Illegal's Voting: Stats and Facts

The question was:
"Did any illegal aliens vote?"
That is the exact question I've asked you a dozen time.

Now....if you've "answered that many times"..... about providing ohhh....five or six links showing that you're answered it.

All your link says is "Using your figure of illegal aliens who actually voted: zero."

Sooo.....why so afraid to answer the question....and going so far as to lie about having answered it?

Must be that the answer proves me correct.

Trump won the popular vote, huh?
Asked and answered...

Illegal's Voting: Stats and Facts

Illegal's Voting: Stats and Facts

Say Again...Who Won The Popular Vote??

Say Again...Who Won The Popular Vote??

Say Again...Who Won The Popular Vote??

Quote your answer.
Click on any one of the many links I generously offered where I've already answered your questions.

If you wanna see what an unanswered question looks like, check out...

26th time... in the full unedited video, Obama said, [illegals], "who can't legally vote." How does telling illegals they can't vote, encourage them to vote?

"Click on any one of the many links I generously offered where I've already answered your questions."

I haven't seen you answer it yet....
That's because you're rightarded.

It's a simple question.......answer it now:

Did any illegals vote?

How many?
Click on any of the links I gave you to see the answer.

"Click on any one of the many links I generously offered where I've already answered your questions."

I haven't seen you answer it yet....

It's a simple question.......answer it now:

Did any illegals vote?

How many?
Political Chick I take it you're against illegal aliens and don't like illegal aliens and want to keep illegal aliens out?
According to the nonsense she posts, roughly one in every three people in the U.S. is here illegally.

Yes, I know that sounds retarded; but then, this is PoliticalHack we're talkin' about.

"According to the nonsense she posts, roughly one in every three people in the U.S. is here illegally."

I don't know how you'd arrive at that...other than simply making it up....but you can't find a post of mine saying that.'s a question for you:
It's a simple question.......answer it now:

Did any illegals vote?

How many?
Answer the question, are you a Superman fan?

Answer the question:

Liberal control of the mechanisms of voting have allowed them to give these criminals driver's licenses which can be used for identification. Of course, their apparatchiks accept this as 'citizenship' for voting purposes.

Wanna see how that works?

"12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally" 12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally - Illegal Immigration -

"If you’ve visited the DMV in the last few weeks, you may have noticed that you can now complete your voter registration at the same time you renew your driver’s license — without having to fill out a separate form.... they will be registered as having no party preference. " Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two


How many of the 12 states plus DC that allow illegals to get drivers licenses, and have voter registration in the same place (what a coincidence!) did Bill's wife win???

I'm not here for that, trust me this is going somewhere.

Are you a Superman fan?

Anytime the questions are too tough, just yell “check please.”

I'm not here for that. Are you a Superman fan? I'll make it easy for you. Just say 'yes' if you are. You obviously are though right given your av? As said if you are just say 'yes.'

I'm in will answer the question, or be stuck with the appellation 'gutless Liberal.'

It's already stuck, huh?
Okay since you're avoiding it, since you probably know what's coming.

I just find it hilarious how much of a hypocrite you are. For a Superman fan, as taken by your av, you would flat out abhor Superman with firey passion if Superman was real - came from another planet, his papers were forged so the government wouldn't find out the truth about him. Superman IS an illegal alien. You hate illegal aliens lol. The hypocrisy is just amusing to me, that's all I came in to say. It stood out. If Superman was real, you'd hate Superman an illegal alien. Unless your av is meant to be ironic? Otherwise you're a fan of the kind of person you hate...
Last edited:
Click on any one of the many links I generously offered where I've already answered your questions.

If you wanna see what an unanswered question looks like, check out...

26th time... in the full unedited video, Obama said, [illegals], "who can't legally vote." How does telling illegals they can't vote, encourage them to vote?

"Click on any one of the many links I generously offered where I've already answered your questions."

I haven't seen you answer it yet....
That's because you're rightarded.

It's a simple question.......answer it now:

Did any illegals vote?

How many?
Click on any of the links I gave you to see the answer.

"Click on any one of the many links I generously offered where I've already answered your questions."

I haven't seen you answer it yet....

It's a simple question.......answer it now:

Did any illegals vote?

How many?
Already asked and answered.

Political Chick I take it you're against illegal aliens and don't like illegal aliens and want to keep illegal aliens out?
According to the nonsense she posts, roughly one in every three people in the U.S. is here illegally.

Yes, I know that sounds retarded; but then, this is PoliticalHack we're talkin' about.

"According to the nonsense she posts, roughly one in every three people in the U.S. is here illegally."

I don't know how you'd arrive at that...other than simply making it up....but you can't find a post of mine saying that.
You don't know how I arrived at that because you're a fucking idiot. This has been proven more times than you've repeated the same questions that have already been answered.

But since you're a moron and since I'm a kind-hearted Liberal, I'll explain it yet again to ya....

You claimed there are 40 million illegals in the U.S.. You based that from the math of James Walsh, an ex-INS employee who calculated that from between the years of 1995-2005.

