Illegals "Cutting Thru Trump's Wall" Another HOAX

You know, you guys are all talking about sawing through the wall, but in reality, all you really have to do is know how to rock climb, and you can scale it like these KY mountain climbers have done with a replica of Trump's wall.

And yes, while the people scaling the wall have safety ropes attached to them, that is in case they slip and fall. If you look at the lines the people are connected to you will see that they are slack and not helping the climbers in any way.

Trump says his border wall is 'impenetrable.' It took climbers in Kentucky mere seconds

ROGERS, Ky. — In Eastern Kentucky's Red River Gorge area, an 18-foot replica of President Donald Trump's border wall is being scaled not only by experienced mountain climbers, but by novices and young children.

One climber even scaled it while juggling.

"You don't tell a climber that something can't be climbed or that it's impossible," said Rick Weber, the 75-year-old mountain climber who built the replica. "That's just a challenge."

Weber, a retired engineer from Indianapolis, decided to build the wall after hearing Trump claim in September that a new section of the wall along the boundary with Mexico is "virtually impenetrable" and "can't be climbed" because, the president said, 20 mountain climbers struggled to climb a prototype.

So a skeptical Weber built his 18-foot wooden replica of the steel border wall at Muir Valley, a nonprofit nature preserve and rock-climbing park he founded along with his wife. The height matches portions of the border wall built by private contractors.

And since the wall has gone up, lots of people have successfully scaled it.

Yesterday I watched a plumber turn two diamond blades into junk and finally burn out his disc cutter on a DRY slab of concrete with no rebar inside it. And it wasn't cordless. Endless power and time to switch from masonry to metal cutting blades. So I figure this probable-HOAX story dreamed up by lying media rats and reported here to the glee of our leftist nitwits... is suspicious. I went searching for a legit pic of this supposed breach of Trump's border wall....and guess what? couldn't find one....not a single one. I did find this pic of a sample and it shows why nobody with a "hundred dollar cordless disc cutter is getting through a Trump steel bollard on the border. :nono:


Trump’s ‘virtually inpenetrable’ Mexico border wall is easy to cut with $100 saw from hardware store
This was done by US Dept of Homeland security. Here is the actual story:
Steel prototype for border wall cut through with saw, photo shows

However, testing by DHS in late 2017 showed all eight prototypes, including the steel slats, were vulnerable to breaching, according to an internal February 2018 U.S. Customs and Border Protection report.

I have this:

I used it to easily cut through an old driveway basketball hoop pipe that was filled w concrete, similar to the pick above, but actually wider in diameter. Maybe you don't know how to use the saw properly??

Either way this is a legit story, done by the US DHS... sorry bud wrong again... nice try though.

Here's another one for ya:

Basketball hoops are, what, 1/2 inch in diameter? You compare that with cutting though a concrete filled bollard that is at least 8 inches wide?

A basketball hoop pipe that goes in the ground and hold the hoop up, it is about 4-5 inches in diameter, 10 ft tall, filled w concrete. The saw easily cuts it, look at the saw.

ALSO read the official story, the walls were all cut easily by DHS... There is no hoax

The article doesn't say that, moron.

Department of Homeland Security testing of a steel slatprototype proved it could be cut through with a saw, according to a report by DHS.

However, testing by DHS in late 2017 showed all eight prototypes, including the steel slats, were vulnerable to breaching, according to an internal February 2018 U.S. Customs and Border Protection report.

I could easily cut through that steel slat barrier wall in about 5-10 minutes with my saw off Amazon.. as I cut through a 5" steel pipe filled with concrete....
You know, you guys are all talking about sawing through the wall, but in reality, all you really have to do is know how to rock climb, and you can scale it like these KY mountain climbers have done with a replica of Trump's wall.

And yes, while the people scaling the wall have safety ropes attached to them, that is in case they slip and fall. If you look at the lines the people are connected to you will see that they are slack and not helping the climbers in any way.

Trump says his border wall is 'impenetrable.' It took climbers in Kentucky mere seconds

ROGERS, Ky. — In Eastern Kentucky's Red River Gorge area, an 18-foot replica of President Donald Trump's border wall is being scaled not only by experienced mountain climbers, but by novices and young children.

One climber even scaled it while juggling.

