Illinois Firearm Identification card ruled unConstitutional in state court....yes, this is correct.

Yes you racist fuck most guns are obtained legally but mot guns used in crimes are obtained ILLEGALLY

Again, one more time, every time there's a mass shooting, the person who did the shooting had no problem getting a legal gun. Loughner, Holmes, Cho, Cruz... all walked into gun stores, put down a pile of greasy bills and got themselves a nice arsenal of death.

And shit, you guys want to get rid of FOID cards... one of the few restraints on cra-crays getting guns.

Yeah and some of them had to get them from other people

What percentage of legally purchased rifles are used in mass shootings?

Since you probably can't count past your toes I'll tell you that the percentage is so small as to be insignificant
The State can require it to acquire a license....
When you can address what I actually said, let us know.
You moved the goalpost
This is a lie.
Why do you need to lie to make a point?

....I maintain that I have NO PROBLEM with people owning guns but I merely request that before purchasing weapons that can easily kill people (even accidentally) they be trained and licensed.
In the US, the state cannot constitutionally mandate training and testing as a condition for exercising a right.
The state can require it to acquire a license. << Moving the goalpost
When you can address what I actually said, let us know.
The Stare CAN make that requirement.
Show this to be true.

I don't have to show a damned thing to you. It's already been shown over and over. And you will just scream, "That's Unconstitutional" and call it a lie. I think it's time to just not pay any attention to your trolling butt.
When you can address what I actually said, let us know.
You moved the goalpost
This is a lie.
Why do you need to lie to make a point?

....I maintain that I have NO PROBLEM with people owning guns but I merely request that before purchasing weapons that can easily kill people (even accidentally) they be trained and licensed.
In the US, the state cannot constitutionally mandate training and testing as a condition for exercising a right.
The state can require it to acquire a license. << Moving the goalpost
When you can address what I actually said, let us know.
The Stare CAN make that requirement.
Show this to be true.
I don't have to show a damned thing to you.
Like before, you know you can't,.
I, again, accept your concession.
They didn't find anything relating to Trump and are wrong.

We don't know that, since they won't show us the whole report. I do find it amusing that you guys who didn't believe EIGHT reports that Hillary did nothing wrong in Benghazi and THREE reports showing the Davidians did the world a favor and offed themselves, are suddenly taking THIS report at face value.

The FBI counts actual bodies.....the CDC has an anti gun agenda.

The FBI has a "we aren't really losing control of thing when we clearly are" agenda.

I'd like to see a complete gun report. Let's find out how many gun deaths are domestic violence, how many are suicides, how many are random crime and how many are people killing attackers in self defense.

Oh, wait, the last time the CDC did that was Kellerman, and the National Rampage Association lost its shit.

And Kellerman lied.....thanks for pointing that out....
Yes you racist fuck most guns are obtained legally but mot guns used in crimes are obtained ILLEGALLY

Again, one more time, every time there's a mass shooting, the person who did the shooting had no problem getting a legal gun. Loughner, Holmes, Cho, Cruz... all walked into gun stores, put down a pile of greasy bills and got themselves a nice arsenal of death.

And shit, you guys want to get rid of FOID cards... one of the few restraints on cra-crays getting guns. a country of 320 million people, with over 600 million guns in private hands and over 17.25 million people carrying guns for self defense....

We had a total of 11 mass public shootings in 2017.....11. A total of 117 people killed, and that was an unusual year.

2018...12 shooters.... 93 killed....

Cars killed 38,000 people.....knives over 1,500........

The FOID cards don't stop the actual criminals who do all of the shooting except for the 117 from mass public know, the other 10,982 that were killed by criminals who ignored the FOID laws....
They didn't find anything relating to Trump and are wrong.

We don't know that, since they won't show us the whole report. I do find it amusing that you guys who didn't believe EIGHT reports that Hillary did nothing wrong in Benghazi and THREE reports showing the Davidians did the world a favor and offed themselves, are suddenly taking THIS report at face value.

The FBI counts actual bodies.....the CDC has an anti gun agenda.

The FBI has a "we aren't really losing control of thing when we clearly are" agenda.

