I'm a Dreamer

They came...they LEARNED...they integrated. .....

Just like immigrants today are. I see it up close and personal every day (at least before the virus). You see nothing but your own fear and bigotry, just like the Know-Nothings that came before you.
More ad hominem horseshit. Keep making excuses white knight.

What excuses, you ignorant shit?
Denying truth for your bitch logic. ....

If you can't understand basic logic, that's your fucking problem, dumbass. As for the truth, you wouldn't know the truth if it picked you up and drove your head through the pavement. The truth is what I've told you, supported with actual facts and actual first-hand experience over a very long time. If you're a frustrated little baby because your personal fear and bigotry aren't being affirmed, too fucking bad.
They came...they LEARNED...they integrated. .....

Just like immigrants today are. I see it up close and personal every day (at least before the virus). You see nothing but your own fear and bigotry, just like the Know-Nothings that came before you.
More ad hominem horseshit. Keep making excuses white knight.

What excuses, you ignorant shit?
Denying truth for your bitch logic. ....

If you can't understand basic logic, that's your fucking problem, dumbass. As for the truth, you wouldn't know the truth if it picked you up and drove your head through the pavement. The truth is what I've told you, supported with actual facts and actual first-hand experience over a very long time. If you're a frustrated little baby because your personal fear and bigotry aren't being affirmed, too fucking bad.
You don't provide logic. You provide a woman's opinion...dumbass.
Though you provide some truths (like a woman) it is also mixed with your emotion which serves nothing.
They came...they LEARNED...they integrated. .....

Just like immigrants today are. I see it up close and personal every day (at least before the virus). You see nothing but your own fear and bigotry, just like the Know-Nothings that came before you.
More ad hominem horseshit. Keep making excuses white knight.

What excuses, you ignorant shit?
Denying truth for your bitch logic. ....

If you can't understand basic logic, that's your fucking problem, dumbass. As for the truth, you wouldn't know the truth if it picked you up and drove your head through the pavement. The truth is what I've told you, supported with actual facts and actual first-hand experience over a very long time. If you're a frustrated little baby because your personal fear and bigotry aren't being affirmed, too fucking bad.
You don't provide logic.....

You admitted as much yourself, dumbass. There have been weak, stupid, fearful people like you throughout American history. With every new group of immigrants that have come here, you Know-Nothings have tried and failed to hide your fear behind hatred. However, every wave of immigrants has, by and large, assimilated to American life, culture, economy and language. Every time. The same process is playing out now, for immigrants and for Know-Nothings like you. You see five-second clips of sensationalist news, put up your windows in a panic when you take a wrong turn on your way to your gated community, fall into insecure hysteria whenever you see, hear, or read anything about a language you don't understand, and generally cower in fear about anything that isn't familiar enough to fit in your little baby bassinet. Today's immigrants are assimilating just as generations before them did, and your ilk will remain as irrelevant as you always have been.

With Democrats being predominantly non-white, non-Christian...

Surely you jest

"People living in urban areas, women, college graduates, sexual minorities, millennials, and black, Latino, Jewish, Muslim, and Asian Americans also tend to support the Democratic Party."

That's not proof of "predominance," dumbass. Try again.
I'm not your push button monkey. It's pretty much proof for a general conversation, stupid fuck. Disprove it. So you want to waste bandwidth over this??? That IS stupid.

In the last election, 88 percent of black males voted for Hillary Clinton while Hillary got 94 percent of the black female vote:

Latinos voted for Hillary Clinton by a margin exceeding 70 percent:

"About seven-in-ten religiously unaffiliated voters (70%) and Jews (69%) voted for Obama in 2012. A similar share of Jews in our survey (64%) say they are Democrats, while all three subsets of religious “nones” (atheists, agnostics and those who say their religion is “nothing in particular”) lean in that direction as well. "

Proving the obvious is juvenile. I rest my case.

With Democrats being predominantly non-white, non-Christian...

Surely you jest

"People living in urban areas, women, college graduates, sexual minorities, millennials, and black, Latino, Jewish, Muslim, and Asian Americans also tend to support the Democratic Party."

That's not proof of "predominance," dumbass. Try again.
I'm not your push button monkey. It's pretty much proof for a general conversation, ...

