I'm a Dreamer


From birth on, there is no reason to speak English. ...

Immigrants understand the need to know English better than you do. Most work harder at learning or improving their English than you have ever worked at anything.

From birth on, there is no reason to speak English. ...

Immigrants understand the need to know English better than you do. Most work harder at learning or improving their English than you have ever worked at anything.
I see that.

Not really. I do see adults born and raised here that only speak the barest of broken English. There is simply no reason to learn English.

A stunning example of such an immigrant is Columba Bush wife of Jeb Bush. She's lived here all of her adult life and speaks no more than a few words of English. It's just not necessary.

From birth on, there is no reason to speak English. ...

Immigrants understand the need to know English better than you do. Most work harder at learning or improving their English than you have ever worked at anything.
I see that.

Not really. I do see adults born and raised here that only speak the barest of broken English. There is simply no reason to learn English.

A stunning example of such an immigrant is Columba Bush wife of Jeb Bush. She's lived here all of her adult life and speaks no more than a few words of English. ...

That’s not true.

Latinos don’t and will not assimilate

The United States is not part of Europe, and Latino immigrants assimilate in the US all the time.
Bullshit. I grew up in South San Diego. I now live 800 miles from the border and I see the exact same shit here that I did when I was 14.
Do not speak English, do not teach their children English. High welfare rates, no car insurance, no medical insurance.
This exact same cycle is repeated everywhere.

Maybe next time you could stop and think before posting. Do you think the exact same people are living in the same places in South San Diego now as when you were 14? The people you were scared of when you were 14, if they stayed in the US, now have children of their own; children who undoubtedly speak English better than you do, and more than likely have insurance and make more money than you do (if that's important to a shallow douche like you). These children of the people little chickenshit 14 you were so scared of would be in every way at least as American as you are. The people you are so scared of now are recent immigrants and they and their families will go through the same process of assimilation as those who scared little you back then as well as immigrants from various European countries over 100 years before your know-nothing ass was born. It's called AMERICA. This is how it has always gone and you wouldn't be here otherwise.

For once I wish both sides would decide to have an honest conversation about this stuff. Let's look at both sides:

The people from south of the border have a different history than those from the United States. The White, Anglo-Saxon, Scandinavian, Teutonic, Germanic and kindred people have not only a different history, but when America was founded, they brought not only their history with them, but their customs, traditions, and religion with them. When the first naturalization laws were written, only free whites were allowed to become citizens. This is reality. The people who founded this country left the religious persecution of King George and fought the greatest nation on the face of the earth in order to gain their independence. That culture developed a sense of independence, self sufficiency, and self reliance. After gaining their independence, the citizenry fought for other countries and their Rights; we sent more missionaries out into the world and we built up other nations as a form of Christian charity.

Most non-white cultures have NOT fought major wars and no people on the face of the earth have donated more money, provided more missionaries, and sacrificed more in the name of Liberty than the Posterity that founded this country. That is not opinion; that is fact. When non-white cultures come to the United States they bring their history, customs, traditions, religion, etc. just as the Posterity of the founders / framers did. They are not the same and, consequently, their is a culture clash. In the 116th Congress we find:

"There are 52 immigrants and children of immigrants serving in the House of Representatives and 16 serving in the Senate. Counting both chambers, 57 of the 68 lawmakers who are immigrants or children of immigrants are Democrats. Ten others are Republicans, and one – Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont – is an independent.