I'd like to see a complete gun report. Let's find out how many gun deaths are domestic violence, how many are suicides, how many are random crime and how many are people killing attackers in self defense.

Oh, wait, the last time the CDC did that was Kellerman, and the National Rampage Association lost its shit.

2018.....12 people used their illegal guns in mass shootings to kill 93 people....

Cars killed 38,000 people....

The CDC that you love stated that Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year in self defense.....stopping rapes, robberies and murders......

Which number is bigger....

93, or 1.1 million?
Yes you racist fuck most guns are obtained legally but mot guns used in crimes are obtained ILLEGALLY

Again, one more time, every time there's a mass shooting, the person who did the shooting had no problem getting a legal gun. Loughner, Holmes, Cho, Cruz... all walked into gun stores, put down a pile of greasy bills and got themselves a nice arsenal of death.

And shit, you guys want to get rid of FOID cards... one of the few restraints on cra-crays getting guns. a country of 320 million people, with over 600 million guns in private hands and over 17.25 million people carrying guns for self defense....

We had a total of 11 mass public shootings in 2017.....11. A total of 117 people killed, and that was an unusual year.

2018...12 shooters.... 93 killed....

Cars killed 38,000 people.....knives over 1,500........

The FOID cards don't stop the actual criminals who do all of the shooting except for the 117 from mass public know, the other 10,982 that were killed by criminals who ignored the FOID laws....

First of all, you keep referring to figures from Kleck. His figures, why the accuracy is suspect, let's say that the totals are fairly close. Let's say for argument sake that there are 17.1 million licensed CCW holders. The problem is, you assume all of them are carrying at the same time. In reality, about 3 mil are actually carrying at any given time. Here is why.

Do you go dancing with your gun? Is this a good idea? Ask a FBI agent about this. There are so many things that you really can't safely or legally carry your weapon. For instance, tomarrow, I am working on the neighbors truck. If I were to have the weapon, the damned thing would hook up on just about everything. You see, I have this invisible little man that walks around and does strange things to me like that, or at least it seems that way. I just got back from a parts run. If I felt the need to carry to do the parts run, I would not to the place that I felt the need to be armed. There are just too many places that don't require that. And just because it's not posted as a gun free zone doesn't mean that it's a gun zone. Most business will ask you to please leave your gun in your car if you are open carrying. It spooks many of the customers. Then there is the Post Office stop or visit the local Schools, IRS, etc.. Having a CCW doesn't mean that you MUST have your gun on you at all times and most don't. I forget where I saw the 3 mil number but it sounds about right.

Now for the CDC report that you keep saying that you are quoting. I found it and it doesn't say what either you nor Kleck says it does. And it goes until 2017 so let's use 2017 figures.;jsessionid=408D66EFF178CB07FC712D81D4373CEF

2017 Unintentional 486 325,719,178 0.1 0.2
Suicide 23,854 325,719,178 7.3 6.9
Homicide 14,542 325,719,178 4.5 4.6
Undetermined 338 325,719,178 0.1 0.1
Legal Intervention / Operations of War 553 325,719,178 0.2 0.2
Total 39,773 325,719,178 12.2 12.0
Yes you racist fuck most guns are obtained legally but mot guns used in crimes are obtained ILLEGALLY

Again, one more time, every time there's a mass shooting, the person who did the shooting had no problem getting a legal gun. Loughner, Holmes, Cho, Cruz... all walked into gun stores, put down a pile of greasy bills and got themselves a nice arsenal of death.

And shit, you guys want to get rid of FOID cards... one of the few restraints on cra-crays getting guns. a country of 320 million people, with over 600 million guns in private hands and over 17.25 million people carrying guns for self defense....

We had a total of 11 mass public shootings in 2017.....11. A total of 117 people killed, and that was an unusual year.

2018...12 shooters.... 93 killed....

Cars killed 38,000 people.....knives over 1,500........

The FOID cards don't stop the actual criminals who do all of the shooting except for the 117 from mass public know, the other 10,982 that were killed by criminals who ignored the FOID laws....

