Illinois Firearm Identification card ruled unConstitutional in state court....yes, this is correct.

Fortunately YOU don't decide these issues.

The Constitution, and those good men and women who interpret it, said, 'No', as well.

They also considered women and blacks to be 2nd class citizens who couldn't vote or run for office.

Can I assume you are such a strict constitutionalist that you agree with these polices?

When The Constitution is amended, you can ask again. Until then, good luck with that.
Fortunately YOU don't decide these issues.

The Constitution, and those good men and women who interpret it, said, 'No', as well.

They also considered women and blacks to be 2nd class citizens who couldn't vote or run for office.

Can I assume you are such a strict constitutionalist that you agree with these polices?

When The Constitution is amended, you can ask again. Until then, good luck with that.

My point being (i really do wish you were a cleverer person) that it is OBVIOUS that the framers of the constitution made some mistakes (fair enough, they were products of their time and should NOT be faulted for conducting themselves in what they considered to be a RATIONAL manner)

additionally, they are all dead and no longer have a say on these issues

additionally we are smarter and wiser and KNOW so much more than they did so we can make better, more informed decisions on these matters.

I maintain that I have NO PROBLEM with people owning guns but I merely request that before purchasing weapons that can easily kill people (even accidentally) they be trained and licensed.
Fortunately YOU don't decide these issues.

The Constitution, and those good men and women who interpret it, said, 'No', as well.

They also considered women and blacks to be 2nd class citizens who couldn't vote or run for office.

Can I assume you are such a strict constitutionalist that you agree with these Replypolices?

When The Constitution is amended, you can ask again. Until then, good luck with that.

Just so you know; if it ever came to a vote "should gun owners be trained and licensed" I would vote YES!

If it ever came to a vote "should guns be banned" I would vote NO!

and speaking of the constitution....

The Conservative Plan to Rewrite the Constitution, and Yes, It's a Thing

Aug 21, 2017 - As the country reels to understand the conservative party's affiliation with ... Over 40 states either have a request for a constitutional convention or are ... fact is the basis for a great deal of our current political discord and is the ...
Fortunately YOU don't decide these issues.

The Constitution, and those good men and women who interpret it, said, 'No', as well.

They also considered women and blacks to be 2nd class citizens who couldn't vote or run for office.

Can I assume you are such a strict constitutionalist that you agree with these polices?

Where was those amendments in the Constitution?

where WERE (not "was").

I keep forgetting that I am talking to conservatives who are good at semantics.
This time I was referencing the FRAMERS of the constitution who ALSO, at that time;

Women's Rights After the American Revolution | History of American Women


"The three-fifths clause was part of a series of compromises enacted by the Constitutional Convention of 1787. The most notable other clauses prohibited slavery in the Northwest Territories and ended U.S. participation in the international slave trade in 1807. These compromises reflected Virginia Constitutional Convention delegate (and future U.S. President) James Madison’s observation that “…the States were divided into different interests not by their…size…but principally from their having or not having slaves.”
I maintain that I have NO PROBLEM with people owning guns but I merely request that before purchasing weapons that can easily kill people (even accidentally) they be trained and licensed.
In the US, the state cannot constitutionally mandate training and testing as a condition for exercising a right.

The State can require it to acquire a license though to possess a certain class of weapons or to the method of carrying of a firearm in public. Or even having one in your home like in DC or NYC. And that has withstood the test of the courts.
And that would be a way to keep people from owning guns.....which is how they do it in Europe for the few hunting shotguns they allow the rich people to own.

Works for me. No reason for working class people to have guns...


Expanded Homicide Data Table 8

Gun murder from the FBI Uniform Crime report...

So you believe the FBI when it undercounts gun murders but not when it tells you Trump is a traitor?

You don't have an entire political party and political movement trying to keep people from owning have exactly that when it comes to guns. So, sorry, you don't know what you are talking about. First, the equivalent of a Poll Tax or Literacy Test for owning and carrying a gun is UnConstitutional, since both actions are a Right, not a privilege.....

again, works on the assumption that Gun Ownership is a right. Clearly if it was, then everyone should have a right to buy a machine gun or a small howitzer. So we all agree, there should be limits on what kinds of guns people should be allowed to have.

Our is actually based on a little common sense.

These guys are not a well regulated militia

The majority of which occurred in urban shit holes with illegally possessed firearms

Oh, it's only Darkies and poor people, so that makes it okay?

Really? This is what you are going with?

The point that sailed right over your head was most murders occur where there are fewer guns per person and the guns used in those murders are mostly illegaly obtained and illegally possessed

And if you can't cut out the racist shit don't bother responding to me I will remind you again that my mother was half "Darkie" you racist fuck
I maintain that I have NO PROBLEM with people owning guns but I merely request that before purchasing weapons that can easily kill people (even accidentally) they be trained and licensed.
In the US, the state cannot constitutionally mandate training and testing as a condition for exercising a right.
The State can require it to acquire a license....
When you can address what I actually said, let us know.
The majority of which occurred in urban shit holes with illegally possessed firearms

Oh, it's only Darkies and poor people, so that makes it okay?

Really? This is what you are going with?

The point that sailed right over your head was most murders occur where there are fewer guns per person and the guns used in those murders are mostly illegaly obtained and illegally possessed

And if you can't cut out the racist shit don't bother responding to me I will remind you again that my mother was half "Darkie" you racist fuck

It appears that it's you that is using the race card more than he is. Around here, we don't really have any illegal guns that can be proven yet we have "Illegal" shootings.
I maintain that I have NO PROBLEM with people owning guns but I merely request that before purchasing weapons that can easily kill people (even accidentally) they be trained and licensed.
In the US, the state cannot constitutionally mandate training and testing as a condition for exercising a right.
The State can require it to acquire a license....
When you can address what I actually said, let us know.

You moved the goalpost and I want to keep it inside the ballpark. You don't like it, don't play.
Lefties hate voter them a "poll tax". But they like an i.d. for gun owners. That's a real disconnect.

Voter forms of identification don't necessarily mean purchasing one from the state. So one more time the left
is hypocritical and inconsistent in what they support depending on if it serves their political agenda or not.
I saw a video where some guy interviewed a lot of different black people about what they thought about some idiot saying blacks couldn't get ID's because it was to hard for them. Everyone of them laughed showed their ID and thought it was stupid. A few got upset and said you can't do anything without an ID, what is wrong with that idiot? And these people ranged from looking like gang bangers to white collar workers. lol.

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