ag is the chemical load from both input and waste runnong into the rivers,
you dont have that small scale,,

as for people ready to do the job,, blame that on higher educatio where for 100 yrs we've been telling kids to go to college and that type of work isnt needed,,

that will take a culture change,,
theres a good case to be made to break up several different categories of farming into smaller scale operations and it isnt always about costs,,

you ever look in a hog house??

the newer systems are nothing more than hogs stored on top of a septic tank that gets cleaned out once a yr at best,,

and produce should be broken down and made more local,,

the biggest problem with big ag is the chemical load from both input and waste runnong into the rivers,
you dont have that small scale,,

as for people ready to do the job,, blame that on higher educatio where for 100 yrs we've been telling kids to go to college and that type of work isnt needed,,

that will take a culture change,,
I'm aware of all that dude.

There is still the issue of finding people whom want to work a farm along with own it and the related expenses and liabilities.

Would you be willing to do that?
Many farm families struggle to get one of their children to take on the task.
You going to draft people to own and work those smaller scale farm operations?
You really think smaller will provide the products at less cost to the consumer?
You willing to pay double or more for your food?

"Good case" is garbage if you don't have a realistic way to make it happen, make it work.
Pick a local farm, go there and work for a year. Then get back to us on how this "bust them up" scheme will work.
Is that ^^^^ the best you got.

If your net worth is less than 1 Million, then STFU.
If your net worth is less than 1.7 Million, then you got some catching up to do.
If your net worth is more than 1.7 million, then Congrats, you can be part of the club.
The club includes donates to charities not know as the Church Cult or Political Donations.
The club donates to food banks, scholarships to trade schools or Universities, childhood cancer, 'Make A Wish', and many other Noble Causes.

Who do you donate too?
There is still the issue of finding people whom want to work a farm along with own it and the related expenses and liabilities.
I am doing that,,, 12 acres with 12K sq ft garden and planning on doing chickens and hogs for the family,,, in fact just today I took a short class on hog butchering so I can by a whole hog on the hoof this fall,, should be by next yr I have at least 4,,
I should be able to sell enough veg from the garden for 20 families,,

there are people out there trying to change the view towards small farms and backing it up with their own versions,,

of course with farming being such a diverse directions it can mean like is it growing acres of corn to turn into fuel for cars are is it sweet corn for personal consumption,,

I have been watching some people make 150K on less than an acre for table veg and the like,,

but as I said about the people,, culture has got to change because the way we are doing a lot of it is more destructive than not,,
Who picks up your trash?
A truck with a clamp. The driver never gets out of the cab.
Illegals HELP keep the cost of products lower.
But biden.......

If you are successful and travel using Hotels, then thank the business owner for hiring illegals.

The list is large.
Why are you so hateful.....You are....You know it.
of course your focus is just on one of many problems illegals create,,

but to your question who is losing their jobs,
in construction have you considered the kids coming out of high school wanting to get into the construction??
since that industry is over flowing with workers those kids wont be able to get jobs that used to be readily available,,

so thats a whole generation without jobs in one of the biggest job markets in the country,,
And the pay has cratered.
Construction jobs ARE readily available. They’re begging for entry level workers.

I have zero experience but I know I could get an entry level job in construction tomorrow if I wanted to. So could any able bodied kid out of high school.
Bullshit. The illegals have cratered the pay, since they're happy to work for peanuts-and in many cases, you need to speak Spanish to get hired. Good friend was a roofer...gave it up because he couldn't compete with the illegal aliens.
as of now there’s still thousands and thousands of migrant pickers across the country.

Common knowledge. Why is this even a debate here?
There shouldn't be a debate. You are clearly wrong. Hand labor is just too expensive. Small commercial farms just rent the harvester and an operator.
I am doing that,,, 12 acres with 12K sq ft garden and planning on doing chickens and hogs for the family,,, in fact just today I took a short class on hog butchering so I can by a whole hog on the hoof this fall,, should be by next yr I have at least 4,,
I should be able to sell enough veg from the garden for 20 families,,

there are people out there trying to change the view towards small farms and backing it up with their own versions,,

of course with farming being such a diverse directions it can mean like is it growing acres of corn to turn into fuel for cars are is it sweet corn for personal consumption,,

I have been watching some people make 150K on less than an acre for table veg and the like,,

but as I said about the people,, culture has got to change because the way we are doing a lot of it is more destructive than not,,
Yet you are a small minority doing such.
Not everyone is inclined to do the small scale farming, or could afford to get started. Heck, many are struggling just to get a 1/8 acre lot with a starter home.

I can relate some. We have a half acre and a bumper crop out of the garden this year. Wife and I are busy with trying to keep on top of harvest and then preserve ~ drying, freezing, water bath canning, etc.
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A sexual diversion.
You discuss 'sucking cock' because......... I can't imagine.

How about discussing the topic?

Illegals and how they help America.
They don't. Illegals do nothing but cost a fortune. The criminal cartels are the fifth largest employer in Mexico. Likely the largest employer of illegals in the states.
Yet you are a small minority doing such.
Not everyone is inclined to do the small scale farming, or could afford to get started. Heck, many are struggling just to get a 1/8 acre lot with a starter home.

I can relate some. We have a half acre and a bumper crop out of the garden this year. Wife and I are busy with trying to keep on top of harvest and ten preserve ~ drying, freezing, water bath canning, etc.
as I said,, the culture has got to change and get more people involved,,

fact remains the money is there for certain areas of farming if people want to do it,,
Illegals aren’t lowering wages for entry level construction.

By definition, it has never been a high paying job. It’s grunt work, not tradesmen or journeymen work.

Construction entry level general laborers make $20-$25 an hour around here, and still employers are begging for applicants.

Obviously, illegals are not “stealing” jobs anyone wants in the field nor are they reducing wages.
That is...weapon-grade stupid. Construction pay has CRATERED, because the illegals will happily work for peanuts-especially when it's cash. They frequently do not bother with little things like payroll taxes, insurance, or permits!
Is that ^^^^ the best you got.

If your net worth is less than 1 Million, then STFU.
If your net worth is less than 1.7 Million, then you got some catching up to do.
If your net worth is more than 1.7 million, then Congrats, you can be part of the club.
The club includes donates to charities not know as the Church Cult or Political Donations.
The club donates to food banks, scholarships to trade schools or Universities, childhood cancer, 'Make A Wish', and many other Noble Causes.

Who do you donate too?
Are you...on...drugs...?

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