Illinois Firearm Identification card ruled unConstitutional in state court....yes, this is correct.

I maintain that I have NO PROBLEM with people owning guns but I merely request that before purchasing weapons that can easily kill people (even accidentally) they be trained and licensed.
In the US, the state cannot constitutionally mandate training and testing as a condition for exercising a right.
The State can require it to acquire a license....
When you can address what I actually said, let us know.
You moved the goalpost...
This is a lie.
Why do you need to lie to make a point?

....I maintain that I have NO PROBLEM with people owning guns but I merely request that before purchasing weapons that can easily kill people (even accidentally) they be trained and licensed.
In the US, the state cannot constitutionally mandate training and testing as a condition for exercising a right.
The state can require it to acquire a license. << Moving the goalpost

When you can address what I actually said, let us know.

Expanded Homicide Data Table 8

Gun murder from the FBI Uniform Crime report...

So you believe the FBI when it undercounts gun murders but not when it tells you Trump is a traitor?

You don't have an entire political party and political movement trying to keep people from owning have exactly that when it comes to guns. So, sorry, you don't know what you are talking about. First, the equivalent of a Poll Tax or Literacy Test for owning and carrying a gun is UnConstitutional, since both actions are a Right, not a privilege.....

again, works on the assumption that Gun Ownership is a right. Clearly if it was, then everyone should have a right to buy a machine gun or a small howitzer. So we all agree, there should be limits on what kinds of guns people should be allowed to have.

Our is actually based on a little common sense.

These guys are not a well regulated militia

View attachment 253389

They didn't find anything relating to Trump and are wrong.

The FBI counts actual bodies.....the CDC has an anti gun agenda.

And According to the Heller decision, the Caetano decision and Scalia stating specifically in Friedman v Highland Park...the AR-15 rifle is protected by the 2nd Amendment, and any gun in common use for lawful purposes is also protected by the Constitution.......when Howitzers become common, they also will be protected.
Fortunately YOU don't decide these issues.

The Constitution, and those good men and women who interpret it, said, 'No', as well.

They also considered women and blacks to be 2nd class citizens who couldn't vote or run for office.

Can I assume you are such a strict constitutionalist that you agree with these polices?

Are you that big a fool? You do understand that that was to diminish the power of the slave states...right? So that they couldn't use people kept as slaves to increase their political power...right? You know, the political power of the future democrat party?
The point that sailed right over your head was most murders occur where there are fewer guns per person and the guns used in those murders are mostly illegaly obtained and illegally possessed

And if you can't cut out the racist shit don't bother responding to me I will remind you again that my mother was half "Darkie" you racist fuck

Which means all of nothing to me. The worst racists are the self-hating minorities.

The most gun murders happen because we have 300 million guns out there...
They didn't find anything relating to Trump and are wrong.

We don't know that, since they won't show us the whole report. I do find it amusing that you guys who didn't believe EIGHT reports that Hillary did nothing wrong in Benghazi and THREE reports showing the Davidians did the world a favor and offed themselves, are suddenly taking THIS report at face value.

The FBI counts actual bodies.....the CDC has an anti gun agenda.

The FBI has a "we aren't really losing control of thing when we clearly are" agenda.

I'd like to see a complete gun report. Let's find out how many gun deaths are domestic violence, how many are suicides, how many are random crime and how many are people killing attackers in self defense.

Oh, wait, the last time the CDC did that was Kellerman, and the National Rampage Association lost its shit.
The majority of which occurred in urban shit holes with illegally possessed firearms

Oh, it's only Darkies and poor people, so that makes it okay?

Really? This is what you are going with?

The point that sailed right over your head was most murders occur where there are fewer guns per person and the guns used in those murders are mostly illegaly obtained and illegally possessed

And if you can't cut out the racist shit don't bother responding to me I will remind you again that my mother was half "Darkie" you racist fuck

It appears that it's you that is using the race card more than he is. Around here, we don't really have any illegal guns that can be proven yet we have "Illegal" shootings.

I know there were no pictures in that post, Corky but if you have someone read it to you you will learn that I said the guns used were illegally obtained and illegally possessed and not that the guns were illegal

And anyone who calls people of color "darkies" is a fucking racist.
The point that sailed right over your head was most murders occur where there are fewer guns per person and the guns used in those murders are mostly illegaly obtained and illegally possessed

And if you can't cut out the racist shit don't bother responding to me I will remind you again that my mother was half "Darkie" you racist fuck

Which means all of nothing to me. The worst racists are the self-hating minorities.