Now here's where your own logic leaves you bewildered....

If 40 million illegals are in the U.S. because they came in between 1995-2005 based on the number of apprehensions during those years, then another 40 million also came in between the years 1984-1994 since the number of apprehensions were roughly the same; and another 20 million came in since 2005, again, based on Mr. Walsh's fuzzy math.

According to abject imbeciles like you, that puts about 100 million illegals in the U.S., or almost 1 in 3 of every man, woman, and child in the U.S.

NOW do you see why virtually everyone laughs at you?

Answer the question, are you a Superman fan?

Answer the question:

Liberal control of the mechanisms of voting have allowed them to give these criminals driver's licenses which can be used for identification. Of course, their apparatchiks accept this as 'citizenship' for voting purposes.

Wanna see how that works?

"12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally" 12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally - Illegal Immigration -

"If you’ve visited the DMV in the last few weeks, you may have noticed that you can now complete your voter registration at the same time you renew your driver’s license — without having to fill out a separate form.... they will be registered as having no party preference. " Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two


How many of the 12 states plus DC that allow illegals to get drivers licenses, and have voter registration in the same place (what a coincidence!) did Bill's wife win???

Laws don't allow for illegals to register to vote with a driver's license.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie like ya do.
I'm not here for that, trust me this is going somewhere.

Are you a Superman fan?

Anytime the questions are too tough, just yell “check please.”

I'm not here for that. Are you a Superman fan? I'll make it easy for you. Just say 'yes' if you are. You obviously are though right given your av? As said if you are just say 'yes.'

I'm in charge.....

Okay since you're avoiding it, since you probably know what's coming.

I just find it hilarious how much of a hypocrite you are. For a Superman fan, as taken by your av, you would flat out abhor Superman with firey passion if Superman was real - came from another planet, his papers were forged so the government wouldn't find out the truth about him. Superman IS an illegal alien. You hate illegal aliens lol. The hypocrisy is just amusing to me, that's all I came in to say. It stood out. If Superman was real, you'd hate Superman an illegal alien. Unless your av is meant to be ironic? Otherwise you're a fan of the kind of person you hate...

What a stupid post.

Here is the usual Liberal tap-dance, anything to avoid the questions that reveal the truth of the thread.

Which is....millions of illegal aliens voted for the career criminal and congenital liar...and that is the base for her popular vote numbers.

Had Obama not assured them that they were never be held accountable, many would not have voted.

You're dismissed.
Okay since you're avoiding it, since you probably know what's coming.

I just find it hilarious how much of a hypocrite you are. For a Superman fan, as taken by your av, you would flat out abhor Superman with firey passion if Superman was real - came from another planet, his papers were forged so the government wouldn't find out the truth about him. Superman IS an illegal alien. You hate illegal aliens lol. The hypocrisy is just amusing to me, that's all I came in to say. It stood out. If Superman was real, you'd hate Superman an illegal alien. Unless your av is meant to be ironic? Otherwise you're a fan of the kind of person you hate...

What a stupid post.

Here is the usual Liberal tap-dance, anything to avoid the questions that reveal the truth of the thread.

Which is....millions of illegal aliens voted for the career criminal and congenital liar...and that is the base for her popular vote numbers.

Had Obama not assured them that they were never be held accountable, many would not have voted.

You're dismissed.
26th time... in the full uncut video, Obama said, [illegals] "can't legally vote." How is that encouraging them to vote?
Okay since you're avoiding it, since you probably know what's coming.

I just find it hilarious how much of a hypocrite you are. For a Superman fan, as taken by your av, you would flat out abhor Superman with firey passion if Superman was real - came from another planet, his papers were forged so the government wouldn't find out the truth about him. Superman IS an illegal alien. You hate illegal aliens lol. The hypocrisy is just amusing to me, that's all I came in to say. It stood out. If Superman was real, you'd hate Superman an illegal alien. Unless your av is meant to be ironic? Otherwise you're a fan of the kind of person you hate...

What a stupid post.

Here is the usual Liberal tap-dance, anything to avoid the questions that reveal the truth of the thread.

Which is....millions of illegal aliens voted for the career criminal and congenital liar...and that is the base for her popular vote numbers.

Had Obama not assured them that they were never be held accountable, many would not have voted.

You're dismissed.
26th time... in the full uncut video, Obama said, [illegals] "can't legally vote." How is that encouraging them to vote?

I haven't seen you answer it yet....

It's a simple question.......answer it now:

Did any illegals vote?

How many?
I'm not here for that, trust me this is going somewhere.

Are you a Superman fan?

Anytime the questions are too tough, just yell “check please.”

I'm not here for that. Are you a Superman fan? I'll make it easy for you. Just say 'yes' if you are. You obviously are though right given your av? As said if you are just say 'yes.'

I'm in will answer the question, or be stuck with the appellation 'gutless Liberal.'

It's already stuck, huh?
you go girl; help work on his endurance and stamina, until he cries, "auntie".

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