Illegal's Voting: Stats and Facts

Or.....Lying Leftists And Their Feigned Ignorance

1. The three element to convict for criminality are 'Motive, Means, and Opportunity."
All three are present and evident in the illegal alien voting that Obama not only ignored...but outright vindicated with a promise of no investigations....
and lying liberals claim as their popular vote 'victory.'
There was no such victory: illegal alien votes don't count.

The Motive for pretending that illegal aliens don't sway our elections is simple: power.
The Means: There are several ways, the most blatant is to issue photo driver's licenses.
Opportunity was there at every voting precinct where Democrats were workers.

2. Let's get into the numbers.

Liberals love studies, but when Old Dominion University professors Jesse Richman and David Earnest wrote about a study they conducted of data from the Cooperative Congressional Election Study, and found 6.4% of illegals voted in 2008, when their very residence wasn't on the line...
"Our best guess, based upon extrapolations from the portion of the sample with a verified vote, is that 6.4 percent of non-citizens voted in 2008 and 2.2 percent of non-citizens voted in 2010." Could non-citizens decide the November election?

3. But 6.4% of what number?
I'll cover that in a moment.

4. Was there a special impetus for illegals voting even greater percentage than in previous elections?
You betcha'......their remaining in the United States is at stake!

Not only to illegals living here recognize the residence on the line....but even those looking to cross the border also know what's at stake...17% increase in border crossings before the election.

"Spike In Immigrants Illegally Crossing Into US Ahead Of Election"
Spike In Immigrants Illegally Crossing Into US Ahead Of Election


".....the Department of Homeland Security announced another number: 46,195.
That, the agency said, is the number of people who were apprehended at the southwest border in October. The number grew so much in a month's time (nearly 17%)....
....conversations with recent arrivals have revealed that Trump's campaign promises have a lot to do with it.
"If you talk to them, they all know about President Trump," he says. "They all know about a wall. "
Crossing the border as a Trump presidency looms -

These are the people that inflated Hillary's popular vote numbers.....illegal aliens brought here, and told to vote by the Democrats.
The reality is that Donald Trump won both the electoral college vote......and the popular vote.

This is clearly fake news straight out of trumps propaganda dept.'s your opportunity.

Did any illegal aliens follow Obama's instructions...

1. Referring to illegal aliens, Obama's interviewer begins :"I call them citizens because they contribute to the country."
Of course, that is not what makes one a it.

2. The young lady continues as if with the voice of the illegal...'If I vote, will immigration know where I live, will they come for my family..."
Now, if she were speaking of a legal citizen....there would be no reason to suggest anyone 'would come for them.'

Do you deny anything above?
Are claiming that 'immigration' would 'come for ' legal citizens who voted???

3. Obama answers the 'illegal citizen voting and fearful of immigration.'
'Not true,' he says....assuring the illegal voter that 'immigration will not know where you live, or come for you.'

4.He goes on to make this bald faced lie: "When you vote you are a citizen yourself"

5. Then he gives his verbal wink and a nod...'there is not a situation where the voting rolls are transferred over and people start investigating...."
The message is clear....'vote...nothing will happen to won't be caught.'

6.There would be no reason to comfort a legal voter in that way.

Did any illegal aliens follow his instructions and vote?

How many?
You again left out the part where Obama said illegals can't vote and recommended a website which states only U.S. citizens can vote.

You're not a thinker but you are a liar.

You think you haven't seen it because you're too stupid to comprehend the answer, not because I didn't answer it. That's on you, not me. I've already answered it many times.

I love it!
The truth in my posts affects you the way a paddle affects a ping-pong ball! me make you bounce off again:

It's a simple question.......answer it now:

Did any illegals vote?

How many?
Asked and answered. Many times. I recommend you take some remedial English courses and then re-read my answer.

Sooooo.....can we agree that you are afraid to answer because the correct answer proves my thesis: Trump won the popular vote as well as the electoral college.

(Everyone who see's you dodging the question already knows that, Ugly.
True story.)

