Illegal's Voting: Stats and Facts

You are, of course, totally correct.

"It's Official: Clinton's Popular Vote Win Came Entirely From California
If you take California out of the popular vote equation, then Trump wins the rest of the country by 1.4 million votes.
.... if you look at every other measure, Trump was the clear and decisive winner in this election."
It's Official: Clinton's Popular Vote Win Came Entirely From California
It's Official: Clinton's Popular Vote Win Came Entirely From California

Think California is loaded with illegal alien voters??????

You betcha'!!!!

California has the largest number of illegal immigrants in the United States, with an estimated 2.4 million unauthorized immigrants making up about 6.3 percent of the state's total population, according to the Pew Research Center.Sep 14, 2015
Illegal Immigration Statistics in California -

Well, I'll tell you this. My little brother lives in Modesto Ca. he told me right before the election they were registering them to vote In the Modesto Flea market. My little brother is half mexican, so don't think he's got some bias, just telling it how it is. I've been to that flea market, no body kid yourselves, 75- 80 percent of people there are from somewhere south of the border and the majority of those are not here legaly.
It was definately in their own best interest to vote for Hillary. Im 100 percent sure they did.
According to PoliticalHack, roughly 1/3rd of everyone in the U.S., 100 million people, are here illegally.

Of course, I never said any such thing. admit you've been lying throughout this thread?

Of course you said that. Here's your post...
Taking the DHS average of 1.2 million apprehensions per year and multiplying it by 3 comes to 3.6 million illegal entries per year; then multiplying that number by 10 for the 1996–2005 period, my calculations come to 36 million illegal entries into the United States. Add to this the approximately 2 million visa overstays during the same period, and the total is 38 million illegal aliens currently in the United States."
You said 40 million illegals came into this country just between the years 1996-2005 alone. Now using that same math, add all the illegals that would have entered the U.S. during the years prior to 1996 and during the years following 2005. Using that math for the years 1985-1995 adds another 40 million illegals. Using that math adds another 20 million between 2006 and now.

So yes, as everyone can see, according to abject imbeciles like you, there's about 100 million illegals in this country. Roughly 1/3rd of everyone in the U.S. is here illegally according to PoliticalHack.


1.So I never said what you claimed I did?

2. "..., and the total is 38 million illegal aliens currently in the United States."

3. Population of the country is about 320 million.....have someone do the math for you.
Your claim was 38 million came in between 1996-2005. I know you're an idiot, but certainly even someone as dumb as you can understand there were illegals in the U.S. prior to 1996 and someone as moronic as you knows illegals kept entering the U.S. following 2005.

That brings the number of illegals in the U.S., according to you, at around 100 million.

I've already supplied the answer, hag. Click on any one of the many links I gave you to see the answer.

Ironically, as everyone here sees for themselves, you flat out refuse to answer my question...

28th time... in the full uncut video, Obama said, [illegals] "can't legally vote." How is that encouraging them to vote?

Of course he told them to vote.
He said "When you vote, you're a citizen yourself."
Which he said to a U.S. citizen who is a citizen herself.

But.....that wasn't the question....

This was:
Did any illegal aliens vote?

How many?

Sooo.....why not answer it?
Because I've already answered, hag. What good would answering it for a 7th time do when you couldn't understand the answer the first 6 times? :lol:

But you're certainly free to click on any one of the many links I gave you to see the answer. Maybe if you read it enough times you'll finally grasp the answer? :dunno:

Ironically, as everyone here sees for themselves, you flat out refuse to answer my question...

29th time... in the full uncut video, Obama said, [illegals] "can't legally vote." How is that encouraging them to vote?

But.....that wasn't the question....

This was:
Did any illegal aliens vote?

How many?

Sooo.....why not answer it?
Because I've already answered, hag. What good would answering it for a 7th time do when you couldn't understand the answer the first 6 times? :lol:

But you're certainly free to click on any one of the many links I gave you to see the answer. Maybe if you read it enough times you'll finally grasp the answer? :dunno:

Ironically, as everyone here sees for themselves, you flat out refuse to answer my question...

