I'm a Dreamer

... Immigration is citizenship ...

Well, not necessarily.

The coming Into a country of foreigners for purposes of permanent residence....

Permanent residency is not the same thing as citizenship, as reflected in the different status for those with a permanent resident card (green card), as opposed to those who have acquired citizenship.

Still playing semantics....

Accuracy is not semantics.

A Green Card is generally the first step toward citizenship.
Latinos don’t and will not assimilate to European culture, some do it’s why we need merit based immigration.
The ones that have come here in the last 50 years have not assimilated. Instead they have carved out their own hybrid subculture and assimilated into that as have many former Americans. It's not surprising because they are encouraged to maintain their own separate culture.

It was planned that way. They will never assimilate to your culture. They will be given citizenship and then swallow your culture.
My great grandparents immigrated legally. Despite the hardships and privations. Neither they nor did I EVER own slaves nor did WE support persecuting Jews (because, we are, or in part Jewish). We dream our politicians will follow our wishes and not those that exploit poor and set us against ourselves to their short term political gain. That's MY DREAM.
Do you know why Jews have done so well here in the US?
Because no one would hire us.
It was either starve or start your own business.
Welfare wasn't an option.

Trespassers, even after 2 or 3 genertions, don't seem to have higher ambitions than landscaping or doing dishes
That is not true.
... Immigration is citizenship ...

Well, not necessarily.

The coming Into a country of foreigners for purposes of permanent residence....

Permanent residency is not the same thing as citizenship, as reflected in the different status for those with a permanent resident card (green card), as opposed to those who have acquired citizenship.

Still playing semantics....

Accuracy is not semantics.

A Green Card is generally the first step toward citizenship.
Latinos don’t and will not assimilate to European culture, some do it’s why we need merit based immigration.
The ones that have come here in the last 50 years have not assimilated. Instead they have carved out their own hybrid subculture and assimilated into that as have many former Americans. It's not surprising because they are encouraged to maintain their own separate culture.

It was planned that way. They will never assimilate to your culture. They will be given citizenship and then swallow your culture.
Because everybody in the US should be a dishwasher.

... Immigration is citizenship ...

Well, not necessarily.

The coming Into a country of foreigners for purposes of permanent residence....

Permanent residency is not the same thing as citizenship, as reflected in the different status for those with a permanent resident card (green card), as opposed to those who have acquired citizenship.

Still playing semantics....

Accuracy is not semantics.

A Green Card is generally the first step toward citizenship.
Latinos don’t and will not assimilate to European culture, some do it’s why we need merit based immigration.
The ones that have come here in the last 50 years have not assimilated. Instead they have carved out their own hybrid subculture and assimilated into that as have many former Americans. It's not surprising because they are encouraged to maintain their own separate culture.

It was planned that way. They will never assimilate to your culture. They will be given citizenship and then swallow your culture.
Because everybody in the US should be a dishwasher.

I don't understand your meaning.
My great grandparents immigrated legally. Despite the hardships and privations. Neither they nor did I EVER own slaves nor did WE support persecuting Jews (because, we are, or in part Jewish). We dream our politicians will follow our wishes and not those that exploit poor and set us against ourselves to their short term political gain. That's MY DREAM.
Well you keep dreaming!

... Immigration is citizenship ...

Well, not necessarily.

The coming Into a country of foreigners for purposes of permanent residence....

Permanent residency is not the same thing as citizenship, as reflected in the different status for those with a permanent resident card (green card), as opposed to those who have acquired citizenship.

Still playing semantics....

Accuracy is not semantics.

A Green Card is generally the first step toward citizenship.
Latinos don’t and will not assimilate to European culture, some do it’s why we need merit based immigration.
The ones that have come here in the last 50 years have not assimilated. Instead they have carved out their own hybrid subculture and assimilated into that as have many former Americans. It's not surprising because they are encouraged to maintain their own separate culture.

It was planned that way. They will never assimilate to your culture. They will be given citizenship and then swallow your culture.
Swallow isn't appropriate. Try murder.
... Immigration is citizenship ...

Well, not necessarily.

The coming Into a country of foreigners for purposes of permanent residence....

Permanent residency is not the same thing as citizenship, as reflected in the different status for those with a permanent resident card (green card), as opposed to those who have acquired citizenship.

Still playing semantics....

Accuracy is not semantics.

A Green Card is generally the first step toward citizenship.
Latinos don’t and will not assimilate to European culture, some do it’s why we need merit based immigration.
The ones that have come here in the last 50 years have not assimilated. Instead they have carved out their own hybrid subculture and assimilated into that as have many former Americans. It's not surprising because they are encouraged to maintain their own separate culture.

