I’m a 21st Century American, I’m a Liberal, and I’m Armed.

The same way I knew boop had ass boils. I pay attention to the dumbass shit you write. I'm preternaturally perceptive. It's a gift. My loser lunatic radar is amazing.

I know a really funny Catholic joke about Catholic school girls that sort-of applies to you.

The punchline is about rinsing your mouth out with holy water.

But I don't think the Pope would approve of my using Catholic jokes with Jewish American Princesses.

What if the government changes? What happens to your "inalienable right" then?

Carrying a gun isn't an right we're born with... breathing is a right you're born with. Carrying is a right that We give to ourselves when we pledge allegiance to each other via our mutual trust in The US Constitution.

When someone breaks that trust by committing a felony, the rest of us withdraw our permission, and for something like that to be withdrawn, it must first be accepted.

The states already do background checks on most gun purchases... It's not like The People of any given state don't already know who we, the gun owners, are.
Americans having been brainwashed their whole lives in school tend to take John Locke's philosophies like god given laws written in stone.
I say that I’m armed because I carry a Ruger 9C loaded with eight to fifteen rounds of hollow point ammunition in a quick-release holster concealed under my shirt pretty much everywhere I go.

The People of The Great State of Florida have done a background check on me and decided that it’s ok for me to carry a concealed fire-arm. In return I have promised to understand and follow the rules for doing so when I carry.

I’m armed because I can be. I live in a world where needing to defend myself by shooting and possibly killing a “bad guy with a gun” is an everyday possibility, so I’m armed because I can be.

I’m a Liberal. I carry not because I’m afraid and live in fear that every step I take brings me closer to the inevitable use of my weapon. I carry because I can. I’m optimistic and hopeful that I’ll never have to reveal what I keep concealed, I carry because I can. I have permission from my government and I believe that I understand the responsibility. And by ‘my government’ from which I sought and obtained permission, I mean The United States Constitution in theory, and The People of The Great State of Florida in practice.

What IS the U.S. Constitution but the documentation of and blueprint for a form government? :dunno:

For the benefit of your thread....how do you vote?

Straight commie ticket.

If he votes at all. I'm not convinced he isn't a felon. I know he doesn't work.

How is it that you KNOW that I don't work? :eusa_eh:

If you've been stalking me again, you're getting better at it. I haven't suspected a thing!

Kudos! :thup:
The same way I knew boop had ass boils. I pay attention to the dumbass shit you write. I'm preternaturally perceptive. It's a gift. My loser lunatic radar is amazing.

Well, chalk one up in the loss column.... I do work.

I would have thought it pretty obvious to someone who's preternaturally perceptive, considering I'm rarely on the board between 7am and 5 pm, but I'm just the writing talent that you pay attention to.
Ass-u-me-ing the state that issued his license doesn't fumble the back-ground check ball, issuing licenses for weapons would allow me to sell a gun privately to a stranger with out fear of the buyer doing something tragic with it,

Either way, it's on the state, not me. :thup:
The state doesn't run the back ground check, they don't have the resources. It's federal since they cover incidents across state lines. But we don't have problems here, being shall issue all we need to do is not have a record and fork over the dough.

If you fear someone doing harm with your gun the reasonable thing to do is not sell it. How hard is that?

Not be able to sell my private property?!? :disbelief:

Not really the good ol' American Spirit there, Bud.

What if I want to handle a lot of different weapons by buying, selling and trading?

It would also be nice to be able to buy a gun in another state without having to involve and pay for a local dealer to complete the transaction in my state.

Obtaining a gun license based on a federal background check would make it easier to be a gun owner.

The FFL 03 collectors license process is already in place and can be easily expanded to issue citizens and LPRAs a Federal firearm license rendering null and void all state and local permit and licensing requirements.

Citizens and LPRAs would apply for the license where a background check is conducted as part of the application process.

Once the background check determines the applicant is not a prohibited person, the Federal license is issued

Holders of the Federal license would be able to carry concealed firearms in all states that require a carry permit and all their jurisdictions.

New firearms could be purchased online and delivered directly to the buyer’s home, as one’s license information would be in the Federal database accessed by the online dealer.