With Democrats being predominantly non-white, non-Christian, and willing to over-throw the Constitution, openly, in favor of "Democratic Socialism" there exists a pretext for the Whites to justify hatred of Hispanics and place the blame of America's failures on foreigners. What the Whites will not acknowledge is that a majority of Americans INVITED the foreigners into America. What the Whites fail to understand is that the Democrats invented class warfare and the Democrats only had to use Hegelian Dialectics in order to con the Whites into accepting socialist solutions (if you call regression a solution) ignorantly thinking that is how they reclaim their heritage. The reality is the Whites have become fat, happy, and lazy; blaming foreigners for the monstrosity we call government that does not resemble anything our forefathers envisioned. It is the Whites who invited the foreigners here; the Whites who voted for the politicians that turned us in a de facto pseudo socialist democracy; the Whites who refuse to reject big government. To be accurate it was White Republicans that illegally ratified the 14th and 16th Amendments (the 16th being a plank out of the Communist Manifesto.) It is Whites that willingly buy drugs from foreigners and being a drug addicted nation, the Whites are no match for the cultures of people who are coming here willing to work and earn their keep. White people are deluded into thinking that just because their ancestors founded this country that they will maintain control over it and live the life they've been living.

Unless and until the people doing the bitching - coming here every day and try having a pity party to blame Hispanics for their plight, America will be a predominantly non-white country shortly after the next election. What I find so hilarious is that the Whites demand laws be enforced against the Hispanics when those laws were implemented for the sole purpose of diluting the White vote and making Whites a minority. And that is a fact. I think it's silly for the Democrats to even bother opposing the MAGA crowd. Give them enough rope and they will hang themselves. The ONLY way for them to make their country better is to reject big government is to withdraw from it. They didn't need to spend TRILLIONS of dollars to build a bigger and more intrusive government in order to save them from themselves. All they had to do was repeal laws until they got back to that point where they were prosperous and happy. The Whites cannot think they are going to stay stoned, hampered by hard core drugs, laying on their ass, allowing their kids to live in the house rent free (and never holding a regular job), most of them living off Uncle Scam for their livelihood, while they vote for politicians that want to build the bigger and more intrusive government and think that is going to make America great again. If the Whites don't heed this warning, all you're reading is the last gasp before the end. Whites need to change their culture and quit worrying about things they have neither the numbers, intelligence, or real motivation to change.

Latinos don’t and will not assimilate

The United States is not part of Europe, and Latino immigrants assimilate in the US all the time.
Bullshit. I grew up in South San Diego. I now live 800 miles from the border and I see the exact same shit here that I did when I was 14.
Do not speak English, do not teach their children English. High welfare rates, no car insurance, no medical insurance.
This exact same cycle is repeated everywhere.
The worst part is our society allows it, encourages it.
"Se habla espanol"
"Para Espanol oprima dos".

That's some impressive vision, to be able to see whether someone has car insurance or medical insurance, and you've been able to do it since you were 14!
There is no assimilation

Yes there is, just as there was among Italian immigrants (and others today’s know nothing fools descend from) and dopes just like you whined about them in exactly the same way.
yes but we didn’t pander to non english speaking Italians... we didn't alter OUR culture to accommodate their small diaspora...you anecdotal fuckwit.
Maybe next time you could stop and think before posting. Do you think the exact same people are living in the same places in South San Diego now as when you were 14?
View attachment 330333
Obviously they are different ya fuckin dip shit. What I am seeing are the same PATTERNS repeated nationally.
There are by some estimates 35M illegal immigrants in this country. They are an extreme drain on our society. The VERY same things I saw as a kid down on the border I see today 800 miles from it.
There is no assimilation as they do not see the US or American culture as theirs. They do not see America as their country. To exacerbate this we have mechanisms here (labor and government) who aid and provide assistance to them.
They do not need to see America as their country. They see themselves as an independent country within a country. When their children are born the hospital gives them a birth certificate. The parents go to the mexican consular office and get the mexican birth certificate. To help, many consular offices have vans to bring the consular to Mexican neighborhoods.

From birth on, there is no reason to speak English. They watch Spanish tv. Listen to Spanish radio. Live in all Spanish speaking housing. Shop at spanish speaking stores. All government documents are in Spanish. All court documents are in Spanish. Mexican politicians make campaign stops in the US as mexican polling stations open for Mexican elections. Our politicians either speak Spanish themselves or have translators.