30th time... in the full uncut video, Obama said, [illegals] "can't legally vote." How is that encouraging them to vote?

Yarddog destroyed you in post #192....

"Well, I'll tell you this. My little brother lives in Modesto Ca. he told me right before the election they were registering them to vote In the Modesto Flea market. My little brother is half mexican, so don't think he's got some bias, just telling it how it is. I've been to that flea market, no body kid yourselves, 75- 80 percent of people there are from somewhere south of the border and the majority of those are not here legaly.
It was definately in their own best interest to vote for Hillary. Im 100 percent sure they did."

No doubt about it.....Trump won both the electoral college and the popular vote.


You're such an idiot, you're actually amusing. How does anecdotal evidence destroy anything? Let's see your evidence that yarddog's "little brother" speaks the truth? Versus yarddog, or his little brother, spouting meaningless rightwing "alternative facts." (i.e., lies)
Well, I'll tell you this. My little brother lives in Modesto Ca. he told me right before the election they were registering them to vote In the Modesto Flea market. My little brother is half mexican, so don't think he's got some bias, just telling it how it is. I've been to that flea market, no body kid yourselves, 75- 80 percent of people there are from somewhere south of the border and the majority of those are not here legaly.
It was definately in their own best interest to vote for Hillary. Im 100 percent sure they did.
According to PoliticalHack, roughly 1/3rd of everyone in the U.S., 100 million people, are here illegally.

Of course, I never said any such thing. admit you've been lying throughout this thread?

Of course you said that. Here's your post...
Taking the DHS average of 1.2 million apprehensions per year and multiplying it by 3 comes to 3.6 million illegal entries per year; then multiplying that number by 10 for the 1996–2005 period, my calculations come to 36 million illegal entries into the United States. Add to this the approximately 2 million visa overstays during the same period, and the total is 38 million illegal aliens currently in the United States."
You said 40 million illegals came into this country just between the years 1996-2005 alone. Now using that same math, add all the illegals that would have entered the U.S. during the years prior to 1996 and during the years following 2005. Using that math for the years 1985-1995 adds another 40 million illegals. Using that math adds another 20 million between 2006 and now.

So yes, as everyone can see, according to abject imbeciles like you, there's about 100 million illegals in this country. Roughly 1/3rd of everyone in the U.S. is here illegally according to PoliticalHack.


1.So I never said what you claimed I did?

2. "..., and the total is 38 million illegal aliens currently in the United States."

3. Population of the country is about 320 million.....have someone do the math for you.
Your claim was 38 million came in between 1996-2005. I know you're an idiot, but certainly even someone as dumb as you can understand there were illegals in the U.S. prior to 1996 and someone as moronic as you knows illegals kept entering the U.S. following 2005.

That brings the number of illegals in the U.S., according to you, at around 100 million.


So there is no such quote of mine saying this?

"According to @PoliticalHack, roughly 1/3rd of everyone in the U.S., 100 million people, are here illegally."

Of course he told them to vote.
He said "When you vote, you're a citizen yourself."
Which he said to a U.S. citizen who is a citizen herself.

But.....that wasn't the question....

This was:
Did any illegal aliens vote?

How many?

Sooo.....why not answer it?
Because I've already answered, hag. What good would answering it for a 7th time do when you couldn't understand the answer the first 6 times? :lol:

But you're certainly free to click on any one of the many links I gave you to see the answer. Maybe if you read it enough times you'll finally grasp the answer? :dunno:

Ironically, as everyone here sees for themselves, you flat out refuse to answer my question...

29th time... in the full uncut video, Obama said, [illegals] "can't legally vote." How is that encouraging them to vote?

But.....that wasn't the question....

This was:
Did any illegal aliens vote?

How many?

Sooo.....why not answer it?
Because I've already answered, hag. What good would answering it for a 7th time do when you couldn't understand the answer the first 6 times? :lol:

But you're certainly free to click on any one of the many links I gave you to see the answer. Maybe if you read it enough times you'll finally grasp the answer? :dunno:

Ironically, as everyone here sees for themselves, you flat out refuse to answer my question...