When buying from a bricks and mortar gun shop there would be no waiting periods, no limits on the number of firearms purchased during a given period, no 4473 to fill out, no training or registration requirements – the buyer gives the dealer his license, the dealer checks it in the database, the buyer walks out with his new gun.

When a license holder is convicted of a felony or otherwise becomes a prohibited person, the database is updated and the license canceled.
Ass-u-me-ing the state that issued his license doesn't fumble the back-ground check ball, issuing licenses for weapons would allow me to sell a gun privately to a stranger with out fear of the buyer doing something tragic with it,

Either way, it's on the state, not me. :thup:
The state doesn't run the back ground check, they don't have the resources. It's federal since they cover incidents across state lines. But we don't have problems here, being shall issue all we need to do is not have a record and fork over the dough.

If you fear someone doing harm with your gun the reasonable thing to do is not sell it. How hard is that?

Not be able to sell my private property?!? :disbelief:

Not really the good ol' American Spirit there, Bud.

What if I want to handle a lot of different weapons by buying, selling and trading?

It would also be nice to be able to buy a gun in another state without having to involve and pay for a local dealer to complete the transaction in my state.

Obtaining a gun license based on a federal background check would make it easier to be a gun owner.
Huh? You can't read. Where did I say you shouldn't be able to sell your firearm, BUD? If you want to sell it through a FFL there is no fucking thing stopping you BUD.
Ass-u-me-ing the state that issued his license doesn't fumble the back-ground check ball, issuing licenses for weapons would allow me to sell a gun privately to a stranger with out fear of the buyer doing something tragic with it,

Either way, it's on the state, not me. :thup:

YOu know that criminals get almost all of their guns by using straw buyers..right? They use someone with a clean record to buy the gun for them......so if you have a private sale and the criminal wants your gun...they will also use a straw buyer...or follow you home and steal the gun....

So the licensing scheme you favor does nothing.....

Again.....you can arrest the felon if he is caught with a gun..considering felons cannot get a license, and they do 90% of the shooting in this country, licensing is a pointless, money sucking, bureaucratic hoop....nothing more....

If you are law abiding person.....not having a piece of paper will not make you use that gun illegally.....and if you do use that gun illegally, you can already be arrested.

And again...how do you pay for licenses....since the democrats used Poll Taxes, fees for voting, to keep blacks from voting....a license fee will keep poor minorities from accessing the Right to own a gun.....?

And then the straw buyers ID will be associated with the gun and he or she may end up with some serious explaining to do.

Holding out for perfection is an extremist waste of time.

No.....straw buyers are rarely prosecuted and besides...a license doesn't identify a gun to a particular person...which is why you will next call on gun registration......and the straw buyers actually buying from licensed gun dealers are not fazed by the background check right now.......

You are simply wrong...licenses are pointless...unless you want to put gun owners in legal jeopardy......then they will work like a charm.

You make 'straw buying' sound like a job.

If it is, and it's not a lax enforcement issue, it's a loophole that needs to be plugged.

Prosecutors don't like to prosecute the gang bangers baby momma who bought the gun, often under threat of violence...they apparently use their grandmothers too......

There is no upside for a prosecutor to prosecute straw buyer cases unless there is a bigger fish to fry.......Kevin Williams wrote an article on it recently........and even if they prosecute...they give short sentences...and these are people who know they are giving the gun to a felon.......but again....often under threat of violence.

Still waiting for a reason for licensing gun owners.....
Ass-u-me-ing the state that issued his license doesn't fumble the back-ground check ball, issuing licenses for weapons would allow me to sell a gun privately to a stranger with out fear of the buyer doing something tragic with it,

Either way, it's on the state, not me. :thup:
The state doesn't run the back ground check, they don't have the resources. It's federal since they cover incidents across state lines. But we don't have problems here, being shall issue all we need to do is not have a record and fork over the dough.

If you fear someone doing harm with your gun the reasonable thing to do is not sell it. How hard is that?

Not be able to sell my private property?!? :disbelief:

Not really the good ol' American Spirit there, Bud.

What if I want to handle a lot of different weapons by buying, selling and trading?

It would also be nice to be able to buy a gun in another state without having to involve and pay for a local dealer to complete the transaction in my state.

Obtaining a gun license based on a federal background check would make it easier to be a gun owner.