So no. This is not like previous immigration.
And you dont see this as cultural suicide? In this activity lay the destruction of culture. This is assimilation?
Latinos don’t and will not assimilate

The United States is not part of Europe, and Latino immigrants assimilate in the US all the time.
Bullshit. I grew up in South San Diego. I now live 800 miles from the border and I see the exact same shit here that I did when I was 14.
Do not speak English, do not teach their children English. High welfare rates, no car insurance, no medical insurance.
This exact same cycle is repeated everywhere.

Maybe next time you could stop and think before posting. Do you think the exact same people are living in the same places in South San Diego now as when you were 14? The people you were scared of when you were 14, if they stayed in the US, now have children of their own; children who undoubtedly speak English better than you do, and more than likely have insurance and make more money than you do (if that's important to a shallow douche like you). These children of the people little chickenshit 14 you were so scared of would be in every way at least as American as you are. The people you are so scared of now are recent immigrants and they and their families will go through the same process of assimilation as those who scared little you back then as well as immigrants from various European countries over 100 years before your know-nothing ass was born. It's called AMERICA. This is how it has always gone and you wouldn't be here otherwise.

For once I wish both sides would decide to have an honest conversation about this stuff. Let's look at both sides:

The people from south of the border have a different history than those from the United States. The White, Anglo-Saxon, Scandinavian, Teutonic, Germanic and kindred people have not only a different history, but when America was founded, they brought not only their history with them, but their customs, traditions, and religion with them. When the first naturalization laws were written, only free whites were allowed to become citizens. This is reality. The people who founded this country left the religious persecution of King George and fought the greatest nation on the face of the earth in order to gain their independence. That culture developed a sense of independence, self sufficiency, and self reliance. After gaining their independence, the citizenry fought for other countries and their Rights; we sent more missionaries out into the world and we built up other nations as a form of Christian charity.

Most non-white cultures have NOT fought major wars and no people on the face of the earth have donated more money, provided more missionaries, and sacrificed more in the name of Liberty than the Posterity that founded this country. That is not opinion; that is fact. When non-white cultures come to the United States they bring their history, customs, traditions, religion, etc. just as the Posterity of the founders / framers did. They are not the same and, consequently, their is a culture clash. In the 116th Congress we find:

"There are 52 immigrants and children of immigrants serving in the House of Representatives and 16 serving in the Senate. Counting both chambers, 57 of the 68 lawmakers who are immigrants or children of immigrants are Democrats. Ten others are Republicans, and one – Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont – is an independent.

With Democrats being predominantly non-white, non-Christian, and willing to over-throw the Constitution, openly, in favor of "Democratic Socialism" there exists a pretext for the Whites to justify hatred of Hispanics and place the blame of America's failures on foreigners. What the Whites will not acknowledge is that a majority of Americans INVITED the foreigners into America. What the Whites fail to understand is that the Democrats invented class warfare and the Democrats only had to use Hegelian Dialectics in order to con the Whites into accepting socialist solutions (if you call regression a solution) ignorantly thinking that is how they reclaim their heritage. The reality is the Whites have become fat, happy, and lazy; blaming foreigners for the monstrosity we call government that does not resemble anything our forefathers envisioned. It is the Whites who invited the foreigners here; the Whites who voted for the politicians that turned us in a de facto pseudo socialist democracy; the Whites who refuse to reject big government. To be accurate it was White Republicans that illegally ratified the 14th and 16th Amendments (the 16th being a plank out of the Communist Manifesto.) It is Whites that willingly buy drugs from foreigners and being a drug addicted nation, the Whites are no match for the cultures of people who are coming here willing to work and earn their keep. White people are deluded into thinking that just because their ancestors founded this country that they will maintain control over it and live the life they've been living.