30th time... in the full uncut video, Obama said, [illegals] "can't legally vote." How is that encouraging them to vote?

Yarddog destroyed you in post #192....

"Well, I'll tell you this. My little brother lives in Modesto Ca. he told me right before the election they were registering them to vote In the Modesto Flea market. My little brother is half mexican, so don't think he's got some bias, just telling it how it is. I've been to that flea market, no body kid yourselves, 75- 80 percent of people there are from somewhere south of the border and the majority of those are not here legaly.
It was definately in their own best interest to vote for Hillary. Im 100 percent sure they did."

No doubt about it.....Trump won both the electoral college and the popular vote.


You're such an idiot, you're actually amusing. How does anecdotal evidence destroy anything? Let's see your evidence that yarddog's "little brother" speaks the truth? Versus yarddog, or his little brother, spouting meaningless rightwing "alternative facts."

Glad you asked!

The simplest, most succinct explanation for the truth of my argument comes from journalist and writer on all things economic, Walter Bagehot......

"Life is a school of probability. "

1. The claim that Bill's corrupt wife won the popular vote by 2.8 million votes.
The number pales when compared to the number of illegal aliens ensconced in this country.

2. The hallmark of President Trump's campaign was the threat to remove the illegals from America.

3. The former President, the snake, gave those illegals a wink and a nod....telling them to vote.

4. A university study found that nearly a million and a half illegals voted in 2008- when their very existence in this nation was not an issue.

5. Almost all of their votes came in those states that issue driver's licenses to IDs.

6. Not one of Hillary's supporters will answer these questions:
'Did any illegals vote?'
'How many?'

Walter Bagehot:
"Life is a school of probability. "

Trump won the popular vote.
According to PoliticalHack, roughly 1/3rd of everyone in the U.S., 100 million people, are here illegally.

Of course, I never said any such thing. admit you've been lying throughout this thread?

Of course you said that. Here's your post...
Taking the DHS average of 1.2 million apprehensions per year and multiplying it by 3 comes to 3.6 million illegal entries per year; then multiplying that number by 10 for the 1996–2005 period, my calculations come to 36 million illegal entries into the United States. Add to this the approximately 2 million visa overstays during the same period, and the total is 38 million illegal aliens currently in the United States."
You said 40 million illegals came into this country just between the years 1996-2005 alone. Now using that same math, add all the illegals that would have entered the U.S. during the years prior to 1996 and during the years following 2005. Using that math for the years 1985-1995 adds another 40 million illegals. Using that math adds another 20 million between 2006 and now.

So yes, as everyone can see, according to abject imbeciles like you, there's about 100 million illegals in this country. Roughly 1/3rd of everyone in the U.S. is here illegally according to PoliticalHack.


1.So I never said what you claimed I did?

2. "..., and the total is 38 million illegal aliens currently in the United States."

3. Population of the country is about 320 million.....have someone do the math for you.
Your claim was 38 million came in between 1996-2005. I know you're an idiot, but certainly even someone as dumb as you can understand there were illegals in the U.S. prior to 1996 and someone as moronic as you knows illegals kept entering the U.S. following 2005.

That brings the number of illegals in the U.S., according to you, at around 100 million.


So there is no such quote of mine saying this?

"According to @PoliticalHack, roughly 1/3rd of everyone in the U.S., 100 million people, are here illegally."


You said there are 40 million illegals just from the years 1996-2005. Are we supposed to ignore all the years before that and after that?

Of course not. According to you, there are 100 million illegals in the U.S.

Which he said to a U.S. citizen who is a citizen herself.

Because I've already answered, hag. What good would answering it for a 7th time do when you couldn't understand the answer the first 6 times? :lol:

But you're certainly free to click on any one of the many links I gave you to see the answer. Maybe if you read it enough times you'll finally grasp the answer? :dunno:

Ironically, as everyone here sees for themselves, you flat out refuse to answer my question...