The most gun murders happen because we have 300 million guns out there...

I know it means nothing to you to be a racist fuck. Racist fucks are racist fucks and don't give a shit that they are racist fucks

And what percentage of those guns are actually used in crimes?
I know there were no pictures in that post, Corky but if you have someone read it to you you will learn that I said the guns used were illegally obtained and illegally possessed and not that the guns were illegal

Doesn't matter. The point is, the gun industry has made it so easy to get guns that anyone can get them... and most of them are obtained legally.

How come every time there is a mass shooting, we always find out that even though everyone in the shooter's life knew he was crazy, he still had no problem walking into a gun shop and getting a gun?

And anyone who calls people of color "darkies" is a fucking racist.

Naw, the racist is the one who thinks it's no big deal if it's people of color getting shot. That this makes it okay, somehow. Not that white folks get off their asses when there's a mass shooting and their kids get shot.
I know there were no pictures in that post, Corky but if you have someone read it to you you will learn that I said the guns used were illegally obtained and illegally possessed and not that the guns were illegal

Doesn't matter. The point is, the gun industry has made it so easy to get guns that anyone can get them... and most of them are obtained legally.

How come every time there is a mass shooting, we always find out that even though everyone in the shooter's life knew he was crazy, he still had no problem walking into a gun shop and getting a gun?

And anyone who calls people of color "darkies" is a fucking racist.

Naw, the racist is the one who thinks it's no big deal if it's people of color getting shot. That this makes it okay, somehow. Not that white folks get off their asses when there's a mass shooting and their kids get shot.
Yes you racist fuck most guns are obtained legally but mot guns used in crimes are obtained ILLEGALLY
Yes you racist fuck most guns are obtained legally but mot guns used in crimes are obtained ILLEGALLY

Again, one more time, every time there's a mass shooting, the person who did the shooting had no problem getting a legal gun. Loughner, Holmes, Cho, Cruz... all walked into gun stores, put down a pile of greasy bills and got themselves a nice arsenal of death.

And shit, you guys want to get rid of FOID cards... one of the few restraints on cra-crays getting guns.
Yes you racist fuck most guns are obtained legally but mot guns used in crimes are obtained ILLEGALLY

Again, one more time, every time there's a mass shooting, the person who did the shooting had no problem getting a legal gun. Loughner, Holmes, Cho, Cruz... all walked into gun stores, put down a pile of greasy bills and got themselves a nice arsenal of death.

And shit, you guys want to get rid of FOID cards... one of the few restraints on cra-crays getting guns.

and what percent of murders occur in mass shootings?
The point that sailed right over your head was most murders occur where there are fewer guns per person and the guns used in those murders are mostly illegaly obtained and illegally possessed

And if you can't cut out the racist shit don't bother responding to me I will remind you again that my mother was half "Darkie" you racist fuck

Which means all of nothing to me. The worst racists are the self-hating minorities.

The most gun murders happen because we have 300 million guns out there...

I know it means nothing to you to be a racist fuck. Racist fucks are racist fucks and don't give a shit that they are racist fucks

And what percentage of those guns are actually used in crimes?

The only one bringing Race into this is you. Tells me that you just want to play the race card so that "Maybe" we will overlook that you are a fruitcake with fruitcake ideas. Who knows, you might have a good idea once in awhile but the second you run the race card like you do, we just write you off as a fruitcake and move on.
The point that sailed right over your head was most murders occur where there are fewer guns per person and the guns used in those murders are mostly illegaly obtained and illegally possessed

And if you can't cut out the racist shit don't bother responding to me I will remind you again that my mother was half "Darkie" you racist fuck

Which means all of nothing to me. The worst racists are the self-hating minorities.

The most gun murders happen because we have 300 million guns out there...

I know it means nothing to you to be a racist fuck. Racist fucks are racist fucks and don't give a shit that they are racist fucks

And what percentage of those guns are actually used in crimes?

The only one bringing Race into this is you. Tells me that you just want to play the race card so that "Maybe" we will overlook that you are a fruitcake with fruitcake ideas. Who knows, you might have a good idea once in awhile but the second you run the race card like you do, we just write you off as a fruitcake and move on.