In other words, you made a claim you cannot support, and you fail to understand basic logic.

59% of democrats are white
57% of democrats are Christian

100% of you are wrong

With Democrats being predominantly non-white, non-Christian...

Surely you jest

"People living in urban areas, women, college graduates, sexual minorities, millennials, and black, Latino, Jewish, Muslim, and Asian Americans also tend to support the Democratic Party."

That's not proof of "predominance," dumbass. Try again.
I'm not your push button monkey. It's pretty much proof for a general conversation, ...

In other words, you made a claim you cannot support, and you fail to understand basic logic.

59% of democrats are white
57% of democrats are Christian

100% of you are wrong

You just misrepresented the facts and YOU are 100 percent wrong. Go away. Quit trolling. Nobody is giving you any credibility. In the last election, 88 percent of black males voted for Hillary Clinton while Hillary got 94 percent of the black female vote. Add that to your figures and blacks are 153 percent of all voters... so, what they get three + votes each? You are delusional and just wanting to be humored.
... In the last election, 88 percent of black males voted for Hillary Clinton while Hillary got 94 percent of the black female vote. Add that to your figures and blacks are 153 percent of all voters... ....

Wow, you are completely innumerate.

You said this:

With Democrats being predominantly non-white, non-Christian...

Do you understand what that means?
I'm not your push button monkey. It's pretty much proof for a general conversation, stupid fuck. Disprove it. So you want to waste bandwidth over this??? That IS stupid.

In the last election, 88 percent of black males voted for Hillary Clinton while Hillary got 94 percent of the black female vote:

Latinos voted for Hillary Clinton by a margin exceeding 70 percent:

"About seven-in-ten religiously unaffiliated voters (70%) and Jews (69%) voted for Obama in 2012. A similar share of Jews in our survey (64%) say they are Democrats, while all three subsets of religious “nones” (atheists, agnostics and those who say their religion is “nothing in particular”) lean in that direction as well. "

Proving the obvious is juvenile. I rest my case.

There is a reason non-white racial groups and non-Christian religious groups are called minorities in this country. If every single voting-age Black and Jew voted Democrat it would still be entirely possible for the Democratic party to be made up predominantly of white Christians. That is because whites and Christians are large majorities (in the 70% range for each).

It would have been accurate to say that the groups you are talking about are predominantly Democrat. That is a very different thing than saying Democrats are predominantly made up of those groups.
... In the last election, 88 percent of black males voted for Hillary Clinton while Hillary got 94 percent of the black female vote. Add that to your figures and blacks are 153 percent of all voters... ....

Wow, you are completely innumerate.

You said this:

With Democrats being predominantly non-white, non-Christian...

Do you understand what that means?
You obviously don't understand
I'm not your push button monkey. It's pretty much proof for a general conversation, stupid fuck. Disprove it. So you want to waste bandwidth over this??? That IS stupid.

In the last election, 88 percent of black males voted for Hillary Clinton while Hillary got 94 percent of the black female vote:

Latinos voted for Hillary Clinton by a margin exceeding 70 percent:

"About seven-in-ten religiously unaffiliated voters (70%) and Jews (69%) voted for Obama in 2012. A similar share of Jews in our survey (64%) say they are Democrats, while all three subsets of religious “nones” (atheists, agnostics and those who say their religion is “nothing in particular”) lean in that direction as well. "

Proving the obvious is juvenile. I rest my case.

There is a reason non-white racial groups and non-Christian religious groups are called minorities in this country. If every single voting-age Black and Jew voted Democrat it would still be entirely possible for the Democratic party to be made up predominantly of white Christians. That is because whites and Christians are large majorities (in the 70% range for each).

It would have been accurate to say that the groups you are talking about are predominantly Democrat. That is a very different thing than saying Democrats are predominantly made up of those groups.