"You don't tell a climber that something can't be climbed or that it's impossible," said Rick Weber, the 75-year-old mountain climber who built the replica. "That's just a challenge."

Weber, a retired engineer from Indianapolis, decided to build the wall after hearing Trump claim in September that a new section of the wall along the boundary with Mexico is "virtually impenetrable" and "can't be climbed" because, the president said, 20 mountain climbers struggled to climb a prototype.

So a skeptical Weber built his 18-foot wooden replica of the steel border wall at Muir Valley, a nonprofit nature preserve and rock-climbing park he founded along with his wife. The height matches portions of the border wall built by private contractors.

And since the wall has gone up, lots of people have successfully scaled it.

You mean like this:

You know, you guys are all talking about sawing through the wall, but in reality, all you really have to do is know how to rock climb, and you can scale it like these KY mountain climbers have done with a replica of Trump's wall.

And yes, while the people scaling the wall have safety ropes attached to them, that is in case they slip and fall. If you look at the lines the people are connected to you will see that they are slack and not helping the climbers in any way.

Trump says his border wall is 'impenetrable.' It took climbers in Kentucky mere seconds

ROGERS, Ky. — In Eastern Kentucky's Red River Gorge area, an 18-foot replica of President Donald Trump's border wall is being scaled not only by experienced mountain climbers, but by novices and young children.

One climber even scaled it while juggling.

"You don't tell a climber that something can't be climbed or that it's impossible," said Rick Weber, the 75-year-old mountain climber who built the replica. "That's just a challenge."

Weber, a retired engineer from Indianapolis, decided to build the wall after hearing Trump claim in September that a new section of the wall along the boundary with Mexico is "virtually impenetrable" and "can't be climbed" because, the president said, 20 mountain climbers struggled to climb a prototype.

So a skeptical Weber built his 18-foot wooden replica of the steel border wall at Muir Valley, a nonprofit nature preserve and rock-climbing park he founded along with his wife. The height matches portions of the border wall built by private contractors.

And since the wall has gone up, lots of people have successfully scaled it.

There is no wall on earth that can't be crossed by someone. However, the vast majority of illegal aliens are young mothers with children, teenagers, or older men who lack the physical ability to perform such feats. Could you do it? I doubt it. I certainly couldn't. Most men in their 20s couldn't do it. So it's clear the wall will prevent about 99% of people from crossing.
Yesterday I watched a plumber turn two diamond blades into junk and finally burn out his disc cutter on a DRY slab of concrete with no rebar inside it. And it wasn't cordless. Endless power and time to switch from masonry to metal cutting blades. So I figure this probable-HOAX story dreamed up by lying media rats and reported here to the glee of our leftist nitwits... is suspicious. I went searching for a legit pic of this supposed breach of Trump's border wall....and guess what? couldn't find one....not a single one. I did find this pic of a sample and it shows why nobody with a "hundred dollar cordless disc cutter is getting through a Trump steel bollard on the border. :nono:


Trump’s ‘virtually inpenetrable’ Mexico border wall is easy to cut with $100 saw from hardware store
This was done by US Dept of Homeland security. Here is the actual story:
Steel prototype for border wall cut through with saw, photo shows

However, testing by DHS in late 2017 showed all eight prototypes, including the steel slats, were vulnerable to breaching, according to an internal February 2018 U.S. Customs and Border Protection report.

I have this:

I used it to easily cut through an old driveway basketball hoop pipe that was filled w concrete, similar to the pick above, but actually wider in diameter. Maybe you don't know how to use the saw properly??

Either way this is a legit story, done by the US DHS... sorry bud wrong again... nice try though.

Here's another one for ya:

Basketball hoops are, what, 1/2 inch in diameter? You compare that with cutting though a concrete filled bollard that is at least 8 inches wide?

A basketball hoop pipe that goes in the ground and hold the hoop up, it is about 4-5 inches in diameter, 10 ft tall, filled w concrete. The saw easily cuts it, look at the saw.

ALSO read the official story, the walls were all cut easily by DHS... There is no hoax

The article doesn't say that, moron.

Department of Homeland Security testing of a steel slatprototype proved it could be cut through with a saw, according to a report by DHS.

However, testing by DHS in late 2017 showed all eight prototypes, including the steel slats, were vulnerable to breaching, according to an internal February 2018 U.S. Customs and Border Protection report.