Unless and until the people doing the bitching - coming here every day and try having a pity party to blame Hispanics for their plight, America will be a predominantly non-white country shortly after the next election. What I find so hilarious is that the Whites demand laws be enforced against the Hispanics when those laws were implemented for the sole purpose of diluting the White vote and making Whites a minority. And that is a fact. I think it's silly for the Democrats to even bother opposing the MAGA crowd. Give them enough rope and they will hang themselves. The ONLY way for them to make their country better is to reject big government is to withdraw from it. They didn't need to spend TRILLIONS of dollars to build a bigger and more intrusive government in order to save them from themselves. All they had to do was repeal laws until they got back to that point where they were prosperous and happy. The Whites cannot think they are going to stay stoned, hampered by hard core drugs, laying on their ass, allowing their kids to live in the house rent free (and never holding a regular job), most of them living off Uncle Scam for their livelihood, while they vote for politicians that want to build the bigger and more intrusive government and think that is going to make America great again. If the Whites don't heed this warning, all you're reading is the last gasp before the end. Whites need to change their culture and quit worrying about things they have neither the numbers, intelligence, or real motivation to change.
Borders language and culture must be maintained in order for a society to remain cohesive.
A nation cannot allow itself to accomodate the culture of another and expect to remain intact.
call it pandering, compromising, whatever but in order for a nation state to remain intact it must exhibit solidarity and unique characteristics. It must maintain stringent lines. We have bern infected to the point that people find it wrong.
yes but we didn’t pander to non english [sic] speaking Italians... we didn't alter OUR culture to accommodate their small diaspora......

Not so small at times, and while many Italian immigrants were just allowed to flunk out of school and take up a life of crime (great for society, eh stupid?) eventually some schools in NY implemented bilingual ed programs for this population. Gasp! More than 100 years later, their great-grandchildren are indistinguishably American. Maybe an Italian flag sticker on the car and canned tomato sauce in the cupboard. Some of them are now even idiots like you whining about new immigrants. Ever thus.
Latinos don’t and will not assimilate

The United States is not part of Europe, and Latino immigrants assimilate in the US all the time.
Bullshit. I grew up in South San Diego. I now live 800 miles from the border and I see the exact same shit here that I did when I was 14.
Do not speak English, do not teach their children English. High welfare rates, no car insurance, no medical insurance.
This exact same cycle is repeated everywhere.

Maybe next time you could stop and think before posting. Do you think the exact same people are living in the same places in South San Diego now as when you were 14? The people you were scared of when you were 14, if they stayed in the US, now have children of their own; children who undoubtedly speak English better than you do, and more than likely have insurance and make more money than you do (if that's important to a shallow douche like you). These children of the people little chickenshit 14 you were so scared of would be in every way at least as American as you are. The people you are so scared of now are recent immigrants and they and their families will go through the same process of assimilation as those who scared little you back then as well as immigrants from various European countries over 100 years before your know-nothing ass was born. It's called AMERICA. This is how it has always gone and you wouldn't be here otherwise.

For once I wish both sides would decide to have an honest conversation about this stuff. Let's look at both sides:

The people from south of the border have a different history than those from the United States. The White, Anglo-Saxon, Scandinavian, Teutonic, Germanic and kindred people have not only a different history, but when America was founded, they brought not only their history with them, but their customs, traditions, and religion with them. When the first naturalization laws were written, only free whites were allowed to become citizens. This is reality. The people who founded this country left the religious persecution of King George and fought the greatest nation on the face of the earth in order to gain their independence. That culture developed a sense of independence, self sufficiency, and self reliance. After gaining their independence, the citizenry fought for other countries and their Rights; we sent more missionaries out into the world and we built up other nations as a form of Christian charity.

Most non-white cultures have NOT fought major wars and no people on the face of the earth have donated more money, provided more missionaries, and sacrificed more in the name of Liberty than the Posterity that founded this country. That is not opinion; that is fact. When non-white cultures come to the United States they bring their history, customs, traditions, religion, etc. just as the Posterity of the founders / framers did. They are not the same and, consequently, their is a culture clash. In the 116th Congress we find:

"There are 52 immigrants and children of immigrants serving in the House of Representatives and 16 serving in the Senate. Counting both chambers, 57 of the 68 lawmakers who are immigrants or children of immigrants are Democrats. Ten others are Republicans, and one – Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont – is an independent.