29th time... in the full uncut video, Obama said, [illegals] "can't legally vote." How is that encouraging them to vote?

But.....that wasn't the question....

This was:
Did any illegal aliens vote?

How many?

Sooo.....why not answer it?
Because I've already answered, hag. What good would answering it for a 7th time do when you couldn't understand the answer the first 6 times? :lol:

But you're certainly free to click on any one of the many links I gave you to see the answer. Maybe if you read it enough times you'll finally grasp the answer? :dunno:

Ironically, as everyone here sees for themselves, you flat out refuse to answer my question...

30th time... in the full uncut video, Obama said, [illegals] "can't legally vote." How is that encouraging them to vote?

Yarddog destroyed you in post #192....

"Well, I'll tell you this. My little brother lives in Modesto Ca. he told me right before the election they were registering them to vote In the Modesto Flea market. My little brother is half mexican, so don't think he's got some bias, just telling it how it is. I've been to that flea market, no body kid yourselves, 75- 80 percent of people there are from somewhere south of the border and the majority of those are not here legaly.
It was definately in their own best interest to vote for Hillary. Im 100 percent sure they did."

No doubt about it.....Trump won both the electoral college and the popular vote.


You're such an idiot, you're actually amusing. How does anecdotal evidence destroy anything? Let's see your evidence that yarddog's "little brother" speaks the truth? Versus yarddog, or his little brother, spouting meaningless rightwing "alternative facts."

Glad you asked!

The simplest, most succinct explanation for the truth of my argument comes from journalist and writer on all things economic, Walter Bagehot......

"Life is a school of probability. "

1. The claim that Bill's corrupt wife won the popular vote by 2.8 million votes.
The number pales when compared to the number of illegal aliens ensconced in this country.

2. The hallmark of President Trump's campaign was the threat to remove the illegals from America.

3. The former President, the snake, gave those illegals a wink and a nod....telling them to vote.

4. A university study found that nearly a million and a half illegals voted in 2008- when their very existence in this nation was not an issue.

5. Almost all of their votes came in those states that issue driver's licenses to IDs.

6. Not one of Hillary's supporters will answer these questions:
'Did any illegals vote?'
'How many?'

Walter Bagehot:
"Life is a school of probability. "

Trump won the popular vote.
Let me know when you find even one illegal alien who voted in 2016. :mm:
But.....that wasn't the question....

This was:
Did any illegal aliens vote?

How many?

Sooo.....why not answer it?
Because I've already answered, hag. What good would answering it for a 7th time do when you couldn't understand the answer the first 6 times? :lol:

But you're certainly free to click on any one of the many links I gave you to see the answer. Maybe if you read it enough times you'll finally grasp the answer? :dunno:

Ironically, as everyone here sees for themselves, you flat out refuse to answer my question...

30th time... in the full uncut video, Obama said, [illegals] "can't legally vote." How is that encouraging them to vote?

Yarddog destroyed you in post #192....

"Well, I'll tell you this. My little brother lives in Modesto Ca. he told me right before the election they were registering them to vote In the Modesto Flea market. My little brother is half mexican, so don't think he's got some bias, just telling it how it is. I've been to that flea market, no body kid yourselves, 75- 80 percent of people there are from somewhere south of the border and the majority of those are not here legaly.
It was definately in their own best interest to vote for Hillary. Im 100 percent sure they did."

No doubt about it.....Trump won both the electoral college and the popular vote.


You're such an idiot, you're actually amusing. How does anecdotal evidence destroy anything? Let's see your evidence that yarddog's "little brother" speaks the truth? Versus yarddog, or his little brother, spouting meaningless rightwing "alternative facts."

Glad you asked!

The simplest, most succinct explanation for the truth of my argument comes from journalist and writer on all things economic, Walter Bagehot......

"Life is a school of probability. "

1. The claim that Bill's corrupt wife won the popular vote by 2.8 million votes.
The number pales when compared to the number of illegal aliens ensconced in this country.