Why on Earth would I fear answering questions I've already answered half a dozen times?


You're not much of a thinker.

You never did answer.'s your chance.
So.....what's the answer?
Asked and answered many times. Here's what an unanswered question looks like...

27th time... in the full uncut video, Obama said, [illegals] "can't legally vote." How is that encouraging them to vote?

27 times (so far) everyone here got to see you cowardly run away from that... :mm:
Or.....Lying Leftists And Their Feigned Ignorance

1. The three element to convict for criminality are 'Motive, Means, and Opportunity."
All three are present and evident in the illegal alien voting that Obama not only ignored...but outright vindicated with a promise of no investigations....
and lying liberals claim as their popular vote 'victory.'
There was no such victory: illegal alien votes don't count.

The Motive for pretending that illegal aliens don't sway our elections is simple: power.
The Means: There are several ways, the most blatant is to issue photo driver's licenses.
Opportunity was there at every voting precinct where Democrats were workers.

2. Let's get into the numbers.

Liberals love studies, but when Old Dominion University professors Jesse Richman and David Earnest wrote about a study they conducted of data from the Cooperative Congressional Election Study, and found 6.4% of illegals voted in 2008, when their very residence wasn't on the line...
"Our best guess, based upon extrapolations from the portion of the sample with a verified vote, is that 6.4 percent of non-citizens voted in 2008 and 2.2 percent of non-citizens voted in 2010." Could non-citizens decide the November election?

3. But 6.4% of what number?
I'll cover that in a moment.

4. Was there a special impetus for illegals voting even greater percentage than in previous elections?
You betcha'......their remaining in the United States is at stake!

Not only to illegals living here recognize the residence on the line....but even those looking to cross the border also know what's at stake...17% increase in border crossings before the election.

"Spike In Immigrants Illegally Crossing Into US Ahead Of Election"
Spike In Immigrants Illegally Crossing Into US Ahead Of Election


".....the Department of Homeland Security announced another number: 46,195.
That, the agency said, is the number of people who were apprehended at the southwest border in October. The number grew so much in a month's time (nearly 17%)....
....conversations with recent arrivals have revealed that Trump's campaign promises have a lot to do with it.
"If you talk to them, they all know about President Trump," he says. "They all know about a wall. "
Crossing the border as a Trump presidency looms -

These are the people that inflated Hillary's popular vote numbers.....illegal aliens brought here, and told to vote by the Democrats.
The reality is that Donald Trump won both the electoral college vote......and the popular vote.

This is clearly fake news straight out of trumps propaganda dept.'s your opportunity.

Did any illegal aliens follow Obama's instructions...

1. Referring to illegal aliens, Obama's interviewer begins :"I call them citizens because they contribute to the country."
Of course, that is not what makes one a it.

2. The young lady continues as if with the voice of the illegal...'If I vote, will immigration know where I live, will they come for my family..."
Now, if she were speaking of a legal citizen....there would be no reason to suggest anyone 'would come for them.'

Do you deny anything above?
Are claiming that 'immigration' would 'come for ' legal citizens who voted???

3. Obama answers the 'illegal citizen voting and fearful of immigration.'
'Not true,' he says....assuring the illegal voter that 'immigration will not know where you live, or come for you.'

4.He goes on to make this bald faced lie: "When you vote you are a citizen yourself"

5. Then he gives his verbal wink and a nod...'there is not a situation where the voting rolls are transferred over and people start investigating...."
The message is clear....'vote...nothing will happen to won't be caught.'

6.There would be no reason to comfort a legal voter in that way.

Did any illegal aliens follow his instructions and vote?

How many?
You again left out the part where Obama said illegals can't vote and recommended a website which states only U.S. citizens can vote.

You're not a thinker but you are a liar.

I put in the only part that counts.....his instructions to illegal aliens to go and vote.

CAVUTO: I cant believe I heard what I heard. It’s very clear the question is about illegals who may vote and afraid they might be reported to border security. You’re illegal, you cannot vote. And the President of the United States is saying ‘don’t worry no one will be spying on you or catching you.’

