Illegals released into the US are testing positive for Covid at 18-25% rate, and Biden doesn't care

"My border alone"? Maybe you ought to learn how to write clearly. And, in your comment about China it was easy to infer your words strongly suggested bioterrorism.

Anything to avoid talking about the fact that Biden is releasing Covid-infected illegals into the country, right, shill?
It is still there just like the last president...He never did shut down the border during the pandemic either.
Wrong, Trump did shut down the border, the 2019 blip was when the cartels sent the "caravans" up.
Even with that blip, Trump sent the illegals back to Mexico to wait for their hearing, Xiden lets them into the US, aka "catch and release" EVEN IF THEY HAVE COVID. Xiden is a traitor who needs to be impeached.


"Illegals released into the US are testing positive for Covid at 18-25% rate, and Biden doesn't care"​

Utter bullshit, Biden has empathy and a moral compass; Trump cared only for himself.​

Only a lying person such as marvin martian and other Trumpanzees would try to promulgate another of your Right Wing efforts to try an create another BIG LIE. Of course they echo ad nausea this and other BIG LIES and Conspiracy Stories.​

This is what the left wants.

WASHINGTON — More than 18 percent of migrant families and 20 percent of unaccompanied minors who recently crossed the U.S. border tested positive for Covid on leaving Border Patrol custody over the past two to three weeks, according to a document prepared this week for a Thursday briefing with President Joe Biden.

Some flights scheduled to deport migrants had more than 25 percent of passengers test positive before departure, leading Immigration and Customs Enforcement to remove those migrants from the flights for quarantine in the U.S., according to the document.

The Department of Homeland Security document does not give precise dates or say how many migrants were tested.

Migrants are not tested for Covid in Border Patrol custody unless they show symptoms, but all are tested when they leave Border Patrol custody, according to DHS officials. Immigrants who are allowed to stay in the U.S. to claim asylum are given tests when they are transferred to ICE, Health and Human Services or non-governmental organizations. Deportees who are scheduled to be put on planes out of the U.S. are tested for Covid and other infectious diseases by ICE.

As of Wednesday, more than 15,000 migrants were in Border Patrol custody, according to Customs and Border Protection data obtained by NBC News.
You claim one thing and then link to an article that talks about illegals who are being deported and those seeking asylum being tested and quarantined.

What Biden is doing on our southern border is the single most stupid thing any President has ever done. Where the hell are Republicans except for bitching. You Rs gotta stop this bullshit right now. This is insane
This is what the left wants.

WASHINGTON — More than 18 percent of migrant families and 20 percent of unaccompanied minors who recently crossed the U.S. border tested positive for Covid on leaving Border Patrol custody over the past two to three weeks, according to a document prepared this week for a Thursday briefing with President Joe Biden.

Some flights scheduled to deport migrants had more than 25 percent of passengers test positive before departure, leading Immigration and Customs Enforcement to remove those migrants from the flights for quarantine in the U.S., according to the document.

The Department of Homeland Security document does not give precise dates or say how many migrants were tested.

Migrants are not tested for Covid in Border Patrol custody unless they show symptoms, but all are tested when they leave Border Patrol custody, according to DHS officials. Immigrants who are allowed to stay in the U.S. to claim asylum are given tests when they are transferred to ICE, Health and Human Services or non-governmental organizations. Deportees who are scheduled to be put on planes out of the U.S. are tested for Covid and other infectious diseases by ICE.

As of Wednesday, more than 15,000 migrants were in Border Patrol custody, according to Customs and Border Protection data obtained by NBC News.
Relax, brown people don't spread disease. Stop with the fear mongering
Of course xiden and the cultist don’t care…they created this super spreader event. The Xiden pandemic won’t end until we get the dems out of power
This is what the left wants.

WASHINGTON — More than 18 percent of migrant families and 20 percent of unaccompanied minors who recently crossed the U.S. border tested positive for Covid on leaving Border Patrol custody over the past two to three weeks, according to a document prepared this week for a Thursday briefing with President Joe Biden.

Some flights scheduled to deport migrants had more than 25 percent of passengers test positive before departure, leading Immigration and Customs Enforcement to remove those migrants from the flights for quarantine in the U.S., according to the document.

The Department of Homeland Security document does not give precise dates or say how many migrants were tested.

Migrants are not tested for Covid in Border Patrol custody unless they show symptoms, but all are tested when they leave Border Patrol custody, according to DHS officials. Immigrants who are allowed to stay in the U.S. to claim asylum are given tests when they are transferred to ICE, Health and Human Services or non-governmental organizations. Deportees who are scheduled to be put on planes out of the U.S. are tested for Covid and other infectious diseases by ICE.

As of Wednesday, more than 15,000 migrants were in Border Patrol custody, according to Customs and Border Protection data obtained by NBC News.
Exactly what they want.
What Biden is doing on our southern border is the single most stupid thing any President has ever done. Where the hell are Republicans except for bitching. You Rs gotta stop this bullshit right now. This is insane
How? Stolen elections have consequences
So COVID is a hoax, unless an illegal alien has it, in which case it's the worst thing ever. Fortunately, you can just take some horse paste and be OK.
So COVID is a hoax, unless an illegal alien has it, in which case it's the worst thing ever. Fortunately, you can just take some horse paste and be OK.

You sound like you watch A LOT of CNN. You should stop, it's making you sound like a complete fucking moron.

"Illegals released into the US are testing positive for Covid at 18-25% rate, and Biden doesn't care"​

Utter bullshit, Biden has empathy and a moral compass; Trump cared only for himself.​

Only a lying person such as marvin martian and other Trumpanzees would try to promulgate another of your Right Wing efforts to try an create another BIG LIE. Of course they echo ad nausea this and other BIG LIES and Conspiracy Stories.​

Rye Catcher feel free to disprove the numbers.
So COVID is a hoax, unless an illegal alien has it, in which case it's the worst thing ever. Fortunately, you can just take some horse paste and be OK.
Nope. Nobody made that claim.

But your side is constantly pissing your pants over the fact not all Republicans get vaccinated for one reason or another.............all while completely ignoring the hundreds of thousand of Biden's imported China Flu infested illegals he is spreading around the country.
Of course not. That's why they are called migrants and not illegals like they should be since they aren't here legally.

It's the same reason blacks are allowed to run around and commit crimes. We can't call them criminals, we have to call them victims of systemic racism.

He doesn't care about anything that makes him look bad. So it gets its name changed or is ignored.
So COVID is a hoax, unless an illegal alien has it, in which case it's the worst thing ever. Fortunately, you can just take some horse paste and be OK.
nah, the hoax is joey xiden and the dems have handled it…the proof is their obvious lack of care when it comes to illegals

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