I could easily cut through that steel slat barrier wall in about 5-10 minutes with my saw off Amazon.. as I cut through a 5" steel pipe filled with concrete....

Where does it say it took 20 minutes?
You know, you guys are all talking about sawing through the wall, but in reality, all you really have to do is know how to rock climb, and you can scale it like these KY mountain climbers have done with a replica of Trump's wall.

And yes, while the people scaling the wall have safety ropes attached to them, that is in case they slip and fall. If you look at the lines the people are connected to you will see that they are slack and not helping the climbers in any way.

Trump says his border wall is 'impenetrable.' It took climbers in Kentucky mere seconds

ROGERS, Ky. — In Eastern Kentucky's Red River Gorge area, an 18-foot replica of President Donald Trump's border wall is being scaled not only by experienced mountain climbers, but by novices and young children.

One climber even scaled it while juggling.

"You don't tell a climber that something can't be climbed or that it's impossible," said Rick Weber, the 75-year-old mountain climber who built the replica. "That's just a challenge."

Weber, a retired engineer from Indianapolis, decided to build the wall after hearing Trump claim in September that a new section of the wall along the boundary with Mexico is "virtually impenetrable" and "can't be climbed" because, the president said, 20 mountain climbers struggled to climb a prototype.

So a skeptical Weber built his 18-foot wooden replica of the steel border wall at Muir Valley, a nonprofit nature preserve and rock-climbing park he founded along with his wife. The height matches portions of the border wall built by private contractors.

And since the wall has gone up, lots of people have successfully scaled it.

You mean like this:

Hey, I've even seen a video of a climber going over the wall WHILE JUGGLING!
You know, you guys are all talking about sawing through the wall, but in reality, all you really have to do is know how to rock climb, and you can scale it like these KY mountain climbers have done with a replica of Trump's wall.

And yes, while the people scaling the wall have safety ropes attached to them, that is in case they slip and fall. If you look at the lines the people are connected to you will see that they are slack and not helping the climbers in any way.

Trump says his border wall is 'impenetrable.' It took climbers in Kentucky mere seconds

ROGERS, Ky. — In Eastern Kentucky's Red River Gorge area, an 18-foot replica of President Donald Trump's border wall is being scaled not only by experienced mountain climbers, but by novices and young children.

One climber even scaled it while juggling.

"You don't tell a climber that something can't be climbed or that it's impossible," said Rick Weber, the 75-year-old mountain climber who built the replica. "That's just a challenge."

Weber, a retired engineer from Indianapolis, decided to build the wall after hearing Trump claim in September that a new section of the wall along the boundary with Mexico is "virtually impenetrable" and "can't be climbed" because, the president said, 20 mountain climbers struggled to climb a prototype.

So a skeptical Weber built his 18-foot wooden replica of the steel border wall at Muir Valley, a nonprofit nature preserve and rock-climbing park he founded along with his wife. The height matches portions of the border wall built by private contractors.

And since the wall has gone up, lots of people have successfully scaled it.

You mean like this:

I've already told you that isn't Trump's wall. That wall existed before Trump was elected.
You know, you guys are all talking about sawing through the wall, but in reality, all you really have to do is know how to rock climb, and you can scale it like these KY mountain climbers have done with a replica of Trump's wall.

And yes, while the people scaling the wall have safety ropes attached to them, that is in case they slip and fall. If you look at the lines the people are connected to you will see that they are slack and not helping the climbers in any way.

Trump says his border wall is 'impenetrable.' It took climbers in Kentucky mere seconds

ROGERS, Ky. — In Eastern Kentucky's Red River Gorge area, an 18-foot replica of President Donald Trump's border wall is being scaled not only by experienced mountain climbers, but by novices and young children.

One climber even scaled it while juggling.

"You don't tell a climber that something can't be climbed or that it's impossible," said Rick Weber, the 75-year-old mountain climber who built the replica. "That's just a challenge."

Weber, a retired engineer from Indianapolis, decided to build the wall after hearing Trump claim in September that a new section of the wall along the boundary with Mexico is "virtually impenetrable" and "can't be climbed" because, the president said, 20 mountain climbers struggled to climb a prototype.

So a skeptical Weber built his 18-foot wooden replica of the steel border wall at Muir Valley, a nonprofit nature preserve and rock-climbing park he founded along with his wife. The height matches portions of the border wall built by private contractors.