You can get a federal gun sellers license right now.....that is already in the law......
I say that I’m armed because I carry a Ruger 9C loaded with eight to fifteen rounds of hollow point ammunition in a quick-release holster concealed under my shirt pretty much everywhere I go.

The People of The Great State of Florida have done a background check on me and decided that it’s ok for me to carry a concealed fire-arm. In return I have promised to understand and follow the rules for doing so when I carry.

I’m armed because I can be. I live in a world where needing to defend myself by shooting and possibly killing a “bad guy with a gun” is an everyday possibility, so I’m armed because I can be.

I’m a Liberal. I carry not because I’m afraid and live in fear that every step I take brings me closer to the inevitable use of my weapon. I carry because I can. I’m optimistic and hopeful that I’ll never have to reveal what I keep concealed, I carry because I can. I have permission from my government and I believe that I understand the responsibility. And by ‘my government’ from which I sought and obtained permission, I mean The United States Constitution in theory, and The People of The Great State of Florida in practice.

What IS the U.S. Constitution but the documentation of and blueprint for a form government? :dunno:

For the benefit of your thread....how do you vote?

Straight commie ticket.

If he votes at all. I'm not convinced he isn't a felon. I know he doesn't work.

How is it that you KNOW that I don't work? :eusa_eh:

If you've been stalking me again, you're getting better at it. I haven't suspected a thing!

Kudos! :thup:
The same way I knew boop had ass boils. I pay attention to the dumbass shit you write. I'm preternaturally perceptive. It's a gift. My loser lunatic radar is amazing.

O.k., now I'm curious... all we have on this board is our opinions and the way in which we deliver them.... If my delivery is so bad that I come across as an unemployed felon, knowing specifically what I said to make you think that will help to make me a better ghost in The Machine.

Come on, koshergrl!! You owe it to your blue-haired old lady instincts, The Board specifically, and to Cyburbia at large to make me in to a better communicator if you can!


My curiosity is piqued..... what have I said to make you think that I was an unemployed felon?


I hope I haven't said anything to make you think that I'm fat! :eusa_eh:

Ass-u-me-ing the state that issued his license doesn't fumble the back-ground check ball, issuing licenses for weapons would allow me to sell a gun privately to a stranger with out fear of the buyer doing something tragic with it,

Either way, it's on the state, not me. :thup:
The state doesn't run the back ground check, they don't have the resources. It's federal since they cover incidents across state lines. But we don't have problems here, being shall issue all we need to do is not have a record and fork over the dough.

If you fear someone doing harm with your gun the reasonable thing to do is not sell it. How hard is that?

Not be able to sell my private property?!? :disbelief:

Not really the good ol' American Spirit there, Bud.

What if I want to handle a lot of different weapons by buying, selling and trading?

It would also be nice to be able to buy a gun in another state without having to involve and pay for a local dealer to complete the transaction in my state.

Obtaining a gun license based on a federal background check would make it easier to be a gun owner.

You can get a federal gun sellers license right now.....that is already in the law......

True. But that's not a cheap certification to maintain.... I thought we were talking about the states issuing them for free earlier.
Ass-u-me-ing the state that issued his license doesn't fumble the back-ground check ball, issuing licenses for weapons would allow me to sell a gun privately to a stranger with out fear of the buyer doing something tragic with it,

Either way, it's on the state, not me. :thup:

YOu know that criminals get almost all of their guns by using straw buyers..right? They use someone with a clean record to buy the gun for them......so if you have a private sale and the criminal wants your gun...they will also use a straw buyer...or follow you home and steal the gun....

So the licensing scheme you favor does nothing.....

Again.....you can arrest the felon if he is caught with a gun..considering felons cannot get a license, and they do 90% of the shooting in this country, licensing is a pointless, money sucking, bureaucratic hoop....nothing more....

If you are law abiding person.....not having a piece of paper will not make you use that gun illegally.....and if you do use that gun illegally, you can already be arrested.

And again...how do you pay for licenses....since the democrats used Poll Taxes, fees for voting, to keep blacks from voting....a license fee will keep poor minorities from accessing the Right to own a gun.....?

And then the straw buyers ID will be associated with the gun and he or she may end up with some serious explaining to do.

Holding out for perfection is an extremist waste of time.