2. The hallmark of President Trump's campaign was the threat to remove the illegals from America.

3. The former President, the snake, gave those illegals a wink and a nod....telling them to vote.

4. A university study found that nearly a million and a half illegals voted in 2008- when their very existence in this nation was not an issue.

5. Almost all of their votes came in those states that issue driver's licenses to IDs.

6. Not one of Hillary's supporters will answer these questions:
'Did any illegals vote?'
'How many?'

Walter Bagehot:
"Life is a school of probability. "

Trump won the popular vote.
Let me know when you find even one illegal alien who voted in 2016. :mm:

Now....who are these folks that the Democrats are drooling to absorb into our nation?
Good, honest folks?
Would illegals actually break the law and vote?
Of course they would! They broke the law to get here! By definition, illegal aliens are criminals!

a. "Illegal Immigrants Accounted for Nearly 37 Percent of Federal Sentences in FY 2014"
Illegal Immigrants Accounted for Nearly 37 Percent of Federal Sentences in FY 2014 - Breitbart
Because I've already answered, hag. What good would answering it for a 7th time do when you couldn't understand the answer the first 6 times? :lol:

But you're certainly free to click on any one of the many links I gave you to see the answer. Maybe if you read it enough times you'll finally grasp the answer? :dunno:

Ironically, as everyone here sees for themselves, you flat out refuse to answer my question...

30th time... in the full uncut video, Obama said, [illegals] "can't legally vote." How is that encouraging them to vote?

Yarddog destroyed you in post #192....

"Well, I'll tell you this. My little brother lives in Modesto Ca. he told me right before the election they were registering them to vote In the Modesto Flea market. My little brother is half mexican, so don't think he's got some bias, just telling it how it is. I've been to that flea market, no body kid yourselves, 75- 80 percent of people there are from somewhere south of the border and the majority of those are not here legaly.
It was definately in their own best interest to vote for Hillary. Im 100 percent sure they did."

No doubt about it.....Trump won both the electoral college and the popular vote.


You're such an idiot, you're actually amusing. How does anecdotal evidence destroy anything? Let's see your evidence that yarddog's "little brother" speaks the truth? Versus yarddog, or his little brother, spouting meaningless rightwing "alternative facts."

Glad you asked!

The simplest, most succinct explanation for the truth of my argument comes from journalist and writer on all things economic, Walter Bagehot......

"Life is a school of probability. "

1. The claim that Bill's corrupt wife won the popular vote by 2.8 million votes.
The number pales when compared to the number of illegal aliens ensconced in this country.

2. The hallmark of President Trump's campaign was the threat to remove the illegals from America.

3. The former President, the snake, gave those illegals a wink and a nod....telling them to vote.

4. A university study found that nearly a million and a half illegals voted in 2008- when their very existence in this nation was not an issue.

5. Almost all of their votes came in those states that issue driver's licenses to IDs.

6. Not one of Hillary's supporters will answer these questions:
'Did any illegals vote?'
'How many?'

Walter Bagehot:
"Life is a school of probability. "

Trump won the popular vote.
Let me know when you find even one illegal alien who voted in 2016. :mm:

Now....who are these folks that the Democrats are drooling to absorb into our nation?
Good, honest folks?
Would illegals actually break the law and vote?
Of course they would! They broke the law to get here! By definition, illegal aliens are criminals!

a. "Illegal Immigrants Accounted for Nearly 37 Percent of Federal Sentences in FY 2014"
Illegal Immigrants Accounted for Nearly 37 Percent of Federal Sentences in FY 2014 - Breitbart
Let me know when you find even one illegal alien who voted in 2016. :mm:
You are, of course, totally correct.

"It's Official: Clinton's Popular Vote Win Came Entirely From California
If you take California out of the popular vote equation, then Trump wins the rest of the country by 1.4 million votes.
.... if you look at every other measure, Trump was the clear and decisive winner in this election."
It's Official: Clinton's Popular Vote Win Came Entirely From California
It's Official: Clinton's Popular Vote Win Came Entirely From California

Think California is loaded with illegal alien voters??????