And since the wall has gone up, lots of people have successfully scaled it.

You mean like this:

Hey, I've even seen a video of a climber going over the wall WHILE JUGGLING!

He didn't go over "the wall." He went over a wall. I haven't seen any such video.
You know, you guys are all talking about sawing through the wall, but in reality, all you really have to do is know how to rock climb, and you can scale it like these KY mountain climbers have done with a replica of Trump's wall.

And yes, while the people scaling the wall have safety ropes attached to them, that is in case they slip and fall. If you look at the lines the people are connected to you will see that they are slack and not helping the climbers in any way.

Trump says his border wall is 'impenetrable.' It took climbers in Kentucky mere seconds

ROGERS, Ky. — In Eastern Kentucky's Red River Gorge area, an 18-foot replica of President Donald Trump's border wall is being scaled not only by experienced mountain climbers, but by novices and young children.

One climber even scaled it while juggling.

"You don't tell a climber that something can't be climbed or that it's impossible," said Rick Weber, the 75-year-old mountain climber who built the replica. "That's just a challenge."

Weber, a retired engineer from Indianapolis, decided to build the wall after hearing Trump claim in September that a new section of the wall along the boundary with Mexico is "virtually impenetrable" and "can't be climbed" because, the president said, 20 mountain climbers struggled to climb a prototype.

So a skeptical Weber built his 18-foot wooden replica of the steel border wall at Muir Valley, a nonprofit nature preserve and rock-climbing park he founded along with his wife. The height matches portions of the border wall built by private contractors.

And since the wall has gone up, lots of people have successfully scaled it.

There is no wall on earth that can't be crossed by someone. However, the vast majority of illegal aliens are young mothers with children, teenagers, or older men who lack the physical ability to perform such feats. Could you do it? I doubt it. I certainly couldn't. Most men in their 20s couldn't do it. So it's clear the wall will prevent about 99% of people from crossing.

Could I do it? Yep. Grew up in the mountains of Montana and Colorado, and rock climbing was one of my main hobbies growing up.

And, scaling something like that, compared to scaling a 75 ft. cliff isn't all that hard.
This was done by US Dept of Homeland security. Here is the actual story:
Steel prototype for border wall cut through with saw, photo shows

However, testing by DHS in late 2017 showed all eight prototypes, including the steel slats, were vulnerable to breaching, according to an internal February 2018 U.S. Customs and Border Protection report.

I have this:

I used it to easily cut through an old driveway basketball hoop pipe that was filled w concrete, similar to the pick above, but actually wider in diameter. Maybe you don't know how to use the saw properly??

Either way this is a legit story, done by the US DHS... sorry bud wrong again... nice try though.

Here's another one for ya:

Basketball hoops are, what, 1/2 inch in diameter? You compare that with cutting though a concrete filled bollard that is at least 8 inches wide?

A basketball hoop pipe that goes in the ground and hold the hoop up, it is about 4-5 inches in diameter, 10 ft tall, filled w concrete. The saw easily cuts it, look at the saw.

ALSO read the official story, the walls were all cut easily by DHS... There is no hoax

The article doesn't say that, moron.

Department of Homeland Security testing of a steel slatprototype proved it could be cut through with a saw, according to a report by DHS.

However, testing by DHS in late 2017 showed all eight prototypes, including the steel slats, were vulnerable to breaching, according to an internal February 2018 U.S. Customs and Border Protection report.

I could easily cut through that steel slat barrier wall in about 5-10 minutes with my saw off Amazon.. as I cut through a 5" steel pipe filled with concrete....

Where does it say it took 20 minutes?

I made that assumption based on how easy it was for me to cut through a steel concrete pipe with my saw.

I would say you have very little experience using tools or doing home remodeling/repair etc. Cutting through steel and concrete is real easy. It is not tough at all, cutting through marble, granite, slate etc, is more difficult, but still doable.
Cutting through a steel slat wall, like the one Trump has proposed, is very easy. Anybody that has any real experience knows this. The saw I posted can easily do it, I did it, and the people reviewing the saw all verify that it can easily cut concrete and/or steel.
You know, you guys are all talking about sawing through the wall, but in reality, all you really have to do is know how to rock climb, and you can scale it like these KY mountain climbers have done with a replica of Trump's wall.