With Democrats being predominantly non-white, non-Christian, and willing to over-throw the Constitution, openly, in favor of "Democratic Socialism" there exists a pretext for the Whites to justify hatred of Hispanics and place the blame of America's failures on foreigners. What the Whites will not acknowledge is that a majority of Americans INVITED the foreigners into America. What the Whites fail to understand is that the Democrats invented class warfare and the Democrats only had to use Hegelian Dialectics in order to con the Whites into accepting socialist solutions (if you call regression a solution) ignorantly thinking that is how they reclaim their heritage. The reality is the Whites have become fat, happy, and lazy; blaming foreigners for the monstrosity we call government that does not resemble anything our forefathers envisioned. It is the Whites who invited the foreigners here; the Whites who voted for the politicians that turned us in a de facto pseudo socialist democracy; the Whites who refuse to reject big government. To be accurate it was White Republicans that illegally ratified the 14th and 16th Amendments (the 16th being a plank out of the Communist Manifesto.) It is Whites that willingly buy drugs from foreigners and being a drug addicted nation, the Whites are no match for the cultures of people who are coming here willing to work and earn their keep. White people are deluded into thinking that just because their ancestors founded this country that they will maintain control over it and live the life they've been living.

Unless and until the people doing the bitching - coming here every day and try having a pity party to blame Hispanics for their plight, America will be a predominantly non-white country shortly after the next election. What I find so hilarious is that the Whites demand laws be enforced against the Hispanics when those laws were implemented for the sole purpose of diluting the White vote and making Whites a minority. And that is a fact. I think it's silly for the Democrats to even bother opposing the MAGA crowd. Give them enough rope and they will hang themselves. The ONLY way for them to make their country better is to reject big government is to withdraw from it. They didn't need to spend TRILLIONS of dollars to build a bigger and more intrusive government in order to save them from themselves. All they had to do was repeal laws until they got back to that point where they were prosperous and happy. The Whites cannot think they are going to stay stoned, hampered by hard core drugs, laying on their ass, allowing their kids to live in the house rent free (and never holding a regular job), most of them living off Uncle Scam for their livelihood, while they vote for politicians that want to build the bigger and more intrusive government and think that is going to make America great again. If the Whites don't heed this warning, all you're reading is the last gasp before the end. Whites need to change their culture and quit worrying about things they have neither the numbers, intelligence, or real motivation to change.
Borders language and culture must be maintained in order for a society to remain cohesive.
A nation cannot allow itself to accomodate the culture of another and expect to remain intact.
call it pandering, compromising, whatever but in order for a nation state to remain intact it must exhibit solidarity and unique characteristics. It must maintain stringent lines. We have bern infected to the point that people find it wrong.
America has always been a nation of many cultures, peoples, and languages and here we still are the strongest nation on earth.
yes but we didn’t pander to non english [sic] speaking Italians... we didn't alter OUR culture to accommodate their small diaspora......

Not so small at times, and while many Italian immigrants were just allowed to flunk out of school and take up a life of crime (great for society, eh stupid?) eventually some schools in NY implemented bilingual ed programs for this population. Gasp! More than 100 years later, their great-grandchildren are indistinguishably American. Maybe an Italian flag sticker on the car and canned tomato sauce in the cupboard. Some of them are now even idiots like you whining about new immigrants. Ever thus.
some schools in NY implemented bilingual ed programs

Once again...very small sample sizes do not accurately represent what we have in the US today. There have been bilingual programs both private and public covering the many peaks of multiple diasporas over the preceding 150 years. From Yiddish to Polish...to German and Czech.
HOWEVER...we did not change official programs, documentation...national education etc. in deference to them.
They came...they LEARNED...they integrated. These people are not...because we are enabling them to do so. This is cancer.
Latinos don’t and will not assimilate

The United States is not part of Europe, and Latino immigrants assimilate in the US all the time.
Bullshit. I grew up in South San Diego. I now live 800 miles from the border and I see the exact same shit here that I did when I was 14.
Do not speak English, do not teach their children English. High welfare rates, no car insurance, no medical insurance.
This exact same cycle is repeated everywhere.