So I was the one who used the term "Darkies"

You really can't read can you, Corky?
The point that sailed right over your head was most murders occur where there are fewer guns per person and the guns used in those murders are mostly illegaly obtained and illegally possessed

And if you can't cut out the racist shit don't bother responding to me I will remind you again that my mother was half "Darkie" you racist fuck

Which means all of nothing to me. The worst racists are the self-hating minorities.

The most gun murders happen because we have 300 million guns out there...

I know it means nothing to you to be a racist fuck. Racist fucks are racist fucks and don't give a shit that they are racist fucks

And what percentage of those guns are actually used in crimes?

The only one bringing Race into this is you. Tells me that you just want to play the race card so that "Maybe" we will overlook that you are a fruitcake with fruitcake ideas. Who knows, you might have a good idea once in awhile but the second you run the race card like you do, we just write you off as a fruitcake and move on.

So I was the one who used the term "Darkies"

You really can't read can you, Corky?

You are the one that keeps using it over and over. You really do have a problem. Get over it. While I don't always agree with Rustbucket (rarely in fact, he has your number on this one)
The point that sailed right over your head was most murders occur where there are fewer guns per person and the guns used in those murders are mostly illegaly obtained and illegally possessed

And if you can't cut out the racist shit don't bother responding to me I will remind you again that my mother was half "Darkie" you racist fuck

Which means all of nothing to me. The worst racists are the self-hating minorities.

The most gun murders happen because we have 300 million guns out there...

I know it means nothing to you to be a racist fuck. Racist fucks are racist fucks and don't give a shit that they are racist fucks

And what percentage of those guns are actually used in crimes?

The only one bringing Race into this is you. Tells me that you just want to play the race card so that "Maybe" we will overlook that you are a fruitcake with fruitcake ideas. Who knows, you might have a good idea once in awhile but the second you run the race card like you do, we just write you off as a fruitcake and move on.

So I was the one who used the term "Darkies"

You really can't read can you, Corky?

You are the one that keeps using it over and over. You really do have a problem. Get over it. While I don't always agree with Rustbucket (rarely in fact, he has your number on this one)

What the fuck are you reading?

Joe Racist Fuck used it in a replies to more than one of my posts

Run along now Corky you're making yourself look like even more of a retard
I maintain that I have NO PROBLEM with people owning guns but I merely request that before purchasing weapons that can easily kill people (even accidentally) they be trained and licensed.
In the US, the state cannot constitutionally mandate training and testing as a condition for exercising a right.
The State can require it to acquire a license....
When you can address what I actually said, let us know.
You moved the goalpost
This is a lie.
Why do you need to lie to make a point?

....I maintain that I have NO PROBLEM with people owning guns but I merely request that before purchasing weapons that can easily kill people (even accidentally) they be trained and licensed.
In the US, the state cannot constitutionally mandate training and testing as a condition for exercising a right.
The state can require it to acquire a license. << Moving the goalpost

When you can address what I actually said, let us know.
I maintain that I have NO PROBLEM with people owning guns but I merely request that before purchasing weapons that can easily kill people (even accidentally) they be trained and licensed.
In the US, the state cannot constitutionally mandate training and testing as a condition for exercising a right.
The State can require it to acquire a license....
When you can address what I actually said, let us know.
You moved the goalpost
This is a lie.
Why do you need to lie to make a point?

....I maintain that I have NO PROBLEM with people owning guns but I merely request that before purchasing weapons that can easily kill people (even accidentally) they be trained and licensed.
In the US, the state cannot constitutionally mandate training and testing as a condition for exercising a right.
The state can require it to acquire a license. << Moving the goalpost

When you can address what I actually said, let us know.

The Stare CAN make that requirement. The fact that none has doesn't mean that they can't. Actually, the State may have trouble doing that but the Municipalities can do it and some already do it and it has been supported in the courts. You want it changed, change the law.
In the US, the state cannot constitutionally mandate training and testing as a condition for exercising a right.
The State can require it to acquire a license....
When you can address what I actually said, let us know.
You moved the goalpost
This is a lie.
Why do you need to lie to make a point?

....I maintain that I have NO PROBLEM with people owning guns but I merely request that before purchasing weapons that can easily kill people (even accidentally) they be trained and licensed.
In the US, the state cannot constitutionally mandate training and testing as a condition for exercising a right.
The state can require it to acquire a license. << Moving the goalpost
When you can address what I actually said, let us know.
The Stare CAN make that requirement.
Show this to be true.

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