And yes, while the people scaling the wall have safety ropes attached to them, that is in case they slip and fall. If you look at the lines the people are connected to you will see that they are slack and not helping the climbers in any way.

Trump says his border wall is 'impenetrable.' It took climbers in Kentucky mere seconds

ROGERS, Ky. — In Eastern Kentucky's Red River Gorge area, an 18-foot replica of President Donald Trump's border wall is being scaled not only by experienced mountain climbers, but by novices and young children.

One climber even scaled it while juggling.

"You don't tell a climber that something can't be climbed or that it's impossible," said Rick Weber, the 75-year-old mountain climber who built the replica. "That's just a challenge."

Weber, a retired engineer from Indianapolis, decided to build the wall after hearing Trump claim in September that a new section of the wall along the boundary with Mexico is "virtually impenetrable" and "can't be climbed" because, the president said, 20 mountain climbers struggled to climb a prototype.

So a skeptical Weber built his 18-foot wooden replica of the steel border wall at Muir Valley, a nonprofit nature preserve and rock-climbing park he founded along with his wife. The height matches portions of the border wall built by private contractors.

And since the wall has gone up, lots of people have successfully scaled it.

You mean like this:

I've already told you that isn't Trump's wall. That wall existed before Trump was elected.

It is a very similar steel slat wall... If those guys can climb it that easily then they will climb Trumps as Trump's is very similar
You know, you guys are all talking about sawing through the wall, but in reality, all you really have to do is know how to rock climb, and you can scale it like these KY mountain climbers have done with a replica of Trump's wall.

And yes, while the people scaling the wall have safety ropes attached to them, that is in case they slip and fall. If you look at the lines the people are connected to you will see that they are slack and not helping the climbers in any way.

Trump says his border wall is 'impenetrable.' It took climbers in Kentucky mere seconds

ROGERS, Ky. — In Eastern Kentucky's Red River Gorge area, an 18-foot replica of President Donald Trump's border wall is being scaled not only by experienced mountain climbers, but by novices and young children.

One climber even scaled it while juggling.

"You don't tell a climber that something can't be climbed or that it's impossible," said Rick Weber, the 75-year-old mountain climber who built the replica. "That's just a challenge."

Weber, a retired engineer from Indianapolis, decided to build the wall after hearing Trump claim in September that a new section of the wall along the boundary with Mexico is "virtually impenetrable" and "can't be climbed" because, the president said, 20 mountain climbers struggled to climb a prototype.

So a skeptical Weber built his 18-foot wooden replica of the steel border wall at Muir Valley, a nonprofit nature preserve and rock-climbing park he founded along with his wife. The height matches portions of the border wall built by private contractors.

And since the wall has gone up, lots of people have successfully scaled it.

You mean like this:

Hey, I've even seen a video of a climber going over the wall WHILE JUGGLING!

He didn't go over "the wall." He went over a wall. I haven't seen any such video.

He went over an accurate replica of Trump's wall. And, here is the link with the video of the dude climbing the wall while juggling. No, he's not getting any help from the safety line he's attached to, because the line is slack.

Kentucky climber scales replica of Trump border wall while juggling
But they are unwilling or unable to take the many agricultural or processing jobs that remain unfilled.
You have to be willing to live on the farm or be very physically fit.
We need immigrants not only for labor, but as consumers.
They can come in legally fool

That is true, but there is a lot of paperwork, minimum wage, delays and waits, etc.

Poor thing, get in fricken line.
Lines are too emotionally taxing so another method is needed to prevent feelings of frustration.
Try cutting in front of me
If 6’2” 240lbs and in excellent physical condition is your thing then fine, this would be my 2nd meet up and you should have seen the last cellar dweller. Do you live around DC/Balt?
More precisely, they TUNNEL into the US, some tunnels have rails....

drugs mexico tunnel - Google Search

Fine...the subject of this OP is cutting through it with a cordless disc cutter....impossible.

No, it is not at all impossible, but very easy.
Anyone claiming a diamond blade dulls quickly on concrete is just lying.
I have had the same masonry blade for over a decade, and it has easily cut through 4" thick concrete, totally over hundreds of linear feet by now. All you have to do is keep it cool by spraying it with a little water.