Maybe next time you could stop and think before posting. Do you think the exact same people are living in the same places in South San Diego now as when you were 14? The people you were scared of when you were 14, if they stayed in the US, now have children of their own; children who undoubtedly speak English better than you do, and more than likely have insurance and make more money than you do (if that's important to a shallow douche like you). These children of the people little chickenshit 14 you were so scared of would be in every way at least as American as you are. The people you are so scared of now are recent immigrants and they and their families will go through the same process of assimilation as those who scared little you back then as well as immigrants from various European countries over 100 years before your know-nothing ass was born. It's called AMERICA. This is how it has always gone and you wouldn't be here otherwise.

For once I wish both sides would decide to have an honest conversation about this stuff. Let's look at both sides:

The people from south of the border have a different history than those from the United States. The White, Anglo-Saxon, Scandinavian, Teutonic, Germanic and kindred people have not only a different history, but when America was founded, they brought not only their history with them, but their customs, traditions, and religion with them. When the first naturalization laws were written, only free whites were allowed to become citizens. This is reality. The people who founded this country left the religious persecution of King George and fought the greatest nation on the face of the earth in order to gain their independence. That culture developed a sense of independence, self sufficiency, and self reliance. After gaining their independence, the citizenry fought for other countries and their Rights; we sent more missionaries out into the world and we built up other nations as a form of Christian charity.

Most non-white cultures have NOT fought major wars and no people on the face of the earth have donated more money, provided more missionaries, and sacrificed more in the name of Liberty than the Posterity that founded this country. That is not opinion; that is fact. When non-white cultures come to the United States they bring their history, customs, traditions, religion, etc. just as the Posterity of the founders / framers did. They are not the same and, consequently, their is a culture clash. In the 116th Congress we find:

"There are 52 immigrants and children of immigrants serving in the House of Representatives and 16 serving in the Senate. Counting both chambers, 57 of the 68 lawmakers who are immigrants or children of immigrants are Democrats. Ten others are Republicans, and one – Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont – is an independent.

With Democrats being predominantly non-white, non-Christian, and willing to over-throw the Constitution, openly, in favor of "Democratic Socialism" there exists a pretext for the Whites to justify hatred of Hispanics and place the blame of America's failures on foreigners. What the Whites will not acknowledge is that a majority of Americans INVITED the foreigners into America. What the Whites fail to understand is that the Democrats invented class warfare and the Democrats only had to use Hegelian Dialectics in order to con the Whites into accepting socialist solutions (if you call regression a solution) ignorantly thinking that is how they reclaim their heritage. The reality is the Whites have become fat, happy, and lazy; blaming foreigners for the monstrosity we call government that does not resemble anything our forefathers envisioned. It is the Whites who invited the foreigners here; the Whites who voted for the politicians that turned us in a de facto pseudo socialist democracy; the Whites who refuse to reject big government. To be accurate it was White Republicans that illegally ratified the 14th and 16th Amendments (the 16th being a plank out of the Communist Manifesto.) It is Whites that willingly buy drugs from foreigners and being a drug addicted nation, the Whites are no match for the cultures of people who are coming here willing to work and earn their keep. White people are deluded into thinking that just because their ancestors founded this country that they will maintain control over it and live the life they've been living.