Whether you’re for the President or against the President… whether you’re pro immigration reform or anti-immigration reform, you’re ignoring the fact you’ve been questioned about illegal voting which you cant do. Why? because you’re not a citizen of this country.

This is the uncut 30 second segment clearly meant to encourage illegality.

I love it!
The truth in my posts affects you the way a paddle affects a ping-pong ball! me make you bounce off again:

It's a simple question.......answer it now:

Did any illegals vote?

How many?
Asked and answered. Many times. I recommend you take some remedial English courses and then re-read my answer.

Sooooo.....can we agree that you are afraid to answer because the correct answer proves my thesis: Trump won the popular vote as well as the electoral college.

(Everyone who see's you dodging the question already knows that, Ugly.
True story.)

Why on Earth would I fear answering questions I've already answered half a dozen times?


You're not much of a thinker.

You never did answer.'s your chance.
So.....what's the answer?
Asked and answered many times. Here's what an unanswered question looks like...

27th time... in the full uncut video, Obama said, [illegals] "can't legally vote." How is that encouraging them to vote?

27 times (so far) everyone here got to see you cowardly run away from that... :mm:

You never did answer, Ugly's your chance.
So.....what's the answer?
Or.....Lying Leftists And Their Feigned Ignorance

1. The three element to convict for criminality are 'Motive, Means, and Opportunity."
All three are present and evident in the illegal alien voting that Obama not only ignored...but outright vindicated with a promise of no investigations....
and lying liberals claim as their popular vote 'victory.'
There was no such victory: illegal alien votes don't count.

The Motive for pretending that illegal aliens don't sway our elections is simple: power.
The Means: There are several ways, the most blatant is to issue photo driver's licenses.
Opportunity was there at every voting precinct where Democrats were workers.

2. Let's get into the numbers.

Liberals love studies, but when Old Dominion University professors Jesse Richman and David Earnest wrote about a study they conducted of data from the Cooperative Congressional Election Study, and found 6.4% of illegals voted in 2008, when their very residence wasn't on the line...
"Our best guess, based upon extrapolations from the portion of the sample with a verified vote, is that 6.4 percent of non-citizens voted in 2008 and 2.2 percent of non-citizens voted in 2010." Could non-citizens decide the November election?

3. But 6.4% of what number?
I'll cover that in a moment.

4. Was there a special impetus for illegals voting even greater percentage than in previous elections?
You betcha'......their remaining in the United States is at stake!

Not only to illegals living here recognize the residence on the line....but even those looking to cross the border also know what's at stake...17% increase in border crossings before the election.

"Spike In Immigrants Illegally Crossing Into US Ahead Of Election"
Spike In Immigrants Illegally Crossing Into US Ahead Of Election


".....the Department of Homeland Security announced another number: 46,195.
That, the agency said, is the number of people who were apprehended at the southwest border in October. The number grew so much in a month's time (nearly 17%)....
....conversations with recent arrivals have revealed that Trump's campaign promises have a lot to do with it.
"If you talk to them, they all know about President Trump," he says. "They all know about a wall. "
Crossing the border as a Trump presidency looms -

These are the people that inflated Hillary's popular vote numbers.....illegal aliens brought here, and told to vote by the Democrats.
The reality is that Donald Trump won both the electoral college vote......and the popular vote.

This is clearly fake news straight out of trumps propaganda dept.'s your opportunity.

Did any illegal aliens follow Obama's instructions...

1. Referring to illegal aliens, Obama's interviewer begins :"I call them citizens because they contribute to the country."
Of course, that is not what makes one a it.

2. The young lady continues as if with the voice of the illegal...'If I vote, will immigration know where I live, will they come for my family..."
Now, if she were speaking of a legal citizen....there would be no reason to suggest anyone 'would come for them.'

Do you deny anything above?
Are claiming that 'immigration' would 'come for ' legal citizens who voted???

3. Obama answers the 'illegal citizen voting and fearful of immigration.'
'Not true,' he says....assuring the illegal voter that 'immigration will not know where you live, or come for you.'