No.....straw buyers are rarely prosecuted and besides...a license doesn't identify a gun to a particular person...which is why you will next call on gun registration......and the straw buyers actually buying from licensed gun dealers are not fazed by the background check right now.......

You are simply wrong...licenses are pointless...unless you want to put gun owners in legal jeopardy......then they will work like a charm.

You make 'straw buying' sound like a job.

If it is, and it's not a lax enforcement issue, it's a loophole that needs to be plugged.

Prosecutors don't like to prosecute the gang bangers baby momma who bought the gun, often under threat of violence...they apparently use their grandmothers too......

There is no upside for a prosecutor to prosecute straw buyer cases unless there is a bigger fish to fry.......Kevin Williams wrote an article on it recently........and even if they prosecute...they give short sentences...and these are people who know they are giving the gun to a felon.......but again....often under threat of violence.

Still waiting for a reason for licensing gun owners.....

Problem solved if girlfriend or grandma had to maintain a license to buy guns specifically rather than just maintaining a clean background. If they get past the interview and background check for issue or renewal, they are made aware of the consequences of putting a tragic gun in the hands of an unlicensed individual and worse case scenario is they serve a short stint for straw buying and that precludes them from ever obtaining a license to buy again.

It's a win-win. It would make things easier for the state, easier for the gun industry, and easier to be a gun owner, especially if you travel among the states.
I say that I’m armed because I carry a Ruger 9C loaded with eight to fifteen rounds of hollow point ammunition in a quick-release holster concealed under my shirt pretty much everywhere I go.

The People of The Great State of Florida have done a background check on me and decided that it’s ok for me to carry a concealed fire-arm. In return I have promised to understand and follow the rules for doing so when I carry.

I’m armed because I can be. I live in a world where needing to defend myself by shooting and possibly killing a “bad guy with a gun” is an everyday possibility, so I’m armed because I can be.

I’m a Liberal. I carry not because I’m afraid and live in fear that every step I take brings me closer to the inevitable use of my weapon. I carry because I can. I’m optimistic and hopeful that I’ll never have to reveal what I keep concealed, I carry because I can. I have permission from my government and I believe that I understand the responsibility. And by ‘my government’ from which I sought and obtained permission, I mean The United States Constitution in theory, and The People of The Great State of Florida in practice.

What IS the U.S. Constitution but the documentation of and blueprint for a form government? :dunno:
I have permission from my government and I believe that I understand the responsibility.

What are you going to do next year when a Hillary controlled SCOTUS rules that you don't have permission from the government to defend your life?
YOu know that criminals get almost all of their guns by using straw buyers..right? They use someone with a clean record to buy the gun for them......so if you have a private sale and the criminal wants your gun...they will also use a straw buyer...or follow you home and steal the gun....

So the licensing scheme you favor does nothing.....

Again.....you can arrest the felon if he is caught with a gun..considering felons cannot get a license, and they do 90% of the shooting in this country, licensing is a pointless, money sucking, bureaucratic hoop....nothing more....

If you are law abiding person.....not having a piece of paper will not make you use that gun illegally.....and if you do use that gun illegally, you can already be arrested.

And again...how do you pay for licenses....since the democrats used Poll Taxes, fees for voting, to keep blacks from voting....a license fee will keep poor minorities from accessing the Right to own a gun.....?

And then the straw buyers ID will be associated with the gun and he or she may end up with some serious explaining to do.

Holding out for perfection is an extremist waste of time.

No.....straw buyers are rarely prosecuted and besides...a license doesn't identify a gun to a particular person...which is why you will next call on gun registration......and the straw buyers actually buying from licensed gun dealers are not fazed by the background check right now.......

You are simply wrong...licenses are pointless...unless you want to put gun owners in legal jeopardy......then they will work like a charm.

You make 'straw buying' sound like a job.

If it is, and it's not a lax enforcement issue, it's a loophole that needs to be plugged.

Prosecutors don't like to prosecute the gang bangers baby momma who bought the gun, often under threat of violence...they apparently use their grandmothers too......

There is no upside for a prosecutor to prosecute straw buyer cases unless there is a bigger fish to fry.......Kevin Williams wrote an article on it recently........and even if they prosecute...they give short sentences...and these are people who know they are giving the gun to a felon.......but again....often under threat of violence.