Unless and until the people doing the bitching - coming here every day and try having a pity party to blame Hispanics for their plight, America will be a predominantly non-white country shortly after the next election. What I find so hilarious is that the Whites demand laws be enforced against the Hispanics when those laws were implemented for the sole purpose of diluting the White vote and making Whites a minority. And that is a fact. I think it's silly for the Democrats to even bother opposing the MAGA crowd. Give them enough rope and they will hang themselves. The ONLY way for them to make their country better is to reject big government is to withdraw from it. They didn't need to spend TRILLIONS of dollars to build a bigger and more intrusive government in order to save them from themselves. All they had to do was repeal laws until they got back to that point where they were prosperous and happy. The Whites cannot think they are going to stay stoned, hampered by hard core drugs, laying on their ass, allowing their kids to live in the house rent free (and never holding a regular job), most of them living off Uncle Scam for their livelihood, while they vote for politicians that want to build the bigger and more intrusive government and think that is going to make America great again. If the Whites don't heed this warning, all you're reading is the last gasp before the end. Whites need to change their culture and quit worrying about things they have neither the numbers, intelligence, or real motivation to change.
Borders language and culture must be maintained in order for a society to remain cohesive.
A nation cannot allow itself to accomodate the culture of another and expect to remain intact.
call it pandering, compromising, whatever but in order for a nation state to remain intact it must exhibit solidarity and unique characteristics. It must maintain stringent lines. We have bern infected to the point that people find it wrong.

You dance around the subject. That I find annoying. Borders, language and culture = racial makeup. America was founded on the twin pillars of race and religion. ALL of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation, and the Constitution were white. The first naturalization law limited citizenship to whites. Our form of jurisprudence was taken from the Anglo Saxon laws / English common law.

Whites have been programmed, Pavlovian style, to react to certain stimuli and, in this case, many would rather be called a pedophile than the be called a racist. The reality is, most of the rest of the world is based upon societies that are homogeneous. The MAGA crowd has become so stupid that they fight me harder than they do their own enemies, but I am not condemning the idea of cultural integrity; I'm telling you that the current leadership is full of shit, pursuing untenable positions (i.e. let's enforce the existing laws) and trying to build a POLICE STATE under the pretext that they can have government save them from themselves.
Latinos don’t and will not assimilate

The United States is not part of Europe, and Latino immigrants assimilate in the US all the time.
Bullshit. I grew up in South San Diego. I now live 800 miles from the border and I see the exact same shit here that I did when I was 14.
Do not speak English, do not teach their children English. High welfare rates, no car insurance, no medical insurance.
This exact same cycle is repeated everywhere.

Maybe next time you could stop and think before posting. Do you think the exact same people are living in the same places in South San Diego now as when you were 14? The people you were scared of when you were 14, if they stayed in the US, now have children of their own; children who undoubtedly speak English better than you do, and more than likely have insurance and make more money than you do (if that's important to a shallow douche like you). These children of the people little chickenshit 14 you were so scared of would be in every way at least as American as you are. The people you are so scared of now are recent immigrants and they and their families will go through the same process of assimilation as those who scared little you back then as well as immigrants from various European countries over 100 years before your know-nothing ass was born. It's called AMERICA. This is how it has always gone and you wouldn't be here otherwise.

For once I wish both sides would decide to have an honest conversation about this stuff. Let's look at both sides:

The people from south of the border have a different history than those from the United States. The White, Anglo-Saxon, Scandinavian, Teutonic, Germanic and kindred people have not only a different history, but when America was founded, they brought not only their history with them, but their customs, traditions, and religion with them. When the first naturalization laws were written, only free whites were allowed to become citizens. This is reality. The people who founded this country left the religious persecution of King George and fought the greatest nation on the face of the earth in order to gain their independence. That culture developed a sense of independence, self sufficiency, and self reliance. After gaining their independence, the citizenry fought for other countries and their Rights; we sent more missionaries out into the world and we built up other nations as a form of Christian charity.

Most non-white cultures have NOT fought major wars and no people on the face of the earth have donated more money, provided more missionaries, and sacrificed more in the name of Liberty than the Posterity that founded this country. That is not opinion; that is fact. When non-white cultures come to the United States they bring their history, customs, traditions, religion, etc. just as the Posterity of the founders / framers did. They are not the same and, consequently, their is a culture clash. In the 116th Congress we find:

"There are 52 immigrants and children of immigrants serving in the House of Representatives and 16 serving in the Senate. Counting both chambers, 57 of the 68 lawmakers who are immigrants or children of immigrants are Democrats. Ten others are Republicans, and one – Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont – is an independent.