First of all, you keep referring to figures from Kleck. His figures, why the accuracy is suspect, let's say that the totals are fairly close. Let's say for argument sake that there are 17.1 million licensed CCW holders. The problem is, you assume all of them are carrying at the same time. In reality, about 3 mil are actually carrying at any given time. Here is why.

Do you go dancing with your gun? Is this a good idea? Ask a FBI agent about this. There are so many things that you really can't safely or legally carry your weapon. For instance, tomarrow, I am working on the neighbors truck. If I were to have the weapon, the damned thing would hook up on just about everything. You see, I have this invisible little man that walks around and does strange things to me like that, or at least it seems that way. I just got back from a parts run. If I felt the need to carry to do the parts run, I would not to the place that I felt the need to be armed. There are just too many places that don't require that. And just because it's not posted as a gun free zone doesn't mean that it's a gun zone. Most business will ask you to please leave your gun in your car if you are open carrying. It spooks many of the customers. Then there is the Post Office stop or visit the local Schools, IRS, etc.. Having a CCW doesn't mean that you MUST have your gun on you at all times and most don't. I forget where I saw the 3 mil number but it sounds about right.

Now for the CDC report that you keep saying that you are quoting. I found it and it doesn't say what either you nor Kleck says it does. And it goes until 2017 so let's use 2017 figures.;jsessionid=408D66EFF178CB07FC712D81D4373CEF

Unintentional 486
Suicide 23,854
Homicide 14,542
Undetermined 338
Legal Intervention /
Operations of War 553
Total 39,773

Now, let's remove Legal Intervention and War for a new total of 39230. The real figures means that more people are killed by guns than cars. And that's is according to that elusive CDC report you keep touting.

So, the CDC report does exist. It just doesn't say what your heroes say it does. They haven't given a good url to it to hide that fact they have been lying out their asses all these years.
and what percent of murders occur in mass shootings?

This is your argument? Mass shootings are no big deal because we have so many single shooting, but that's okay, because it's just the darkies shooting each other.

and what percent of murders occur in mass shootings?

This is your argument? Mass shootings are no big deal because we have so many single shooting, but that's okay, because it's just the darkies shooting each other.

View attachment 253765

If you want to lower the murder rate as you claim you wouldn't be fixated on less than 1% of all murders

And don't bother responding to me if you can't drop your racist bullshit
and what percent of murders occur in mass shootings?

This is your argument? Mass shootings are no big deal because we have so many single shooting, but that's okay, because it's just the darkies shooting each other.

View attachment 253765

If you want to lower the murder rate as you claim you wouldn't be fixated on less than 1% of all murders

And don't bother responding to me if you can't drop your racist bullshit

If you can almost completely eliminate 1% then you should do it. We have had more than our fair share and have done exactly that. It didn't take way my freedoms, my ability to buy guns and ammo, nothing. It did make it harder for fruitcakes to make their purchases though who always want to cheat the system. It appears that they are more likely to be the ones that do the mass shootings and the ones we, as a community, have to be more conscious of at any given time. If you feel that it's taken away any of your freedoms, maybe we should be watching you more closely as well.

And you could have left off the last sentence in response, you bigoted, redneck, KKK, Ultraright, prick.
and what percent of murders occur in mass shootings?

This is your argument? Mass shootings are no big deal because we have so many single shooting, but that's okay, because it's just the darkies shooting each other.

View attachment 253765

If you want to lower the murder rate as you claim you wouldn't be fixated on less than 1% of all murders

And don't bother responding to me if you can't drop your racist bullshit

If you can almost completely eliminate 1% then you should do it. We have had more than our fair share and have done exactly that. It didn't take way my freedoms, my ability to buy guns and ammo, nothing. It did make it harder for fruitcakes to make their purchases though who always want to cheat the system. It appears that they are more likely to be the ones that do the mass shootings and the ones we, as a community, have to be more conscious of at any given time. If you feel that it's taken away any of your freedoms, maybe we should be watching you more closely as well.

And you could have left off the last sentence in response, you bigoted, redneck, KKK, Ultraright, prick.

Banning a rifle won't do that.

And you can't seem to comprehend that the response you quoted was not directed at you but rather to Joe the racist fuck.