4.He goes on to make this bald faced lie: "When you vote you are a citizen yourself"

5. Then he gives his verbal wink and a nod...'there is not a situation where the voting rolls are transferred over and people start investigating...."
The message is clear....'vote...nothing will happen to won't be caught.'

6.There would be no reason to comfort a legal voter in that way.

Did any illegal aliens follow his instructions and vote?

How many?
You again left out the part where Obama said illegals can't vote and recommended a website which states only U.S. citizens can vote.

You're not a thinker but you are a liar.

I put in the only part that counts.....his instructions to illegal aliens to go and vote.

<sarcasm>Because telling illegals they can't vote doesn't count</sarcasm>

Asked and answered. Many times. I recommend you take some remedial English courses and then re-read my answer.

Sooooo.....can we agree that you are afraid to answer because the correct answer proves my thesis: Trump won the popular vote as well as the electoral college.

(Everyone who see's you dodging the question already knows that, Ugly.
True story.)

Why on Earth would I fear answering questions I've already answered half a dozen times?


You're not much of a thinker.

You never did answer.'s your chance.
So.....what's the answer?
Asked and answered many times. Here's what an unanswered question looks like...

27th time... in the full uncut video, Obama said, [illegals] "can't legally vote." How is that encouraging them to vote?

27 times (so far) everyone here got to see you cowardly run away from that... :mm:

You never did answer, Ugly's your chance.
So.....what's the answer?
Not only did I answer, I gave you links to many of the times I answered.

You prove over and over again just how rightarded you are. I can live with that.

In this post-truth fake news era, Obama telling illegals they can't vote is in fact Obama encouraging illegals to vote, and Trump won the popular vote.


We've entered The Age of Anti-Intellectualism.
Last edited:
Asked and answered. Many times. I recommend you take some remedial English courses and then re-read my answer.

Sooooo.....can we agree that you are afraid to answer because the correct answer proves my thesis: Trump won the popular vote as well as the electoral college.

(Everyone who see's you dodging the question already knows that, Ugly.
True story.)

Why on Earth would I fear answering questions I've already answered half a dozen times?


You're not much of a thinker.

You never did answer.'s your chance.
So.....what's the answer?
Asked and answered many times. Here's what an unanswered question looks like...

27th time... in the full uncut video, Obama said, [illegals] "can't legally vote." How is that encouraging them to vote?

27 times (so far) everyone here got to see you cowardly run away from that... :mm:

You never did answer, Ugly's your chance.
So.....what's the answer?
G'head, tell the forum again how 1 of every 3 Americans is really an illegal alien. That was fucking hysterical!

In this post-truth fake news era, Obama telling illegals the can't vote is in fact Obama encouraging illegals to vote, and Trump won the popular vote.


We've entered The Age of Anti-Intellectualism.
PoliticalHack lives in some bizarro conservative universe where everything is backwards.
In this post-truth fake news era, Obama telling illegals they can't vote is in fact Obama encouraging illegals to vote, and Trump won the popular vote.


We've entered The Age of Anti-Intellectualism.

i guess nobody factored for the anti-electoral effect of red illegals outnumbering blue illegals to vote, this time.
Sooooo.....can we agree that you are afraid to answer because the correct answer proves my thesis: Trump won the popular vote as well as the electoral college.

(Everyone who see's you dodging the question already knows that, Ugly.
True story.)

Why on Earth would I fear answering questions I've already answered half a dozen times?


You're not much of a thinker.

You never did answer.'s your chance.
So.....what's the answer?
Asked and answered many times. Here's what an unanswered question looks like...

27th time... in the full uncut video, Obama said, [illegals] "can't legally vote." How is that encouraging them to vote?

27 times (so far) everyone here got to see you cowardly run away from that... :mm:

You never did answer, Ugly's your chance.
So.....what's the answer?
G'head, tell the forum again how 1 of every 3 Americans is really an illegal alien. That was fucking hysterical!