Still waiting for a reason for licensing gun owners.....

Problem solved if girlfriend or grandma had to maintain a license to buy guns specifically rather than just maintaining a clean background. If they get past the interview and background check for issue or renewal, they are made aware of the consequences of putting a tragic gun in the hands of an unlicensed individual and worse case scenario is they serve a short stint for straw buying and that precludes them from ever obtaining a license to buy again.

It's a win-win. It would make things easier for the state, easier for the gun industry, and easier to be a gun owner, especially if you travel among the states.

No..it doesn't you are not addressing the point......they get the license because they have a clean background.........there is no need for the license........

If they get caught selling or giving a gun to a criminal, under current law...they are felons...and can no longer buy, own or carry guns.....under existing law......everything you say a license will do......already exists.....

You are just adding another layer of paperwork that is not needed to do what you just posted.

Gun stores should tell every customer what the consequences for straw buying are...not how they are enforced by the way.....
No... I'm closing the "Gunshow / Private Sale" loophole and making much easier for private gun owners to buy, sell and trade their weapons without fear that they are putting a weapon in to tragic hands.
At the very least, it puts the onus on the state if you sell to someone with a gun license.

We all agree that the government has both the right and the responsibility to suspend the Second Amendment rights of people who are convicted of felonies, it seems to me that handling weapons without a license is like traveling without a US Passport. Even though It is real difficult not to take me for an armed American, it's nice knowing that I can prove it.
No... I'm closing the "Gunshow / Private Sale" loophole and making much easier for private gun owners to buy, sell and trade their weapons without fear that they are putting a weapon in to tragic hands.

There is no gun show loophole....

And again...how exactly are you doing that........a straw buyer for a criminal who is going to use their clean record to buy a gun at a licensed gun store, will use their clean record to buy a gun from a private seller...if the criminal wants a gun a private individual is selling....

And that activity is background checks, not licensing gun owners....so again.....what does licensing gun owners actually do?

You have so far confused registering guns with licensing gun owners and have now confused background checks for private sellers with licensing gun owners......

Please explain how requiring a law abiding gun owner who has committed no crime to get a license will stop crimes with gun or mass shootings with guns. Keep in mind...felons are already legally barred from buying, owning or carrying a gun....so they can't get a license to own a gun........
At the very least, it puts the onus on the state if you sell to someone with a gun license.

We all agree that the government has both the right and the responsibility to suspend the Second Amendment rights of people who are convicted of felonies, it seems to me that handling weapons without a license is like traveling without a US Passport. Even though It is real difficult not to take me for an armed American, it's nice knowing that I can prove it.

That "onus" already exists........no need to add another layer of paperwork.

If I am a normal citizen, and have committed no crime.....I can right now carry a gun since I am not a felon. If I commit a crime with that gun.....I can be arrested...if I act as a straw buyer...I can be arrested.

The license as you have defined it is another layer of useless paperwork. It does nothing to stop criminals or mass shooters...mass shooters would just get the license, then go shoot people.

What your license does....it adds another fee to a Right....the democrats used Poll Taxes...fees, to keep blacks from exercising their Right to vote...and that is unConstitutional under the 14th Amendment.....

Not only that...it is pointless as I keep showing you.

What it does.....it puts law abiding gun owners in legal jeopardy if they fail to renew their license....you guys will probably make it a felony if past discussions are accurate...so you can destroy the gun owners life for failing to fill out paperwork ..........even though the gun owner has not used the gun to actually commit a crime. You will take their money, their job, their guns, and put them in jail because they didn't fill out paperwork on the right day....

Meanwhile, felons, who can't get a license even if they wanted one....will keep committing crimes and mass shootings with guns....

Licensing gun owners is nothing more than adding a layer of bureacracy simply out of the habit of wanting to put paperwork on an activity, through an obsessive compulsion need....and for the anti gun activists...it is a way to expose normal gun owners to sanctions for owning guns. The license gives them access to the guns of normal gun owners who do not use them for crime....when a criminal uses a gun, the anti gunners know they can automatically take them.

For law abiding gun owners...there is no way to take those guns...since they aren't used for crime...so the anti gunners want to create a crime that allows them to take those guns if the law abiding gun owner violates it....even though they have not used the actual gun in a criminal way.....

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