You betcha'!!!!

California has the largest number of illegal immigrants in the United States, with an estimated 2.4 million unauthorized immigrants making up about 6.3 percent of the state's total population, according to the Pew Research Center.Sep 14, 2015
Illegal Immigration Statistics in California -

Well, I'll tell you this. My little brother lives in Modesto Ca. he told me right before the election they were registering them to vote In the Modesto Flea market. My little brother is half mexican, so don't think he's got some bias, just telling it how it is. I've been to that flea market, no body kid yourselves, 75- 80 percent of people there are from somewhere south of the border and the majority of those are not here legaly.
It was definately in their own best interest to vote for Hillary. Im 100 percent sure they did.
According to PoliticalHack, roughly 1/3rd of everyone in the U.S., 100 million people, are here illegally.

Of course, I never said any such thing. admit you've been lying throughout this thread?

Of course you said that. Here's your post...
Taking the DHS average of 1.2 million apprehensions per year and multiplying it by 3 comes to 3.6 million illegal entries per year; then multiplying that number by 10 for the 1996–2005 period, my calculations come to 36 million illegal entries into the United States. Add to this the approximately 2 million visa overstays during the same period, and the total is 38 million illegal aliens currently in the United States."
You said 40 million illegals came into this country just between the years 1996-2005 alone. Now using that same math, add all the illegals that would have entered the U.S. during the years prior to 1996 and during the years following 2005. Using that math for the years 1985-1995 adds another 40 million illegals. Using that math adds another 20 million between 2006 and now.

So yes, as everyone can see, according to abject imbeciles like you, there's about 100 million illegals in this country. Roughly 1/3rd of everyone in the U.S. is here illegally according to PoliticalHack.


1.So I never said what you claimed I did?

2. "..., and the total is 38 million illegal aliens currently in the United States."

3. Population of the country is about 320 million.....have someone do the math for you.
thirty-eight million times a market friendly visa fee, is a lot of revenue; capitalism can be wonderful, if you let it.
I've already supplied the answer, hag. Click on any one of the many links I gave you to see the answer.

Ironically, as everyone here sees for themselves, you flat out refuse to answer my question...

28th time... in the full uncut video, Obama said, [illegals] "can't legally vote." How is that encouraging them to vote?

Of course he told them to vote.
He said "When you vote, you're a citizen yourself."
Which he said to a U.S. citizen who is a citizen herself.

But.....that wasn't the question....

This was:
Did any illegal aliens vote?

How many?

Sooo.....why not answer it?
Because I've already answered, hag. What good would answering it for a 7th time do when you couldn't understand the answer the first 6 times? :lol:

But you're certainly free to click on any one of the many links I gave you to see the answer. Maybe if you read it enough times you'll finally grasp the answer? :dunno:

Ironically, as everyone here sees for themselves, you flat out refuse to answer my question...

29th time... in the full uncut video, Obama said, [illegals] "can't legally vote." How is that encouraging them to vote?

But.....that wasn't the question....

This was:
Did any illegal aliens vote?

How many?

Sooo.....why not answer it?
Because I've already answered, hag. What good would answering it for a 7th time do when you couldn't understand the answer the first 6 times? :lol:

But you're certainly free to click on any one of the many links I gave you to see the answer. Maybe if you read it enough times you'll finally grasp the answer? :dunno:

Ironically, as everyone here sees for themselves, you flat out refuse to answer my question...

30th time... in the full uncut video, Obama said, [illegals] "can't legally vote." How is that encouraging them to vote?

Yarddog destroyed you in post #192....

"Well, I'll tell you this. My little brother lives in Modesto Ca. he told me right before the election they were registering them to vote In the Modesto Flea market. My little brother is half mexican, so don't think he's got some bias, just telling it how it is. I've been to that flea market, no body kid yourselves, 75- 80 percent of people there are from somewhere south of the border and the majority of those are not here legaly.
It was definately in their own best interest to vote for Hillary. Im 100 percent sure they did."