"G'head, tell the forum again how 1 of every 3 Americans is really an illegal alien."

Did I say that?

If not for lies, you'd be mute.

Mute, and ugly.
In this post-truth fake news era, Obama telling illegals they can't vote is in fact Obama encouraging illegals to vote, and Trump won the popular vote.


We've entered The Age of Anti-Intellectualism.'s your opportunity.

Did any illegal aliens follow Obama's instructions...

1. Referring to illegal aliens, Obama's interviewer begins :"I call them citizens because they contribute to the country."
Of course, that is not what makes one a it.

2. The young lady continues as if with the voice of the illegal...'If I vote, will immigration know where I live, will they come for my family..."
Now, if she were speaking of a legal citizen....there would be no reason to suggest anyone 'would come for them.'

Do you deny anything above?
Are claiming that 'immigration' would 'come for ' legal citizens who voted???

3. Obama answers the 'illegal citizen voting and fearful of immigration.'
'Not true,' he says....assuring the illegal voter that 'immigration will not know where you live, or come for you.'

4.He goes on to make this bald faced lie: "When you vote you are a citizen yourself"

5. Then he gives his verbal wink and a nod...'there is not a situation where the voting rolls are transferred over and people start investigating...."
The message is clear....'vote...nothing will happen to won't be caught.'

6.There would be no reason to comfort a legal voter in that way.

Did any illegal aliens follow his instructions and vote?

How many?
Here, the evidence of Trump's election on both increased border crossing by illegals....
...and the reason why illegals flooded the voting booths for Bill's wife:

"Migrants race to reach US before Trump takes over

Sasabe (Mexico) (AFP) - Migrants trying to sneak into the United States from the parched Mexican desert have to contend with border guards' drones overhead, poisonous snakes underfoot and human trafficking gangs at their backs.

But these challenges are nothing compared to their bigger fear: that someday soon, US President-elect Donald Trump will build a wall to keep them out altogether.

So before Trump takes office on Friday, they are racing against time, riding a freight train up to the border to look for a way across.

Mexican authorities are arresting thousands, sometimes tens of thousands of undocumented migrants each month, according to government figures.

Governors of several northern states this week called for extra resources to deal with the surge."
Migrants race to reach US before Trump takes over

"They have been getting sophisticated" in their efforts to get across undetected, he says."
And....their efforts to vote.....

Why on Earth would I fear answering questions I've already answered half a dozen times?


You're not much of a thinker.

You never did answer.'s your chance.
So.....what's the answer?
Asked and answered many times. Here's what an unanswered question looks like...

27th time... in the full uncut video, Obama said, [illegals] "can't legally vote." How is that encouraging them to vote?

27 times (so far) everyone here got to see you cowardly run away from that... :mm:

You never did answer, Ugly's your chance.
So.....what's the answer?
G'head, tell the forum again how 1 of every 3 Americans is really an illegal alien. That was fucking hysterical!


"G'head, tell the forum again how 1 of every 3 Americans is really an illegal alien."

Did I say that?

If not for lies, you'd be mute.

Mute, and ugly.
Of course you said that. You said 40 million illegals flooded the U.S. between 1995-2005.

You realize there were already illegals in this country prior to 1995, don't you? You realize that illegals didn't stop coming in in 2005, don't you?

And using the same conservative fuzzy math that calculated 40 million illegals during those 10 years comes to about 100 million since 1984.

This your claim, PoliticalHack. Live with the consequences of your own stupidity. Soak in it. :lol:
The 'Bill's wife's protectors' seem to be running out of steam.

The best indicator of that is that I've reduced them to lying.

The simplest, most succinct explanation for the truth of my argument comes from journalist and writer on all things economic, Walter Bagehot......

"Life is a school of probability. "

1. The claim that Bill's corrupt wife won the popular vote by 2.8 million votes.
The number pales when compared to the number of illegal aliens ensconced in this country.