But that is NOT how you cut through these steel columns that are only filled with concrete.
With those columns, all you have to do is cut the surface steel with a sawsall blade. Then you whack the section with a sledge hammer, the remaining steel bend and peels, while the concrete shatters and turns to gravel.

A disc cutter will also cut through the steel, as long as you have the right blade.
This would do nicely for the steel.

I would need at least 1 extra battery though.
Some idiot was talking about how ineffectual an abrasive blade is.

No shit sherlock. Look above. That's NOT abrasive and it will cut through almost anything

Jesus you people are morons
More precisely, they TUNNEL into the US, some tunnels have rails....

drugs mexico tunnel - Google Search

Fine...the subject of this OP is cutting through it with a cordless disc cutter....impossible.

No, it is not at all impossible, but very easy.
Anyone claiming a diamond blade dulls quickly on concrete is just lying.
I have had the same masonry blade for over a decade, and it has easily cut through 4" thick concrete, totally over hundreds of linear feet by now. All you have to do is keep it cool by spraying it with a little water.

But that is NOT how you cut through these steel columns that are only filled with concrete.
With those columns, all you have to do is cut the surface steel with a sawsall blade. Then you whack the section with a sledge hammer, the remaining steel bend and peels, while the concrete shatters and turns to gravel.

A disc cutter will also cut through the steel, as long as you have the right blade.
This would do nicely for the steel.

I would need at least 1 extra battery though.
Some idiot was talking about how ineffectual an abrasive blade is.

No shit sherlock. Look above. That's NOT abrasive and it will cut through almost anything

Jesus you people are morons
This whole thing is moronic. Nobody believes this shit.
You know, you guys are all talking about sawing through the wall, but in reality, all you really have to do is know how to rock climb, and you can scale it like these KY mountain climbers have done with a replica of Trump's wall.

And yes, while the people scaling the wall have safety ropes attached to them, that is in case they slip and fall. If you look at the lines the people are connected to you will see that they are slack and not helping the climbers in any way.

Trump says his border wall is 'impenetrable.' It took climbers in Kentucky mere seconds

ROGERS, Ky. — In Eastern Kentucky's Red River Gorge area, an 18-foot replica of President Donald Trump's border wall is being scaled not only by experienced mountain climbers, but by novices and young children.

One climber even scaled it while juggling.

"You don't tell a climber that something can't be climbed or that it's impossible," said Rick Weber, the 75-year-old mountain climber who built the replica. "That's just a challenge."

Weber, a retired engineer from Indianapolis, decided to build the wall after hearing Trump claim in September that a new section of the wall along the boundary with Mexico is "virtually impenetrable" and "can't be climbed" because, the president said, 20 mountain climbers struggled to climb a prototype.

So a skeptical Weber built his 18-foot wooden replica of the steel border wall at Muir Valley, a nonprofit nature preserve and rock-climbing park he founded along with his wife. The height matches portions of the border wall built by private contractors.

And since the wall has gone up, lots of people have successfully scaled it.

There is no wall on earth that can't be crossed by someone. However, the vast majority of illegal aliens are young mothers with children, teenagers, or older men who lack the physical ability to perform such feats. Could you do it? I doubt it. I certainly couldn't. Most men in their 20s couldn't do it. So it's clear the wall will prevent about 99% of people from crossing.

Could I do it? Yep. Grew up in the mountains of Montana and Colorado, and rock climbing was one of my main hobbies growing up.

And, scaling something like that, compared to scaling a 75 ft. cliff isn't all that hard.

I could have done it when I was in my 20s. Not now. I seriously doubt you can do it either. Even if you could, the fact is that probably only about 1% of the population that wants to cross could do it.
Believes what?

That a steel slat wall is easily breachable?

It's fact
You know, you guys are all talking about sawing through the wall, but in reality, all you really have to do is know how to rock climb, and you can scale it like these KY mountain climbers have done with a replica of Trump's wall.

And yes, while the people scaling the wall have safety ropes attached to them, that is in case they slip and fall. If you look at the lines the people are connected to you will see that they are slack and not helping the climbers in any way.

Trump says his border wall is 'impenetrable.' It took climbers in Kentucky mere seconds

ROGERS, Ky. — In Eastern Kentucky's Red River Gorge area, an 18-foot replica of President Donald Trump's border wall is being scaled not only by experienced mountain climbers, but by novices and young children.