Are your sock puppets getting mixed up?
and what percent of murders occur in mass shootings?

This is your argument? Mass shootings are no big deal because we have so many single shooting, but that's okay, because it's just the darkies shooting each other.

View attachment 253765

If you want to lower the murder rate as you claim you wouldn't be fixated on less than 1% of all murders

And don't bother responding to me if you can't drop your racist bullshit

If you can almost completely eliminate 1% then you should do it. We have had more than our fair share and have done exactly that. It didn't take way my freedoms, my ability to buy guns and ammo, nothing. It did make it harder for fruitcakes to make their purchases though who always want to cheat the system. It appears that they are more likely to be the ones that do the mass shootings and the ones we, as a community, have to be more conscious of at any given time. If you feel that it's taken away any of your freedoms, maybe we should be watching you more closely as well.

And you could have left off the last sentence in response, you bigoted, redneck, KKK, Ultraright, prick.

Banning a rifle won't do that.

And you can't seem to comprehend that the response you quoted was not directed at you but rather to Joe the racist fuck.

Are your sock puppets getting mixed up?

It certainly stopped the Thompson in it's tracks but it took about 10 years of aggressive law enforcement and community involvement to get it done. I you trying to tell me that your Grand and Great Grands were smarter than you are?
2018.....12 people used their illegal guns in mass shootings to kill 93 people....

Wow...that's way too many. But I guess you are fine with it.

View attachment 253766

Compared to the 1.1 million Times Americans use their guns to save lives? 93 killed in mass public shootings because people like you prevent normal people from stopping them..... vs ..... 1.1 million times that rapes, robberies and murders are stopped with legal guns.....
and what percent of murders occur in mass shootings?

This is your argument? Mass shootings are no big deal because we have so many single shooting, but that's okay, because it's just the darkies shooting each other.

View attachment 253765

If you want to lower the murder rate as you claim you wouldn't be fixated on less than 1% of all murders

And don't bother responding to me if you can't drop your racist bullshit

If you can almost completely eliminate 1% then you should do it. We have had more than our fair share and have done exactly that. It didn't take way my freedoms, my ability to buy guns and ammo, nothing. It did make it harder for fruitcakes to make their purchases though who always want to cheat the system. It appears that they are more likely to be the ones that do the mass shootings and the ones we, as a community, have to be more conscious of at any given time. If you feel that it's taken away any of your freedoms, maybe we should be watching you more closely as well.

And you could have left off the last sentence in response, you bigoted, redneck, KKK, Ultraright, prick.

Banning a rifle won't do that.

And you can't seem to comprehend that the response you quoted was not directed at you but rather to Joe the racist fuck.

Are your sock puppets getting mixed up?

It certainly stopped the Thompson in it's tracks but it took about 10 years of aggressive law enforcement and community involvement to get it done. I you trying to tell me that your Grand and Great Grands were smarter than you are?

No...the Thompson was big, difficult to carry, impossible to conceal.......that is why it went out of fashion....
This is your argument? Mass shootings are no big deal because we have so many single shooting, but that's okay, because it's just the darkies shooting each other.

View attachment 253765

If you want to lower the murder rate as you claim you wouldn't be fixated on less than 1% of all murders

And don't bother responding to me if you can't drop your racist bullshit

If you can almost completely eliminate 1% then you should do it. We have had more than our fair share and have done exactly that. It didn't take way my freedoms, my ability to buy guns and ammo, nothing. It did make it harder for fruitcakes to make their purchases though who always want to cheat the system. It appears that they are more likely to be the ones that do the mass shootings and the ones we, as a community, have to be more conscious of at any given time. If you feel that it's taken away any of your freedoms, maybe we should be watching you more closely as well.

And you could have left off the last sentence in response, you bigoted, redneck, KKK, Ultraright, prick.

Banning a rifle won't do that.

And you can't seem to comprehend that the response you quoted was not directed at you but rather to Joe the racist fuck.

Are your sock puppets getting mixed up?

It certainly stopped the Thompson in it's tracks but it took about 10 years of aggressive law enforcement and community involvement to get it done. I you trying to tell me that your Grand and Great Grands were smarter than you are?