No doubt about it.....Trump won both the electoral college and the popular vote.

next election cycle; i may offer red illegals a free full body massage with happy ending, if they vote blue.
"Even though they are officially “ineligible,” thousands of illegal immigrants are fully registered to vote in the state of Virginia, thanks to their Motor Voter program.... The Motor Voter law requires that everyone who receives drivers license applicants must be given the chance to register to vote simply by checking a box on the form..... The report also reveals some of these aliens have been casting ballots."
BREAKING: Thousand of Illegal Aliens Registered to Vote in THIS STATE!

Perhaps they took the instructions from the snake, Obama, who said to illegals..."When you vote you're a citizen yourself."
"Even though they are officially “ineligible,” thousands of illegal immigrants are fully registered to vote in the state of Virginia, thanks to their Motor Voter program.... The Motor Voter law requires that everyone who receives drivers license applicants must be given the chance to register to vote simply by checking a box on the form..... The report also reveals some of these aliens have been casting ballots."
BREAKING: Thousand of Illegal Aliens Registered to Vote in THIS STATE!

Perhaps they took the instructions from the snake, Obama, who said to illegals..."When you vote you're a citizen yourself."
Isn't that the report that showed there were only 31 illegals who voted over the course of 5 elections spanning 10 years?

"The United States sends election monitors around the world to help discourage fraudulent balloting. But, here at home, it has largely turned a blind eye to the possibility that fraudulent voting by noncitizens could influence the outcome of an election. Our voter registration system is susceptible to abuse by noncitizens..... there is evidence that both foreign nationals who are lawfully present in the United States and illegal aliens have voted in recent elections.

During this election cycle, noncitizens have been discovered on voter registration rolls in both Virginia and Pennsylvania. 2 And the Office of the U.S. Attorney for the Western District of New York recently announced that it charged a Canadian woman with making a false claim to citizenship after she registered and voted in more than 20 elections.3

.... the preferred form of documentary identification in the United States is the drivers’ license. Drivers’ licenses are issued by the states, pursuant to a widely varying body of state-specific laws and regulations. Currently, twelve states and the District of Columbia allow illegal aliens to obtain a drivers’ license.10

.... The information supplied by license applicants doubles as voter registration information and the registration process has become nearly automatic. Because so many states continue to issue driver’s licenses to noncitizens, it is relatively easy for aliens to commit voter fraud through the Motor-Voter system. East Chicago, Indiana, a city with 30,000 residents, voting fraud was so systemic in 2003 that the State Supreme Court ordered a new election with heightened verification. When unlawful voters were prohibited from casting a ballot the outcome of the election changed.18
There is enough evidence of noncitizen voting to indicate that it is an ongoing problem...."
Noncitizens, Voting Violations and U.S. Elections
"The United States sends election monitors around the world to help discourage fraudulent balloting. But, here at home, it has largely turned a blind eye to the possibility that fraudulent voting by noncitizens could influence the outcome of an election. Our voter registration system is susceptible to abuse by noncitizens..... there is evidence that both foreign nationals who are lawfully present in the United States and illegal aliens have voted in recent elections.

During this election cycle, noncitizens have been discovered on voter registration rolls in both Virginia and Pennsylvania. 2 And the Office of the U.S. Attorney for the Western District of New York recently announced that it charged a Canadian woman with making a false claim to citizenship after she registered and voted in more than 20 elections.3

.... the preferred form of documentary identification in the United States is the drivers’ license. Drivers’ licenses are issued by the states, pursuant to a widely varying body of state-specific laws and regulations. Currently, twelve states and the District of Columbia allow illegal aliens to obtain a drivers’ license.10