With Democrats being predominantly non-white, non-Christian, and willing to over-throw the Constitution, openly, in favor of "Democratic Socialism" there exists a pretext for the Whites to justify hatred of Hispanics and place the blame of America's failures on foreigners. What the Whites will not acknowledge is that a majority of Americans INVITED the foreigners into America. What the Whites fail to understand is that the Democrats invented class warfare and the Democrats only had to use Hegelian Dialectics in order to con the Whites into accepting socialist solutions (if you call regression a solution) ignorantly thinking that is how they reclaim their heritage. The reality is the Whites have become fat, happy, and lazy; blaming foreigners for the monstrosity we call government that does not resemble anything our forefathers envisioned. It is the Whites who invited the foreigners here; the Whites who voted for the politicians that turned us in a de facto pseudo socialist democracy; the Whites who refuse to reject big government. To be accurate it was White Republicans that illegally ratified the 14th and 16th Amendments (the 16th being a plank out of the Communist Manifesto.) It is Whites that willingly buy drugs from foreigners and being a drug addicted nation, the Whites are no match for the cultures of people who are coming here willing to work and earn their keep. White people are deluded into thinking that just because their ancestors founded this country that they will maintain control over it and live the life they've been living.

Unless and until the people doing the bitching - coming here every day and try having a pity party to blame Hispanics for their plight, America will be a predominantly non-white country shortly after the next election. What I find so hilarious is that the Whites demand laws be enforced against the Hispanics when those laws were implemented for the sole purpose of diluting the White vote and making Whites a minority. And that is a fact. I think it's silly for the Democrats to even bother opposing the MAGA crowd. Give them enough rope and they will hang themselves. The ONLY way for them to make their country better is to reject big government is to withdraw from it. They didn't need to spend TRILLIONS of dollars to build a bigger and more intrusive government in order to save them from themselves. All they had to do was repeal laws until they got back to that point where they were prosperous and happy. The Whites cannot think they are going to stay stoned, hampered by hard core drugs, laying on their ass, allowing their kids to live in the house rent free (and never holding a regular job), most of them living off Uncle Scam for their livelihood, while they vote for politicians that want to build the bigger and more intrusive government and think that is going to make America great again. If the Whites don't heed this warning, all you're reading is the last gasp before the end. Whites need to change their culture and quit worrying about things they have neither the numbers, intelligence, or real motivation to change.
Borders language and culture must be maintained in order for a society to remain cohesive.
A nation cannot allow itself to accomodate the culture of another and expect to remain intact.
call it pandering, compromising, whatever but in order for a nation state to remain intact it must exhibit solidarity and unique characteristics. It must maintain stringent lines. We have bern infected to the point that people find it wrong.
America has always been a nation of many cultures, peoples, and languages and here we still are the strongest nation on earth.

Not completely true. See my previous post.

With Democrats being predominantly non-white, non-Christian...

Surely you jest

"People living in urban areas, women, college graduates, sexual minorities, millennials, and black, Latino, Jewish, Muslim, and Asian Americans also tend to support the Democratic Party."

That's not proof of "predominance," dumbass. Try again.
They came...they LEARNED...they integrated. .....

Just like immigrants today are. I see it up close and personal every day (at least before the virus). You see nothing but your own fear and bigotry, just like the Know-Nothings that came before you.
They came...they LEARNED...they integrated. .....

Just like immigrants today are. I see it up close and personal every day (at least before the virus). You see nothing but your own fear and bigotry, just like the Know-Nothings that came before you.
More ad hominem horseshit. Keep making excuses white knight.
They came...they LEARNED...they integrated. .....

Just like immigrants today are. I see it up close and personal every day (at least before the virus). You see nothing but your own fear and bigotry, just like the Know-Nothings that came before you.
More ad hominem horseshit. Keep making excuses white knight.

What excuses, you ignorant shit?
Denying truth for your bitch logic. You think and respond just like a woman because you don't think like a man. You think like a bitch. It's obvious you grew up with no man in the house. So you attack the person not the issue. Not the facts. Like a woman...cause that's your role model.

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