One climber even scaled it while juggling.

"You don't tell a climber that something can't be climbed or that it's impossible," said Rick Weber, the 75-year-old mountain climber who built the replica. "That's just a challenge."

Weber, a retired engineer from Indianapolis, decided to build the wall after hearing Trump claim in September that a new section of the wall along the boundary with Mexico is "virtually impenetrable" and "can't be climbed" because, the president said, 20 mountain climbers struggled to climb a prototype.

So a skeptical Weber built his 18-foot wooden replica of the steel border wall at Muir Valley, a nonprofit nature preserve and rock-climbing park he founded along with his wife. The height matches portions of the border wall built by private contractors.

And since the wall has gone up, lots of people have successfully scaled it.

There is no wall on earth that can't be crossed by someone. However, the vast majority of illegal aliens are young mothers with children, teenagers, or older men who lack the physical ability to perform such feats. Could you do it? I doubt it. I certainly couldn't. Most men in their 20s couldn't do it. So it's clear the wall will prevent about 99% of people from crossing.

Could I do it? Yep. Grew up in the mountains of Montana and Colorado, and rock climbing was one of my main hobbies growing up.

And, scaling something like that, compared to scaling a 75 ft. cliff isn't all that hard.

I could have done it when I was in my 20s. Not now. I seriously doubt you can do it either. Even if you could, the fact is that probably only about 1% of the population that wants to cross could do it.

But....but...but they cut it like butter and I know a whole bunch of other people who can too.
Concrete saws are water lubricated. As for how long it would take a 10 million dollar a day cartel minutes not hours, remember this is in the middle of no where.

I've lived, hunted, and wandered in the Sonoran Desert for the last 43 years ya turnip and I've cut every kind of steel and concrete there is...please, just go away.

If you have cut steel and concrete, then you should know how easy it is.
You know, you guys are all talking about sawing through the wall, but in reality, all you really have to do is know how to rock climb, and you can scale it like these KY mountain climbers have done with a replica of Trump's wall.

And yes, while the people scaling the wall have safety ropes attached to them, that is in case they slip and fall. If you look at the lines the people are connected to you will see that they are slack and not helping the climbers in any way.

Trump says his border wall is 'impenetrable.' It took climbers in Kentucky mere seconds

ROGERS, Ky. — In Eastern Kentucky's Red River Gorge area, an 18-foot replica of President Donald Trump's border wall is being scaled not only by experienced mountain climbers, but by novices and young children.

One climber even scaled it while juggling.

"You don't tell a climber that something can't be climbed or that it's impossible," said Rick Weber, the 75-year-old mountain climber who built the replica. "That's just a challenge."

Weber, a retired engineer from Indianapolis, decided to build the wall after hearing Trump claim in September that a new section of the wall along the boundary with Mexico is "virtually impenetrable" and "can't be climbed" because, the president said, 20 mountain climbers struggled to climb a prototype.

So a skeptical Weber built his 18-foot wooden replica of the steel border wall at Muir Valley, a nonprofit nature preserve and rock-climbing park he founded along with his wife. The height matches portions of the border wall built by private contractors.

And since the wall has gone up, lots of people have successfully scaled it.

There is no wall on earth that can't be crossed by someone. However, the vast majority of illegal aliens are young mothers with children, teenagers, or older men who lack the physical ability to perform such feats. Could you do it? I doubt it. I certainly couldn't. Most men in their 20s couldn't do it. So it's clear the wall will prevent about 99% of people from crossing.

Could I do it? Yep. Grew up in the mountains of Montana and Colorado, and rock climbing was one of my main hobbies growing up.

And, scaling something like that, compared to scaling a 75 ft. cliff isn't all that hard.

I could have done it when I was in my 20s. Not now. I seriously doubt you can do it either. Even if you could, the fact is that probably only about 1% of the population that wants to cross could do it.

I'm 55, still ride a bicycle for exercise and my cruising speed is 17 to 20 mph. Yes, I would be able to scale the wall. Sucks for you to be in such poor shape.

And, on one video they showed on Inside Edition last night, there was a 10 year old girl who made it up and over in around 20 seconds. The main thing in rock climbing is having good grip strength. Endurance is required if you are doing large climbs, but for something like this, it's not much of a factor as you're only climbing for around 30 seconds.

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