Word salad. Unkotare knows the context. She just wants to deflect in order to take the focus off the over-all point I made in my long post earlier. The bottom line is, so you don't lose focus, is that the Democrats are now comfortable with "Democratic Socialism" AND the Ds are opposed to the Constitution as originally written and intended. Minorities tend to vote for Democrats due to the perception they are opposed to the racist right, when in fact, the Democrats control the thinking process of the racist right. That explains why the strategy of White bloc vote (largely the MAGA crowd) has political strategies that will ultimately lead to their demise. They are strangling themselves. That is my point. The minorities, joined together, and having the soccer mom vote along with most of the wealthy White vote is holding all the cards.
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... In the last election, 88 percent of black males voted for Hillary Clinton while Hillary got 94 percent of the black female vote. Add that to your figures and blacks are 153 percent of all voters... ....

Wow, you are completely innumerate.

You said this:

With Democrats being predominantly non-white, non-Christian...

Do you understand what that means?
You obviously don't understand
You are the one who seems confused here. Not sure if your problem is with math or English.
I'm not your push button monkey. It's pretty much proof for a general conversation, stupid fuck. Disprove it. So you want to waste bandwidth over this??? That IS stupid.

In the last election, 88 percent of black males voted for Hillary Clinton while Hillary got 94 percent of the black female vote:

Latinos voted for Hillary Clinton by a margin exceeding 70 percent:

"About seven-in-ten religiously unaffiliated voters (70%) and Jews (69%) voted for Obama in 2012. A similar share of Jews in our survey (64%) say they are Democrats, while all three subsets of religious “nones” (atheists, agnostics and those who say their religion is “nothing in particular”) lean in that direction as well. "

Proving the obvious is juvenile. I rest my case.

There is a reason non-white racial groups and non-Christian religious groups are called minorities in this country. If every single voting-age Black and Jew voted Democrat it would still be entirely possible for the Democratic party to be made up predominantly of white Christians. That is because whites and Christians are large majorities (in the 70% range for each).

It would have been accurate to say that the groups you are talking about are predominantly Democrat. That is a very different thing than saying Democrats are predominantly made up of those groups.

Word salad. Unkotare knows the context. [He} just wants to deflect in order to take the focus off the over-all point I made in my long post earlier. ....

It's really OK to just admit you were wrong and move on.
Word salad. Unkotare knows the context. She just wants to deflect in order to take the focus off the over-all point I made in my long post earlier. The bottom line is, so you don't lose focus, is that the Democrats are now comfortable with "Democratic Socialism" AND the Ds are opposed to the Constitution as originally written and intended. Minorities tend to vote for Democrats due to the perception they are opposed to the racist right, when in fact, the Democrats control the thinking process of the racist right. That explains why the strategy of White bloc vote (largely the MAGA crowd) has political strategies that will ultimately lead to their demise. They are strangling themselves. That is my point. The minorities, joined together, and having the soccer mom vote along with most of the wealthy White vote is holding all the cards.

I wouldn't call using words properly "word salad," but OK.

It appears that the Democrats are NOT entirely comfortable with Democratic Socialism based on how Bernie Sanders has failed to get the nomination the past 2 presidential election cycles.

As far as being "opposed to the Constitution as originally written and intended," I'd argue that, not counting the changes made to it, we haven't followed that in a long time. That's regardless of political party. Take the Patriot Act as an example: both parties have been overall happy enough with the expanded government powers under that legislation, despite how it seems to ignore the 4th amendment.

I agree that it seems minorities favor Democrats pretty strongly.
Latinos don’t and will not assimilate to European culture, some do it’s why we need merit based immigration.

I don't agree.....IMO mature hispanics aspire to be like anglos in every way which is why I also agree with merit-based immigration. Too bad blacks will never assimilate in European culture. Dr. King would blow his own brains out if he'd lived to see what happened to his civil rights movement.
Latinos don’t and will not assimilate to European culture, some do it’s why we need merit based immigration.

I don't agree.....IMO mature hispanics aspire to be like anglos in every way which is why I also agree with merit-based immigration. Too bad blacks will never assimilate in European culture. Dr. King would blow his own brains out if he'd lived to see what happened to his civil rights movement.

The United States is not in Europe, Captain Geography.
Once again grandma uses the wrong slur. The old gal's really in the throes of dementia.
For those still confused, the US is NOT part of Europe. Apropos the topic of the thread, it is precisely the fact that American culture is so different from European that America has always assimilated waves of immigrants from all corners of the world, while European countries have struggled to do so. Certain people will have a hard time understanding this.

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