.... The information supplied by license applicants doubles as voter registration information and the registration process has become nearly automatic. Because so many states continue to issue driver’s licenses to noncitizens, it is relatively easy for aliens to commit voter fraud through the Motor-Voter system. East Chicago, Indiana, a city with 30,000 residents, voting fraud was so systemic in 2003 that the State Supreme Court ordered a new election with heightened verification. When unlawful voters were prohibited from casting a ballot the outcome of the election changed.18
There is enough evidence of noncitizen voting to indicate that it is an ongoing problem...."
Noncitizens, Voting Violations and U.S. Elections
Be sure to let the forum know when you find one illegal alien who voted this past November. :mm:
"Even though they are officially “ineligible,” thousands of illegal immigrants are fully registered to vote in the state of Virginia, thanks to their Motor Voter program.... The Motor Voter law requires that everyone who receives drivers license applicants must be given the chance to register to vote simply by checking a box on the form..... The report also reveals some of these aliens have been casting ballots."
BREAKING: Thousand of Illegal Aliens Registered to Vote in THIS STATE!

Perhaps they took the instructions from the snake, Obama, who said to illegals..."When you vote you're a citizen yourself."
they Only can't vote in federal elections.
"Were there 3 million illegal votes from undocumented immigrants in this year’s presidential election? Well, that’s what some websites are saying. So is there any truth to it?Well, we don’t know for absolute certain. " Did 3 million undocumented immigrants vote in 2016?

So true.....

....why, then, have the Leftists become so incensed when the argument is made?

"....doth protest too much, methinks."
"Were there 3 million illegal votes from undocumented immigrants in this year’s presidential election? Well, that’s what some websites are saying. So is there any truth to it?Well, we don’t know for absolute certain. " Did 3 million undocumented immigrants vote in 2016?

So true.....

....why, then, have the Leftists become so incensed when the argument is made?

"....doth protest too much, methinks."
Because despite claiming 3 million or more illegals voted in the election, you haven't shown even one single case where an illegal actually voted. No one's interested in your delusions.
"Were there 3 million illegal votes from undocumented immigrants in this year’s presidential election? Well, that’s what some websites are saying. So is there any truth to it?Well, we don’t know for absolute certain. " Did 3 million undocumented immigrants vote in 2016?

So true.....

....why, then, have the Leftists become so incensed when the argument is made?

"....doth protest too much, methinks."
Because despite claiming 3 million or more illegals voted in the election, you haven't shown even one single case where an illegal actually voted. No one's interested in your delusions.

That would be 'at least 3 million followed Obama's instructions to vote.'

"Our best guess, based upon extrapolations from the portion of the sample with a verified vote, is that 6.4 percent of non-citizens voted in 2008 and 2.2 percent of non-citizens voted in 2010."
Guesses aren't facts.
Unless it is a guess that the Russians influenced the election for Trump you mean, then it is fact.

The moral of your grievance is, if it benefits the opposition, then educated guesses are of no value, but if it benefits your ideology it is as good as fact.

In simple terms, you are an unthinking ideological fool.

Proof has been provided that the Russians attempted to influence the election. Not 'a guess'.

Bullshit, first,the leak came from wikileaks, there is no proof that they got it from Russia.

second, how exactly did exposure of the truth about lies and corruption within the DNC, the media, and Hillary's campaign amount to "influence"? If knowing the truth is "influencing" then I guess you are right. Funny thing about voters and the truth isn't it?
"Our best guess, based upon extrapolations from the portion of the sample with a verified vote, is that 6.4 percent of non-citizens voted in 2008 and 2.2 percent of non-citizens voted in 2010."
Guesses aren't facts.
Unless it is a guess that the Russians influenced the election for Trump you mean, then it is fact.

The moral of your grievance is, if it benefits the opposition, then educated guesses are of no value, but if it benefits your ideology it is as good as fact.

In simple terms, you are an unthinking ideological fool.

Proof has been provided that the Russians attempted to influence the election. Not 'a guess'.

Bullshit, first,the leak came from wikileaks, there is no proof that they got it from Russia.

second, how exactly did exposure of the truth about lies and corruption within the DNC, the media, and Hillary's campaign amount to "influence"? If knowing the truth is "influencing" then I guess you are right. Funny thing about voters and the truth isn't it?

You were expecting 'truth' from that source???

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