It was planned that way. They will never assimilate to your culture. They will be given citizenship and then swallow your culture.
Swallow isn't appropriate. Try murder.

There isn't much you can do about the situation until you advocate for changing YOUR culture. The current proffered "solutions" were dreamed up by people that wanted to dilute the white vote and subtly eliminate whites altogether. The whites know that, yet they pursue those "solutions" (if you can call regression a solution) that are counter-productive, unconstitutional, untenable, unworkable, and don't have a snow-balls's chance in Hell of being realized except to the extent that they give power to the people you're complaining about. AND, once you've given them that power, you are toatst - a victim of genocide that you helped to institute.
Latinos don’t and will not assimilate

The United States is not part of Europe, and Latino immigrants assimilate in the US all the time.
Bullshit. I grew up in South San Diego. I now live 800 miles from the border and I see the exact same shit here that I did when I was 14.
Do not speak English, do not teach their children English. High welfare rates, no car insurance, no medical insurance.
This exact same cycle is repeated everywhere.
The worst part is our society allows it, encourages it.
"Se habla espanol"
"Para Espanol oprima dos".
Latinos don’t and will not assimilate

The United States is not part of Europe, and Latino immigrants assimilate in the US all the time.
Bullshit. I grew up in South San Diego. I now live 800 miles from the border and I see the exact same shit here that I did when I was 14.
Do not speak English, do not teach their children English. High welfare rates, no car insurance, no medical insurance.
This exact same cycle is repeated everywhere.

Maybe next time you could stop and think before posting. Do you think the exact same people are living in the same places in South San Diego now as when you were 14? The people you were scared of when you were 14, if they stayed in the US, now have children of their own; children who undoubtedly speak English better than you do, and more than likely have insurance and make more money than you do (if that's important to a shallow douche like you). These children of the people little chickenshit 14 you were so scared of would be in every way at least as American as you are. The people you are so scared of now are recent immigrants and they and their families will go through the same process of assimilation as those who scared little you back then as well as immigrants from various European countries over 100 years before your know-nothing ass was born. It's called AMERICA. This is how it has always gone and you wouldn't be here otherwise.
My great grandparents immigrated legally. Despite the hardships and privations. Neither they nor did I EVER own slaves nor did WE support persecuting Jews (because, we are, or in part Jewish). We dream our politicians will follow our wishes and not those that exploit poor and set us against ourselves to their short term political gain. That's MY DREAM.

95% of Americans could care less what color anyone is or what thier heritage is ...Americans are the muttiest of the mutts ..

And the native Indians are full of shit ......they just walked over

Super tramp .?

He hasn't been able to hit those notes in many a year
Latinos don’t and will not assimilate

The United States is not part of Europe, and Latino immigrants assimilate in the US all the time.
Bullshit. I grew up in South San Diego. I now live 800 miles from the border and I see the exact same shit here that I did when I was 14.
Do not speak English, do not teach their children English. High welfare rates, no car insurance, no medical insurance.
This exact same cycle is repeated everywhere.
The worst part is our society allows it, encourages it.
"Se habla espanol"
"Para Espanol oprima dos".

The people are certainly different ones than the ones you grew up with. The cycle repeats. The ones you grew up with are dealing drugs, in prison and certainly in one of the many gangs. They have.children who watch the novelas on TV, listen to a mariachi radio station and shop at a mexican swao meet or carnecera. They speak Spanglish. Spanish fairly well and bastardized English. Yeah I live there too.
Latinos don’t and will not assimilate

The United States is not part of Europe, and Latino immigrants assimilate in the US all the time.
Bullshit. I grew up in South San Diego. I now live 800 miles from the border and I see the exact same shit here that I did when I was 14.
Do not speak English, do not teach their children English. High welfare rates, no car insurance, no medical insurance.
This exact same cycle is repeated everywhere.
The worst part is our society allows it, encourages it.
"Se habla espanol"
"Para Espanol oprima dos".

The people are certainly different ones than the ones you grew up with. The cycle repeats. The ones you grew up with are dealing drugs, in prison and certainly in one of the many gangs. They have.children who watch the novelas on TV, listen to a mariachi radio station and shop at a mexican swao meet or carnecera. They speak Spanglish. Spanish fairly well and bastardized English. Yeah I live there too.