2. The hallmark of President Trump's campaign was the threat to remove the illegals from America.

3. The former President, the snake, gave those illegals a wink and a nod....telling them to vote.

4. A university study found that nearly a million and a half illegals voted in 2008- when their very existence in this nation was not an issue.

5. Almost all of their votes came in those states that issue driver's licenses to IDs.

6. Not one of Hillary's supporters will answer these questions:
'Did any illegals vote?'
'How many?'

Walter Bagehot:
"Life is a school of probability. "

Trump won the popular vote.
The 'Bill's wife's protectors' seem to be running out of steam.

The best indicator of that is that I've reduced them to lying.

The simplest, most succinct explanation for the truth of my argument comes from journalist and writer on all things economic, Walter Bagehot......

"Life is a school of probability. "

1. The claim that Bill's corrupt wife won the popular vote by 2.8 million votes.
The number pales when compared to the number of illegal aliens ensconced in this country.

2. The hallmark of President Trump's campaign was the threat to remove the illegals from America.

3. The former President, the snake, gave those illegals a wink and a nod....telling them to vote.

4. A university study found that nearly a million and a half illegals voted in 2008- when their very existence in this nation was not an issue.

5. Almost all of their votes came in those states that issue driver's licenses to IDs.

6. Not one of Hillary's supporters will answer these questions:
'Did any illegals vote?'
'How many?'

Walter Bagehot:
"Life is a school of probability. "

Trump won the popular vote.

Look at you... you just can't stop lying. I myself have answered that many times, as have others.

It's no one else's fault but your own that you're too fucking mentally damaged to recognize an answer when you see one. :thup:
The 'Bill's wife's protectors' seem to be running out of steam.

The best indicator of that is that I've reduced them to lying.

The simplest, most succinct explanation for the truth of my argument comes from journalist and writer on all things economic, Walter Bagehot......

"Life is a school of probability. "

1. The claim that Bill's corrupt wife won the popular vote by 2.8 million votes.
The number pales when compared to the number of illegal aliens ensconced in this country.

2. The hallmark of President Trump's campaign was the threat to remove the illegals from America.

3. The former President, the snake, gave those illegals a wink and a nod....telling them to vote.

4. A university study found that nearly a million and a half illegals voted in 2008- when their very existence in this nation was not an issue.

5. Almost all of their votes came in those states that issue driver's licenses to IDs.

6. Not one of Hillary's supporters will answer these questions:
'Did any illegals vote?'
'How many?'

Walter Bagehot:
"Life is a school of probability. "

Trump won the popular vote.

Look at you... you just can't stop lying. I myself have answered that many times, as have others.

It's no one else's fault but your own that you're too fucking mentally damaged to recognize an answer when you see one. :thup:

Clean up the vulgarity, Ugly.

"I myself have answered that many times, as have others."

Well...then, supplying the answer should be simple for you....

Here you go:

Did any illegal aliens follow Obama's instructions and vote?

How many?
You never did answer.'s your chance.
So.....what's the answer?
Asked and answered many times. Here's what an unanswered question looks like...

27th time... in the full uncut video, Obama said, [illegals] "can't legally vote." How is that encouraging them to vote?

27 times (so far) everyone here got to see you cowardly run away from that... :mm:

You never did answer, Ugly's your chance.
So.....what's the answer?
G'head, tell the forum again how 1 of every 3 Americans is really an illegal alien. That was fucking hysterical!


"G'head, tell the forum again how 1 of every 3 Americans is really an illegal alien."

Did I say that?

If not for lies, you'd be mute.

Mute, and ugly.
Of course you said that. You said 40 million illegals flooded the U.S. between 1995-2005.

You realize there were already illegals in this country prior to 1995, don't you? You realize that illegals didn't stop coming in in 2005, don't you?

And using the same conservative fuzzy math that calculated 40 million illegals during those 10 years comes to about 100 million since 1984.

This your claim, PoliticalHack. Live with the consequences of your own stupidity. Soak in it. :lol:

forty million times a market friendly visa fee, could be a lot of revenue generated to defray the cost of government.

some of that revenue could pay for infrastructure upgrades.

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