No...the Thompson was big, difficult to carry, impossible to conceal.......that is why it went out of fashion....

Let's compare the Thompson with the AR for size.

Length 31 inches without compensator or 33.5 in with compensator
Weight 10.5 lbs. The A-1 versions weighs in at 10.0 lbs

AR-15 A4
Length 39 inches That's with a 20 in barrel. You can get it with a 16 inch barrel so it can be a 34 inch weapon
Weight 7.7 lbs

I have no idea where you get your fantastic information from but the Thompson was concealed on the streets every day of it's existance. As you can see, it's actually a bit smaller than the AR-15 or the M-16 or the M-4. The only time it got larger was when you used the 50 and the 100 round drum. As long as you stuck with the 20 or the 30 round stick mag it would fire all day long without a hiccup. The Military version, the M1 and MA1A version could not accept the drum mags.And no, that's not the same as the M-1. The Military Version was the M1A-1 while the civilian version was the M1928A-1. But the fact remains that the Thompson is at least as easy to hide under clothing as an AR is. You are just making shit up again.
and what percent of murders occur in mass shootings?

This is your argument? Mass shootings are no big deal because we have so many single shooting, but that's okay, because it's just the darkies shooting each other.

View attachment 253765

If you want to lower the murder rate as you claim you wouldn't be fixated on less than 1% of all murders

And don't bother responding to me if you can't drop your racist bullshit

If you can almost completely eliminate 1% then you should do it. We have had more than our fair share and have done exactly that. It didn't take way my freedoms, my ability to buy guns and ammo, nothing. It did make it harder for fruitcakes to make their purchases though who always want to cheat the system. It appears that they are more likely to be the ones that do the mass shootings and the ones we, as a community, have to be more conscious of at any given time. If you feel that it's taken away any of your freedoms, maybe we should be watching you more closely as well.

And you could have left off the last sentence in response, you bigoted, redneck, KKK, Ultraright, prick.

Banning a rifle won't do that.

And you can't seem to comprehend that the response you quoted was not directed at you but rather to Joe the racist fuck.

Are your sock puppets getting mixed up?

It certainly stopped the Thompson in it's tracks but it took about 10 years of aggressive law enforcement and community involvement to get it done. I you trying to tell me that your Grand and Great Grands were smarter than you are?
They were certainly smarter than you because they all knew the Bill of Rights was a part of the constitution
If you want to lower the murder rate as you claim you wouldn't be fixated on less than 1% of all murders

And don't bother responding to me if you can't drop your racist bullshit

Quite the contrary, mass shootings are usually white people shooting other white people... which is the only time racist white people kind of pay attention to the carnage.

I wish we had a conversation that we need to put an end to lower level violence minorities have to put up with every day. But you just went ahead and said it, It's okay if it's only the darkies shooting each other.
If you want to lower the murder rate as you claim you wouldn't be fixated on less than 1% of all murders

And don't bother responding to me if you can't drop your racist bullshit

Quite the contrary, mass shootings are usually white people shooting other white people... which is the only time racist white people kind of pay attention to the carnage.

I wish we had a conversation that we need to put an end to lower level violence minorities have to put up with every day. But you just went ahead and said it, It's okay if it's only the darkies shooting each other.

You still don't get that calling people "Darkies" is racist

You must be a Daryl sock puppet because you're both the same kind of stupid
You still don't get that calling people "Darkies" is racist

You must be a Daryl sock puppet because you're both the same kind of stupid

Naw, man, I point out the stupidity that you guys think that when it's folks of color being killed in the inner city, that's perfectly fine, because the last thing you want to do is chuck out $10.00 and have a background check done before you compensate for your tiny pecker.

It's sad when someone gets shot on a poor street corner because two groups of hoodlums were fighting over who gets to sell drugs on that corner. .

It's sad when a crazy person breaks into a school or a theater and shoots a bunch of people because the voices in his head told him to.

And both are possible because the NRA has decided that there is a "right to own guns" in the Militia Amendment, a crazy idea that no one believed until the Gun Manufacturers co-opted the NRA.

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