In the imaginary world you need to believe in to maintain your bigotry in comfort.
Latinos don’t and will not assimilate

The United States is not part of Europe, and Latino immigrants assimilate in the US all the time.
Bullshit. I grew up in South San Diego. I now live 800 miles from the border and I see the exact same shit here that I did when I was 14.
Do not speak English, do not teach their children English. High welfare rates, no car insurance, no medical insurance.
This exact same cycle is repeated everywhere.
The worst part is our society allows it, encourages it.
"Se habla espanol"
"Para Espanol oprima dos".

The people are certainly different ones than the ones you grew up with. The cycle repeats. The ones you grew up with are dealing drugs, in prison and certainly in one of the many gangs. They have.children who watch the novelas on TV, listen to a mariachi radio station and shop at a mexican swao meet or carnecera. They speak Spanglish. Spanish fairly well and bastardized English. Yeah I live there too.

In the imaginary world you need to believe in to maintain your bigotry in comfort.
That's two of us and you, the enemy democrat.
Latinos don’t and will not assimilate

The United States is not part of Europe, and Latino immigrants assimilate in the US all the time.
Bullshit. I grew up in South San Diego. I now live 800 miles from the border and I see the exact same shit here that I did when I was 14.
Do not speak English, do not teach their children English. High welfare rates, no car insurance, no medical insurance.
This exact same cycle is repeated everywhere.
The worst part is our society allows it, encourages it.
"Se habla espanol"
"Para Espanol oprima dos".

The people are certainly different ones than the ones you grew up with. The cycle repeats. The ones you grew up with are dealing drugs, in prison and certainly in one of the many gangs. They have.children who watch the novelas on TV, listen to a mariachi radio station and shop at a mexican swao meet or carnecera. They speak Spanglish. Spanish fairly well and bastardized English. Yeah I live there too.

In the imaginary world you need to believe in to maintain your bigotry in comfort.
That's two of us and you, the enemy democrat.
Guess again.
Latinos don’t and will not assimilate

The United States is not part of Europe, and Latino immigrants assimilate in the US all the time.
Bullshit. I grew up in South San Diego. I now live 800 miles from the border and I see the exact same shit here that I did when I was 14.
Do not speak English, do not teach their children English. High welfare rates, no car insurance, no medical insurance.
This exact same cycle is repeated everywhere.
The worst part is our society allows it, encourages it.
"Se habla espanol"
"Para Espanol oprima dos".

That's some impressive vision, to be able to see whether someone has car insurance or medical insurance, and you've been able to do it since you were 14!
Maybe next time you could stop and think before posting. Do you think the exact same people are living in the same places in South San Diego now as when you were 14?

Obviously they are different ya fuckin dip shit. What I am seeing are the same PATTERNS repeated nationally.
There are by some estimates 35M illegal immigrants in this country. They are an extreme drain on our society. The VERY same things I saw as a kid down on the border I see today 800 miles from it.
There is no assimilation as they do not see the US or American culture as theirs. They do not see America as their country. To exacerbate this we have mechanisms here (labor and government) who aid and provide assistance to them.
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Latinos don’t and will not assimilate

The United States is not part of Europe, and Latino immigrants assimilate in the US all the time.
America is of European decent
Latinos are of European heritage, too. There's the whiter Mexicans, and the Aztecier Mexicans.

There's the more Portuguese Brazilians, and the darker ones.

The more Portuguese Brazilians look like Italians.

Cubans have much Spanish blood..most. Many Mexicans do as well.
Maybe next time you could stop and think before posting. Do you think the exact same people are living in the same places in South San Diego now as when you were 14?
View attachment 330333
Obviously they are different ya fuckin dip shit. What I am seeing are the same PATTERNS repeated nationally.
There are by some estimates 35M illegal immigrants in this country. They are an extreme drain on our society. The VERY same things I saw as a kid down on the border I see today 800 miles from it.
There is no assimilation as they do not see the US or American culture as theirs. They do not see America as their country. To exacerbate this we have mechanisms here (labor and government) who aid and provide assistance to them.
They do not need to see America as their country. They see themselves as an independent country within a country. When their children are born the hospital gives them a birth certificate. The parents go to the mexican consular office and get the mexican birth certificate. To help, many consular offices have vans to bring the consular to Mexican neighborhoods.

From birth on, there is no reason to speak English. They watch Spanish tv. Listen to Spanish radio. Live in all Spanish speaking housing. Shop at spanish speaking stores. All government documents are in Spanish. All court documents are in Spanish. Mexican politicians make campaign stops in the US as mexican polling stations open for Mexican elections. Our politicians either speak Spanish themselves or have translators.

So no. This is not like previous immigration.

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