Zone1 I’m a 36-year-old white man and I’ve never been provided any leg up by the US government or handout because I’m white

Lets see, 36 years ago it was 1988. Reagan had race pimped white America for nearly 8 years by that time. His parents were born during the 1960's which means Andrews parents grew up benefitting from what thei government gave to his grandparents in various programs like the New Deal, Servicemens Readjustment Act, and the FHA. So Andrews life was impacted by the benefits his parents got by growing up white in America.

In Andrews life he has indeed been hired or advamnced because if his race. He would not know that because his employer could not tell him that. And hes been race husted into the white grievance culture that has him creating a thread like this whining about how hard it is for him to be white. How miserable it must be.
He should kiss the ground that he was born in this country.
You should. I have first amendment rights. So if I see a problem with this government, I have the same right to air my grievance as as you entitlement mentality white privilege types who whine because you can't get 100 percent of everything given to you by the government.
Mike, you whine about being white in a nation that has given whites everything. So shut up.
Lets see, 36 years ago it was 1988. Reagan had race pimped white America for nearly 8 years by that time. His parents were born during the 1960's which means Andrews parents grew up benefitting from what thei government gave to his grandparents in various programs like the New Deal, Servicemens Readjustment Act, and the FHA. So Andrews life was impacted by the benefits his parents got by growing up white in America.

In Andrews life he has indeed been hired or advamnced because if his race. He would not know that because his employer could not tell him that. And hes been race husted into the white grievance culture that has him creating a thread like this whining about how hard it is for him to be white. How miserable it must be.
Do you ever not feel sorry for yourself?
It’s frankly comically pathetic
I come from a middle-class family…. when I moved out of my parents house I became very poor. I was living in an apartment. I never got anything for being white. And it’s sickens me to hear millionaire politicians, white and black claim that “Black people are held back in this country or white people are privileged”.

I Was turned down to get into a college and I didn’t complain about it. I decided to do the best I could. … working for myself and playing poker I’ve had success. I’ve been able to travel to Cambodia and Thailand for fun . A lot of people never even leave America.

Right now in America there are Black people and white people who are homeless. Their struggle is the same. And this argument about “white privilege” which has entire studies dedicated to It is 100% fake. There are universities that offer college courses on equity or diversity or absolute nonsense like that. It’s all fake. So when you hear somebody bring forth a so-called study About the “proof” that white people are privileged or the proof that their is system racism by police toward blacks it’s all based on lies and propaganda.
As my kids tell me. Dad, we aren’t racist but we are hated for being white and we didn’t do anything wrong. It’s like they want us to be racist.

My teenage daughters see it. Clear as day
So you're saying that no white person has ever been stopped and frisked?
So if I were to have said that, you could have quoted me.
You make this stuff up. Just fear-mongering. You're the problem.
I don't make stuff up. The statistics of Stop-and-frisk in NYC prove that more blacks were randomly stopped than other races.

Had they stopped the same % of every race, the resulting arrests would have been much more equal across the board.
They get stopped because they got a profile.

I bet if you're walking down a lonely street and a young Hispanic is coming your way and his face and neck are covered it tattoos I bet you'll cross the street. That's called profiling. Same with being approached by a group of black "teens"
Why don't you guys even present the scenario of waking diown a lonely street with a group of white kids your way? Because crime happens in the white suburbs in very high numbers. Then you guys act all surprised instead of recognizing that you have a problem.
As my kids tell me. Dad, we aren’t racist but we are hated for being white and we didn’t do anything wrong. It’s like they want us to be racist.

My teenage daughters see it. Clear as day
You should tell them, "Karma is a bitch" and point to your master Trump as an example. He got shot and nobody really cared.

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